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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Introduction.tex

    r6109 r6120  
    77the objective to turn the telescope to the burst position within 10-30\,sec.
    88in order to have a fair chance to detect a burst when the emission is still ongoing.
    9 During the comissioning phase it could be proven that that goal was reached.
     9During the commissioning phase it could be proven that that goal was reached.
    1010The telescope is able to turn 180 degrees in azimuth within 20\,sec. and 80 degrees in zenith within 10\,sec.\\
    1313Very high energy (VHE) GRB observations have the potential to constrain the current GRB models
    14 on both the prompt and extendend phases of GRB emission~\cite{HARTMANN,MANNHEIM,SALOMON}.
    15 Models based on both internal and external shocks predicts VHE fluence comperable to,
     14on both the prompt and extended phases of GRB emission~\cite{HARTMANN,MANNHEIM,SALOMON}.
     15Models based on both internal and external shocks predicts VHE fluence comparable to,
    1616or in certain situations stronger than, the keV-MeV radiation,
    1717with duration ranging from shorter than the keV-MeV burst to extended TeV afterglows~\cite{DERMER, PILLA, ZHANG1}.
    2424in the burst environment~\cite{MESZAROS93,CHIANG,PILLA,ZHANG2}.
    2525Long-term HE $\gamma$ emission from accelerated protons in the forward-shock has been predicted in~\cite{LI}.
    26 This model predicts GeV inverse compton emission even one day after the burst.
     26This model predicts GeV inverse Compton emission even one day after the burst.
    2727Even considering pure electron-synchrotron radiation predicts measurable GeV emission for a significant fraction of GRBs~\cite{ZHANG2}.\\
    29 GeV emission in GRBs is particulary sensitive to the Lorentz factor and the photon density of the emitting material -
     29GeV emission in GRBs is particularly sensitive to the Lorentz factor and the photon density of the emitting material -
    3030and thus to the distance of the radiating shock from the source - due to the $\gamma~\gamma \rightarrow$
    3131\textit{e$^+$~e$^-$} absorption in the emission region. Direct comparison of the prompt GRB flux at $\sim$ 10\,GeV and $\sim$ 100\,keV
    3737each indicating some excess over background but without stringent evidence.
    3838The only significant detection was performed by EGRET which detected seven GRBs emitting high energy (HE)
    39 photons in the 100\,MeV to 18\,dGeV range~\cite{EGRET}. The data shows no evidence of a HE rollover
     39photons in the 100\,MeV to 18\,dGeV range~\cite{EGRET}. The data shows no evidence of a HE roll-over
    4040in the GRB spectrum~\cite{DINGUS}. Recent results indicate that the spectrum of some GRBs contains a very hard,
    4141luminous, long-duration component~\cite{GONZALES}.
    4242There have been results suggesting gamma rays beyond the GeV range from the TIBET air shower array
    4343in coincidence with BATSE bursts~\cite{AMENOMORI}, rapid follow-up observations by the
    44 Whipple Air Cerenkov Telescope~\cite{CONNAUGHTON1}, and coincident and monitoring studies by HEGRA-AIROBICC~\cite{PADILLA},
     44Whipple Air Cherenkov Telescope~\cite{CONNAUGHTON1}, and coincident and monitoring studies by HEGRA-AIROBICC~\cite{PADILLA},
    4545Whipple~\cite{CONNAUGHTON2} and the Milagro prototype Milagrito~\cite{MILAGRO}.
    4646The GRAND array has reported some excess of observed muons during seven BATSE bursts~\cite{GRAND}.
    6565by peak energies below 50~keV and a dominant X-ray fluence. Because of similar properties a connection between XRFs and GRBs is
    6666suggested. The most popular theories say that XRFs are produced from GRBs observed ''off-axis''.
    67 Alternativly, an increase of the baryon load within the fireball itself or low efficiency shocks can produce XRFs.
     67Alternatively, an increase of the baryon load within the fireball itself or low efficiency shocks can produce XRFs.
    6868If there is a connection between the XRFs and GRBs, they should originate at rather low redshifts (z $<$ 0.6).\\
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Monitor.tex

