Changeset 5162

10/01/04 21:24:31 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/msignal/

    r5155 r5162  
    5656#include "MPedestalPix.h"
    58 #include "TFile.h" // remove!!
    59 #include "TH1F.h"  // remove!!
     58#include "TFile.h"
     59#include "TH1F.h"
     60#include "TH2F.h"
    6061#include "TString.h"
     62#include "TMatrix.h"
    6264#include <fstream>
    7476const Int_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::fgBinningResolutionHiGain = 10;
    7577const Int_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::fgBinningResolutionLoGain = 10;
     78const Int_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::fgSignalStartBinHiGain = 4;
     79const Int_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::fgSignalStartBinLoGain = 4;
    7680// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    9498  SetWindowSize();
    9599  SetBinningResolution();
     100  SetSignalStartBin();
    97102  ReadWeightsFile("");
    167 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    168 //
    169 // Read a pre-defined weights file into the class.
    170 // This is mandatory for the extraction
    171 //
    172 // If filenname is empty, then all weights will be set to 1.
    173 //
    174 Bool_t MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::ReadWeightsFile(TString filename)
    175 {
    177   fAmpWeightsHiGain .Set(fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain);
    178   fAmpWeightsLoGain .Set(fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeLoGain);
    179   fTimeWeightsHiGain.Set(fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain);
    180   fTimeWeightsLoGain.Set(fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeLoGain);
    182   if (filename.IsNull())
    183     {
    184       for (UInt_t i=0; i<fAmpWeightsHiGain.GetSize(); i++)
    185         {
    186           fAmpWeightsHiGain [i] = 1.;
    187           fTimeWeightsHiGain[i] = 1.;
    188         }
    189       for (UInt_t i=0; i<fAmpWeightsLoGain.GetSize(); i++)
    190         {
    191           fAmpWeightsLoGain [i] = 1.;
    192           fTimeWeightsLoGain[i] = 1.;
    193         }
    194       return kTRUE;
    195     }
    197   ifstream fin(filename.Data());
    199   if (!fin)
    200     {
    201       *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
    202             << ": No weights file found: " << filename << endl;
    203       return kFALSE;
    204     }
    206   Int_t len = 0;
    207   Int_t cnt = 0;
    208   Bool_t hi = kFALSE;
    209   Bool_t lo = kFALSE;
    211   TString str;
    213   while (1)
    214     {
    216       str.ReadLine(fin);
    217       if (!fin)
    218         break;
    221       if (str.Contains("# High Gain Weights:"))
    222         {
    223           str.ReplaceAll("# High Gain Weights:","");
    224           sscanf(str.Data(),"%2i%2i",&fWindowSizeHiGain,&fBinningResolutionHiGain);
    225           *fLog << inf << "Found number of High Gain slices: " << fWindowSizeHiGain
    226                        << " and High Gain resolution: " << fBinningResolutionHiGain << endl;
    227           len = fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain;
    228           fAmpWeightsHiGain .Set(len);
    229           fTimeWeightsHiGain.Set(len);
    230           hi = kTRUE;
    231           continue;
    232         }
    234       if (str.Contains("# Low Gain Weights:"))
    235         {
    236           str.ReplaceAll("# Low Gain Weights:","");
    237           sscanf(str.Data(),"%2i%2i",&fWindowSizeLoGain,&fBinningResolutionLoGain);
    238           *fLog << inf << "Found number of Low Gain slices: " << fWindowSizeLoGain
    239                        << " and Low Gain resolution: " << fBinningResolutionLoGain << endl;
    240           len = fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeHiGain;
    241           fAmpWeightsLoGain .Set(len);
    242           fTimeWeightsLoGain.Set(len);
    243           lo = kTRUE;
    244           continue;
    245         }
    247       if (str.Contains("#"))
    248         continue;
    250       if (len == 0)
    251         continue;
    253       sscanf(str.Data(),"\t%f\t%f",lo ? &fAmpWeightsLoGain [cnt] : &fAmpWeightsHiGain [cnt],
    254                                          lo ? &fTimeWeightsLoGain[cnt] : &fTimeWeightsHiGain[cnt]);
    256       if (++cnt == len)
    257         {
    258           len = 0;
    259           cnt = 0;
    260         }
    261     }
    263   if (cnt != len)
    264     {
    265       *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
    266             << ": Size mismatch in weights file " << filename << endl;
    267       return kFALSE;
    268     }
    270   if (!hi)
    271     {
    272       *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
    273             << ": No correct header found in weights file " << filename << endl;
    274       return kFALSE;
    275     }
    277   return kTRUE;
    278 }
    280 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    281 //
    282 // Read a pre-defined weights file into the class.
