Changeset 5699 for trunk

01/05/05 12:44:21 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Changelog

    r5696 r5699  
    2020                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     222004/01/05: Markus Gaug
     23  * Introduction.tex: Some changes in style
    22252005/01/04: Hendrik Bartko
  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Introduction.tex

    r5623 r5699  
    7 The MAGIC read-out scheme, including the PMT camera, the analog-optical link, the majority trigger logic and FADCs, is schematically shown in figure \ref{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme}. The used PMTs provide a very fast response to the input light signal. The response of the PMTs to sub-ns input light pulses shows a FWHM of 1.0 - 1.2 ns and rise and fall times of 600 and 700 ps correspondingly \cite{Magic-PMT}. By modulating VCSEL type laser diodes in amplitude the ultra fast analogue signals from the PMTs are transferred via 162m long, 50/125 $\mu$m diameter optical fibers to the counting house \cite{MAGIC-analog-link-2}. After transforming the light back to an electrical signal, the original PMT pulse has a FWHM of about 2.2 ns and rise and fall times of about 1ns. % was 2.2 ns
     7Figure~\ref{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme} shows a sketch of the MAGIC read-out scheme, including the PMT camera,
     8the analog-optical link, the majority trigger logic and
     9FADCs. The used PMTs provide a very fast
     10response to the input light signal. The response of the PMTs to sub-ns input light pulses shows a FWHM of
     111.0 - 1.2 ns and rise and fall times of 600 and 700 ps correspondingly \cite{Magic-PMT}. By modulating VCSEL
     12type laser diodes in amplitude, the fast analogue signals from the PMTs are transferred via 162\,m long,
     1350/125\,$\mu$m diameter optical fibers to the counting house \cite{MAGIC-analog-link-2}. After transforming the
     14light back to an electrical signal, the original PMT pulse has a FWHM of about 2.2 ns and rise and fall
     15times of about 1\,ns. % was 2.2 ns
    917%an analog optical link \ci
    17 \caption[Current MAGIC read-out scheme.]{Current MAGIC read-out scheme: the analog PMT signals are transferred via an analog optical link to the counting house where after the trigger decision the signals are digitized by using a 300 MHz FADCs system and written to the hard disk of a DAQ PC.} \label{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme}
     25\caption[Current MAGIC read-out scheme.]{Current MAGIC read-out scheme: the analog PMT signals are
     26transferred via an analog optical link to the counting house where after the trigger decision the signals
     27are digitized by using a 300 MHz FADCs system and written to the hard disk of a DAQ PC.}
    25 In order to sample this pulse shape with the used 300 MSamples/s FADC system, the pulse is stretched to a FWHM $>6$ ns (the original pulse is folded with a stretching function of 6ns). Because the MAGIC FADCs have a resolution of 8 bit only, the signals are split into two branches with different gains by a factor of 10. One branch is delayed by 50 ns and then both branches are multiplexed and consecutively read-out by one FADC. % The maximum sustained trigger rate could be 1 kHz. The FADCs feature a FIFO memory which allows a significantly higher short-time rate.
     36In order to sample this pulse shape with the used 300 MSamples/s FADC system, the pulse is shaped to a
     37FWHM greater than 6\,ns
     38(the original pulse is folded with a stretching function of 6ns). Because the MAGIC FADCs have a
     39resolution of 8 bit only, the signals are split into two branches with gains differing by a factor 10.
     40One branch is delayed by 55\,ns and then both branches are multiplexed and consecutively read-out by one FADC.
     41Figure~\ref{fig:pulpo_shape_high} shows a typical average of identical input signals.
     42% The maximum sustained trigger rate could be 1 kHz. The FADCs feature a FIFO memory which allows a significantly higher short-time rate.
    2643% Obviously by doing this, more LONS is integrated and thus the performance of the telescope on the analysis level is degraded.
     47\ldots {\textit{STILL MISSING:} \ldots
     49\item DAQ jumps
     50\item clock noise
     53} \ldots
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