    r6119 r6120  
    1818three communication channels to notice the shifters
    1919about an alert situation. The program is called {\it gspot} (Gamma
    20 Sources POinting Trigger). It is a C based daemon running 24
     20Sources Pointing Trigger). It is a C based daemon running 24
    2121hours a day on the {\it www} machine, our external server, in a
    2222{\it stand alone} mode. It does not need to be operated and is
    23 fully automatic. It manages network diconnections
     23fully automatic. It manages network disconnections
    2424within the external net and/or the internal one.
    2929The connection to {\it GRB Coordinates Network} (GCN)~\cite{GCN} is performed by {\it gspot} through a
    3030TCP/IP connection to a computer at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
    31 This computer distributes the information it recieves from the satellite
     31This computer distributes the information it receives from the satellite
    3232experiments through the normal internet socket connection. The {\it gspot} on our
    3333side acts as a server while the client, running at the GSFC,
    3434manages the communication of the data concerning the GRBs
    35 and concerning the status of the connnection. \\
     35and concerning the status of the connection. \\
    3737The format of the data distributed through the GCN differ between the individual satellites
    7474An interface to {\it gspot} sends all the relevant information to {\it arehucas}.
    7575In the case of {\bf NO Alarm State} the standard packages, containing the main global status
    76 of the two subsystems, are continuosly excanged between CC and {\it gspot}.
     76of the two subsystems, are continuously exchanged between CC and {\it gspot}.
    7777In the alert case {\it gspot} starts to send to CC special alert packages,
    78 containg information about of the GRB and the ''colour'' of the alert.
     78containing information about of the GRB and the ''colour'' of the alert.
    7979The exchange of the alert packages continues until the following steps occur:
    8282\item {\it gspot} receives from {\it arehucas} the confirmation
    8383that it has received the alert notice; {\it arehucas} must send the alert back in order
    84 to perform a crosscheck of the relevant data;
     84to perform a cross-check of the relevant data;
    8585\item the alarm state expire after {\bf 5 hours}.
    88 At the moment {\it arehucas} informs the shift crew about the alern and undergo
     88At the moment {\it arehucas} informs the shift crew about the alert and undergo
    8989further steps only in case of red alerts. In this case a pop-up window
    90 appears with all the alert information recived by the burst monitor.
     90appears with all the alert information received by the burst monitor.
    9191The operator has to confirm the notice by closing the pop-up window.
    9292He can decide to stop the current scheduled observation and to point the GRB.
    104104The status of the GRB Alert System and relevant informations from the last
    105 alert are displayed on a seperate web page. The page is hosted on the web server in La Palma.
     105alert are displayed on a separate web page. The page is hosted on the web server in La Palma.
    106106The address is the following:\\
    110110The web page automatically updates itself every 10 seconds. In this way
    111 the status of the Burst Alarm System can be checked from everywere.
     111the status of the Burst Alarm System can be checked from everywhere.
    113113\subsection{The acoustic alert}
    115 A further CC-indipendent acoustic alarm called {\it phava}
     115A further CC-independent acoustic alarm called {\it phava}
    116116(~PHonetic Alarm for Valued Alerts~) will be installed
    117117in La Palma very soon. It will provide a loud acoustic signal
    122122of the system and of the alert.
    124 \subsection{Alerts recived until now}
     124\subsection{Alerts received until now}
    126126Since July, 15th 2004 {\it gspot} has been working stable.
    127 It recived from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL about 100 alerts, most of them without coordinates.
     127It received from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL about 100 alerts, most of them without coordinates.
    128128More precisely only 20 of them contained GRB's coordinates. Time delays
    129129were in most cases very large - in the order of of several minutes or even
    131131rely on the alerts until November last year. Since the bugs were fixed we got only one red alert.
    132132This alert came from INTEGRAL with a delay of 71 seconds, it happened
    133 on December 19th at 1:44 am and the GRB zenith angle was $\sim 60^\circ$. Pitty that the weather
    134 conditions were very bad durnig this night.
     133on December 19th at 1:44 am and the GRB zenith angle was $\sim 60^\circ$. It is a pity that the weather
     134conditions were very bad during this night.
    161161loose GRB informations due to nasty events.
    162162Such situation can appear ONLY when the CC is switched off so
    163 that it cannot recive the alert. Indeed such situation can
    164 occour when more than one alert happens in the late afternoon or
     163that it cannot receive the alert. Indeed such situation can
     164occur when more than one alert happens in the late afternoon or
    165165in the 5 hours before the beginning of the night-shift.
    166166In such a case we propose
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Requirements.tex

