Changeset 5632 for trunk/MagicSoft
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r5625 r5632 1 1 \section{Performance} 2 \ldots {\textit This section will be written after the previous one}3 2 4 3 \subsection{Calibration} … … 44 43 45 44 \begin{enumerate} 46 \item Stability tests: These include numbers of excluded pixels by the calibration software, 47 numbers of reconstructed photo-electrons and counts of the numbers of outliers from the expected Gaussian 48 distributions of reconstructed charges. 45 \item Un-calibrated pixels and events: These tests measure the percentage of failures of the extractor 46 resulting either in a pixel declared as un-calibrated or in an event which produces a signal ouside 47 of the expected Gaussian distribution. 48 \item Number of photo-electrons: These tests measure the reconstructed numbers of photo-electrons, their 49 spread over the camera and the ratio of the obtained mean value for outer and inner pixels. 49 50 \item Linearity tests: These test the linearity of the extractor with respect to pulses of different intensity 50 51 and colour. … … 54 55 55 56 We used data taken on the 7$^{th}$ of June, 2004 with different pulser LED combinations, each taken with 56 16384 events. The corresponding run numbers range from nr. 31741 to 31772. 57 \par 58 Although, we looked at and tested all colour and extractor combinations resulting from these data, 59 we will refrain ourselves to show here only exemplary behaviour and results of extractors. All taken 60 ``control'' plots including those which are not displayed here, can be retrieved from the following 57 16384 events. The corresponding run numbers range from nr. 31741 to 31772. This data was taken before the 58 latest camera repair access which replaced about 2\% of the pixels known to be mal-functionning at that time. 59 Thus, there is a lower limit to the number of un-calibrated pixels of about 1.5--2\%. 60 \par 61 Although, we had looked at and tested all colour and extractor combinations resulting from these data, 62 we refrain ourselves to show here only exemplary behaviour and results of extractors. 63 All plots, including those which are not displayed in this TDAS, can be retrieved from the following 61 64 locations: 62 65 … … 66 69 \end{verbatim} 67 70 68 \subsubsection{Stability tests} 71 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 72 73 \subsubsection{Un-calibrated pixels and events} 74 75 The MAGIC calibration software incorporates a series of checks to sort out mal-functionning pixels. 76 Except for the software bug searching criteria, the following exclusion reasons can apply: 77 78 \begin{enumerate} 79 \item The reconstructed mean signal is less than 2.5 times the extractor resolution $R$ from zero. 80 (2.5 Pedestal RMS in the case of the simple fixed window extractors). This criterium cuts out 81 dead pixels. 82 \item The reconstructed mean signal error is smaller than its value. This criterium cuts out 83 signal distributions which fluctuate so much that their RMS is bigger than its mean value. This 84 criterium cuts out ``ringing'' pixels or mal-functionning extractors. 85 \item The reconstructed mean number of photo-electrons lies 4.5 sigma outside 86 the distribution of photo-electrons obtained with the inner or outer pixels in the camera. 87 \item All reconstructed negative mean signal, signal sigma's and mean numbers of photo-electrons 88 smaller than one. 89 \end{enumerate} 90 91 Moreover, the number of events are counted which have been reconstructed outside a 5 sigma region 92 from the mean signal. These events are called ``outliers''. Figure~\ref{fig:outlier} shows a typical 93 outlier obtained with the digital filter. 94 95 \begin{figure}[htp] 96 \centering 97 \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{Outlier.eps} 98 \caption{Example of an event classified as ``un-calibrated''. The histogram has been obtained 99 using the digital filter (extractor \#32) applied to a high-intensity blue pulse (run 31772). 100 The event marked as ``outlier'' clearly has been mis-reconstructed. It lies outside the 5 sigma 101 region from the fitted mean.} 102 \label{fig:outlier} 103 \end{figure} 104 105 The following figures~\ref{fig:unsuited:5ledsuv},~\ref{fig:unsuited:1leduv},~\ref{fig:unsuited:2ledsgreen} 106 and~\ref{fig:unsuited:23ledsblue} show the resulting numbers of un-calibrated pixels and events for 107 different colours and intensities. 108 109 \par 110 111 \begin{figure}[htp] 112 \centering 113 \includegraphics[height=0.95\textheight]{UnsuitVsExtractor-5LedsUV-Colour-13.eps} 114 \caption{Uncalibrated pixels and pixels outside of the Gaussian distribution for a typical calibration 115 pulse of UV-light which does not saturate the high-gain readout.} 116 \label{fig:unsuited:5ledsuv} 117 \end{figure} 69 118 70 119 \begin{figure}[htp] … … 73 122 \caption{Uncalibrated pixels and pixels outside of the Gaussian distribution for a very low 74 123 intensity pulse.} 75 \end{figure} 124 \label{fig:unsuited:1leduv} 125 \end{figure} 126 127 \begin{figure}[htp] 128 \centering 129 \includegraphics[height=0.95\textheight]{UnsuitVsExtractor-2LedsGreen-Colour-02.eps} 130 \caption{Uncalibrated pixels and pixels outside of the Gaussian distribution for a typical green pulse.