Changeset 4975 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Timestamp:
- 09/13/04 13:28:58 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mhist
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4966 r4975 48 48 // 49 49 // For each "time-bin" the histogram is fitted and the resulting effective 50 // on-time is stored in the fH EffOnTimehistogram. Each entry in this50 // on-time is stored in the fHTimeEffOn histogram. Each entry in this 51 51 // histogram is the effective observation time between the upper and 52 52 // lower edges of the bins. … … 83 83 84 84 #include <TLatex.h> 85 #include <TGaxis.h> 85 86 #include <TCanvas.h> 86 87 #include <TPaveStats.h> … … 131 132 132 133 // effective on time versus theta 133 fHEffOnTheta.SetName("EffOnTheta"); 134 fHEffOnTheta.SetTitle("Effective On Time T_{eff}"); 135 fHEffOnTheta.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 136 fHEffOnTheta.SetYTitle("T_{eff} [s]"); 137 fHEffOnTheta.UseCurrentStyle(); 138 fHEffOnTheta.SetDirectory(NULL); 139 fHEffOnTheta.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 134 fHThetaEffOn.SetName("EffOnTheta"); 135 fHThetaEffOn.SetTitle("Effective On Time T_{eff}"); 136 fHThetaEffOn.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 137 fHThetaEffOn.SetYTitle("T_{eff} [s]"); 138 fHThetaEffOn.UseCurrentStyle(); 139 fHThetaEffOn.SetDirectory(NULL); 140 fHThetaEffOn.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 141 fHThetaEffOn.GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlue); 142 fHThetaEffOn.SetLineColor(kBlue); 140 143 //fHEffOn.Sumw2(); 141 144 142 145 // effective on time versus time 143 fHEffOnTime.SetName("EffOnTime"); 144 fHEffOnTime.SetTitle("Effective On Time T_{eff}"); 145 fHEffOnTime.SetXTitle("Time"); 146 fHEffOnTime.SetYTitle("T_{eff} [s]"); 147 fHEffOnTime.UseCurrentStyle(); 148 fHEffOnTime.SetDirectory(NULL); 149 fHEffOnTime.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 150 fHEffOnTime.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 151 fHEffOnTime.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 152 fHEffOnTime.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 153 fHEffOnTime.Sumw2(); 146 fHTimeEffOn.SetName("EffOnTime"); 147 fHTimeEffOn.SetTitle("Effective On Time T_{eff}"); 148 fHTimeEffOn.SetXTitle("Time"); 149 fHTimeEffOn.SetYTitle("T_{eff} [s]"); 150 fHTimeEffOn.UseCurrentStyle(); 151 fHTimeEffOn.SetDirectory(NULL); 152 fHTimeEffOn.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 153 fHTimeEffOn.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 154 fHTimeEffOn.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 155 fHTimeEffOn.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 156 fHTimeEffOn.GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlue); 157 fHTimeEffOn.SetLineColor(kBlue); 154 158 155 159 // chi2 probability 156 fHProbTheta.SetName("ProbTheta"); 157 fHProbTheta.SetTitle("\\chi^{2} Probability of Fit"); 158 fHProbTheta.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 159 fHProbTheta.SetYTitle("p [%]"); 160 fHProbTheta.UseCurrentStyle(); 161 fHProbTheta.SetDirectory(NULL); 162 fHProbTheta.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 163 fHProbTheta.SetMaximum(101); 160 fHThetaProb.SetName("ProbTheta"); 161 fHThetaProb.SetTitle("\\chi^{2} Probability of Fit"); 162 fHThetaProb.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 163 fHThetaProb.SetYTitle("p [%]"); 164 fHThetaProb.UseCurrentStyle(); 165 fHThetaProb.SetDirectory(NULL); 166 fHThetaProb.