10/13/04 15:28:59 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx

    r5247 r5268  
    2222// $RCSfile: camera.cxx,v $
    23 // $Revision: 1.72 $
     23// $Revision: 1.73 $
    2424// $Author: moralejo $
    25 // $Date: 2004-10-12 13:39:34 $
     25// $Date: 2004-10-13 14:28:59 $
    238238static  float Spot_y=0.0;
    239239static  float Spotsigma=0.0;
     241static  int CalibrationRun = 0;
    715717  // get filenames
    717   for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++)
    718     {
    719       strcpy( inname_CT[ict], get_input_filename(ict) );
    720       if (strlen(inname_CT[ict]) == 0)
    721         {
    722           printf("\nError: missing input file name for CT id = %d. Exiting.\n\n", ict);
    723           exit(1);
    724         }
    725     }
     719  CalibrationRun = 1;
     720  if (! CalibrationRun)
     721    for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++)
     722      {
     723        strcpy( inname_CT[ict], get_input_filename(ict) );
     724        if (strlen(inname_CT[ict]) == 0)
     725          {
     726            printf("\nError: missing input file name for CT id = %d. Exiting.\n\n", ict);
     727            exit(1);
     728          }
     729      }
    727731  strcpy( starfieldname, get_starfield_filename() );
    15481552        zenfactor = pow(10., -0.4 * ext[j] );
    1550         for(UInt_t ui=0; ui<((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict)))->GetNumPixels();ui++){
    1551           nsb_phepns[ict][ui]+=diffnsb_phepns[ict][ui]/iNUMWAVEBANDS + zenfactor *nsbrate_phepns[ui][j];
    1552           nsb_phepns_rotated[ict][ui]=nsb_phepns[ict][ui];
    1553         }
     1554        for(UInt_t ui=0; ui<((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict)))->GetNumPixels();ui++)
     1555          {
     1556            nsb_phepns[ict][ui]+=diffnsb_phepns[ict][ui]/iNUMWAVEBANDS +
     1557              zenfactor * nsbrate_phepns[ui][j];
     1558            nsb_phepns_rotated[ict][ui]=nsb_phepns[ict][ui];
     1559          }
    15541560      }
    15551561    }
    16751681  }
     1684  if (CalibrationRun)
     1685    {
     1686      DoCalibration(Fadc_CT, Trigger_CT, camgeom, nsb_trigresp, nsb_fadcresp,
     1687                    &lons, &lons_outer, nsb_phepns, addElecNoise,
     1688                    &EvtTree, EvtHeader, McEvt, EvtData);
     1690      HeaderTree.Fill() ;
     1692      outfile_temp.Write();
     1693      outfile_temp.Close();
     1695      cout << endl << "Calibration run finished!" << endl << endl;
     1697      return (0);
     1698    }
    16771700  //
    16781701  // Read the reflector file with the Cherenkov data
    16811704  // select input file
    1683   if ( Data_From_STDIN ) {
     1706  if ( Data_From_STDIN )
    16851707    inputfile[0] = stdin;
    1687   }
    1688   else{
    1689     for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++){
    1691       log( SIGNATURE, "Opening input \"rfl\" file %s\n", inname_CT[ict] );
    1692       inputfile[ict] = fopen( inname_CT[ict], "r" );
    1694       if ( inputfile[ict] == NULL )
    1695         error( SIGNATURE, "Cannot open input file: %s\n", inname_CT[ict] );
    1696     }
    1698   }
     1709  else
     1710    {
     1711      for(int ict = 0; ict < ct_Number; ict++)
     1712        {
     1713          log( SIGNATURE, "Opening input \"rfl\" file %s\n", inname_CT[ict] );
     1714          inputfile[ict] = fopen( inname_CT[ict], "r" );
     1716          if ( inputfile[ict] == NULL )
     1717            error( SIGNATURE, "Cannot open input file: %s\n", inname_CT[ict] );
     1718        }
     1719    }
    17001721  // get signature, and check it
    1702   for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++){
    1703     if((reflector_file_version=check_reflector_file( inputfile[ict] ))==FALSE){
    1704       exit(1);
    1705     }
     1723  for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++)
     1724    {
     1725      if((reflector_file_version=check_reflector_file( inputfile[ict] ))==FALSE)
     1726        exit(1);
    17081729  // open data file
    24632484                //  Fill the header of this event
    24642485                //
    24662487                EvtHeader[ict]
    24672488                  ->FillHeader ( (UInt_t) (ntshow + nshow) ,  20 ) ;
    25942615              }
    25952616            }
    2596             //   We don not count photons out of the camera.   
