Changeset 6439 for trunk

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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Calibration.tex

    r6437 r6439  
    402 c_{phe} =\  <Phe> / <\widehat{S}>
     402c_{phe} =\  <N_{phe}> / <\widehat{S}>
    406406optical transmission devices~\cite{david} is a linear device over a
    407407wide dynamic range, the number of photo-electrons per charge has to remain constant over the tested
    408 linearity region. We will show here only examples of extractors which were not already excluded in the
    409 previous section.
     408linearity region.
    411410A first test concerns the stability of the conversion factor: mean number of averaged photo-electrons
    412 per FADC counts over the
    413 tested intensity region. A much more detailed investigation on the linearity will be shown in a
    414 separate TDAS~\cite{tdas-calibration}.
     411per FADC counts over the tested intensity region. This test includes all systematic uncertainties
     412in the calculation of the number of photo-electrons and the computation of the mean signal.
     413A more detailed investigation on the linearity will be shown in a
     414separate TDAS~\cite{tdas-calibration}, although there, the number of photo-electrons will be calculated
     415in a more direct way.
    418419obtained for different light intensities
    419420and colours for three exemplary inner and three exemplary outer pixels using a fixed window on
    420 8 FADC slices. Some of the pixels show a difference
     4218 FADC slices. The conversion factor seem to be linear to a good approximation,
     422except for two cases:
     424\item The green pulses yield systematically low conversion factors
     425\item Some of the pixels show a difference
    421426between the high-gain ($<$100\ phes for the inner, $<$300\ phes for the outer pixels) and the low-gain
    422427($>$100\ phes for the inner, $>$300\ phes for the outer pixels) region and
    423428a rather good stability of $c_{phe}$ for each region separately.
    424 We conclude that the fixed window extractor \#4 is a linear extractor
    425 for both high-gain and low-gain regions, separately.
    426 \par
    428 \begin{figure}[htp]
     431We conclude that, apart from the two reasons above,
     432the fixed window extractor \#4 is a linear extractor for both high-gain
     433and low-gain regions, separately.
     436Figures~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge9} and~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge15} show the conversion factors
     437using an integrated spline and a fixed window with global peak search, respectively, over
     438an extraction window of 8 FADC slices. The same behaviour is obtained as before. These extractors are
     439linear to a good approximation, except for the two cases mentionned above.
    438 Figures~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge9} and~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge15} shows the conversion factors
    439 using an integrated spline and a fixed window with global peak search, respectively, over
    440 an extraction window of 8 FADC slices. The same behaviour as before is obtained. These extractors are
    441 thus linear to good approximation, for the two amplification regions, separately.
    442 \par
    444 \begin{figure}[htp]
    454 \begin{figure}[htp]
     462Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge20} shows the conversion factors using a sliding window of 6 FADC slices.
     463The linearity is maintained like in the previous examples, except for the smallest signals the effect
     464of the bias is already visible.
    464 Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge20} shows the conversion factors using a sliding window of 6 FADC slices.
    465 The linearity is maintained like in the previous examples, except for the smallest signals where the effect
    466 of the bias is already visible.
    467 \par
    469 \begin{figure}[htp]
     477Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge23} shows the conversion factors using the amplitude-extracting spline
     478(extractor \#23).
     479Here, the linearity is worse than in the previous samples. A very clear difference between high-gain and
     480low-gain regions can be seen as well as a bigger general spread in conversion factors. In order to investigate
     481if there is a common, systematic effect of the extractor, we show the averaged conversion factors over all
     482inner and outer pixels in figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea23}. Both characteristics are maintained,
     483there. Although the differences between high-gain and low-gain can be easily corrected for, we conclude
     484that extractor \#23 is still unstable against the linearity tests.
    484 \begin{figure}[htp]
     502Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge24} shows the conversion factors using a spline integrating over
     503one effective FADC slice in the high-gain and 1.5 effective FADC slices in the low-gain (extractor \#24).
     504The same problems are found as with extractor \#23, however to a much lower extent.