} 131 \label{fig:unsuited:2ledsgreen} 132 \end{figure} 133 134 One can see that in general, big extraction windows raise the 135 number of un-calibrated pixels and are thus less stable. Especially for the very low-intensity 136 $1LedUV$-pulse, the big extraction windows summing 8 or more slices, cannot calibrate more than 50\% 137 of the inner pixels (fig.~\ref{fig:unsuited:1leduv}). This is an expected behavior since big windows 138 add up more noise which in turn makes the for the small signal more difficult. 139 \par 140 In general, one can also say that all ``sliding window''-algorithms (extractors \#17-32) discard 141 less pixels than the ``fixed window''-ones (extractors \#1--16). The digital filter with 142 the correct weights (extractor \#32) discards the least number of pixels, but is also robust against 143 slight modifications of its weights (extractors \#28--31). Also the ``spline'' algorithms on small 144 windows (extractors \#23--25) discard less pixels than the previous extractors, although slightly more 145 then the digital filter. 146 \par 147 Concerning the numbers of outliers, one can conclude that in general, the numbers are very low never exceeding 148 0.25\%. There seems to be the opposite trend of larger windows producing less 149 outliers. However, one has to take into account that already more ``unsuited'' pixels have 150 been excluded thus cleaning up the sample somewhat. It seems that the ``digital filter'' and a 151 medium-sized ``spline'' (extractors \#25--26) yield the best result except for the outer pixels 152 in fig~\ref{fig:unsuited:5ledsuv} where the digital filter produces a worse result than the rest 153 of the extractors. 154 \par 155 In conclusion, one can say that this test excludes all extractors with too big window sizes because 156 they are not able to extract small signals produced by about 4 photo-electrons. The excluded extractors 157 are: 158 \begin{itemize} 159 \item: MExtractFixedWindow Nr. 3--5 160 \item: MExtractFixedWindowSpline Nr. 6--11 161 \item: MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch Nr. 14--16 162 \item: MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow Nr. 21--22 163 \item: MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline Nr. 27 164 \end{itemize} 165 166 The best extractors after this test are: 167 \begin{itemize} 168 \item: MExtractFixedWindow Nr. 1--2 169 \item: MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch Nr. 13 170 \item: MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow Nr. 17--19 171 \item: MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline Nr. 24--25 172 \item: MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter Nr. 28--32 173 \end{itemize} 174 175 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 176 177 \subsubsection{Number of photo-electrons} 178 179 Assuming that the readout chain is clean and adds only negligible noise with respect to the one 180 introduced by the photo-multiplier itself, one can make the assumption that variance of the 181 true (non-extracted) signal $ST$ is the amplified Poisson variance on the number of photo-electrons, 182 multiplied with the excess noise of the photo-multiplier, characterized by the excess-noise factor $F$. 183 184 \begin{equation} 185 Var(ST) = F^2 \cdot Var(N_{phe}) \cdot \frac{<ST>^2}{<N_{phe}>^2} 186 \label{eq:excessnoise} 187 \end{equation} 188 189 After introducing the effect of the night-sky background (eq.~\ref{eq:rmssubtraction}) 190 in formula~\ref{eq:excessnoise} and assuming that the number of photo-electrons per event follows a 191 Poisson distribution, one can 192 get an expression to retrieve the mean number of photo-electrons impinging on the pixel from the 193 mean extracted signal $<SE>$, its variance $Var(SE)$ and the RMS of the extracted signal obtained from 194 pure pedestal runs $R$ (see section~\ref{sec:determiner}): 195 196 \begin{equation} 197 <N_{phe}> \approx F^2 \cdot \frac{Var(SE) - R^2}{<SE>^2} 198 \label{eq:pheffactor} 199 \end{equation} 200 201 Equation~\ref{eq:pheffactor} must not depend on the extractor! Effectively, we will use it to test the 202 quality of our extractors by requiring that a valid extractor yields the same number of photo-electrons 203 for all pixels of a same type and does not deviate from the number obtained with other extractors. 204 As the camera is flat-fielded, but the number of photo-electrons impinging on an inner and an outer pixel is 205 different, we also use the ratio of the mean numbers of photo-electrons from the outer pixels to the one 206 obtained from the inner pixels as a test variable. In the ideal case, it should always yield its central 207 value of about 2.4--2.8. 208 \par 209 In our case, there is an additional complication due to the fact that the green and blue coloured pulses 210 show secondary pulses which destroy the Poisson behaviour of the number of photo-electrons. We will thus 211 have to split our sample of extractors into those being affected by the secondary pulses and those without 212 showing any effect. 