     2617            //   We do not count photons out of the camera.     
    29853006       <<  SIGNATURE << '\n' << '\n'
    29863007       << "Processor of the reflector output\n"
    2987        << "J C Gonzalez, Jun 1998\n"
     3008       << "J. C. Gonzalez, Jun 1998\n"
     3009       << "O. Blanch, A. Moralejo, 2004\n"
    29883010       << "##################################################\n\n"
    29893011       << flush ;
     4444// Function DoCalibration. A. Moralejo October 2004
     4448int DoCalibration(MFadc **Fadc_CT, MTrigger **Trigger_CT,
     4449                  TObjArray camgeom,
     4450                  float *nsb_trigresp, float *nsb_fadcresp,
     4451                  MLons *lons, MLons *lons_outer,
     4452                  float **nsb_phepns, int addElecNoise,
     4453                  TTree *EvtTree, MRawEvtHeader **EvtHeader,
     4454                  MMcEvt **McEvt, MRawEvtData** EvtData)
     4457  int ntshow = 0;
     4458  int lons_return;
     4460  int *ntotphe = new int[ct_Number];
     4461  int *ntotphot = new int[ct_Number];
     4462  float *nphe_from_nsb = new float[ct_Number];
     4464  float timefirst = 0.;
     4465  float timelast = 0.;
     4467  TArrayC *fadcValues;     //@< the analog Fadc High gain signal for pixels
     4468  TArrayC *fadcValuesLow;  //@< the analog Fadc Low gain signal for pixels
     4470  // allocate space for FADC info
     4471  fadcValues    =  new TArrayC(FADC_slices_written);
     4472  fadcValuesLow =  new TArrayC(FADC_slices_written);
     4475  // allocate space for PMTs numbers of pixels
     4476  float *pheinpix = new float [ct_NPixels];
     4478  for (int calevent = 0; calevent < 1; calevent++)
     4479    {
     4480      //
     4481      // Clear Trigger and Fadc
     4482      //
     4483      for(int ict = 0; ict < ct_Number; ict++)
     4484        {
     4485          Trigger_CT[ict]->Reset() ;
     4486          Trigger_CT[ict]->ClearFirst();
     4487          Trigger_CT[ict]->ClearZero();
     4488          Fadc_CT[ict]->Reset() ;
     4490          ntotphe[ict] = ntotphot[ict] = 0;
     4491          nphe_from_nsb[ict] = 0.;
     4493        }
     4495      ntshow++;
     4497      if((ntshow+1)%100 == 1)
     4498        log(SIGNATURE, "Event %d\n", ntshow);
     4500      // Produce the photoelectrons
     4501      float phot_per_pix = 100.;
     4502      for(int ict = 0; ict < ct_Number; ict++)
     4503        produce_calib_phes( (MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict)),
     4504                            phot_per_pix,
     4505                            Trigger_CT[ict],
     4506                            Fadc_CT[ict],
     4507                            &(ntotphe[ict]),
     4508                            pheinpix,
     4509                            &(ntotphot[ict]),
     4510                            ict);
     4512      // NSB simulation
     4514      if(lons && lons_outer)
     4515        {
     4516          //  Fill trigger and fadc response in the trigger class from the NSB database
     4518          for (int ict = 0; ict < ct_Number; ict++)
     4519            {
     4520              for (UInt_t ui = 0;
     4521                  ui < ((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict)))->GetNumPixels();
     4522                  ui++)
     4523                {
     4524                  nphe_from_nsb[ict] += nsb_phepns[ict][ui];
     4526                  if (nsb_phepns[ict][ui] > 0.0)
     4527                    {
     4528                      if((*((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict))))[ui].GetD() >
     4529                         (*((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict))))[0].GetD())
     4530                        lons_return = lons_outer->GetResponse(nsb_phepns[ict][ui],0.01,
     4531                                                              & nsb_trigresp[0],
     4532                                                              & nsb_fadcresp[0]);
     4533                      else
     4534                        lons_return = lons->GetResponse(nsb_phepns[ict][ui],0.01,
     4535                                                        & nsb_trigresp[0],
     4536                                                        & nsb_fadcresp[0]);
     4538                      if (lons_return == 0)
     4539                        {
     4540                          cout << "Exiting.\n";
     4541                          exit(1);
     4542                        }
     4544                      Fadc_CT[ict]->AddSignal(ui,nsb_fadcresp);
     4545                    }
     4546                }
     4547            }
     4549        }// end if(simulateNSB) ...