    283 // This is mandatory for the extraction
    284 //
    285 Bool_t MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::WriteWeightsFile(TString filename)
    286 {
    289   Float_t amp[60];
    290   Float_t tim[60]; 
    292   ofstream fn(filename.Data());
    294   fn << "# High Gain Weights: 6 10" << endl;
    295   fn << "# (Amplitude)  (Time) " << endl;
    297   for (UInt_t i=0; i<60; i++)
    298     {
    299       fn << "\t" << amp[i] << "\t" << tim[i] << endl;
    300     }
    302   fn << "# Low Gain Weights: 6 10" << endl;
    303   fn << "# (Amplitude)  (Time) " << endl;
    305   for (UInt_t i=0; i<60; i++)
    306     {
    307       fn << "\t" << amp[i] << "\t" << tim[i] << endl;
    308     }
    309   return kTRUE;
    310 }
    312172// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    337197  return kTRUE;
    340201void MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::FindTimeAndChargeHiGain(Byte_t *ptr, Byte_t *logain, Float_t &sum, Float_t &dsum,
    653514  return kTRUE;
     519// Read a pre-defined weights file into the class.
     520// This is mandatory for the extraction
     522// If filenname is empty, then all weights will be set to 1.
     524Bool_t MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::ReadWeightsFile(TString filename)
     527  fAmpWeightsHiGain .Set(fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain);
     528  fAmpWeightsLoGain .Set(fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeLoGain);
     529  fTimeWeightsHiGain.Set(fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain);
     530  fTimeWeightsLoGain.Set(fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeLoGain);
     532  if (filename.IsNull())
     533    {
     534      for (UInt_t i=0; i<fAmpWeightsHiGain.GetSize(); i++)
     535        {
     536          fAmpWeightsHiGain [i] = 1.;
     537          fTimeWeightsHiGain[i] = 1.;
     538        }
     539      for (UInt_t i=0; i<fAmpWeightsLoGain.GetSize(); i++)
     540        {
     541          fAmpWeightsLoGain [i] = 1.;
     542          fTimeWeightsLoGain[i] = 1.;
     543        }
     544      return kTRUE;
     545    }
     547  ifstream fin(filename.Data());
     549  if (!fin)
     550    {
     551      *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
     552            << ": No weights file found: " << filename << endl;
     553      return kFALSE;
     554    }
     556  Int_t len = 0;
     557  Int_t cnt = 0;
     558  Bool_t hi = kFALSE;
     559  Bool_t lo = kFALSE;
     561  TString str;
     563  while (1)
     564    {
     566      str.ReadLine(fin);
     567      if (!fin)
     568        break;
     571      if (str.Contains("# High Gain Weights:"))
     572        {
     573          str.ReplaceAll("# High Gain Weights:","");
     574          sscanf(str.Data(),"%2i%2i",&fWindowSizeHiGain,&fBinningResolutionHiGain);
     575          *fLog << inf << "Found number of High Gain slices: " << fWindowSizeHiGain
     576                       << " and High Gain resolution: " << fBinningResolutionHiGain << endl;
     577          len = fBinningResolutionHiGain*fWindowSizeHiGain;
     578          fAmpWeightsHiGain .Set(len);
