Changeset 5596 for trunk/MagicSoft

12/14/04 21:01:07 (20 years ago)
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3 added
4 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Changelog

    r5586 r5596  
    2020                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     222004/12/14: Hendrik Bartko
     23  * Introduction.tex: wrote some introduction, including
     24                      new figure Magic_readout_scheme1.eps
     25  * Reconstruction.tes: wrote something about the pulse reconstruction
     26                        new figures: pulpo_shape_high_low_TDAS.eps
     27                                     pulpo_shape_high_low_MC_TDAS.eps
     28                                     shape_green_UV_data_TDAS.eps
     29  * bibfile.bib: included two more references about optical link and
     30                 PMTs
    21322004/12/08: Markus Gaug
    2233  * Algorithms.tex: - changed order of 'spline' extractors to go in
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Introduction.tex

    r5244 r5596  
     7The MAGIC read-out scheme, including the PMT camera, the analog-optical link, the majority trigger logic and FADCs, is schematically shown in figure \ref{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme}. The used PMTs provide a very fast response to the input light signal. The response of the PMTs to sub-ns input light pulses shows a FWHM of 1.0 - 1.2 ns and rise and fall times of 600 and 700 ps correspondingly \cite{Magic-PMT}. By modulating VCSEL type laser diodes in amplitude the ultra fast analogue signals from the PMTs are transferred via 162m long, 50/125 $\mu$m diameter optical fibers to the counting house \cite{MAGIC-analog-link-2}. After transforming the light back to an electrical signal, the original PMT pulse has a FWHM of about 2.2 ns and rise and fall times of about 1ns. % was 2.2 ns
     9%an analog optical link \ci
     10te{MAGIC-analog-link-2} to the counting house.
     17\caption[Current MAGIC read-out scheme.]{Current MAGIC read-out scheme: the analog PMT signals are transferred via an analog optical link to the counting house where after the trigger decision the signals are digitized by using a 300 MHz FADCs system and written to the hard disk of a DAQ PC.} \label{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme}
     22%After modulating VCSEL type laser diodes, after traveling through 162m of multi-mode graded index fiber of 50/125 $\mu$m diameter and.
     25In order to sample this pulse shape with the used 300 MSamples/s FADC system, the pulse is stretched to a FWHM $>6$ ns (the original pulse is folded with a stretching function of 6ns). Obviously by doing this, more LONS is integrated and thus the performance of the telescope on the analysis level is degraded.
     27Because the current MAGIC FADCs have a resolution of 8 bit only, the signals are split into two branches with different gains by a factor of 10. One branch is delayed by 50 ns and then both branches are multiplexed and consecutively read-out by one FADC. % The maximum sustained trigger rate could be 1 kHz. The FADCs feature a FIFO memory which allows a significantly higher short-time rate.
    830%%% Local Variables:
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Reconstruction.tex

    r5566 r5596  
    16 \includegraphics[totalheight=7cm]{pulpo_shape_high.eps}
    1818\caption[Reconstructed high gain shape.]{Average reconstructed high gain pulse shape from a pulpo run. The FWHM is about 6.2 ns.} \label{fig:pulpo_shape_high}
    23 \includegraphics[totalheight=7cm]{pulpo_shape_low.eps}
    25 \caption[Reconstructed pulpo low gain shape.]{Average reconstructed high gain pulse shape from a pulpo run. The FWHM is about 10 ns.} \label{fig:pulpo_shape_low}
     25\caption[Reconstructed pulpo low gain shape.]{Average normalized reconstructed high gain and low gain pulse shapes from a pulpo run. The FWHM of the low gain pulse is about 10 ns. The black line corresponds to the pulse shape implemented into the MC simulations.} \label{fig:pulpo_shape_low}
    33 \includegraphics[totalheight=7cm]{shape_green_high.eps}
    3535\caption[Reconstructed green calibration high gain shape.]{Average reconstructed high gain pulse shape for one green LED calibration run. The FWHM is about 6.5 ns.} \label{fig:shape_green_high}
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/bibfile.bib

    r5568 r5596  
     2     author    = "Ostankov, A. and Paneque, D. and Martinez, M. and Lorenz,
     3                  E. and Mirzoian, R.",
     4     title     = "A study of the new hemispherical 6-dynodes PMT from
     5                  electron tubes",
     6     journal   = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.",
     7     volume    = "A442",
     8     year      = "2000",
     9     pages     = "117-123",
     10     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = NUIMA,A442,117;%%"
     15     author    = "Lorenz, E. and Maier, R. and Tran, T. S. and Weissbach, P.
     16                  ",
     17     title     = "A fast, large dynamic range analog signal transfer system
     18                  based on optical fibers",
     19     journal   = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.",
     20     volume    = "A461",
     21     year      = "2001",
     22     pages     = "517-520",
     23     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = NUIMA,A461,517;%%"
    228   author = "Cleland, W. E. and Stern, E. G.",
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