213 \par 214 Figures~\ref{fig:phe:5ledsuv},~\ref{fig:phe:1leduv},~\ref{fig:phe:23ledsblue}~and~\ref{fig:phe:2ledsgreen} show 215 some of the obtained results. Although one can see an amazing stability for the standard 5Leds UV pulse, there 216 is a considerable difference for all shown non-standard pulses. Especially the pulses from green and blue LEDs 217 show a clear dependency on the extraction window of the number of photo-electrons. Only the largest 218 extraction windows seem to catch the entire range of (jittering) secondary pulses and get also the ratio 219 of outer vs. inner pixels right. 220 221 \begin{figure}[htp] 222 \centering 223 \includegraphics[height=0.92\textheight]{PheVsExtractor-5LedsUV-Colour-13.eps} 224 \caption{Number of photo-electrons from a typical, not saturating calibration pulse of colour UV, 225 reconstructed with each of the tested signal extractors. 226 The first plots shows the number of photo-electrons obtained for the inner pixels, the second one 227 for the outer pixels and the third shows the ratio of the mean number of photo-electrons for the 228 outer pixels divided by the mean number of photo-electrons for the inner pixels. Points 229 denote the mean of all not-excluded pixels, the error bars their RMS.} 230 \label{fig:phe:5ledsuv} 231 \end{figure} 232 233 \begin{figure}[htp] 234 \centering 235 \includegraphics[height=0.92\textheight]{PheVsExtractor-1LedUV-Colour-04.eps} 236 \caption{Number of photo-electrons from a typical, very low-intensity calibration pulse of colour UV, 237 reconstructed with each of the tested signal extractors. 238 The first plots shows the number of photo-electrons obtained for the inner pixels, the second one 239 for the outer pixels and the third shows the ratio of the mean number of photo-electrons for the 240 outer pixels divided by the mean number of photo-electrons for the inner pixels. Points 241 denote the mean of all not-excluded pixels, the error bars their RMS.} 242 \label{fig:phe:1leduv} 243 \end{figure} 244 245 \begin{figure}[htp] 246 \centering 247 \includegraphics[height=0.92\textheight]{PheVsExtractor-2LedsGreen-Colour-02.eps} 248 \caption{Number of photo-electrons from a typical, not saturating calibration pulse of colour green, 249 reconstructed with each of the tested signal extractors. 250 The first plots shows the number of photo-electrons obtained for the inner pixels, the second one 251 for the outer pixels and the third shows the ratio of the mean number of photo-electrons for the 252 outer pixels divided by the mean number of photo-electrons for the inner pixels. Points 253 denote the mean of all not-excluded pixels, the error bars their RMS.} 254 \label{fig:phe:2ledsgreen} 255 \end{figure} 256 257 258 One can see that all extractor using a large window belong to the class of extractors being affected 259 by the secondary pulses. The only exception to this rule is the digital filter which - despite of its 260 6 slices extraction window - seems to filter out all the secondary pulses. 261 \par 262 Moreover, one can see in fig.~\ref{fig:phe:1leduv} that all peak searching extractors show the influence of 263 the bias at low numbers of photo-electrons. 264 \par 265 The extractor MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch at low extraction windows apparently yields chronically low 266 numbers of photo-electrons. This is due to the fact that the decision to fix the extraction window is 267 made sometimes by an inner pixel and sometimes by an outer one since the camera is flat-fielded and the 268 pixel carrying the largest non-saturated peak-search window is more or found by a random signal 269 fluctuation. However, inner and outer pixels have a systematic offset of about 0.5 to 1 FADC slices. 270 Thus, the extraction fluctuates artificially for one given channel which results in a systematically 271 large variance and thus in a systematically low reconstructed number of photo-electrons. This test thus 272 excludes the extractors \#11--13. 273 \par 274 Moreover, one can see that the extractors applying a small fixed window do not get the ratio of 275 photo-electrons from outer to inner pixels correctly for the green and blue pulses. 276 \par 277 The extractor MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter seems to be veryu stable against modifications in the 278 exact form of the weights since all applied weights yield about the same number of photo-electrons and the 279 same ratio of outer vs. inner pixels. The last is also true for the extractor MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline, 280 although the number of photo-electrons depends on the extraction window for green and blue pulses, 281 (as with the other extractors). 76 282 77 283 \subsubsection{Linearity tests} 284 285 In this section, we test the lineary of the extractors. As the photo-multiplier is a linear device over a 286 wide dynamic range, the number of photo-electrons per charge has to remain constant over the tested 287 linearity region. We will show here only examples of extractors which were not already excluded in the 288 previous section. 289 \par 290 A first test concerns the stability of the conversion factor photo-electrons per FADC counts over the 291 tested intensity region. 78 292 79 293
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