     579          fTimeWeightsHiGain.Set(len);
     580          hi = kTRUE;
     581          continue;
     582        }
     584      if (str.Contains("# Low Gain Weights:"))
     585        {
     586          str.ReplaceAll("# Low Gain Weights:","");
     587          sscanf(str.Data(),"%2i%2i",&fWindowSizeLoGain,&fBinningResolutionLoGain);
     588          *fLog << inf << "Found number of Low Gain slices: " << fWindowSizeLoGain
     589                       << " and Low Gain resolution: " << fBinningResolutionLoGain << endl;
     590          len = fBinningResolutionLoGain*fWindowSizeHiGain;
     591          fAmpWeightsLoGain .Set(len);
     592          fTimeWeightsLoGain.Set(len);
     593          lo = kTRUE;
     594          continue;
     595        }
     597      if (str.Contains("#"))
     598        continue;
     600      if (len == 0)
     601        continue;
     603      sscanf(str.Data(),"\t%f\t%f",lo ? &fAmpWeightsLoGain [cnt] : &fAmpWeightsHiGain [cnt],
     604                                         lo ? &fTimeWeightsLoGain[cnt] : &fTimeWeightsHiGain[cnt]);
     606      if (++cnt == len)
     607        {
     608          len = 0;
     609          cnt = 0;
     610        }
     611    }
     613  if (cnt != len)
     614    {
     615      *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
     616            << ": Size mismatch in weights file " << filename << endl;
     617      return kFALSE;
     618    }
     620  if (!hi)
     621    {
     622      *fLog << err << GetDescriptor()
     623            << ": No correct header found in weights file " << filename << endl;
     624      return kFALSE;
     625    }
     627  return kTRUE;
     632// Create the weights file
     633// Beware that the shape-histogram has to contain the pulse starting at bin 1
     635Bool_t MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter::WriteWeightsFile(TString filename, TH1F *shapehi, TH2F *autocorrhi,
     636                                                            TH1F *shapelo, TH2F *autocorrlo )
     639  const Int_t nbinshi = shapehi->GetNbinsX();
     640  Float_t binwidth    = shapehi->GetBinWidth(1);
     642  TH1F *derivativehi = new TH1F(Form("%s%s",shapehi->GetName(),"_der"),
     643                                Form("%s%s",shapehi->GetTitle()," derivative"),
     644                                nbinshi,
     645                                shapehi->GetBinLowEdge(1),
     646                                shapehi->GetBinLowEdge(nbinshi)+binwidth);
     648  //
     649  // Calculate the derivative of shapehi
     650  //
     651  for (Int_t i = 1; i<nbinshi+1;i++)
     652    {
     653      derivativehi->SetBinContent(i,
     654                                ((shapehi->GetBinContent(i+1)-shapehi->GetBinContent(i-1))/2./binwidth));
     655      derivativehi->SetBinError(i,
     656                              (sqrt(shapehi->GetBinError(i+1)*shapehi->GetBinError(i+1)
     657                                    +shapehi->GetBinError(i-1)*shapehi->GetBinError(i-1))/2./binwidth));
     658    }
     660  //
     661  // normalize the shapehi, such that the integral for fWindowSize slices is one!
