Changeset 5332 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mmuon
- Timestamp:
- 11/01/04 22:31:44 (20 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mmuon
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5210 r5332 46 46 #include <fstream> 47 47 48 #include <TH1.h>49 #include <TF1.h>50 #include <TMinuit.h>51 52 48 #include "MLog.h" 53 49 #include "MLogManip.h" 54 #include "MGeomCam.h"55 #include "MGeomPix.h"56 50 #include "MCerPhotEvt.h" 57 51 #include "MCerPhotPix.h" … … 91 85 fHistWidth->UseCurrentStyle(); 92 86 93 fEnableImpactCalc = kFALSE; // By default the calculation of impact parameter is skipped.94 fDisablePreCuts = kFALSE; // By default the pre cuts will be applied.95 fUseCleanForWidth = kFALSE; // By default all the pixels will be used for the histogram of arc width.96 97 87 fMargin = 60.; // in mm 98 88 fArcPhiThres = 100.; … … 102 92 fArcPhiHistEndVal = 180.; // deg. 103 93 fArcWidthBinNum = 28; 104 fArcWidthHistStartVal = 0.3; 105 fArcWidthHistEndVal = 1.7; 94 fArcWidthHistStartVal = 0.3; // deg. 95 fArcWidthHistEndVal = 1.7; // deg. 106 96 } 107 97 … … 127 117 fUseUnmap = kFALSE; 128 118 fPeakPhi = 0.; 119 120 fHistPhi->Reset(); 121 fHistWidth->Reset(); 129 122 } 130 131 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------132 //133 // This function fill the histograms in order to get muon parameters.134 // For the evaluation of the Arc Width, we use only the signals in the inner135 // part. You can use the image after the cleaning by using the function of136 // UseCleanForWidth(). See the manual of MMuonCalibParCalc.137 //138 void MMuonCalibPar::FillHist139 ( const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt,140 const MMuonSearchPar &musearch)141 {142 // preparation for a histgram143 MBinning binsphi;144 binsphi.SetEdges(fArcPhiBinNum, fArcPhiHistStartVal, fArcPhiHistEndVal);145 binsphi.Apply(*fHistPhi);146 147 MBinning binswid;148 binswid.SetEdges(fArcWidthBinNum, fArcWidthHistStartVal, fArcWidthHistEndVal);149 binswid.Apply(*fHistWidth);150 151 const Int_t entries = evt.GetNumPixels();152 153 // the position of the center of a muon ring154 const Float_t cenx = musearch.GetCenterX();155 const Float_t ceny = musearch.GetCenterY();156 157 for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++ )158 {159 MCerPhotPix &pix = (evt)[i];160 161 const MGeomPix &gpix = (geom)[pix.GetPixId()];162 163 const Float_t dx = gpix.GetX() - cenx;164 const Float_t dy = gpix.GetY() - ceny;165 166 const Float_t dist = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);167 168 Float_t ang = TMath::ACos(dx/dist);169 if(dy>0)170 ang *= -1.0;171 172 // if the signal is not near the estimated circle, it is ignored.173 if(dist < musearch.GetRadius() + fMargin && dist > musearch.GetRadius() - fMargin)174 {175 // check whether ummapped pixel is used or not.176 // if it is so, ingnore the pixel information since the pixels totally deteriorate the muon information.177 if(pix.IsPixelUnmapped())178 {179 fUseUnmap = kTRUE;180 continue;181 }182 fHistPhi->Fill(ang*kRad2Deg, pix.GetNumPhotons());183 fMuonSize += pix.GetNumPhotons();184 }185 186 if(pix.GetPixId()>397)187 continue; // use only the inner pixles188 189 if(fUseCleanForWidth)190 {191 if(!pix.IsPixelUsed())192 continue;193 }194 195 fHistWidth->Fill(dist*geom.GetConvMm2Deg(), pix.GetNumPhotons());196 }197 198 199 // error estimation (temporaly)200 // The error is estimated from the signal. In order to do so, we have to201 // once convert the signal from ADC to photo-electron. Then we can get202 // the fluctuation such as F-factor*sqrt(phe).203 // Up to now, the error of pedestal is not taken into accout. This is not204 // of course correct. We will include this soon.205 Double_t ADC2PhEl = 0.14;206 Double_t Ffactor = 1.4;207 for(Int_t i=0; i<fArcPhiBinNum+1; i++)208 {209 Float_t rougherr = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i))*ADC2PhEl)/ADC2PhEl*Ffactor;210 {211 fHistPhi->SetBinError(i, rougherr);212 }213 }214 for(Int_t i=0; i<fArcWidthBinNum+1; i++)215 {216 Float_t rougherr = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i))*ADC2PhEl)/ADC2PhEl*Ffactor;217 {218 