02/13/05 21:15:20 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Pedestal.tex

    r6417 r6438  
    114114\item Determine $MSE$ from the fitted error of $\widehat{S}$, which is possible for the
    115115    fit and the digital filter (eq.~\ref{eq:of_noise}).
    116     In prinicple, all dependencies can be retrieved with this method.
     116    In principle, all dependencies can be retrieved with this method.
    363363Figures~\ref{fig:sw:distped} through~\ref{fig:df:distped} show the
    364364extracted pedestal distributions for some selected extractors (\#18, \#23, \#25 and \#28)
    365  for one examplary channel (pixel 100) and two background situations: Closed camera with only electronic
     365 for one exemplary channel (pixel 100) and two background situations: Closed camera with only electronic
    366366noise and open camera pointing to an extra-galactic source.
    367367One can see the (asymmetric) Poisson behaviour of the
    413413(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 2 FADC
    414414slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application
    415 of time-randomized weigths on a fixed window of 2 FADC slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
     415of time-randomized weights on a fixed window of 2 FADC slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
    416416full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
    417417RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
    428428(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 6 FADC
    429429slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application
    430 of time-randomized weigths on a fixed window of 6 slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
     430of time-randomized weights on a fixed window of 6 slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
    431431full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
    432432RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
    516 We tested this relation assuming that the fitted area underneath the pedestal peak $Area_0$ is
     516We tested this relation assuming that the fitted area underneath the pedestal peak Area$_0$ is
    517517proportional to $P(0)$ and the sum of the fitted areas underneath the single photo-electron peak
    518 $Area_1$ and the double photo-electron peak $Area_2$ proportional to $P(>0)$. Thus, one expects:
    520 \begin{equation}
    521 Area_0 / (Area_1 + Area+2 ) = \frac{e^{-R\cdot WS}}{1-e^{-R\cdot WS}}
     518Area$_1$ and the double photo-electron peak Area$_2$ proportional to $P(>0)$. Thus, one expects:
     521\mathrm{Area}_0 / (\mathrm{Area}_1 + \mathrm{Area}_2 ) = \frac{e^{-R\cdot WS}}{1-e^{-R\cdot WS}}
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