     4552      //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     4553      // at this point we have a camera full of
     4554      // ph.e.s
     4555      //--------------------------------------------------
     4557      //   now the noise of the electronic
     4558      //   (preamps, optical transmission,..)  is introduced.
     4559      //   
     4561      for (int ict = 0; ict < ct_Number; ict++)
     4562        {
     4563          if (addElecNoise)
     4564            Fadc_CT[ict]->ElecNoise();
     4566          //  now a shift in the fadc signal due to the pedestals is
     4567          //  introduced
     4568          //  This is done inside the class MFadc by the method Pedestals
     4570          Fadc_CT[ict]->Pedestals();
     4572          // Set the trigger time. The 3 ns are such that the pulse appears well
     4573          // centered if the FADC range is the usual 50 ns.
     4574          // If you want to shift the pulse position, do not change the value here,
     4575          // use the option trigger_delay in the input card instead.
     4577          Fadc_CT[ict]->TriggeredFadc(3.);
     4579          //
     4580          // Fill the event header information
     4581          //
     4582          EvtHeader[ict]->FillHeader((UInt_t) calevent, 0);
     4584          McEvt[ict]->Fill( 0, 0, 0., -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
     4585                            0., 0., 0., timefirst, timelast, 0., 0., 0.,
     4586                            0., 0., 0., 0., 0, 0, 0,
     4587                            (UInt_t) ntotphot[ict],
     4588                            (UInt_t) ntotphe[ict],
     4589                            (UInt_t) nphe_from_nsb[ict]+ ntotphe[ict],
     4590                            0., 0., 0.);
     4592          //
     4593          // Fill the FADC information
     4594          //
     4595          for(UInt_t ui=0;
     4596              ui<((MGeomCam*)(camgeom.UncheckedAt(ict)))->GetNumPixels();
     4597              ui++)
     4598            {
     4599              for (int jslice = 0; jslice < FADC_slices_written; jslice++)
     4600                {
     4601                  fadcValues->AddAt(Fadc_CT[ict]->GetFadcSignal(ui, jslice),jslice);
     4602                  fadcValuesLow->AddAt(Fadc_CT[ict]->GetFadcLowGainSignal(ui,jslice),jslice);
     4603                }
     4604              EvtData[ict]->AddPixel(ui,fadcValues,0);
     4605              EvtData[ict]->AddPixel(ui,fadcValuesLow,kTRUE);
     4606            }
     4607        }
     4609      EvtTree->Fill();
     4611      //    clear all
     4612      for(int ict=0;ict<ct_Number;ict++)
     4613        {
     4614          EvtHeader[ict]->Clear() ;
     4615          EvtData[ict]->ResetPixels(0,0);
     4616          McEvt[ict]->Clear() ;
     4617        }
     4618    }
     4620  return(0);
     4626// Function produce_calib_phes, A. Moralejo Oct 2004
     4630int produce_calib_phes( MGeomCam *camgeom,      // The camera layout
     4631                        float     phot_per_pix, // Average number of photons per inner pixel
     4632                        MTrigger *trigger,
     4633                        MFadc    *fadc,
     4634                        int      *itotnphe,     // total number of produced photoelectrons             
     4635                        float    *nphe,         // number of photoelectrons in each pixel
     4636                        int      *nphot,        // total number of photons in all pixels
     4637                        int       ict           // Telescope that is being analised to get the right QE.
     4638                        )
     4641  int   ipixnum;
     4642  float cx, cy, wl, time, phi, phi_deg, qe;
     4643  float **qept;
     4644  float radius_mm, focal_dist_mm;
     4646  // reset variables
     4648  for ( uint i = 0; i < camgeom->GetNumPixels(); i++ )
     4649    nphe[i] = 0.0;
     4651  *itotnphe = 0;
     4652  *nphot = 0;
     4654  TRandom random;
     4655  random.SetSeed((Int_t)(get_seeds(0)*get_seeds(1)));
     4657  //
     4658  // Create photons and "map" them into the pixels
     4659  //
     4661  // Maximum radius of camera:
     4662  radius_mm = camgeom->GetMaxRadius();
     4664  // Distance from center of mirror dish to camera plane:
     4665  focal_dist_mm = camgeom->GetCameraDist()*1000;
     4667  // Cosine of the angle between telescope axis and line from center of mirror
     4668  // dish to the edge of the camera:
     4669  float cos_epsilon_max = cos(atan2(radius_mm, focal_dist_mm));
     4672  // Calculate total number of photons to be produced.