fHistWidth->SetBinError(i, rougherr);219 }220 }221 }222 223 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------224 //225 // Photon distribution along the estimated circle is fitted with theoritical226 // function in order to get some more information such as Arc Phi and Arc Length.227 //228 void MMuonCalibPar::CalcPhi229 (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt,230 const MMuonSearchPar &musearch)231 {232 Float_t convbin2val = (fArcPhiHistEndVal-fArcPhiHistStartVal)/233 (Float_t)fArcPhiBinNum;234 235 // adjust the peak to 0236 Float_t maxval = 0.;237 Int_t maxbin = 0;238 maxval = fHistPhi->GetMaximum();239 maxbin = fHistPhi->GetMaximumBin();240 fPeakPhi = 180.-(Float_t)(maxbin-1)*convbin2val;241 TArrayD tmp;242 tmp.Set(fArcPhiBinNum+1);243 for(Int_t i=1; i<fArcPhiBinNum+1; i++)244 {245 tmp[i] = fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i);246 }247 for(Int_t i=1; i<fArcPhiBinNum+1; i++)248 {249 Int_t id;250 id = i + (maxbin-(Int_t)((Float_t)fArcPhiBinNum/2.)-1);251 if(id>fArcPhiBinNum)252 {253 id-=(fArcPhiBinNum);254 }255 if(id<=0)256 {257 id+=(fArcPhiBinNum);258 }259 fHistPhi->SetBinContent(i,tmp[id]);260 }261 maxbin = (Int_t)((Float_t)fArcPhiBinNum/2.)+1;262 263 // Determination of fitting region264 // The threshold is fixed with 100 [photons or ADC] in a bin. Therefore,265 // if you change the bin number, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THIS VALUE!!!266 Float_t startfitval = 0.;267 Float_t endfitval = 0.;268 Bool_t IsInMaxim = kFALSE;269 Int_t effbinnum = 0;270 for(Int_t i=1; i<fArcPhiBinNum+1; i++)271 {272 Float_t content = fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i);273 Float_t content_pre = fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i-1);274 275 if(content > fArcPhiThres && content_pre < fArcPhiThres)276 {277 startfitval = (Float_t)(i-1)*convbin2val+fArcPhiHistStartVal;278 }279 if(i==maxbin)280 IsInMaxim = kTRUE;281 282 if(content < fArcPhiThres && IsInMaxim == kTRUE)283 {284 endfitval = (Float_t)(i-1)*convbin2val+fArcPhiHistStartVal;285 break;286 }287 endfitval = fArcPhiHistEndVal;288 }289 290 effbinnum = (Int_t)((endfitval-startfitval)/convbin2val);291 292 fArcPhi = effbinnum*convbin2val;293 fArcLength = fArcPhi*3.1415926/180.*musearch.GetRadius()*geom.GetConvMm2Deg();294 295 if(fEnableImpactCalc)296 CalcImpact(geom, musearch, effbinnum, startfitval, endfitval);297 }298 299 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------300 //301 // An impact parameter is calculated by fitting the histogram of photon302 // distribution along the circle with a theoritical model.303 // (See G. Vacanti et. al., Astroparticle Physics 2, 1994, 1-11.304 // The function (6) is used here.)305 //306 // By default this calculation is suppressed because this calculation is307 // very time consuming. If you want to calculate an impact parameter,308 // you can call the function of EnableImpactCalc().309 //310 void MMuonCalibPar::CalcImpact311 ( const MGeomCam &geom, const MMuonSearchPar &musearch,312 Int_t effbinnum, Float_t startfitval, Float_t endfitval)313 {314 // Fit the distribution with Vacanti function. The function is different315 // for the impact parameter of inside or outside of our reflector.316 // Then two different functions are applied to the photon distribution,317 // and the one which give us smaller chisquare value is taken as a318 // proper one.319 Double_t val1,err1,val2,err2;320 // impact parameter inside mirror radius (8.5m)321 TString func1;322 Float_t tmpval = musearch.GetRadius()*geom.GetConvMm2Deg()*3.1415926/180.;323 tmpval = sin(2.*tmpval)*8.5;324 func1 += "[0]*";325 func1 += tmpval;326 func1 += "*(sqrt(1.-([1]/8.5)**2*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.)**2)+([1]/8.5)*cos((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))";327 328 TF1 f1("f1",func1,startfitval,endfitval);329 f1.SetParameters(2000,3,0);330 f1.SetParLimits(1,0,8.5);331 f1.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.);332 333 fHistPhi->Fit("f1","RQEM");334 335 Float_t chi1 = -1;336 Float_t chi2 = -1;337 if(effbinnum>3)338 chi1 = f1.