Changeset 6647 for trunk/MagicSoft

02/21/05 15:40:31 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Algorithms.tex

    r6645 r6647  
    66There, the base classes {\textit{\bf MExtractor}}, {\textit{\bf MExtractTime}}, {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndCharge}} and
    77all individual extractors can be found. Figure~\ref{fig:extractorclasses} gives a sketch of the
    8 inheritances of each class and what each class calculates.
     8inheritances and tasks of each class.
    1717The following base classes for the extractor tasks are used:
    19 \item[MExtractor:\xspace] This class provides the basic data members equal for all extractors which are:
     19\item[MExtractor:\xspace] This class provides the basic data members, equal for all extractors, which are:
    2020  \begin{enumerate}
    21   \item Global extraction ranges, parameterized by the variables
     21  \item Global extraction ranges, defined by the variables
    2222    {\textit{\bf fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast, fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast}} and the function {\textit{\bf SetRange()}}.
    2323    The ranges always {\textit{\bf include}} the edge slices.
    2424  \item An internal variable {\textit{\bf fHiLoLast}} regulating the overlap of the desired high-gain
    2525    extraction range into the low-gain array.
    26   \item The maximum possible FADC value, before the slice is declared as saturated, parameterized
     26  \item The maximum possible FADC value, before the slice is declared as saturated, defined
    2727    by the variable {\textit{\bf fSaturationLimit}} (default:\,254).
    2828  \item The typical delay between high-gain and low-gain slices, expressed in FADC slices and parameterized
    2929    by the variable {\textit{\bf fOffsetLoGain}} (default:\,1.51)
    30   \item Pointers to the used storage containers {\textit{\bf MRawEvtData, MRawRunHeader, MPedestalCam}}
    31     and~{\textit{\bf MExtractedSignalCam}}, parameterized by the variables
     30  \item Pointers to the storage containers {\textit{\bf MRawEvtData, MRawRunHeader, MPedestalCam}}
     31    and~{\textit{\bf MExtractedSignalCam}}, defined by the variables
    3232    {\textit{\bf fRawEvt, fRunHeader, fPedestals}} and~{\textit{\bf fSignals}}.
    33   \item Names of the used storage containers to be searched for in the parameter list, parameterized
     33  \item Names of the storage containers to be searched for in the parameter list, parameterized
    3434    by the variables {\textit{\bf fNamePedestalCam}} and~{\textit{\bf fNameSignalCam}} (default: ``MPedestalCam''
    3535    and~''MExtractedSignalCam'').
    5757\item[MExtractTime:\xspace] This class provides - additionally to those already declared in {\textit{\bf MExtractor}} -
    58   the basic data members equal for all time extractors which are:
     58  the basic data members, equal for all time extractors, which are:
    5959  \begin{enumerate}
    60   \item Pointer to the used storage container {\textit{\bf MArrivalTimeCam}}
    61     parameterized by the variables
     60  \item Pointer to the storage container {\textit{\bf MArrivalTimeCam}}
     61    parameterized by the variable
    6262    {\textit{\bf fArrTime}}.
    63   \item The name of the used ``MArrivalTimeCam''-container to be searched for in the parameter list,
     63  \item The name of the ``MArrivalTimeCam''-container to be searched for in the parameter list,
    6464    parameterized by the variables {\textit{\bf fNameTimeCam}} (default: ``MArrivalTimeCam'' ).
    6565  \end{enumerate}
    8282\item[MExtractTimeAndCharge:\xspace] This class provides - additionally to those already declared in
    8383  {\textit{\bf MExtractor}} and {\textit{\bf MExtractTime}} -
    84   the basic data members equal for all time and charge extractors which are:
     84  the basic data members, equal for all time and charge extractors, which are:
    8585  \begin{enumerate}
    8686  \item The actual extraction window sizes, parameterized by the variables
    119119The pure signal extractors have in common that they reconstruct only the
    120 charge, but not  the arrival time. All treated extractors here derive from the MARS-base
     120charge, but not  the arrival time. All extractors treated here derive from the MARS-base
    121121class {\textit{\bf MExtractor}} which provides the following facilities:
    134134As the pulses jitter by about one FADC slice,
    135 not every pulse lies exactly within the optimal limits, especially if one takes small
     135not every pulse lies exactly within the optimal limits, especially if one chooses small
    136136extraction windows.