     4673  int total_photons = (int) (phot_per_pix * 3.14159265 * radius_mm * radius_mm /
     4674                             (*camgeom)[0].GetA());
     4676  // loop over the photons
     4678  for (int iph = 0; iph < total_photons; iph++)
     4679    {
     4681      time = 0.;
     4683      // Obtain photon coordinates on the camera. We assume a point source of light placed
     4684      // in the center of the mirror dish.
     4686      // polar angle
     4687      float psi = RandomNumber * 2 * 3.14159265;
     4688      // angle between the telescope axis and the photon trajectory.
     4689      float epsilon = acos(1.-RandomNumber*(1.-cos_epsilon_max));
     4690      float tanepsilon = tan(epsilon);
     4692      cx = focal_dist_mm*tanepsilon*cos(psi); // mm
     4693      cy = focal_dist_mm*tanepsilon*sin(psi); // mm
     4695      // Angle between photon trajectory and camera plane:
     4696      phi = 3.14159265/2.-epsilon; // rad
     4698      // wavelength
     4700      wl = 500.; // nm
     4703      if( (wl > WAVEBANDBOUND6) || (wl < WAVEBANDBOUND1) ||
     4704          (sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy) > radius_mm ) )
     4705        continue;
     4707      //
     4708      // Pixelization
     4709      //
     4710      ipixnum = bpoint_is_in_pix(cx, cy, camgeom);
     4712      // -1 = the photon is in none of the pixels
     4713      //  0 = the phton is in the central pixel, which is not used
     4714      if (ipixnum==-1 || ipixnum==0)
     4715        continue;
     4717      // increase number of photons within pixels
     4718      *nphot += 1;
     4720      //
     4721      // QE simulation
     4722      //   
     4723      // set pointer to the QE table of the relevant pixel
     4725      qept = (float **)QE[ict][ipixnum];
     4727      // check if wl is inside table; outside the table, QE is assumed to be zero
     4729      if((wl < qept[0][0]) || (wl > qept[0][pointsQE[ict]-1]))
     4730        continue;
     4733      // find data point in the QE table (-> k)
     4734      int k = 1; // start at 1 because the condition was already tested for 0
     4735      while (k < pointsQE[ict]-1 && qept[0][k] < wl)
     4736        k++;
     4738      // calculate the qe value between 0. and 1.
     4740      qe = lin_interpol(qept[0][k-1], qept[1][k-1], qept[0][k], qept[1][k], wl) / 100.0;
     4743      //
     4744      // Apply incient angular correction due to Light Guides, plexiglas,
     4745      // 1st dynode collection efficiency, double crossings... etc.
     4746      // This information is contained in the file Data/LightCollection.dat,
     4747      // and has been read into the array WC (which stands for "Winston Cones")
     4748      //
     4749      phi_deg = phi*180./3.14159265;
     4751      // find data point in the WC table (-> k)
     4753      if ( camgeom->GetPixRatio(ipixnum) < 1.) // => Pixel is outer pixel
     4754        {
     4755          k = 0;
     4756          while (k < pointsWC-1 && WC_outer[0][k] < phi_deg)
     4757            k++;
     4758          // correct the qe with WC data.
     4759          qe = qe*lin_interpol(WC_outer[0][k-1], WC_outer[1][k-1],
     4760                               WC_outer[0][k],   WC_outer[1][k], phi_deg);
     4761        }
     4763      else    // => Pixel is inner pixel
     4764        {
     4765          k = 0;
     4766          while (k < pointsWC-1 && WC[0][k] < phi_deg)
     4767            k++;
     4768          // correct the qe with WC data.