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 167 fHThetaProb.SetMaximum(101); 168 fHThetaProb.GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlue); 169 fHThetaProb.SetLineColor(kBlue); 164 170 165 171 // chi2 probability 166 fHProbTime.SetName("ProbTime"); 167 fHProbTime.SetTitle("\\chi^{2} Probability of Fit"); 168 fHProbTime.SetXTitle("Time"); 169 fHProbTime.SetYTitle("p [%]"); 170 fHProbTime.UseCurrentStyle(); 171 fHProbTime.SetDirectory(NULL); 172 fHProbTime.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 173 fHProbTime.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 174 fHProbTime.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 175 fHProbTime.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 176 fHProbTime.SetMaximum(101); 172 fHTimeProb.SetName("ProbTime"); 173 fHTimeProb.SetTitle("\\chi^{2} Probability of Fit"); 174 fHTimeProb.SetXTitle("Time"); 175 fHTimeProb.SetYTitle("p [%]"); 176 fHTimeProb.UseCurrentStyle(); 177 fHTimeProb.SetDirectory(NULL); 178 fHTimeProb.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 179 fHTimeProb.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 180 fHTimeProb.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 181 fHTimeProb.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 182 fHTimeProb.SetMaximum(101); 183 fHTimeProb.GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlue); 184 fHTimeProb.SetLineColor(kBlue); 177 185 178 186 // lambda versus theta 179 fHLambda.SetName("lambda"); 180 fHLambda.SetTitle("lambda of Effective On Time Fit"); 181 fHLambda.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 182 fHLambda.SetYTitle("\\lambda [Hz]"); 183 fHLambda.UseCurrentStyle(); 184 fHLambda.SetDirectory(NULL); 185 // fHLambda.Sumw2(); 186 187 // N0 versus theta 188 fHN0.SetName("N0"); 189 fHN0.SetTitle("Ideal number of events N_{0}"); 190 fHN0.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 191 fHN0.SetYTitle("N_{0}"); 192 fHN0.UseCurrentStyle(); 193 fHN0.SetDirectory(NULL); 194 //fHN0del.Sumw2(); 195 196 // chi2/NDF versus theta 187 fHThetaLambda.SetName("LambdaTheta"); 188 fHThetaLambda.SetTitle("Slope (Rate) vs Theta"); 189 fHThetaLambda.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 190 fHThetaLambda.SetYTitle("S"); 191 fHThetaLambda.UseCurrentStyle(); 192 fHThetaLambda.SetDirectory(NULL); 193 fHThetaLambda.SetLineColor(kGreen); 194 195 // lambda versus time 196 fHTimeLambda.SetName("LambdaTime"); 197 fHTimeLambda.SetTitle("Slope (Rate) vs Time"); 198 fHTimeLambda.SetXTitle("\\Time [\\circ]"); 199 fHTimeLambda.SetYTitle("S"); 200 fHTimeLambda.UseCurrentStyle(); 201 fHTimeLambda.SetDirectory(NULL); 202 fHTimeLambda.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 203 fHTimeLambda.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 204 fHTimeLambda.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 205 fHTimeLambda.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 206 fHTimeLambda.SetLineColor(kGreen); 207 208 // NDoF versus theta 209 fHThetaNDF.SetName("NDofTheta"); 210 fHThetaNDF.SetTitle("Number of Degrees of freedom vs Theta"); 211 fHThetaNDF.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 212 fHThetaNDF.SetYTitle("NDoF [#]"); 213 fHThetaNDF.UseCurrentStyle(); 214 fHThetaNDF.SetDirectory(NULL); 215 fHThetaNDF.SetLineColor(kGreen); 216 217 // NDoF versus time 197 218 /* 198 fHChi2.SetName("Chi2/NDF"); 199 fHChi2.SetTitle("\\chi^{2}/NDF of Effective On Time Fit"); 200 fHChi2.SetXTitle("\\Theta [\\circ]"); 201 fHChi2.SetYTitle("\\chi^{2}/NDF"); 202 fHChi2.UseCurrentStyle(); 203 fHChi2.SetDirectory(NULL); 204 fHChi2.