Changeset 6578

02/17/05 20:34:20 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Criteria.tex

    r6562 r6578  
    77in the signal extraction algorithms and the subsequent image cleaning.
    9 In the image analysis, one takes the decision whether the extracted signal of a certain pixel is considered as signal or background.
     9In the traditional image analysis, one takes the decision whether the extracted signal of a certain pixel is considered as signal or background.
    1010Those considered as signal are further used to compute the image parameters while the background ones are simply rejected. The calculation
    11 of the second moments of the image ``ellipse'' usually fails when applied to un-cleaned images, therefore the decision is yes or no. Moreover,
     11of the second moments of the image ``ellipse'' usually fails when applied to un-cleaned images, therefore the decision is yes or
     12no\footnote{This restriction is not necessary any more in all advanced analyses using likelihood fits to the images or fourier transforms}.
    1214already low contributions of mis-estimated background can degrade the resolution of the image parameters considerably. If one wants to
    1315lower the threshold for signal recognition, it is therefore mandatory to increase the efficiency with which the background is recognized as
    1416such. If the background resolution is bad, the signal threshold goes up and vice versa.
    16 The algorithm must be stable with respect to changes
    17 in observation conditions and background levels and between signals induced from gamma or hadronic showers or from muons.
    18 The reconstructed signal shall be proportional to the total integrated charge in the FADCs due to the PMT pulse from the Cherenkov signal.
     18One cuts on the probability that the reconstructed charge is due to background. This yields a lower reconstructed signal limit for an event
     19being considered as signal at all. The lower the limit (keeping constant the background probability), the lower the analyzed energy
     22Furthermore, the algorithm must be stable with respect to changes
     23in observation conditions and background levels and between signals obtained from gamma or hadronic showers or from muons.
    2025Also the needed computing time is of concern.
    32 has the mean $B$ and the Variance $MSE$ defined as:
     37has the mean $B$ and the Variance $R$ defined as:
    53 \ldots {\textit The Nuria plots ... }
     59The reconstructed signal should be proportional to the total integrated charge in the FADCs
     60due to the PMT pulse from the Cherenkov signal.  A deviation from linearity is usually obtained in the following cases:
     63\item At very low signals, the bias causes as too high reconstructed signal (positive $X$).
     64\item At very high signals, the FADC system goes into saturation and the reconstructed signal becomes too low (negative $X$).
     65\item Any error in the inter-calibration between the high- and low-gain acquisition channels yield an effective deviation from
     69The linearity is very important for the reconstruction of the shower energy and further the obtained energy spectra from the
     70observed sources.
    5572\subsection{Low Gain Extraction}
    56 \ldots {\textit The stability of the low-gain extraction w.r.t. the high-gain extraction}
     74Because of the peculiarities of the MAGIC data acquisition system, the extraction of the low-gain pulse is somewhat critical:
     75The low-gain pulse shape differs significantly from the high-gain shape. Due to the analogue delay line, the low-gain pulse is
     76wider and the integral charge is distributed over a longer time window.
     78The time delay between high-gain
     79and low-gain pulse is small, thus for large pulses,
     80mis-interpretations between the tails of the high-gain pulse and the low-gain pulse might occur. Moreover, the total recorded time window
     81is relatively small and at late high-gain pulses, parts of the low-gain pulse might already reach out of the recorded FADC window.
     82A good extractor must be
     83stably extracting the low-gain pulse without being confused by the above points. This is especially important since the low-gain
     84pulses are due to the large signals with a big impact on the image parameters, especially the size parameter.
    59 \subsection{Stability}
    60 \ldots {\textit The stability of an extractor to slightly varying pulse shapes is examined. }
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