     662  //
     663  Float_t sum    = 0;
     664  Int_t lasttemp = fBinningResolutionHiGain * (fSignalStartBinHiGain + fWindowSizeHiGain);
     665  lasttemp       = lasttemp > nbinshi ? nbinshi : lasttemp;
     667  for (Int_t i=fBinningResolutionHiGain*fSignalStartBinHiGain; i<lasttemp; i++) {
     668    sum += shapehi->GetBinContent(i);
     669  }
     670  sum /= fBinningResolutionHiGain;
     672  shapehi->Scale(1./sum);
     673  derivativehi->Scale(1./sum);
     675  //
     676  // read in the noise auto-correlation function:
     677  //
     678  TMatrix Bhi(fWindowSizeHiGain,fWindowSizeHiGain);
     680  for (Int_t i=0; i<fWindowSizeHiGain; i++){
     681    for (Int_t j=0; j<fWindowSizeHiGain; j++){
     682      Bhi[i][j]=autocorrhi->GetBinContent(i+1+fSignalStartBinHiGain,j+1+fSignalStartBinHiGain);
     683    }
     684  } 
     685  Bhi.Invert();
     687  const Int_t nsizehi = fWindowSizeHiGain*fBinningResolutionHiGain;
     688  fAmpWeightsHiGain.Set(nsizehi);
     689  fTimeWeightsHiGain.Set(nsizehi); 
     691  //
     692  // Loop over relative time in one BinningResolution interval
     693  //
     694  Int_t start = fBinningResolutionHiGain*fSignalStartBinHiGain + fBinningResolutionHalfHiGain;
     696  for (Int_t i = -fBinningResolutionHalfHiGain+1; i<=fBinningResolutionHalfHiGain; i++)
     697    {
     699      TMatrix g(fWindowSizeHiGain,1);
     700      TMatrix gT(1,fWindowSizeHiGain);
     701      TMatrix d(fWindowSizeHiGain,1);
     702      TMatrix dT(1,fWindowSizeHiGain);
     704      for (Int_t count=0; count < fWindowSizeHiGain; count++){
     706        g[count][0]=shapehi->GetBinContent(start
     707                                         +fBinningResolutionHiGain*count+i);
     708        gT[0][count]=shapehi->GetBinContent(start
     709                                          +fBinningResolutionHiGain*count+i);
     710        d[count][0]=derivativehi->GetBinContent(start
     711                                              +fBinningResolutionHiGain*count+i);
     712        dT[0][count]=derivativehi->GetBinContent(start
     713                                               +fBinningResolutionHiGain*count+i);
     714      }
     716      TMatrix m_denom = (gT*(Bhi*g))*(dT*(Bhi*d)) - (dT*(Bhi*g))*(dT*(Bhi*g));
     717      Float_t   denom = m_denom[0][0];  // ROOT thinks, m_denom is still a matrix
     719      TMatrix m_first = dT*(Bhi*d);       // ROOT thinks, m_first is still a matrix
     720      Float_t   first = m_first[0][0]/denom;
     722      TMatrix m_last  = gT*(Bhi*d);       // ROOT thinks, m_last  is still a matrix
     723      Float_t   last  = m_last[0][0]/denom;
     725      TMatrix m1 = gT*Bhi;
     726      m1 *= first;
     728      TMatrix m2 = dT*Bhi;
     729      m2 *=last;
     731      TMatrix w_amp = m1 - m2;
     733      TMatrix m_first1 = gT*(Bhi*g);
     734      Float_t   first1 = m_first1[0][0]/denom;
     736      TMatrix m_last1  = gT*(Bhi*d);
     737      Float_t   last1  = m_last1 [0][0]/denom;
     739      TMatrix m11 = dT*Bhi;
     740      m11 *=first1;
     742      TMatrix m21 = gT*Bhi;
     743      m21 *=last1;
     745      TMatrix w_time= m11 - m21;
     747      for (Int_t count=0; count < fWindowSizeHiGain; count++)
     748        {
     749          const Int_t idx = i+fBinningResolutionHalfHiGain+fBinningResolutionHiGain*count-1;
     750          fAmpWeightsHiGain [idx] = w_amp [0][count];
     751          fTimeWeightsHiGain[idx] = w_time[0][count];
     752        }
     754    } // end loop over i
     756  //
     757  // Low Gain histograms
     758  //
     759  if (shapelo)
     760    {
     761      const Int_t nbinslo  = shapelo->GetNbinsX();
     762      binwidth = shapelo->GetBinWidth(1);
     764      TH1F *derivativelo = new TH1F(Form("%s%s",shapelo->GetName(),"_der"),
     765                                    Form("%s%s",shapelo->GetTitle()," derivative"),
     766                                    nbinslo,
     767                                    shapelo->GetBinLowEdge(1),
     768                                    shapelo->GetBinLowEdge(nbinslo)+binwidth);
     770      //
     771      // Calculate the derivative of shapelo
     772      //
     773      for (Int_t i = 1; i<nbinslo+1;i++)
     774        {
     775          derivativelo->SetBinContent(i,
     776                                      ((shapelo->GetBinContent(i+1)-shapelo->GetBinContent(i-1))/2./binwidth));
     777          derivativelo->SetBinError(i,
     778                                    (sqrt(shapelo->GetBinError(i+1)*shapelo->GetBinError(i+1)
     779                                          +shapelo->GetBinError(i-1)*shapelo->GetBinError(i-1))/2./binwidth));
     780        }
     782      //
     783      // normalize the shapelo, such that the integral for fWindowSize slices is one!