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 205 //fHChi2.Sumw2(); 206 */ 207 219 fHTimeNDF.SetName("NDofTime"); 220 fHTimeNDF.SetTitle("Number of Degrees of freedom vs Time"); 221 fHTimeNDF.SetXTitle("Time"); 222 fHTimeNDF.SetYTitle("NDoF [#]"); 223 fHTimeNDF.UseCurrentStyle(); 224 fHTimeNDF.SetDirectory(NULL); 225 fHTimeNDF.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 226 fHTimeNDF.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.033); 227 fHTimeNDF.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 228 fHTimeNDF.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 229 fHTimeNDF.SetLineColor(kBlue); 230 */ 208 231 // setup binning 209 232 MBinning btheta("BinningTheta"); … … 217 240 btime.Apply(fH1DeltaT); 218 241 219 btheta.Apply(fH EffOnTheta);220 btheta.Apply(fH Lambda);221 btheta.Apply(fH N0);222 btheta.Apply(fH ProbTheta);242 btheta.Apply(fHThetaEffOn); 243 btheta.Apply(fHThetaLambda); 244 btheta.Apply(fHThetaNDF); 245 btheta.Apply(fHThetaProb); 223 246 //btheta.Apply(fHChi2); 224 247 } … … 251 274 if (binstheta) 252 275 { 253 binstheta->Apply(fH EffOnTheta);254 binstheta->Apply(fH Lambda);255 binstheta->Apply(fH N0);256 binstheta->Apply(fH ProbTheta);276 binstheta->Apply(fHThetaEffOn); 277 binstheta->Apply(fHThetaLambda); 278 binstheta->Apply(fHThetaNDF); 279 binstheta->Apply(fHThetaProb); 257 280 //binstheta->Apply(fHChi2); 258 281 } … … 295 318 // parameter 1 = N0*del 296 319 // 297 TF1 func("Poisson", " [1]*[2] * [0] * exp(-[0] *x)", yq[0], yq[1]);298 func.SetParNames("lambda", "N0", "del");320 static TF1 func("Poisson", " [1]*[2] * [0] * exp(-[0] *x)"); 321 //func.SetParNames("lambda", "N0", "del"); 299 322 300 323 func.SetParameter(0, 100); // Hz … … 302 325 func.FixParameter(2, Nmdel/Nm); 303 326 304 // options : 0 do not plot the function327 // options : N do not store the function, do not draw 305 328 // I use integral of function in bin rather than value at bin center 306 329 // R use the range specified in the function range 307 330 // Q quiet mode 308 h->Fit(&func, " 0IRQ");331 h->Fit(&func, "NIQ", "", yq[0], yq[1]); 309 332 310 333 const Double_t chi2 = func.GetChisquare(); … … 325 348 326 349 const Double_t lambda = func.GetParameter(0); 327 const Double_t N0 = func.GetParameter(1);350 //const Double_t N0 = func.GetParameter(1); 328 351 const Double_t prob = func.GetProb(); 329 352 … … 362 385 res[4] = dl; 363 386 364 // N 0of fit365 res[5] = N 0;387 // NDoF of fit 388 res[5] = NDF; 366 389 367 390 // Rdead (from fit) is the fraction from real time lost by the dead time … … 379 402 void MHEffectiveOnTime::FitThetaBins() 380 403 { 381 fH EffOnTheta.Reset();382 fH ProbTheta.Reset();383 fH Lambda.Reset();384 fH N0.Reset();404 fHThetaEffOn.Reset(); 405 fHThetaProb.Reset(); 406 fHThetaLambda.Reset(); 407 fHThetaNDF.Reset(); 385 408 386 409 const TString name = Form("CalcTheta%d", (UInt_t)gRandom->Uniform(999999999)); … … 400 423 401 424 // the effective on time is Nm/lambda 402 fH EffOnTheta.SetBinContent(i, res[0]);403 fH EffOnTheta.SetBinError (i, res[1]);425 fHThetaEffOn.SetBinContent(i, res[0]); 426 fHThetaEffOn.SetBinError (i, res[1]); 404 427 405 428 // plot chi2-probability of fit 406 fH ProbTheta.SetBinContent(i, res[2]);429 fHThetaProb.SetBinContent(i, res[2]); 407 430 408 431 // plot chi2/NDF of fit … … 410 433 411 434 // lambda of fit 412 fH Lambda.SetBinContent(i, res[3]);413 fH Lambda.SetBinError (i, res[4]);414 415 // N 0of fit416 