01/10/05 19:26:23 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Performance.tex

    r5788 r5789  
    275275there is a considerable difference for all shown non-standard pulses. Especially the pulses from green
    276276and blue LEDs
    277 show a clear dependency on the extraction window of the number of photo-electrons. Only the largest
    278 extraction windows seem to catch the entire range of (jittering) secondary pulses and get also the ratio
    279 of outer vs. inner pixels right.
     277show a clear dependency  of the number of photo-electrons on the extraction window. Only the largest
     278extraction windows seem to catch the entire range of (jittering) secondary pulses and get the ratio
     279of outer vs. inner pixels right. However, they (obviously) over-estimate the number of photo-electrons
     280in the primary pulse.
    281282The strongest discrepancy is observed in the low-gain extraction (fig.~\ref{fig:phe:23ledsblue}) where all
    282 fixed window extractors
     283fixed window extractors essentially fail to reconstruct the correct numbers. This has to do with the fact
     284that the tail of the high-gain pulse is usually very close to the low-gain one and thus, the extraction range
     285has to be determined with great precision, what the fixed window extractors fail to do due because of the
     2861~FADC slice event-to-event jitter.
    334 One can see that all extractor using a large window belong to the class of extractors being affected
     338One can see that all extractors using a large window belong to the class of extractors being affected
    335339by the secondary pulses. The only exception to this rule is the digital filter which - despite of its
    3363406 slices extraction window - seems to filter out all the secondary pulses.
    342346numbers of photo-electrons. This is due to the fact that the decision to fix the extraction window is
    343347made sometimes by an inner pixel and sometimes by an outer one since the camera is flat-fielded and the
    344 pixel carrying the largest non-saturated peak-search window is more or found by a random signal
     348pixel carrying the largest non-saturated peak-search window is more or less found by a random signal
    345349fluctuation. However, inner and outer pixels have a systematic offset of about 0.5 to 1 FADC slices.
    346350Thus, the extraction fluctuates artificially for one given channel which results in a systematically
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