    137137Moreover, the readout position with respect to the trigger position has changed a couple
    144144It simply adds the FADC slice contents in the assigned ranges.
    145145As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an even number of samples is allowed.
    146 Figure~\ref{fig:fixedwindowsketch} gives a sketch of the used extraction ranges for this
    147 paper and two typical calibration pulses.
     146Figure~\ref{fig:fixedwindowsketch} gives a sketch of the extraction ranges used in this
     147paper and for two typical calibration pulses.
    164164spline interpolated FADC slice values from a fixed extraction range. The edge slices are counted as half.
    165165As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an odd number of samples is allowed.
    166 Figure~\ref{fig:fixedwindowsplinesketch} gives a sketch of the used extraction ranges for this
    167 paper and two typical calibration pulses.
     166Figure~\ref{fig:fixedwindowsplinesketch} gives a sketch of the extraction ranges used in this
     167paper and for typical calibration pulses.
    182182The basic idea of this extractor is to correct for coherent movements in arrival time for all pixels,
    183183as e.g. caused by the trigger jitter. 
    184 In a first loop, it fixes a reference point defined as the highest sum of
     184In a first loop over the pixels, it determined a reference point slices number defined by the highest sum of
    185185consecutive non-saturating FADC slices in a (smaller) peak-search window.
    187187In a second loop over the pixels,
    188 it adds the FADC contents starting from a pre-defined offset from the obtained peak-search window
    189 over an extraction window of a pre-defined window size.
     188it adds the contents of the FADC slices starting from the reference point over an extraction window of a pre-defined window size.
    190189It loops twice over all pixels in every event, because it has to find the reference point, first.
    191 As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an even number of samples is allowed.
     190As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only extraction windows with an even number of samples are allowed.
    192191For a high intensity calibration run causing high-gain saturation in the whole camera, this
    193192extractor apparently fails since only dead pixels are taken into account in the peak search
    221220\subsection{Combined Extractors}
    223 The combined extractors have in common that they reconstruct the arrival time and
    224 the charge at the same time and for the same pulse.
    225 All treated combined extractors here derive from the MARS-base
     222The combined extractors have in common that for a given pulse, they reconstruct
     223both the arrival time and
     224the charge.
     225All combined extractors described here derive from the MARS-base
    226226class {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndCharge}} which itself derives from MExtractor and MExtractTime.
    227227It provides the following facilities:
    230230\item Only one loop over all pixels is performed.
    231231\item The individual FADC slice values get the clock-noise-corrected pedestals immediately subtracted.
    232 \item The low-gain extraction range is adapted dynamically, based on the computed arrival time
    233     from the high-gain samples.
    234 \item Extracted times from the low-gain samples get corrected for the intrinsic time delay of the low-gain
     232\item The low-gain extraction range is adapted dynamically, based on the arrival time computed from the high-gain samples.
     233\item Arrival times extracted from the low-gain samples get corrected for the intrinsic time delay of the low-gain
    235234    pulse.
    236235\item The global extraction limits can be set from outside.
    267   t = \frac{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0+ws} s_i \cdot i}{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0+ws} i}
    268 \end{equation}
    269 where $i$ denotes the FADC slice index, starting from $i_0$
    270 window and running over a window of size $ws$. $s_i$ the clock-noise and
     266  t = \frac{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0+\mathrm{\it ws}-1} s_i \cdot i}{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0+\mathrm{\it ws}-1} i}
     268where $i$ denotes the FADC slice index, starting from slice $i_0$
     269and running over a window of size $\mathrm{\it ws}$. $s_i$ the clock-noise and
    271270pedestal-corrected FADC slice contents at slice position $i$.
    297296\item[Extraction Type Amplitude:\xspace] The amplitude of the spline maximum is taken as charge signal
    298 and the (precise) position of the maximum is returned as arrival time. This type is faster, since it
    299 performs not spline integration.
     297and the (precise) position of the maximum is returned as arrival time. This type is faster, since a spline integration is not performed.
    300298\item[Extraction Type Integral:\xspace] The integrated spline between maximum position minus
    301299rise time (default: 1.5 slices) and maximum position plus fall time (default: 4.5 slices)
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