02/12/05 15:27:22 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Pedestal.tex

    r6398 r6401  
    297297Table~\ref{tab:bias} shows bias, resolution and mean-square error for all extractors using
    298 a sliding window. Every extractor had the freedom to move 5 slices, i.e. the global window size
    299 was fixed to five slices plus the extractor window. One can see that
     298a sliding window. In this sample, every extractor had the freedom to move 5 slices,
     299i.e. the global window size was fixed to five plus the extractor window size. This first line
     300shows the resolution of the smallest, robust fixed window algorithm in order to give a reference.
     301One can see that the bias $B$ typically decreases
     302with increasing window size (except for the digital filter), while the error $R$ increases with
     303increasing window size. There is also a small difference between the obtained error on a fixed window
     304extraction and the one obtained from a sliding window extraction in the case of the spline and digital
     305filter algorithms.
     306The mean-squared error has an optimum somewhere between: In the case of the
     307sliding window and the spline at the lowest window size, in the case of the digital filter
     308at 4 slices. The global winners are extractors \#25 (spline with integration of 1 slice) and \#29
     309(digital filter with integration of 4 slices). All sliding window extractors -- except \#21 --
     310have a smaller mean-square error than the resolution of the fixed window reference extractor.
    313324Nr. & Name         &  $R$  & $R$ & $B$ & $\sqrt{MSE}$ &  $R$ &$R$  & $B$ & $\sqrt{MSE}$& $R$ &  $R$& $B$ & $\sqrt{MSE}$ \\
    314325    &              &  (FW) & (SW)& (SW)& (SW) & (FW) &(SW) & (SW)& (SW) & (FW)&(SW) & (SW)&(SW) \\
     3284   & Fixed Win. 8  & 1.2  & --  & 0.0 & 1.2  & 2.5  & --  & 0.0 &  2.5 & 3.0 &  -- & 0.0 & 3.0 \\   
    31633017  & Slid. Win. 2  & 0.5  & 0.5 & 0.4 & 0.6  & 1.4  & 1.4 & 1.2 &  1.8 & 1.6 & 1.6 & 1.5 & 2.2 \\
    333 \caption{The statistical parameters bias, resolution and mean error. All units in equiv.
     347\caption{The statistical parameters bias, resolution and mean error for the sliding window
     348algorithm. The first line displays the resolution of the smallest, robust fixed window extractor
     349for reference. All units in equiv.
    334350photo-electrons, uncertainty: 0.1 phes. All extractors were allowed to move 5 FADC slices plus
    335351their window size. The ``winners'' for each row are marked in red. Global winners (within the given
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