Changeset 6588 for trunk/MagicSoft

02/18/05 12:19:32 (20 years ago)
 Changes in MFadc. Added possibility to set a shift (for the moment an
 integer number of FADC slices) between the signal peak in the high gain
 and in the low gain.
4 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx

    r6584 r6588  
    50625062// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
     5063// Revision 1.91  2005/02/18 10:24:51  moralejo
     5065// Added switch to low gain (see MFadc.cxx). Before, in all events all
     5066// pixels had low gain branch, no matter how small the signal in the high
     5067// gain was. Now we require a minimum signal in the high gain to fill the
     5068// low gain slices with the scaled-down signal. In case the switch does
     5069// not occur, the low gain slices are simply the continuation of the
     5070// high gain ones, with the noise the same as in the high gain.
    50635072// Revision 1.90  2005/02/17 15:37:12  moralejo
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card

    r5274 r6588  
    55ct_geom 1
    66# Quantum efficiency file:
    7 qe_file 0  /home/pcmagic00/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
     7qe_file 0  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
    88# Input file (one per telescope):
    99# input_file 0 /data1/magic/reflex/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.rfl
    1010# Perform calibration run: lambda sigma_lambda phot_per_pixel time_fwhm n_events [selected_pixel]
    11 calibration_run 375. 12. 200. 2.5 5
     11# The values below correspond roughly to 10 LED UV
     12#calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 2.5 3000
     13calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 2.5 10
     14# line below shows how to create a pedestal run (= cal. with 0-photon pulses):
     15#calibration_run 0. 0. 0. 0. 1000
    1216# Ascii output file name:
    1317#data_file ./Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.dat
    1519# root output file name:
    1620#root_file ./Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.root
    17 root_file ./prueba.root
     21#root_file ./19990101_00001_P_MonteCarlo_E.root
     22root_file ./19990101_00002_C_MonteCarlo_E.root
    1823# Trigger characteristics: gate length (ns), min. overlapping time (ns),
    1924# amplitude and FWHM of (gaussian) single phe response for trigger:
    2126# L1 Trigger condition: CT number, threshold (mV), multiplicity and topology:
    2227trigger_single 0 4 4 2
     28# Correction to overall light collection efficiency:  CT#  fraction
     29mirror_fraction 0 0.73
    2330# Switch on NSB:
    24 #nsb_on
    25 nsb_off
    2633# Number of photons from the diffuse NSB (nphe / ns 0.1*0.1 deg^2 239 m^2) and
    2734# minimum number of phe from shower required to simulate NSB:
    28 nsb_mean 0.13 10
     35nsb_mean 0.183 10
    2936# Starfield (see Starfieldadder program)
    30 # starfield_file /home/pcmagic00/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
    31 # Electronic noise in FADC (sigma in ADC counts): Inner pixels, outer pixels, digital noise: 
    32 #fadc_noise 1.48 2.1 0.
    33 elec_noise_off
     37# starfield_file /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
     38# Electronic noise in FADC (sigma in ADC counts): Inner pixels, outer pixels, digital noise:
     39fadc_noise 1.3 2.4 1.
    3441# Mean pedestal per slice (ADC counts):
    3542fadc_pedestal 10.
    3643# Additional sigma of mirror spot (cm):
    37 sigma_xy_cm_spot 1.
    38 # Fraction of currently active mirror:
    39 mirror_fraction 0 1.
     44sigma_xy_cm_spot 1.4
    4045# Seeds for random number generation:
    4146seeds 66767 45069
    4247# Directory where NSB database can be found for inner and outer pixels:
    43 nsb_directory  /home/pcmagic00/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner/
    44 nsb_dir_outer  /home/pcmagic00/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/outer/
     48nsb_directory  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner/
     49nsb_dir_outer  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/outer/
    4651# FADC properties: shape of single phe response (1 means realistic one, from
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx

    r6584 r6588  
    2424             Float_t trigger_delay, Float_t fadc_slices_per_ns,
    2525             Int_t fadc_slices_written, Int_t gainswitchamp,
    26              Int_t shiftfromswitch2lowgain) {
     26             Int_t shiftfromswitch2lowgain, Int_t hi2logainpeak) {
    2727  //
    2828  //  Constructor overloaded II
    5555  fGainSwitchAmp = gainswitchamp;
    5656  fShiftFromSwitch2LowGain = shiftfromswitch2lowgain;
     57  fHi2LoGainPeak = hi2logainpeak;
    5859  fSlices_mFadc = (Int_t)(TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME*fFadcSlicesPerNanosec);
    989990      // Now put the low gain:
     991      // FIXME: for now, the shift between the high and low gain peaks has to be an integer number
     992      // of FADC slices. But in the data the shift is ~16.5 slices. This has to be implemented.
    990993      i=0;
    991994      for ( Int_t is = iFirstSlice; is < (iFirstSlice+fFadcSlices); is++ )
    995998              if (switch_i > 0 && (i+fFadcSlices) >= switch_i)
    996999                output_lowgain[ip][i] = pedestal[ip] +
    997                   (sig[ip][is]-pedestal[ip])/high2low_gain;
     1000                  (sig[ip][is-(fHi2LoGainPeak-fFadcSlices)]-pedestal[ip])/high2low_gain;
    9981001              // Once the shift occurs, low gain is filled with the high
    9991002              // gain signal scaled down by the factor high2low_gain
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx

    r6584 r6588  
    110110                        // to fill the low gain with a scaled down version of the pulse in the
    111111                        // high gain. Else we put in the continuation of the high gain.
     112                        // By default it is now 120 ADC counts (see constructor).
    113114  Int_t fShiftFromSwitch2LowGain;
    114115  // Distance in FADC slices from the slice in which the amplitude
    115116  // fGainSwitchAmp is reached to were the switch to low gain will happen.
     117  // By default it is now 13 slices (see constructor)
     119  Int_t fHi2LoGainPeak;
     120  // Distance in FADC slices from the signal peak in the high gain to the signal peak in
     121  // the low gain. By default we set now 16 slices (see constructor).
    117123  //
    138144        Int_t   fadc_slices_written = FADC_SLICES,
    139145        Int_t   gainswitchamp = 120,
    140         Int_t   shiftfromswitch2lowgain = 13);
     146        Int_t   shiftfromswitch2lowgain = 13,
     147        Int_t   hi2logainpeak = 16);
    142149  void SetSeed(UInt_t seed)  {GenElec->SetSeed(seed);}
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