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3));339 340 gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val1,err1); // get the estimated IP341 Float_t estip1 = val1;342 343 // impact parameter beyond mirror area (8.5m)344 TString func2;345 Float_t tmpval2 = musearch.GetRadius()*geom.GetConvMm2Deg()*3.1415926/180.;346 tmpval2 = sin(2.*tmpval2)*8.5*2.;347 func2 += "[0]*";348 func2 += tmpval2;349 func2 += "*sqrt(1.-(([1]/8.5)*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))**2)";350 351 TF1 f2("f2",func2,startfitval,endfitval);352 f2.SetParameters(2000,20,0);353 f2.SetParLimits(1,8.5,300.);354 f2.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.);355 356 fHistPhi->Fit("f2","RQEM+");357 358 if(effbinnum>3)359 chi2 = f2.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3));360 361 gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val2,err2); // get the estimated IP362 Float_t estip2 = val2;363 364 if(effbinnum<=3)365 {366 fEstImpact = -1.;367 }368 if(chi2 > chi1)369 {370 fEstImpact = estip1;371 fChiArcPhi = chi1;372 }373 else374 {375 fEstImpact = estip2;376 fChiArcPhi = chi2;377 }378 }379 380 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------381 //382 // Photon distribution of distance from the center of estimated ring is383 // fitted in order to get some more information such as ARC WIDTH which384 // can represent to the PSF of our reflector.385 //386 Float_t MMuonCalibPar::CalcWidth387 (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt,388 const MMuonSearchPar &musearch)389 {390 Float_t convbin2val = (fArcWidthHistEndVal - fArcWidthHistStartVal)391 /(Float_t)fArcWidthBinNum;392 393 // determination of fitting region394 Int_t maxbin = fHistWidth->GetMaximumBin();395 Float_t startfitval = 0.;396 Float_t endfitval = 0.;397 Bool_t IsInMaxim = kFALSE;398 Int_t effbinnum = 0;399 for(Int_t i=1; i<fArcWidthBinNum+1; i++)400 {401 Float_t content = fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i);402 Float_t content_pre = fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i-1);403 404 if(content > fArcWidthThres)405 effbinnum++;406 407 if(content > fArcWidthThres && content_pre < fArcWidthThres)408 {409 startfitval = (Float_t)(i-4)*convbin2val + fArcWidthHistStartVal;410 if(startfitval<0.) startfitval = 0.;411 }412 if(i==maxbin)413 IsInMaxim = kTRUE;414 415 if(content < fArcWidthThres && IsInMaxim == kTRUE)416 {417 endfitval = (Float_t)(i+2)*convbin2val + fArcWidthHistStartVal;418 if(endfitval>180.) endfitval = 180.;419 break;420 }421 endfitval = fArcWidthHistEndVal;422 }423 effbinnum = (Int_t)((endfitval-startfitval)/convbin2val);424 425 TF1 f1("f1","gaus",startfitval,endfitval);426 427 fHistWidth->Fit("f1","QR","",startfitval,endfitval);428 429 if(effbinnum>3)430 fChiArcWidth = f1.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3));431 432 Double_t val,err;433 gMinuit->GetParameter(2,val,err); // get the sigma value434 435 return val;436 }437 438 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------439 //440 // Calculation of muon parameters441 //442 Int_t MMuonCalibPar::Calc443 (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt,444 MMuonSearchPar &musearch, const Float_t *cuts)445 {446 // sanity check447 if(evt.GetNumPixels() < 3)448 return kCONTINUE;449 450 // If an event does not seem to be like muon, the calculation will be skipped.451 if(musearch.IsNoMuon())452 return kCONTINUE;453 454 // Pre Cuts 1455 if(!fDisablePreCuts)456 {457 if(musearch.GetRadius() < cuts[0] || musearch.GetRadius() > cuts[1])458 {459 musearch.SetNoMuon();460 return kCONTINUE;461 }462 if(musearch.GetDeviation() > cuts[2])463 {464 musearch.SetNoMuon();465 return kCONTINUE;466 }467 }468 469 Reset();470 471 FillHist(geom,evt,musearch);472 473 CalcPhi(geom,evt,musearch);474 475 // Pre Cuts 2476 if(!fDisablePreCuts)477 {478 if(fMuonSize < cuts[3] || fArcPhi < cuts[4])479 {480 musearch.SetNoMuon();481 return kCONTINUE;482 }483 }484 485 fArcWidth = CalcWidth(geom,evt,musearch);486 487 SetReadyToSave();488 489 return kTRUE;490 }491 123 492 124 void MMuonCalibPar::Print(Option_t *) const -