     784      //
     785      sum      = 0;
     786      lasttemp = fBinningResolutionLoGain * (fSignalStartBinLoGain + fWindowSizeLoGain);
     787      lasttemp = lasttemp > nbinslo ? nbinslo : lasttemp;
     789      for (Int_t i=fBinningResolutionLoGain*fSignalStartBinLoGain; i<lasttemp; i++)
     790        sum += shapelo->GetBinContent(i);
     792      sum /= fBinningResolutionLoGain;
     794      shapelo->Scale(1./sum);
     795      derivativelo->Scale(1./sum);
     797      //
     798      // read in the noise auto-correlation function:
     799      //
     800      TMatrix Blo(fWindowSizeLoGain,fWindowSizeLoGain);
     802      for (Int_t i=0; i<fWindowSizeLoGain; i++){
     803        for (Int_t j=0; j<fWindowSizeLoGain; j++){
     804          Blo[i][j]=autocorrlo->GetBinContent(i+1+fSignalStartBinLoGain,j+1+fSignalStartBinLoGain);
     805        }
     806      } 
     807      Blo.Invert();
     809      const Int_t nsizelo = fWindowSizeLoGain*fBinningResolutionLoGain;
     810      fAmpWeightsLoGain.Set(nsizelo);
     811      fTimeWeightsLoGain.Set(nsizelo); 
     813      //
     814      // Loop over relative time in one BinningResolution interval
     815      //
     816      Int_t start = fBinningResolutionLoGain*fSignalStartBinLoGain + fBinningResolutionHalfLoGain;
     818      for (Int_t i = -fBinningResolutionHalfLoGain+1; i<=fBinningResolutionHalfLoGain; i++)
     819        {
     821          TMatrix g(fWindowSizeLoGain,1);
     822          TMatrix gT(1,fWindowSizeLoGain);
     823          TMatrix d(fWindowSizeLoGain,1);
     824          TMatrix dT(1,fWindowSizeLoGain);
     826          for (Int_t count=0; count < fWindowSizeLoGain; count++){
     828            g[count][0] = shapelo->GetBinContent(start
     829                                             +fBinningResolutionLoGain*count+i);
     830            gT[0][count]= shapelo->GetBinContent(start
     831                                              +fBinningResolutionLoGain*count+i);
     832            d[count][0] = derivativelo->GetBinContent(start
     833                                                  +fBinningResolutionLoGain*count+i);
     834            dT[0][count]= derivativelo->GetBinContent(start
     835                                                   +fBinningResolutionLoGain*count+i);
     836          }
     838          TMatrix m_denom = (gT*(Blo*g))*(dT*(Blo*d)) - (dT*(Blo*g))*(dT*(Blo*g));
     839          Float_t   denom = m_denom[0][0];  // ROOT thinks, m_denom is still a matrix
     841          TMatrix m_first = dT*(Blo*d);       // ROOT thinks, m_first is still a matrix
     842          Float_t   first = m_first[0][0]/denom;
     844          TMatrix m_last  = gT*(Blo*d);       // ROOT thinks, m_last  is still a matrix
     845          Float_t   last  = m_last[0][0]/denom;
     847          TMatrix m1 = gT*Blo;
     848          m1 *= first;
     850          TMatrix m2 = dT*Blo;
     851          m2 *=last;
     853          TMatrix w_amp = m1 - m2;
     855          TMatrix m_first1 = gT*(Blo*g);
     856          Float_t   first1 = m_first1[0][0]/denom;