    r6098 r6120  
    44in order to complete the GRB Alarm System.
    55Parallel to our system also the different subsystems of the MAGIC telescope have
    6 to implement and test strategies for the GRB survay.
     6to implement and test strategies for the GRB survey.
    10 We strongly push the responsibles of the drive-, camera-, amc- and central
    11 control subsystemsto fullfill the criteria defined in~\cite{design}. We suggest
    12 to make a one week shift wherethe experts meet together and test the GRB
    13 stategies. In order to avoid good observation timewe suggest to make the shift
    14 during the moon period. This shift should take place, in arrangementwith the
    15 different subsystem responsibles, before april this year. The time limitation is
    16 based onthe moment when SWIFT will start to work fully automaticly, sending
    17 allerts in real time to the groundstations.
     10We strongly push the responsible persons of the drive-, camera-, amc- and central
     11control subsystems to fulfill the criteria defined in~\cite{design}. We suggest
     12to make a one week shift where the experts meet together and test the GRB
     13strategies. In order to avoid good observation time we suggest to make the shift
     14during the moon period. This shift should take place, in arrangement with the
     15different subsystem managers, before April this year. The time limitation is
     16based on the moment when SWIFT will start to work fully automatically, sending
     17alerts in real time to the ground stations.
    20 We present a list of tasks that are very crucial for the GRB survay:
     20We present a list of tasks that are very crucial for the GRB survey:
    3333The use of look-up tables to correct the mirror focus during the movement to the GRB
    34 coordinates is advantegous. In the alert situation it is a vaste of time if we would have to
     34coordinates is advantageous. In the alert situation it is a waste of time if we would have to
    3535close the camera lids and carry out the full laser adjustment (\~5~min) before starting the observation.
    3636The reproducibility of the focus with the use of look-up tables has to be proven.
    3737In order to use the time during the telescope movement for the focussing of the mirrors to the desired
    38 telescope positon, the AMC needs the coordinates immediately. In this case it is necessary to change the protocol between the AMC and CC.
     38telescope position, the AMC needs the coordinates immediately. In this case it is necessary to change the protocol between the AMC and CC.
    4040\item {\bf Behaviour of the camera during moon:}\
    4242It has to be checked what happens when during the pointing to a GRB position the telescope move over the
    4343moon. It is excluded by the GRB Alert System that a burst closer than 30$\deg$ to the moon will be pointed. However it is not prevented that during the movement of the telescope the moon will pass the FOV.
    44 In this case the HV of the PMTs will be reduced automatically and will not increase fast enought for the
     44In this case the HV of the PMTs will be reduced automatically and will not increase fast enough for the
    4545GRB observation.
    51 All this issues have to be checked during the suggested shift. The aim would be to send fake allerts to
    52 the GRB Alarm System and proove the behaviour of all subsystems.
     51All this issues have to be checked during the suggested shift. The aim would be to send fake alerts to
     52the GRB Alarm System and proof the behaviour of all subsystems.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Strategies.tex

    r6105 r6120  
    77the results on the studies on the MAGIC duty-cycle made by
    88Nicola Galante \cite{GALANTE} and Satoko Mizobuchi \cite{SATOKO}.
    9 Considering a MAGIC duty-cycle of about 10\% and a tollerance of 5 hours
     9Considering a MAGIC duty-cycle of about 10\% and a tolerance of 5 hours
    1010to point the GRB, we should be able to point about 1-2 GRB/month.
    1111Such duty-cycle studies, made before MAGIC started its observations,
    1212are reliable as long as weather constraints that were considered
    13 (~maximum wind's speed of 10 m/s, maximum humidity of 80\% and
     13(~maximum wind speed of 10 m/s, maximum humidity of 80\% and
    1414darkness at astronomical horizon~) revealed similar to the real ones that
    1515are affecting MAGIC's observation time. In this duty-cycle study
    16 also full moon night are considered usefull (~just requiring
     16also full moon night are considered useful (~just requiring
    1717a minimum angular distance of the GRB from the moon of 30$^\circ$~),
    1818while 3-4 nights per month are actually skipped because of full moon,
    1919but this reduction of the real duty-cycle is about compensated
    20 by the tollerance of 5 hours for considering the alert
    21 (~5 hours more before the beginning of the night usefull
     20by the tolerance of 5 hours for considering the alert
     21(~5 hours more before the beginning of the night useful
    2222for getting GRB's alerts are equivalent to an increase
    2323of the duty-cycle of about 6 days per month~). Actually
    2929technical tasks, MAGIC should employ 1-2 nights per month
    3030in GRB observations. This means that we must do as much
    31 as possible to observe them EVERY time that a usefull
    32 alert occours.
     31as possible to observe them EVERY time that a useful
     32alert occurs.
    3434\subsection{What to do with the AMC ? }
    4343a fast moon-flash shouldn't damage the PMTs, but the behaviour
    4444of the camera and of the Camera Control {\it guagua} must
    45 be tested. Otherway, if such test concludes that it is not safe
     45be tested. On the other hand,, if such test concludes that it is not safe
    4646at all to get even a short flash from the moon, the possibility
    47 to implement a new feature into the Steering System wich
    48 follow a different path while selwing must be considered.
     47to implement a new feature into the Steering System which
     48follow a different path while slewing must be considered.
    5050There was a shift observing the Crab-Nebula with half-moon at La Palma in December 2004.
    103103500\,GeV at $\theta = 65^\circ$. Inserting these results into the GRH (figure~\ref{fig:grh}), one gets
    104104a maximal observable GRB distance of $z = 0.1$ and $z = 0.2$, respectively. We think that the probability for
    105 GRBs to occur at these distances is suffiently small in order to neglect the very difficult observations
     105GRBs to occur at these distances is sufficiently small in order to neglect the very difficult observations
    106106beyond these limits.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Timing.tex

    r6001 r6120  
    1515In~\cite{DERMER}, two peaks in the GeV light curve are calculated. An early maximum coincident
    16 with the MeV eak is the high-eneryg extension of the synchrotron component, some seconds
     16with the MeV peak is the high-energy extension of the synchrotron component, some seconds
    1717after the burst onset. The second maximum peaking at $\approx$ 1.5 hours is due primarily to
    1818SSC radiation with significant emission of up to $10^5$ sec. ($\approx 25$ hours) after the burst.
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