r5325 r5332 30 30 // Task to calculate the muon parameters 31 31 // 32 // This class allows you to get more muon information especially useful efor32 // This class allows you to get more muon information especially useful for 33 33 // the calibration of our telescope. This class store the information into the 34 // container of MMuonCalibPar. The actual calculation is done in the class of 35 // MMuonCalibPar. Please see the manual. 34 // container of MMuonCalibPar. 36 35 // 37 36 // In order to make this class work, we need the information of the arc … … 53 52 // the followings; 54 53 // 54 // mucalibcalc.SetMargin(60.); 55 // 56 // You can retrieve the histogram (TH1F) using the function of GetHistPhi() 57 // (also GetHistWid()). Therefore, you can draw the histogram such as 58 // 55 59 // MParList plist; 56 60 // MMuonCalibPar muparcalib; 57 61 // plist.AddToList(&muparcalib);. 58 // muparcalib.SetMargin(60.);59 //60 // You can retrieve the histogram (TH1F) using the function of GetHistPhi()61 // (also GetHistWid()). Therefore, you can draw the histogram such as62 //63 62 // muparcalib.GetHistPhi().Draw();. 64 63 // … … 73 72 // namely; 74 73 // 75 // mu parcalib.EnableImpactCalc();.74 // mucalibcalc.EnableImpactCalc();. 76 75 // 77 76 // In addition, for the faster comutation, pre cuts to select the candidates … … 86 85 // function of DisablePreCuts(), namely; 87 86 // 88 // mu parcalib.DisablePreCuts();.87 // mucalibcalc.DisablePreCuts();. 89 88 // 90 89 // … … 97 96 // done correctly. 98 97 // 99 // Because of this rough treatment of the error, it may be better to use100 // the image after the cleaning for the evaluation of the Arc Width. There101 // is a possibility to use the image after the cleaning for the Arc Width.102 // You can use the function of UseCleanForWid(). However, this treatment103 // should be temporal and if the problem of the error is fixed, this function104 // will be removed.105 //106 98 // 107 99 // Input Containers: … … 119 111 #include <fstream> 120 112 113 #include <TH1.h> 114 #include <TF1.h> 115 #include <TMinuit.h> 116 121 117 #include "MParList.h" 122 118 123 119 #include "MGeomCam.h" 120 #include "MGeomPix.h" 124 121 #include "MSrcPosCam.h" 125 122 #include "MCerPhotEvt.h" … … 128 125 #include "MLog.h" 129 126 #include "MLogManip.h" 127 #include "MBinning.h" 130 128 131 129 using namespace std; … … 141 139 // 142 140 MMuonCalibParCalc::MMuonCalibParCalc(const char *name, const char *title) 143 : f CerPhotName("MCerPhotEvt")141 : fNameCerPhot("MCerPhotEvt") 144 142 { 145 143 fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); … … 151 149 fPreCuts[3] = 2000.; 152 150 fPreCuts[4] = 150.; 151 152 fMargin = 60.; 153 fArcPhiThres = 100.; 154 fArcWidthThres = 100.; 155 156 fEnableImpactCalc = kFALSE; // By default the calculation of impact parameter is skipped. 157 fDisablePreCuts = kFALSE; // By default the pre cuts will be applied. 153 158 } 154 159 … … 157 162 Int_t MMuonCalibParCalc::PreProcess(MParList *pList) 158 163 { 159 fCerPhotEvt = (MCerPhotEvt*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(fCerPhotName), "MCerPhotEvt"); 160 if (!fCerPhotEvt) 161 { 162 *fLog << err << fCerPhotName << " [MCerPhotEvt] not found... aborting." << endl; 163 return kFALSE; 164 } 165 166 fGeomCam = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam"); 167 if (!fGeomCam) 168 { 169 *fLog << err << "MGeomCam not found... aborting." << endl; 170 return kFALSE; 171 } 172 173 fMuonCalibPar = (MMuonCalibPar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMuonCalibPar"); 174 if (!fMuonCalibPar) 175 return kFALSE; 176 177 fMuonSearchPar = (MMuonSearchPar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMuonSearchPar"); 178 if (!fMuonSearchPar) 179 return kFALSE; 180 181 return kTRUE; 182 } 164 fCerPhotEvt = (MCerPhotEvt*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(fNameCerPhot), "MCerPhotEvt"); 165 if (!fCerPhotEvt) 166 { 167 *fLog << dbginf << "MCerPhotEvt not found... aborting." << endl; 168 return kFALSE; 169 } 170 171 fGeomCam = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam"); 172 if (!fGeomCam) 173 { 174 *fLog << dbginf << "MGeomCam (Camera Geometry) missing in Parameter List... aborting." << endl; 175 return kFALSE; 176 } 177 178 fMuonCalibPar = (MMuonCalibPar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMuonCalibPar", "MMuonCalibPar"); 179 if (!fMuonCalibPar) 180 { 181 *fLog << dbginf << "MMuonCalibPar missing in Parameter List... aborting." << endl; 182 return kFALSE; 183 } 184 185 fMuonSearchPar = (MMuonSearchPar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMuonSearchPar", "MMuonSearchPar"); 186 if (!fMuonSearchPar) 187 { 188 *fLog << dbginf << "MMuonSearchPar missing in Parameter List... aborting." << endl; 189 return kFALSE; 190 } 191 192 return kTRUE; 193 } 194 195 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196 // 197 // This function fill the histograms in order to get muon parameters. 198 // For the evaluation of the Arc Width, we use only the signals in the inner 199 // part. 200 // 201 void MMuonCalibParCalc::FillHist() 202 { 203 Float_t MuonSize = 0.; 204 205 Int_t binnumphi = fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiBinNum; 206 Int_t binnumwid = fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthBinNum; 207 208 // preparation for a histgram 209 MBinning binsphi; 210 binsphi.SetEdges(binnumphi, 211 fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiHistStartVal, 212 fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiHistEndVal); 213 binsphi.Apply(*(fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi)); 214 215 MBinning binswid; 216 binswid.SetEdges(binnumwid, 217 fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthHistStartVal, 218 fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthHistEndVal); 219 binswid.Apply(*(fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth)); 220 221 const Int_t entries = (*fCerPhotEvt).GetNumPixels(); 222 223 // the position of the center of a muon ring 224 const Float_t cenx = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetCenterX(); 225 const Float_t ceny = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetCenterY(); 226 227 for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++ ) 228 { 229 MCerPhotPix &pix = (*fCerPhotEvt)[i]; 230 231 const MGeomPix &gpix = (*fGeomCam)[pix.GetPixId()]; 232 233 const Float_t dx = gpix.GetX() - cenx; 234 const Float_t dy = gpix.GetY() - ceny; 235 236 const Float_t dist = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); 237 238 Float_t ang = TMath::ACos(dx/dist); 239 if(dy>0) 240 ang *= -1.0; 241 242 // if the signal is not near the estimated circle, it is ignored. 243 if(dist < (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius() + fMuonCalibPar->GetMargin() 244 && dist > (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius() - fMuonCalibPar->GetMargin()) 245 { 246 // check whether ummapped pixel is used or not. 247 // if it is so, ingnore the pixel information since the pixels totally deteriorate the muon information. 248 if(pix.IsPixelUnmapped()) 249 { 250 fMuonCalibPar->SetUseUnmap(); 251 continue; 252 } 253 fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->Fill(ang*kRad2Deg, pix.GetNumPhotons()); 254 MuonSize += pix.GetNumPhotons(); 255 } 256 257 if(pix.GetPixId()>397) 258 continue; // use only the inner pixles 259 260 fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth 261 ->Fill(dist*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg(), pix.GetNumPhotons()); 262 } 263 264 fMuonCalibPar->SetMuonSize(MuonSize); 265 266 // error estimation (temporaly) 267 // The error is estimated from the signal. In order to do so, we have to 268 // once convert the signal from ADC to photo-electron. Then we can get 269 // the fluctuation such as F-factor*sqrt(phe). 270 // Up to now, the error of pedestal is not taken into accout. This is not 271 // of course correct. We will include this soon. 272 Double_t ADC2PhEl = 0.14; 273 Double_t Ffactor = 1.4; 274 for(Int_t i=0; i<binnumphi+1; i++) 275 { 276 Float_t rougherr = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i))*ADC2PhEl)/ADC2PhEl*Ffactor; 277 { 278 fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->SetBinError(i, rougherr); 279 } 280 } 281 for(Int_t i=0; i<binnumwid+1; i++) 282 { 283 Float_t rougherr = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i))*ADC2PhEl)/ADC2PhEl*Ffactor; 284 { 285 fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->SetBinError(i, rougherr); 286 } 287 } 288 } 289 290 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 291 // 292 // Photon distribution along the estimated circle is fitted with theoritical 293 // function in order to get some more information such as Arc Phi and Arc 294 // Length. 