fH N0.SetBinContent(i, res[5]);435 fHThetaLambda.SetBinContent(i, res[3]); 436 fHThetaLambda.SetBinError (i, res[4]); 437 438 // NDoF of fit 439 fHThetaNDF.SetBinContent(i, res[5]); 417 440 418 441 // Rdead (from fit) is the fraction from real time lost by the dead time … … 449 472 450 473 // Get number of bins 451 const Int_t n = fH EffOnTime.GetNbinsX();474 const Int_t n = fHTimeEffOn.GetNbinsX(); 452 475 453 476 // Enhance binning 454 477 MBinning bins; 455 bins.SetEdges(fH EffOnTime, 'x');478 bins.SetEdges(fHTimeEffOn, 'x'); 456 479 bins.AddEdge(fLastTime.GetAxisTime()); 457 bins.Apply(fHEffOnTime); 458 bins.Apply(fHProbTime); 480 bins.Apply(fHTimeEffOn); 481 bins.Apply(fHTimeProb); 482 bins.Apply(fHTimeLambda); 483 //bins.Apply(fHTimeNDF); 459 484 460 485 // 461 486 // Fill histogram 462 487 // 463 fHEffOnTime.SetBinContent(n, res[0]); 464 fHEffOnTime.SetBinError(n, res[1]); 465 466 fHProbTime.SetBinContent(n, res[2]); 488 fHTimeEffOn.SetBinContent(n, res[0]); 489 fHTimeEffOn.SetBinError(n, res[1]); 490 491 fHTimeProb.SetBinContent(n, res[2]); 492 493 fHTimeLambda.SetBinContent(n, res[3]); 494 fHTimeLambda.SetBinError(n, res[4]); 495 496 //fHTimeNDF.SetBinContent(n, res[5]); 467 497 468 498 // … … 500 530 MBinning bins; 501 531 bins.SetEdges(1, time->GetAxisTime()-fNumEvents/200, time->GetAxisTime()); 502 bins.Apply(fHEffOnTime); 503 bins.Apply(fHProbTime); 532 bins.Apply(fHTimeEffOn); 533 bins.Apply(fHTimeProb); 534 bins.Apply(fHTimeLambda); 535 //bins.Apply(fHTimeNDF); 504 536 505 537 fParam->SetVal(0, 0); … … 540 572 FitThetaBins(); 541 573 FitTimeBin(); 542 MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHEffOnTime); 543 MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHProbTime); 574 MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHTimeEffOn); 575 MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHTimeProb); 576 MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHTimeLambda); 577 //MH::RemoveFirstBin(fHTimeNDF); 544 578 545 579 fIsFinalized = kTRUE; … … 558 592 text.SetTextSize(0.04); 559 593 text.Paint(); 594 } 595 596 void MHEffectiveOnTime::PaintProb(TH1 &h) const 597 { 598 Double_t sum = 0; 599 Int_t n = 0; 600 for (int i=0; i<h.GetNbinsX(); i++) 601 if (h.GetBinContent(i+1)>0) 602 { 603 sum += h.GetBinContent(i+1); 604 n++; 605 } 606 607 if (n==0) 608 return; 609 610 TLatex text(0.45, 0.94, Form("\\bar{p} = %.1f%% (n=%d)", sum/n, n)); 611 text.SetBit(TLatex::kTextNDC); 612 text.SetTextSize(0.04); 613 text.Paint(); 614 } 615 616 void MHEffectiveOnTime::UpdateRightAxis(TH1 &h) 617 { 618 cout << "Update... " << flush; 619 const Double_t max = h.GetMaximum()*1.1; 620 if (max==0) 621 return; 622 623 h.SetNormFactor(h.Integral()*gPad->GetUymax()/max); 624 625 TGaxis *axis = (TGaxis*)gPad->FindObject("RightAxis"); 626 if (!axis) 627 return; 628 629 cout << axis << " "; 630 cout << "X: " << gPad->GetUxmax() << " "; 631 cout << "Y: " << gPad->GetUymin() << "/" << gPad->GetUymax() << " "; 632 cout << "max=" << max << endl; 633 634 axis->SetX1(gPad->GetUxmax()); 635 axis->SetX2(gPad->GetUxmax()); 636 axis->SetY1(gPad->GetUymin()); 637 axis->SetY2(gPad->GetUymax()); 638 axis->SetWmax(max); 560 639 } 561 640 … … 621 700 } 622 701 702 if (o==(TString)"timendf") 703 { 704 // UpdateRightAxis(fHTimeNDF); 705 // FIXME: first bin? 706 PaintProb(fHTimeProb); 707 } 708 709 if (o==(TString)"thetandf") 710 { 711 UpdateRightAxis(fHThetaNDF); 712 // FIXME: first bin? 713 PaintProb(fHThetaProb); 714 } 715 623 716 h=0; 624 717 if (o==(TString)"theta") 