Changeset 6261 for trunk/MagicSoft

02/04/05 16:20:19 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Timing.tex

    r6260 r6261  
    2929This would lead to VHE emission delayed by few minutes to hours with
    3030respect to the beginning of GRB.
    31 The timeline including both processes is illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:timeline}.
     31The time-line including both processes is illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:timeline}.
    3333\item In~\cite{DERMER}, two peaks in the GeV light curve are calculated.
    46 \caption{A possible example of GRB timeline as verified in~\cite{DERISHEV}}
     46\caption{A possible example of GRB time-line as depicted in~\cite{DERISHEV}}
    50 Based on the model in~\cite{DERISHEV}, three different components of VHE emission exists in an GRB. This components are illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:timeline}. (a) There is the prompt 100\,GeV peak before and during the first keV-MeV peak, (b) the VHE emission due to inverse Compton scattering lasting for the whole duration of the GRB pulse and (c) the reprocessed inverse Compton emission which may last up to hours after the GRB onset.
     50Based on the model in~\cite{DERISHEV}, three different components of VHE emission exists in an GRB.
     51The corresponding components are illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:timeline}.
     52(a) There is the prompt 100\,GeV peak before and during the first keV-MeV peak,
     53(b) the VHE emission due to Inverse Compton scattering lasting for the whole duration of the GRB pulse and
     54(c) the reprocessed Inverse Compton emission which may last up to hours after the GRB onset.
    5155(b) and (c) are the components which may be detectable by \ma and other ground based $\gamma$-ray detectors.
    55 To achive significant emission due to inverse Comton scattering of the sub-MeV radiation, a minimal magnetic field $B_{min}$ is necessary:
     59To achieve significant emission due to inverse Compton scattering
     60of the sub-MeV radiation, a minimal magnetic field $B_{min}$ is necessary:
    64 When the magnetic field is much stronger than $B_{min}$, the delay of reprocessed photons may become observable. For this perpendicular case it can be calculated via the following asymptotic expression:
     69If the magnetic field is much stronger than $B_{min}$,
     70the delay of reprocessed photons may become observable.
     71For this perpendicular case it can be calculated via the following asymptotic expression:
    71 For typical values of the absorption threshold $\epsilon_{2ph}=1\,TeV$, duration time of GRB main pulse $t_{GRB}=10^{2}\,s$ and Lorentz factor of the GRB shell $\Gamma=10^{2}$, the duration of delayed VHE emission will be 0.8 hours for the component of magnetic field perpendicular to electron's trajectory $B_{\perp}=0.1\,Gauss$, 3.6 hours for $B_{\perp}=1.0\,Gauss$ and 17.3 hours for $B_{\perp}=10\,Gauss$.\\
     78For typical values of the absorption threshold $\epsilon_{2ph}=1\,TeV$,
     79the duration time of GRB main pulse $t_{GRB}=10^{2}\,s$ and Lorentz factor of the GRB shell
     80$\Gamma=10^{2}$, the duration of delayed VHE emission will be 0.8 hours for the component of magnetic
     81field perpendicular to electron's trajectory $B_{\perp}=0.1\,Gauss$,
     823.6 hours for $B_{\perp}=1.0\,Gauss$ and 17.3 hours for $B_{\perp}=10\,Gauss$.\\
    73 Observation of the delayed VHE emission and the time correlation will give informations about the density of the surrounding interstellar gas, the magnetic field and the Lorentz factor of the GRB shell.\\
     84The observation of the delayed VHE emission and the time correlation will give informations
     85about the density of the surrounding interstellar gas, the magnetic field and
     86the Lorentz factor of the GRB shell.\\
    75 It is not easy to fix a reasonable observation time of a GRB based on the described models. Every bust has its own characteristic and time profile. Hovewer, obseration of the GRB coordinates for/within 5 hours after the alert may put constraints on model parameters of GRB sources.\\
     88It is not easy to determine a reasonable observation time of a GRB based on the described models.
     89Every burst has its own characteristic and time profile.
     90However, observation of the GRB coordinates for/within 5 hours after the alert may set
     91constraints on model parameters of GRB sources.\\
    77 In case of an \textcolor{red}{\bf Red Alarm}, we propose to take data for {\bf 5 hours}.
     93In the case of an \textcolor{red}{\bf Red Alarm}, we propose to take data for {\bf 5 hours}.
    79 In case of an \textcolor{yellow}{\bf Yellow Alarm}, we propose to observe the source from the time when it will become observable until the {\bf 5 hours} pass.
     95In the case of an \textcolor{yellow}{\bf Yellow Alarm},
     96we propose to observe the source from the time when it will become observable until the {\bf 5 hours} pass.
    8198%%% Local Variables:
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