295 // 296 void MMuonCalibParCalc::CalcPhi() 297 { 298 Float_t thres = fMuonCalibPar->GetArcPhiThres(); 299 Float_t startval = fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiHistStartVal; 300 Float_t endval = fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiHistEndVal; 301 Int_t binnum = fMuonCalibPar->fArcPhiBinNum; 302 303 Float_t convbin2val = (endval-startval)/(Float_t)binnum; 304 305 // adjust the peak to 0 306 Float_t maxval = 0.; 307 Int_t maxbin = 0; 308 maxval = fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetMaximum(); 309 maxbin = fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetMaximumBin(); 310 fMuonCalibPar->SetPeakPhi(180.-(Float_t)(maxbin-1.)*convbin2val); 311 TArrayD tmp; 312 tmp.Set(binnum+1); 313 for(Int_t i=1; i<binnum+1; i++) 314 { 315 tmp[i] = fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i); 316 } 317 for(Int_t i=1; i<binnum+1; i++) 318 { 319 Int_t id; 320 id = i + (maxbin-(Int_t)((Float_t)binnum/2.)-1); 321 if(id>binnum) 322 { 323 id-=(binnum); 324 } 325 if(id<=0) 326 { 327 id+=(binnum); 328 } 329 fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->SetBinContent(i,tmp[id]); 330 } 331 maxbin = (Int_t)((Float_t)binnum/2.)+1; 332 333 // Determination of fitting region 334 // The threshold is fixed with 100 [photons or ADC] in a bin. Therefore, 335 // if you change the bin number, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THIS VALUE!!! 336 Float_t startfitval = 0.; 337 Float_t endfitval = 0.; 338 Bool_t IsInMaxim = kFALSE; 339 Int_t effbinnum = 0; 340 for(Int_t i=1; i<binnum+1; i++) 341 { 342 Float_t content = fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i); 343 Float_t content_pre = fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->GetBinContent(i-1); 344 345 if(content > thres && content_pre < thres) 346 { 347 startfitval = (Float_t)(i-1)*convbin2val+startval; 348 } 349 if(i==maxbin) 350 IsInMaxim = kTRUE; 351 352 if(content < thres && IsInMaxim == kTRUE) 353 { 354 endfitval = (Float_t)(i-1)*convbin2val+startval; 355 break; 356 } 357 endfitval = endval; 358 } 359 360 effbinnum = (Int_t)((endfitval-startfitval)/convbin2val); 361 362 fMuonCalibPar->SetArcPhi(endfitval-startfitval); 363 364 fMuonCalibPar->SetArcLength( fMuonCalibPar->GetArcPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()*(*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius()*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg()); 365 366 if(fEnableImpactCalc) 367 CalcImpact(effbinnum, startfitval, endfitval); 368 } 369 370 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 371 // 372 // An impact parameter is calculated by fitting the histogram of photon 373 // distribution along the circle with a theoritical model. 374 // (See G. Vacanti et. al., Astroparticle Physics 2, 1994, 1-11. 375 // The function (6) is used here.) 376 // 377 // By default this calculation is suppressed because this calculation is 378 // very time consuming. If you want to calculate an impact parameter, 379 // you can call the function of EnableImpactCalc(). 380 // 381 void MMuonCalibParCalc::CalcImpact 382 (Int_t effbinnum, Float_t startfitval, Float_t endfitval) 383 { 384 // Fit the distribution with Vacanti function. The function is different 385 // for the impact parameter of inside or outside of our reflector. 386 // Then two different functions are applied to the photon distribution, 387 // and the one which give us smaller chisquare value is taken as a 388 // proper one. 389 Double_t val1,err1,val2,err2; 390 // impact parameter inside mirror radius (8.5m) 391 TString func1; 392 Float_t tmpval = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius()*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg()*TMath::DegToRad(); 393 tmpval = sin(2.