     4769          qe = qe*lin_interpol(WC[0][k-1], WC[1][k-1], WC[0][k], WC[1][k], phi_deg);
     4770        }
     4773      // if random > quantum efficiency, reject it
     4775      if ( (RandomNumber) > qe ) {
     4776        continue;
     4777      }
     4779      //
     4780      // The photon has produced a photo electron
     4781      //
     4783      // increment the number of photoelectrons in the relevant pixel
     4785      nphe[ipixnum] += 1.;
     4787      // store the new photoelectron
     4789      fadc->Fill(ipixnum,(time) ,
     4790                 trigger->FillShow(ipixnum, time),
     4791                 !((*camgeom)[ipixnum].GetD()>(*camgeom)[0].GetD()));
     4793      *itotnphe += 1;
     4794    }
     4796  return(0);
    44194801// @endcode
    44274809// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
     4810// Revision 1.72  2004/10/12 13:39:34  moralejo
     4812// Lots of changes intended to make it possible to select the FADC sampling
     4813// frequency from the input card, through the command fadc_GHz. The most
     4814// important ones are the following:
     4816//  - Removed FADC_SLICES de Mars/mmc/Mdefine.h
     4817//    Already defined in MFadcDefine.h!
     4819//  - Replaced fixed numbers in array dimensions of starresponse.cxx
     4821//  - Added in MFadc.cxx and MFadc.hxx (Float_t) casts to initializations
     4822//    of single phe response array
     4824//  - IMPORTANT: Fixed MFadc::GetResponse  -> The returned single phe response
     4825//    had only RESPONSE_SLICES (which is actually for the trigger branch),
     4826//    whereas it should have RESPONSE_SLICES_MFADC. Fixed the same confusion
     4827//    in other two points of the code (filling of the FADC for the signal),
     4828//    in Fill() and FillOuter().
     4830//  - RESPONSE_SLICES_MFADC is now eliminated, since this quantity is now
     4831//    decided by MFadc depending on other parameters.
     4833//  - Fixed problem in starresponse.cxx due to which the histograms fadcresp
     4834//    and fadcbase in the root output were actually identical.
     4836//  - Changed starresponse.cxx such that above 1 phe/ns/pixel the precision
     4837//    of the database is forced to be 0.1, and below 1, to 0.01 phe/ns/pixel
     4839//  - In Camera/creadparam.cxx: Now unkown tokens cause the program to stop,
     4840//    instead of being simply skipped as it was until now.
     4842//  - Fixed error in MStarLight::StoreHisto. TH1::SetBinContent uses bin numbers
     4843//    from 1 to nbins (in old code 0 to nbins-1 was assumed).
     4845//  - In MLons.cxx: use memcpy to copy pieces of the database into the FADC and
     4846//    trigger branches, to (hopefully) speed up execution. For this I had to add
     4847//    2 getter functions in MStarLight.hxx
     4849//  - Everywhere: changed the shape parameter for trigger and FADC response to
     4850//    be an Int. Changed version of NSB database from 1002 to 1003.
     4852//  - In MTrigger.cxx, changed all initializations of SlicesFirst and
     4853//    SlicesSecond to 0 (instead of -50 as it was before). This controls the
     4854//    time of trigger. If no trigger happened (like when making pedestal files)
     4855//    the time was negative and the array index used to retrieve the noise from
     4856//    the database was negative, resulting in "discontinuities" in the noise
     4857//    (half-photoelectrons for instance).
     4859//  - In MStarLight changed fBinsTrig  and fBinsFadc from Float_t to Int_t
     4861//  - Replace WIDTH_FADC_TIMESLICE by FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC (which is the
     4862//    inverse of the former)
     4864//  - Replaced SLICES_PER_NSEC by TRIG_SLICES_PER_NSEC
     4866//  - TRIGBINS eliminated. It depends on other two values
     4869//  - FADCBINS eliminated. It depends on other two values
     4872//  - MTriggerDefine.h  Changed RESPONSE_SLICES to RESPONSE_SLICES_TRIG
     4874//  - Added to the MLons constructor an argument regarding the FADC sampling
     4875//    frequency
     4877//  - MFadc: now the number of response slices for the FADC simulation is
     4878//    decided by the program according to the other parameters.
     4880//  - MStarLight: Added arguments (fadc_slices_per_ns, response_slices_fadc)
     4881//    to constructor.
     4883//  - creadparam.cxx, camera.cxx   Changed default value of digital_noise to 0.
    44284885// Revision 1.71  2004/09/17 09:20:52  moralejo
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