     858          TMatrix m_last1  = gT*(Blo*d);
     859          Float_t   last1  = m_last1 [0][0]/denom;
     861          TMatrix m11 = dT*Blo;
     862          m11 *=first1;
     864          TMatrix m21 = gT*Blo;
     865          m21 *=last1;
     867          TMatrix w_time= m11 - m21;
     869          for (Int_t count=0; count < fWindowSizeLoGain; count++)
     870            {
     871              const Int_t idx = i+fBinningResolutionHalfLoGain+fBinningResolutionLoGain*count-1;
     872              fAmpWeightsLoGain [idx] = w_amp [0][count];
     873              fTimeWeightsLoGain[idx] = w_time[0][count];
     874            }
     876        } // end loop over i
     877    }
     880  ofstream fn(filename.Data());
     882  fn << "# High Gain Weights: " << fWindowSizeHiGain << " " << fBinningResolutionHiGain << endl;
     883  fn << "# (Amplitude)  (Time) " << endl;
     885  for (Int_t i=0; i<nsizehi; i++)
     886    fn << "\t" << fAmpWeightsHiGain[i] << "\t" << fTimeWeightsHiGain[i] << endl;
     888  fn << "# Low Gain Weights: " << fWindowSizeLoGain << " " << fBinningResolutionLoGain << endl;
     889  fn << "# (Amplitude)  (Time) " << endl;
     891  for (Int_t i=0; i<nsizehi; i++)
     892    fn << "\t" << fAmpWeightsLoGain[i] << "\t" << fTimeWeightsLoGain[i] << endl;
     894  return kTRUE;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.h

    r5155 r5162  
     12class TH1F;
     13class TH2F;
    1214class MPedestalPix;
    1315class MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter : public MExtractTimeAndCharge
    2325  static const Int_t  fgBinningResolutionHiGain;
    2426  static const Int_t  fgBinningResolutionLoGain;
     27  static const Int_t  fgSignalStartBinHiGain;
     28  static const Int_t  fgSignalStartBinLoGain;
    26   MArrayF fHiGainSignal;               //! Need fast access to the signals in a float way
    27   MArrayF fLoGainSignal;               //! Store them in separate arrays
     30  MArrayF fHiGainSignal;          //! Need fast access to the signals in a float way
     31  MArrayF fLoGainSignal;          //! Store them in separate arrays
    2933  Float_t fTimeShiftHiGain;
    3034  Float_t fTimeShiftLoGain;
     36  Int_t   fSignalStartBinHiGain;
     37  Int_t   fSignalStartBinLoGain;
    3239  Int_t   fWindowSizeHiGain;           
    3340  Int_t   fWindowSizeLoGain;           
    6168  MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 
    63   Bool_t WriteWeightsFile(TString filename="cosmic_weights.dat");
     70  Bool_t WriteWeightsFile(TString filename,
     71                          TH1F *shapehi, TH2F *autocorrhi,
     72                          TH1F *shapelo=NULL, TH2F *autocorrlo=NULL );
    6574  Bool_t ReadWeightsFile(TString filename="cosmic_weights.dat");
    7483  }
     86  void SetSignalStartBin( const Int_t sh=fgSignalStartBinHiGain, const Int_t sl=fgSignalStartBinLoGain) {
     87    fSignalStartBinHiGain = sh;
     88    fSignalStartBinLoGain = sl;
     89  }
    7791  ClassDef(MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter, 0)   // Hendrik's digital filter
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