     505The difference between high-gain and low-gain regions is less pronounced and the spread
     506in conversion factors is smaller.
     507Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea24} shows already rather good stability except for the two
     508lowest intensity pulses in green and blue. We conclude that extractor \#24 is still not too stable, but
     509preferable to amplitude extractor.
     529Looking at figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge25}, one can see that raising the integration window by
     530to two  effective FADC slices in the high-gain and three effective FADC slices in the low-gain
     531(extractor \#25), the stability is completely resumed, except for that
     532there seems to be a small systematic increase of the conversion factor in the low-gain range. This effect
     533is not significant in figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea25}, however it can be seen in five out of the
     534six tested channels of figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge25}. We conclude that extractor \#25 is
     535almost as stable as the fixed window extractors.
    518 Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge25} shows the conversion factors using a spline
    519 extractor with an integration window of 2 FADC slices in the high-gain and 3 FADC slices in the
    520 low-gain. There seems to be a systematic
    521 increase in the conversion factor in the low-gain range. In order to see if this effect is systematic,
    522 we calculated the average of all conversion factors over the camera, separated for inner and outer
    523 pixels (figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea25}).
    526 If one uses this extractor, probably this effect will have to be corrected for.
    528 \par
     555Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge30} shows the conversion factors using a digital filter,
     556applied on 6 FADC slices with weights calculated from the UV-calibration pulse.
     557One can see that many blue and green calibration pulses at low and intermediate intensity fall
     558out of the linear region, moreover there is also a systematic offset between high-gain and low-gain region.
     559It seems that the digital filter does not pass this test if the pulse form changes slightly from the
     560expected one. The effect is not as problematic as it may appear here, because the actual calibration
     561will not calculate the number of photo-electrons (with the F-Factor method) for every signal intensity.
     562Thus, one possible reason for the instability falls away in the cosmics analysis. However, the limits
     563of this extraction are clearly visible here and have to be monitored further.
    548 Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge30} shows the conversion factors using a digital filter applied on 6 FADC slices with weights calculated from
    549 the UV-calibration pulse.
    550 One can see that all calibration blue and green calibration pulses at low and intermediate intensity fall
    551  out of the linear region, moreover there seems to be
    552 a systematic offset between high-gain and low-gain. These offsets have to corrected for in any way, however the loss of stability against the
    553 exact pulse form in the high-gain is more problematic.
    555 \par
    576604\subsection{Time Resolution}
    578 The extractors \#17--32 are able to extract also the arrival time of each pulse. The calibration
    579 delivers a fast-rising pulse, uniform over the camera in signal size and time.
     606The extractors \#17--39 are able to compute the arrival time of each pulse. The calibration LEDs
     607deliver a fast-rising pulses, uniform over the camera in signal size and time.
    580608We estimate the time-uniformity to better
    581609than 300\,ps, a limit due to the different travel times of the light between inner and outer parts of the
    589617where $t_i$ denotes the reconstructed arrival time of pixel number $i$ and $t_1$ the reconstructed
    590 arrival time of the reference pixel nr. 1 (software numbering). For one calibration run, one can then fill
    591 histograms of $\delta t_i$ for each pixel and fit them to the expected Gaussian distribution. The fits
     618arrival time of the reference pixel nr. 1 (software numbering). In one calibration run, one can then fill
     619histograms of $\delta t_i$ and fit them to the expected Gaussian distribution. The fits
    592620yield a mean $\mu(\delta t_i)$, comparable to
    593 systematic offsets in the signal delay, and a sigma $\sigma(\delta t_i)$, a measure of the
     621systematic delays in the signal travel time, and a sigma $\sigma(\delta t_i)$, a measure of the
    594622combined time resolutions of pixel $i$ and pixel 1. Assuming that the PMTs and readout channels are
    595 of a same kind, we obtain an approximate absolute time resolution of pixel $i$ by:
     623of a same kind, we obtain an approximate time resolution of pixel $i$:
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