Changeset 5366

11/10/04 09:33:50 (20 years ago)
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2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r5365 r5366  
    2121                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     22 2004/11/10: Abelardo Moralejo
     24   * mfbase/
     25     - Added some comments in class description.
    2228 2004/11/09: Abelardo Moralejo
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mfbase/

    r3330 r5366  
    2828// MFEventSelector2
    30 // This is a filter to make a selection of events from a file.
    31 //
    32 // see Construtor for more instructions and the example below:
     30// This is a filter to make a selection of events from a file, according to
     31// a certain predetermined distribution in a given parameter (or combination
     32// of parameters). The distribution is passed to the class through a histogram
     33// of the relevant parameter(s) contained in an object of type MH3. The filter
     34// will return true or false in each event such that the final distribution
     35// of the parameter(s) for the events surviving the filter is the desired one.
     36// The selection of which events are kept in each bin of the parameter(s) is
     37// made at random (obviously the selection probability depends on the
     38// values of the parameters, and is dictated by the input histogram).
     40// See Constructor for more instructions and also the example below:
    3442// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    124132// Constructor. Takes a reference to an MH3 which gives you
    125133//  1) The nominal distribution. The distribution is renormalized, so
    126 //     that the absolute values doesn't matter. To crop the distribution
     134//     that the absolute values do not matter. To crop the distribution
    127135//     to a nominal value of total events use SetNumMax
    128 //  2) The dimension of the MH3 determins the dimension in which the
     136//  2) The parameters histogrammed in MH3 are those on which the
    129137//     event selector will work, eg
    130138//       MH3 hist("MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta", "MMcEvt.fEnergy");
    131139//     Would result in a redistribution of Theta and Energy.
    132 //  3) The given rules are the variables which are used for the
    133 //     redistribution, eg:
     140//  3) Rules are also accepted in the argument of MH3, for instance:
    134141//       MH3 hist("MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta");
    135 //     would result in redistributing Theta.
     142//     would result in redistributing Theta, while
    136143//       MH3 hist("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
    137144//     would result in redistributing cos(Theta).
    242249// After reading the histograms the arrays used for the random event
    243 // selction are created. If a MStatusDisplay is set the histograms are
     250// selection are created. If a MStatusDisplay is set the histograms are
    244251// displayed there.
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