Changeset 5255 for trunk

10/12/04 17:38:52 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card

    r5072 r5255  
    77qe_file 0  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
    88# Input file (one per telescope):
    9 input_file 0 /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.rfl
     9input_file 0 /data1/magic/reflex/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.rfl
    1010# Ascii output file name:
    11 data_file /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.dat
     11data_file ./Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.dat
    1212# root output file name:
    13 root_file /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.root
     13root_file ./Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.root
    1414# Trigger characteristics: gate length (ns), min. overlapping time (ns),
    1515# amplitude and FWHM of (gaussian) single phe response for trigger:
    2121# Number of photons from the diffuse NSB (nphe / ns 0.1*0.1 deg^2 239 m^2) and
    2222# minimum number of phe from shower required to simulate NSB:
    23 nsb_mean 0.13 30
     23nsb_mean 0.13 10
    2424# Starfield (see Starfieldadder program)
    2525# starfield_file /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
    2929fadc_pedestal 10.
    3030# Additional sigma of mirror spot (cm):
    31 sigma_xy_cm_spot 2.
     31sigma_xy_cm_spot 1.
    3232# Fraction of currently active mirror:
    3333mirror_fraction 0 1.
    3535seeds 66767 45069
    3636# Directory where NSB database can be found for inner and outer pixels:
    37 nsb_directory  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/p016/inner/
    38 nsb_dir_outer  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/p016/outer/
     37nsb_directory  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner/
     38nsb_dir_outer  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/outer/
    3940# FADC properties: shape of single phe response (1 means realistic one, from
    40 # Pulpo setup), integral in FADC counts for 1 phe. (3rd argument is ignored unless
    41 # gaussian shape - 1st argument=0 - was chosen) :
    42 fadc_prop 1 7.3 5.0
     41# Pulpo setup), integral in FADC counts for 1 phe. (3rd argument is ignored
     42# unless gaussian shape - 1st argument=0 - was chosen) :
     43fadc_prop 1 7.8 5.0
    4344# Same as above for outer pixels:
    44 fadc_outer 1 2.5 5.0
     45fadc_outer 1 3.2 5.0
     47# tentative values for future fast (2 GHz) FADC:
     49# fadc_prop  0 40. 3.
     50# fadc_outer 0 15. 3.
     51# FADC sampling frequency and number of FADC slices:
     52# fadc_GHz 2. 100
    4554# Write to output trigger information:
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/starresponse.par

    r5082 r5255  
    11# Path where the outcoming database will be stored
    2 database_path  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/p016/inner/
     2database_path  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner
    44# Values of phe/ns for which the database will be generated
    1111# Shape for the single phe fadc response (shape, integral, fwhm)
    12 fadc_properties 1 7.3 5.0
    13 #fadc_properties 1 2.5 5.0
     12# For standard MAGIC
     13fadc_properties 1 7.8 5.0
     14#fadc_properties 1 3.2 5.0 (outer pixels)
     16# For future fast FADC (tentative values!)
     17# fadc_properties 0 40 3.0 (inner pixels)
     18# fadc_properties 0 15 3.0 (outer pixels)
     19# fadc_GHz 2.
    1521# Write root file with histograms
    16 # write_root
    1824# End file
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