02/19/05 14:18:15 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Calibration.tex

    r6585 r6623  
    55pulse shapes and intensities with the MAGIC LED Calibration Pulser Box \cite{hardware-manual}.
    7 The LED pulser system is able to provide fast light pulses of 3--4\,ns FWHM
    8 with intensities ranging from 3--4 to more than 500 photo-electrons in one inner photo-multiplier of the
     7The LED pulser system is able to provide fast light pulses of 2--4\,ns FWHM
     8with intensities ranging from 3--4 to more than 600 photo-electrons in one inner photo-multiplier of the
    99camera. These pulses can be produced in three colours {\textit {\bf green, blue}} and
    1010{\textit{\bf UV}}.
    2323Green &  520      & 40      & 6          &  120      & yes  & 3--4  \\
    25 Blue &  460       & 30      & 6          &  500      & yes  & 3--4 \\
     25Blue &  460       & 30      & 6          &  600      & yes  & 3--4 \\
    2727UV   &  375       & 12      & 3          &  50       & no   & 2--3 \\
    3636figures~\ref{fig:pulseexample1leduv} and~\ref{fig:pulseexample23ledblue} show exemplary pulses
    3737as registered by the FADCs.
    38 Whereas the UV-pulse is very stable, the green and blue pulses show sometimes smaller secondary
     38Whereas the UV-pulse is rather stable, the green and blue pulses can show smaller secondary
    3939pulses after about 10--40\,ns from the main pulse.
    40 One can see that the very stable UV-pulses are unfortunately only available in such intensities as to
     40One can see that the stable UV-pulses are unfortunately only available in such intensities as to
    4141not saturate the high-gain readout channel. However, the brightest combination of light pulses easily
    4242saturates all channels in the camera, but does not reach a saturation of the low-gain readout.
    83 We used data taken on the 7$^{th}$ of June, 2004 with different pulser LED combinations, each taken with
     83We used data taken on the 7$^{\mathrm{th}}$ of June, 2004 with different pulser LED combinations, each taken with
    848416384 events. 19 different calibration configurations have been tested.
    85 The corresponding MAGIC data run numbers range from nr. 31741 to 31772. These data was taken
     85The corresponding MAGIC data run numbers range from nr. 31741 to 31772. These data have been taken
    8686before the latest camera repair access which resulted in a replacement of about 2\% of the pixels known to be
    8787mal-functioning at that time.
    146 \caption{Example of an event classified as ``un-calibrated''. The histogram has been obtained
     146\caption{Example of an event classified as ``outlier''. The histogram has been obtained
    147147using the digital filter (extractor \#32) applied to a high-intensity blue pulse (run 31772).
    148 The event marked as ``outlier'' clearly has been mis-reconstructed. It lies outside the 5 sigma
    149 region from the fitted mean.}
     148The event marked as ``outlier'' clearly has been mis-reconstructed. It lies outside the 5$\sigma$--region from the fitted mean.}
    206205less pixels than the corresponding ``fixed window''-ones (extractors \#1--16).
    208 The spline (extractors \#23--27) and the digital filter with the correct weights (extractors \#30-33) discard
     207The spline (extractors \#23--27) and the digital filter with the correct weights (extractors \#30-31) discard
    209208the least number of pixels and are also robust against slight modifications of the pulse form
    210209(of the weights for the digital filter).
    212211Concerning the numbers of outliers, one can conclude that in general, the numbers are very low never exceeding
    2132120.1\% except for the amplitude-extracting spline which seems to mis-reconstruct a certain type of events.
    214 It seems however that the spline algorithm extracting the amplitude of the signal produces an over-proportional
    216214In conclusion, already this first test excludes all extractors with too large window sizes because
    276274This has to do with the fact that
    277275the fixed window extractors fail to catch a significant part of the (larger) pulse because of the
    278 1~FADC slice event-to-event jitter. Also the sliding windows smaller than 6 FADC slices and the spline smaller than
     2761~FADC slice event-to-event jitter and the larger pulse width covering about 6 FADC slices.
     277Also the sliding windows smaller than 6 FADC slices and the spline smaller than
    2792782 FADC slices reproduce too small numbers of photo-electrons. Moreover, the digital filter shows a small dependency
    280279of the number of photo-electrons w.r.t. the extration window.
    334333by the secondary pulses, except for the digital filter.
    336 The extractor {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}} seems to be stable against modifications in the
     335The extractor {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}} seems to be sufficiently stable against modifications of the
    337336exact form of the weights in the high-gain readout channel since all applied weights yield about
    338 the same number of photo-electrons and the same ratio of outer vs. inner pixels, except if one applies the cosmics
    339 weights to the very low-intensity pulse $1\,LED\,UV$ where a slight increase in photo-electrons is observed.
     337the same number of photo-electrons and the same ratio of outer vs. inner pixels.
    341339All sliding window and spline algorithms yield a stable ratio of outer vs. inner pixels in the high and the low-gain.
    346344not correct. All sliding window algorithms seem to reproduce the correct numbers if one takes into
    347345account the after-pulse behaviour of the light pulser itself. The digital filter seems to be
    348 stable against changing the pulse width from 1~to~4\,ns.
     346stable against modifications of the intrinsic pulse width from 1~to~4\,ns. This is the expected range within which the pulses from
     347realistic cosmics signals may vary.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/MAGIC_signal_reco.tex

    r6542 r6623  
  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Results.tex

    r6603 r6623  
    6767test, without being among the best. \no\ means that the extractor has severely failed the test and should
    6868not be taken because of that reason. \best\ means that the extractor(s) have come out as best of the particular test.}
    70 \label{tab:result}
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