625 h = &fHEffOnTheta; 718 { 719 h = &fHThetaEffOn; 720 UpdateRightAxis(fHThetaLambda); 721 } 626 722 if (o==(TString)"time") 627 h = &fHEffOnTime; 723 { 724 h = &fHTimeEffOn; 725 UpdateRightAxis(fHTimeLambda); 726 } 628 727 629 728 if (!h) … … 635 734 636 735 PaintText(h->Integral(), error); 736 } 737 738 void MHEffectiveOnTime::DrawRightAxis(const char *title) 739 { 740 TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmax(), gPad->GetUymin(), 741 gPad->GetUxmax(), gPad->GetUymax(), 742 0, 1, 510, "+L"); 743 axis->SetName("RightAxis"); 744 axis->SetTitle(title); 745 axis->SetTitleOffset(0.9); 746 axis->SetTextColor(kGreen); 747 axis->CenterTitle(); 748 axis->SetBit(kCanDelete); 749 axis->Draw(); 637 750 } 638 751 … … 669 782 pad->GetPad(1)->cd(2); 670 783 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 671 fHProbTime.Draw(); 672 AppendPad("paint"); 784 fHTimeProb.Draw(); 785 AppendPad("timendf"); 786 //fHTimeNDF.Draw("same"); 787 //DrawRightAxis("NDF"); 673 788 674 789 pad->GetPad(1)->cd(3); 675 790 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 676 fH EffOnTime.Draw();791 fHTimeEffOn.Draw(); 677 792 AppendPad("time"); 793 fHTimeLambda.Draw("same"); 794 DrawRightAxis("Slope"); 678 795 679 796 pad->cd(2); … … 695 812 pad->GetPad(2)->cd(2); 696 813 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 697 fHProbTheta.Draw(); 814 fHThetaProb.Draw(); 815 AppendPad("thetandf"); 816 fHThetaNDF.Draw("same"); 817 DrawRightAxis("NDF"); 698 818 699 819 pad->GetPad(2)->cd(3); 700 820 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 701 fH EffOnTheta.Draw();821 fHThetaEffOn.Draw(); 702 822 AppendPad("theta"); 703 } 823 fHThetaLambda.Draw("same"); 824 DrawRightAxis("Slope"); 825 } -
r4925 r4975 13 13 #ifndef ROOT_TH2 14 14 #include <TH2.h> 15 #endif 16 #ifndef ROOT_TF1 17 #include <TF1.h> 15 18 #endif 16 19 … … 33 36 TH1D fH1DeltaT; //! Counts vs Delta T (for a time interval) 34 37 35 TH1D fHEffOnTheta; // Effective On time versus Theta 36 TH1D fHEffOnTime; // Effective On time versus Time 38 TH1D fHThetaEffOn; // Effective On time versus Theta 39 TH1D fHThetaProb; // Chisq prob fit of Effective On time versus Theta 40 TH1D fHThetaNDF; // NDF vs Theta 41 TH1D fHThetaLambda; // Slope (rate) vs Theta 37 42 38 TH1D fHProbTheta; // Chisq prob fit of Effective On time versus Theta 39 TH1D fHProbTime; // Chisq prob fit of Effective On time versus Time 43 TH1D fHTimeEffOn; // Effective On time versus Time 44 TH1D fHTimeProb; // Chisq prob fit of Effective On time versus Time 45 //TH1D fHTimeNDF; // NDF vs Time 46 TH1D fHTimeLambda; // Slope (rate) vs Time 40 47 41 TH1D fHN0; 42 TH1D fHLambda; 43 44 Bool_t fIsFinalized; // Flag telling you whether fHEffOnTheta is the final result 48 Bool_t fIsFinalized; // Flag telling you whether fHThetaEffOn is the final result 45 49 46 50 Int_t fNumEvents; // Number of events to be used for a bin in time … … 52 56 void FitThetaBins(); 53 57 void FitTimeBin(); 58 void PaintProb(TH1 &h) const; 54 59 void PaintText(Double_t val, Double_t error) const; 60 void DrawRightAxis(const char *title); 61 void UpdateRightAxis(TH1 &h); 55 62 56 63 public: … … 63 70 Bool_t Finalize(); 64 71 65 const TH1D &GetHEffOnTheta() const { return fH EffOnTheta; }66 const TH1D &GetHEffOnTime() const { return fH EffOnTime; }72 const TH1D &GetHEffOnTheta() const { return fHThetaEffOn; } 73 const TH1D &GetHEffOnTime() const { return fHTimeEffOn; } 67 74 68 75 void Draw(Option_t *option="");
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