*tmpval)*8.5; 394 func1 += "[0]*"; 395 func1 += tmpval; 396 func1 += "*(sqrt(1.-([1]/8.5)**2*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.)**2)+([1]/8.5)*cos((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))"; 397 398 TF1 f1("f1",func1,startfitval,endfitval); 399 f1.SetParameters(2000,3,0); 400 f1.SetParLimits(1,0,8.5); 401 f1.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.); 402 403 fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->Fit("f1","RQEM"); 404 405 Float_t chi1 = -1; 406 Float_t chi2 = -1; 407 if(effbinnum>3) 408 chi1 = f1.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3)); 409 410 gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val1,err1); // get the estimated IP 411 Float_t estip1 = val1; 412 413 // impact parameter beyond mirror area (8.5m) 414 TString func2; 415 Float_t tmpval2 = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius()*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg()*TMath::DegToRad(); 416 tmpval2 = sin(2.*tmpval2)*8.5*2.; 417 func2 += "[0]*"; 418 func2 += tmpval2; 419 func2 += "*sqrt(1.-(([1]/8.5)*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))**2)"; 420 421 TF1 f2("f2",func2,startfitval,endfitval); 422 f2.SetParameters(2000,20,0); 423 f2.SetParLimits(1,8.5,300.); 424 f2.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.); 425 426 fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->Fit("f2","RQEM+"); 427 428 if(effbinnum>3) 429 chi2 = f2.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3)); 430 431 gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val2,err2); // get the estimated IP 432 Float_t estip2 = val2; 433 434 if(effbinnum<=3) 435 { 436 fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(-1.); 437 } 438 if(chi2 > chi1) 439 { 440 fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(estip1); 441 fMuonCalibPar->SetChiArcPhi(chi1); 442 } 443 else 444 { 445 fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(estip2); 446 fMuonCalibPar->SetChiArcPhi(chi2); 447 } 448 } 449 450 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 451 // 452 // Photon distribution of distance from the center of estimated ring is 453 // fitted in order to get some more information such as ARC WIDTH which 454 // can represent to the PSF of our reflector. 455 // 456 Float_t MMuonCalibParCalc::CalcWidth() 457 { 458 Float_t startval = fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthHistStartVal; 459 Float_t endval = fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthHistEndVal; 460 Int_t binnum = fMuonCalibPar->fArcWidthBinNum; 461 Float_t thres = fMuonCalibPar->GetArcWidthThres(); 462 463 Float_t convbin2val = (endval - startval) 464 /(Float_t)binnum; 465 466 // determination of fitting region 467 Int_t maxbin = fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->GetMaximumBin(); 468 Float_t startfitval = 0.; 469 Float_t endfitval = 0.; 470 Bool_t IsInMaxim = kFALSE; 471 Int_t effbinnum = 0; 472 for(Int_t i=1; i<binnum+1; i++) 473 { 474 Float_t content = fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i); 475 Float_t content_pre = fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->GetBinContent(i-1); 476 477 if(content > thres) 478 effbinnum++; 479 480 if(content > thres && content_pre < thres) 481 { 482 startfitval = (Float_t)(i-4)*convbin2val + startval; 483 if(startfitval<0.) startfitval = 0.; 484 } 485 if(i==maxbin) 486 IsInMaxim = kTRUE; 487 488 if(content < thres && IsInMaxim == kTRUE) 489 { 490 endfitval = (Float_t)(i+2)*convbin2val + startval; 491 if(endfitval>180.) endfitval = 180.; 492 break; 493 } 494 endfitval = endval; 495 } 496 effbinnum = (Int_t)((endfitval-startfitval)/convbin2val); 497 498 TF1 f1("f1","gaus",startfitval,endfitval); 499 500 fMuonCalibPar->fHistWidth->Fit("f1","QR","",startfitval,endfitval); 501 502 if(effbinnum>3) 503 fMuonCalibPar->SetChiArcWidth(f1.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3))); 504 505 Double_t val,err; 506 gMinuit->GetParameter(2,val,err); // get the sigma value 507 508 return val; 509 } 510 511 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 512 // 513 // Calculation of muon parameters 514 // 515 Int_t MMuonCalibParCalc::Calc(const Float_t *cuts) 516 { 517 // sanity check 518 if((*fCerPhotEvt).GetNumPixels() < 3) 519 return kCONTINUE; 520 521 // If an event does not seem to be like muon, the calculation will be skipped. 