02/03/05 09:53:31 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/GRB_proposal_2005.tex

    r6219 r6222  
    120120\bibitem{HARTMANN} Gamma-Ray Bursts and Cosmic Radiation Backgrounds,
    121121Hartmann D.H., Kneiske T.M., Mannheim K.,Watanabe K., AIP Conference Proceedings, 662, 442, 2003.
    122 \bibitem{MANNHEIM} Mannheim K., Hartmann D., Burkhardt F., AsJ, 467, 532, 1996.
     122\bibitem{MANNHEIM} Mannheim K., Hartmann D., Burkhardt F., ApJ, 467, 532, 1996.
    123123\bibitem{DERMER} Beaming, Baryon loading, and the Synchrotron Self-Compton Component in Gamma-Ray Bursts,
    124124Dermer \& Chiang, ApJ, 537, 785, 2000.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Monitor.tex

    r6164 r6222  
    7 The Burst Alarm System is installed and working since last summer
    8 in La Palma. The duty of the Burst Alarm System
    9 is to perform a full-time survey of the {\it GRB Coordinates Network} (\g)~\cite{GCN} alerts. Different satellite experiments perform GRB monitoring
    10 in their wide FOV and send immediately the coordinates of the GRBs to the \g network.
    11 The network send the alerts to registered users and allows other satellites as well as
    12 ground based observatories to observe the GRBs and their afterglows at different wavelengths.
    13 The Burst Alarm System is composed by a core program -
    14 which acts in two ways: on the
    15 one hand it manages the monitoring of the \g, on the other it manages
    16 the communication with the Central Control (CC). Then it also manages
    17 three communication channels to notice the shifters
    18 about an alert situation. The program is called {\it gspot} (Gamma
    19 Sources Pointing Trigger). It is a C based daemon running 24
     7The Burst Alarm System {\it gspot} (Gamma
     8Sources Pointing Trigger) is working in La Palma since last summer.
     9It performs a full-time survey of the {\it GRB Coordinates Network} (\g) alerts~\cite{GCN}.
     10Different satellite experiments
     11send GRB coordinates to the \g which distributes
     12the alerts to registered users.
     13The Burst Alarm System is composed of a core program which
     14manages the monitoring of the \g and the communication with the Central Control (CC).
     15It also handles three communication channels to notice the shifters
     16about an alert. It is a C based daemon running 24
    2017hours a day on the {\it www} machine, our external server, in a
    2118{\it stand alone} mode. It does not need to be operated and is
    26 \subsection{The connection to GCN}
     23\subsection{The connection to the GCN}
    28 The connection to \g is performed by {\it gspot} through a
     25The connection to the \g is performed by {\it gspot} through a
    2926TCP/IP connection to a computer at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
    30 This computer distributes the information it receives from the satellite
    31 experiments through the normal internet socket connection. The {\it gspot} on our
    32 side acts as a server while the client, running at the GSFC,
     27This computer distributes the alerts from the satellite
     28experiments through an internet socket connection. {\it gspot}
     29acts as a server while the client, running at the GSFC,
    3330manages the communication of the data concerning the GRBs
    3431and concerning the status of the connection. \\
    3633The format of the data distributed through the \g differ between the individual satellites
    37 and the kind of package. There are three satellites participating in the GRB survey:
    38 HETE-2~\cite{HETE}, INTEGRAL~\cite{INTEGRAL} and SWIFT~\cite{SWIFT}. All are sending alerts which include the
    39 UTC, coordinates (not always), error on coordinates
     34and the kind of package. Currently, three satellites participate in the GRB survey:
     35HETE-2~\cite{HETE}, INTEGRAL~\cite{INTEGRAL} and SWIFT~\cite{SWIFT}.
     36The alerts include the UTC, the GRB coordinates (not always), error on coordinates
    4037(not always) and intensity (photon counts) of the burst.
    4138The first notices from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL usually do not include the coordinates.
    42 In few cases only coordinates are distributed in more refined notices.
     39In few cases only coordinates are distributed in refined notices.
    4340The \sw alerts are predicted to arrive with coordinates between 30-80 sec after the onset of the burst.
    4441The error on the coordinates from the BAT detector will be 4 arcmin which is smaller than the size of one
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