02/14/05 17:44:42 (20 years ago)
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  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Algorithms.tex

    r6437 r6462  
    520520depend on the pulse shape, the derivative of the pulse shape and the noise autocorrelation.
    521521In the high gain samples, the correlated night sky background noise dominates over
    522 the white electronics noise. Thus, different noise levels just cause the members of the noise autocorrelation
     522the white electronics noise. Thus, different noise levels just cause the elements of the noise autocorrelation
    523523matrix to change by a same factor,
    524524which cancels out in the weights calculation.
    526526sky background noise level in the high gain.
    528 Contrary to that in the low gain samples ... .
    529 \ldots
    530 \ldots {\textit{\bf SITUATION FOR LOW-GAIN SAMPLES! }} \ldots
    531 \par
     528Contrary to that in the low gain samples the correlated noise from the LONS is in the same order of magnitude as the white electronics and digitization noise. Moreover the noise autocorrelation for the low gain samples can not directly be determined from the data. The low gain is only switched on if the pulse exceeds a presets threshold. There are no pedestals in the low gain available. Thus the noise auto-correlation determined from MC simulations for an extragalactic background is also used to compute the weights for cosmics and calibration pulses.
    561 Using the average reconstructed pulpo pulse shape, as shown in figure \ref{fig:pulpo_shape_low}, and the
    562 reconstructed noise autocorrelation matrix from a pedestal run
    564 \par
    565 \ldots {\textit{\bf WHICH RUN (RUN NUMBER, WHICH NSB?, WHICH PIXELS ??}} \ldots
    566 \par
    568 with random triggers, the digital filter
    569 weights are computed. Figures \ref{fig:w_time_MC_input_TDAS} and \ref{fig:w_amp_MC_input_TDAS} show the amplitude and timing weights for the MC pulse shape. The first weight $w_{\mathrm{amp/time}}(t_0)$ is plotted as a function of the relative time $t_{\text{rel}}$ the trigger and the
     560Using the average reconstructed pulpo pulse shapes, as shown in figure \ref{fig:pulpo_shape_low}, and the reconstructed noise autocorrelation matrices from a pedestal runs with random triggers, the digital filter weights are computed. As the pulse shapes in the high and low gain and for cosmics, calibration and pulpo events are somewhat different, dedicated digital filter weights are computed for these event classes. Also filter weights optimized for MC simulations are calculated. High/low gain filter weights are computed for the following event classes:
     563\item{cosmics weights: for cosmics events}
     564\item{calibration weights UV: for UV calibration pulses}
     565\item{calibration weights blue: for blue and green calibration pulses}
     566\item{MC weights: for MC simulations}
     567\item{pulpo weights: for pulpo runs.}
     573 \hline
     574 & high gain shape & high gain noise & low gain shape & low gain noise
     575\\ cosmics & 25945 (pulpo) & 38995 (extragal.) & 44461 (pulpo) & MC low
     576\\ UV & 36040 (UV) & 38995 (extragal.) & 44461 (pulpo) & MC low
     577\\ blue & 31762 (blue) & 38995 (extragal.) & 31742 (blue) & MC low
     578\\ MC & MC & MC high & MC & MC low
     579\\ pulpo & 25945 (pulpo) & 38993 (no LONS) & 44461 (pulpo) & MC low
     583\caption{The used runs for the pulse shapes and noise auto-correlations for the digital filter weights of the different event types.}\label{table:weight_files}}
     589 Figures \ref{fig:w_time_MC_input_TDAS} and \ref{fig:w_amp_MC_input_TDAS} show the amplitude and timing weights for the MC pulse shape. The first weight $w_{\mathrm{amp/time}}(t_0)$ is plotted as a function of the relative time $t_{\text{rel}}$ the trigger and the
    570590FADC clock in the range $[-0.5,0.5[ \ T_{\text{ADC}}$, the second weight in the range $[0.5,1.5[ \ T_{\text{ADC}}$ and so on. A binning resolution
    571591of $0.1\,T_{\text{ADC}}$ has been chosen.
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