522 if((*fMuonSearchPar).IsNoMuon()) 523 return kCONTINUE; 524 525 // Pre Cuts 1 526 if(!fDisablePreCuts) 527 { 528 if((*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius() < cuts[0] || (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius() > cuts[1]) 529 { 530 (*fMuonSearchPar).SetNoMuon(); 531 return kCONTINUE; 532 } 533 if((*fMuonSearchPar).GetDeviation() > cuts[2]) 534 { 535 (*fMuonSearchPar).SetNoMuon(); 536 return kCONTINUE; 537 } 538 } 539 540 // initialization 541 (*fMuonCalibPar).Reset(); 542 543 // Fill signals to histograms 544 FillHist(); 545 546 // Calculation of Arc Phi etc... 547 CalcPhi(); 548 549 // Pre Cuts 2 550 if(!fDisablePreCuts) 551 { 552 if(fMuonCalibPar->GetMuonSize() < cuts[3] 553 || fMuonCalibPar->GetArcPhi() < cuts[4]) 554 { 555 (*fMuonSearchPar).SetNoMuon(); 556 return kCONTINUE; 557 } 558 } 559 560 // Calculation of Arc Width etc... 561 fMuonCalibPar->SetArcWidth(CalcWidth()); 562 563 return kTRUE; 564 } 565 183 566 184 567 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 186 569 Int_t MMuonCalibParCalc::Process() 187 570 { 188 189 if(!fMuonCalibPar->Calc(*fGeomCam, *fCerPhotEvt, *fMuonSearchPar, fPreCuts)) 571 fMuonCalibPar->SetMargin(fMargin); 572 fMuonCalibPar->SetArcPhiThres(fArcPhiThres); 573 fMuonCalibPar->SetArcWidthThres(fArcWidthThres); 574 575 if(!Calc(fPreCuts)) 190 576 return kCONTINUE; 191 577 192 578 return kTRUE; 193 }194 195 void MMuonCalibParCalc::SetMargin(Float_t margin)196 {197 fMuonCalibPar->SetMargin(margin);198 }199 200 void MMuonCalibParCalc::EnableImpactCalc()201 {202 fMuonCalibPar->EnableImpactCalc();203 }204 205 void MMuonCalibParCalc::DisablePreCuts()206 {207 fMuonCalibPar->DisablePreCuts();208 579 } 209 580 -
r5210 r5332 20 20 MMuonSearchPar *fMuonSearchPar; 21 21 22 Float_t fMargin; // margin to evaluate muons [mm]. The defaut value is 60 mm, corresponding to 0.2 deg. This value can be changed by using the function of SetMargin 23 Float_t fArcPhiThres; // The threshold value to define arc phi 24 Float_t fArcWidthThres; // The threshold value to define arc width 25 Bool_t fEnableImpactCalc; // If true, the impact calculation will be done, which consumes a lot of time. 26 Bool_t fDisablePreCuts; // If true, the pre cuts to select muons for the calibration will be disabled. 27 22 28 Float_t fPreCuts[5]; // The values for pre cuts. 23 29 … … 25 31 Int_t Process(); 26 32 27 TString f CerPhotName;33 TString fNameCerPhot; 28 34 29 35 public: 30 36 MMuonCalibParCalc(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 31 37 32 void SetMargin(Float_t margin); 33 void EnableImpactCalc(); 34 void DisablePreCuts(); 38 void SetMargin(Float_t margin) { fMargin = margin; } 39 void SetArcPhiThres(Float_t thres) { fArcPhiThres = thres; } 40 void SetArcWidthThres(Float_t thres) { fArcWidthThres = thres; } 41 void EnableImpactCalc() { fEnableImpactCalc = kTRUE; } 42 void DisablePreCuts() { fDisablePreCuts = kTRUE; } 35 43 void SetPreCuts(Float_t radcutlow, Float_t radcuthigh, Float_t devcuthigh, 36 44 Float_t musizecutlow, Float_t arcphicutlow); 37 45 38 void SetNameCerPhotEvt(const char *name) { fCerPhotName = name; } 46 void SetNameCerPhotEvt(const char *name) { fNameCerPhot = name; } 47 48 void FillHist(); 49 void CalcPhi(); 50 void CalcImpact(Int_t effbinnum, Float_t startfitval, Float_t endfitval); 51 Float_t CalcWidth(); 52 Int_t Calc(const Float_t *cuts); 39 53 40 54 ClassDef(MMuonCalibParCalc, 0) // task to calculate muon parameters -
r5172 r5332 26 26 27 27 SRCFILES = \ 28 28 \ 29 \ 30 29 31 30 32 ############################################################ … … 37 39 38 40 mrproper: clean rmbak 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -
r5173 r5332 6 6 7 7 #pragma link C++ class MMuonSearchPar+; 8 #pragma link C++ class MMuonSearchParCalc+; 8 9 #pragma link C++ class MMuonCalibPar+; 10 #pragma link C++ class MMuonCalibParCalc+; 9 11 10 12 #endif
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