Changeset 5702 for trunk/MagicSoft

01/05/05 14:47:56 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Reconstruction.tex

    r5700 r5702  
    99\ldots {\textit{MAYBE a PLOT TO DEMONSTRATE THIS?}}
    10 \parr
    1111The asynchronous sampling of the pulse shape allows to determine an average pulse shape from the recorded
    1212signal samples: The recorded signal samples can be shifted in time such that the shifted arrival times
    1313of all events are equal. In addition, the signal samples are normalized event by event using the
    1414reconstructed charge of the pulse. The accuracy of the signal shape reconstruction depends on the accuracy
    15 of the arrival time and the signal charge reconstruction.
     15of the arrival time and charge reconstruction and amounts to \ldots
    17 Figure~\ref{fig:pulpo_shape_high} show the average reconstructed signal of a fast pulser in the so called ``pulpo setup''. Clearly visible are the high and the low gain pulses. The low gain pulse is attenuated by a factor of about 10 and delayed by about 50 ns with respect to the high gain pulse.
     18{\textit{NUMBER IS MISSING !!}}
     22Figure~\ref{fig:pulpo_shape_high} shows the averaged and shifted reconstructed signal of a fast pulser
     23in the so called pulse generator (``pulpo'') setup.
     27{\textit{EXPLAIN PULPO SETUO}}
     32Clearly visible are the high and the low gain pulses. The low gain
     33pulse is attenuated by a factor of about 10 and delayed by about 50 ns with respect to the high gain pulse.
    1935Figures~\ref{fig:pulpo_shape_low} show the average normalized reconstructed pulse shapes for pulse generator pulses (pulpo setup) in the high and in the low gain, respectively. The input FWHM of the pulse generator pulses is about 2 ns. The FWHM of the average reconstructed high gain pulse shape is about 6.3 ns, while the FWHM of the average reconstructed low gain pulse shape is about 10 ns. The pulse broadening of the low gain pulses with respect to the high gain pulses is due to the electric 50 ns on board delay line of the MAGIC receiver boards. %   while the FWHM of the average reconstructed low gain pulse shape is
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