03/01/05 09:48:54 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/Changelog

    r6673 r6690  
     22005/03/01  Sebastian
     3* some minor corrections
    152005/02/24  Hendrik
    26* all new
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/GC.tex

    r6675 r6690  
    3232\author{H. Bartko, A. Biland, S. Commichau, P. Flix, W. Wittek}
    33 \date{Month dd, 2005\\}
     33\date{March dd, 2005\\}
    3434\TDAScode{}%MAGIC 05-xx\\ 04mmdd/HBartko
    4040%% abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    42 The Galactic Center (GC) is a very interesting region. Gamma radiation above  a few hundred GeV has been detected recently by Whipple, Cangaroo and HESS. The reconstructed spectra from Cangaroo and HESS show significant differences the source and acceleration mechanism have still to be identified.
    44 Various possibilities for the acceleration of the very high energy gamma rays are discussed in the literature (like...). Although the observed VHE gamma radiation from the GC is most probably not due to SUSY-neutralino particle dark matter annihilation, other models like Kaluza-Klein DM are not ruled out. Moreover assuming an universal DM distribution profile, the GC is expected to yield the largest DM flux due to its relative vicinity.
    47 The GC culminates at about 58 deg ZA in La Palma. It can be observed up to 60 deg ZA with MAGIC during about 153 hours per year between April and late August. The expected integral flux above 700 GeV derived from the HESS data is $(3.2 \pm 1.0)\cdot 10^{-12}\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ . Comparing this to the expected MAGIC sensitivity from MC simulations, this could result in a 5 $\sigma$ detection in about $1.8\pm0.5$ hours.
     42The Galactic Center (GC) is a very interesting region. Gamma radiation above  a few hundred GeV has been detected recently by Whipple, Cangaroo and HESS. The reconstructed spectra from Cangaroo and HESS show significant differences. Source and acceleration mechanism have still to be identified.
     44Various possibilities for the acceleration of the very high energy gamma rays
     45are discussed in the literature (like...). Although the observed VHE gamma
     46radiation from the GC is most probably not due to SUSY-neutralino particle
     47dark matter (DM) annihilation, other models like Kaluza-Klein dark matter are not ruled out. Moreover, assuming a universal DM distribution profile, the GC is expected to yield the largest DM flux due to its relative vicinity.
     50The GC culminates at about 58 deg ZA in La Palma. It can be observed with
     51MAGIC at up to 60 deg ZA for about 150 hours per year between April and late August. The expected integral flux above 700 GeV derived from the HESS data is $(3.2 \pm 1.0)\cdot 10^{-12}\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{s}^{-1}$. Comparing this to the expected MAGIC sensitivity from MC simulations, this could result in a 5 $\sigma$ detection in about $1.8\pm0.5$ hours.
    4953The observations have to be conducted as early as possible to participate in the exciting physics of the Galactic Center. The main motivations are:
    58 To get a comparable data set to the other experiments and to be able to reconstruct the spectrum an observation of 20 hours plus 20 hours of dedicated OFF data would be needed and hereby applied for. Moreover due to the large threshold moon observations are envisaged and 60 hours are applied for.
     62To get a comparable data set to the other experiments and to be able to reconstruct the spectrum, an observation of 20 hours plus 20 hours of dedicated OFF data would be needed and hereby applied for. Moreover due to the large threshold moon observations are envisaged and 60 hours are applied for.
    8286 \hline
    83  (RA, dec), epoch J2000.0 & $(17^h45^m12^s,-29.01 deg)$
     87 (RA, dec), epoch J2000.0 & $(17^h45^m12^s,-29.01$ deg)
    8488\\ heliocentric distance  & $8\pm0.5$ kpc (1 deg = 24 pc)
    8589\\ mass of the black hole & $2\pm0.5 \cdot 10^6 M_{\odot}$
    102 In fact, EGRET has detected a strong source in the direction of the GC, 3 EG J1745-2852 \cite{GC_egret}, which has a broken power law spectrum extending up to at least 10 GeV, with the index 1.3 below the bread at a few GeV. If in the GC, the gamma ray luminosity of this source is very large $~2 \cdot 10^{37} \mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}$, which is equivalent to about 10 Crab pulsars. Up to now, the GC has been observed at energies above 200 GeV by Veritas, Cangaroo and HESS, \cite{GC_whipple,GC_cangaroo,GC_hess}. Figure \ref{fig:GC_gamma_flux} shows the reconstructed spectra by the other IACTs while figure \ref{fig:GC_source_location} shows the different reconstructed positions of the GC source.
     106In fact, EGRET has detected a strong source in direction of the GC, 3 EG J1745-2852 \cite{GC_egret}, which has a broken power law spectrum extending up to at least 10 GeV, with the index 1.3 below the bread at a few GeV. If in the GC, the gamma ray luminosity of this source is very large $~2 \cdot 10^{37} \mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}$, which is equivalent to about 10 Crab pulsars. Up to now, the GC has been observed at energies above 200 GeV by Veritas, Cangaroo and HESS, \cite{GC_whipple,GC_cangaroo,GC_hess}. Figure \ref{fig:GC_gamma_flux} shows the reconstructed spectra by the other IACTs while figure \ref{fig:GC_source_location} shows the different reconstructed positions of the GC source.
    119 The different reconstructed spectra in VHE gammas could indicate inter-calibration problems between the IACTs, a source variability of the order of one year or could be due to the different regions in which the signal is integrated.
     123The different reconstructed spectra in VHE gammas could indicate inter-calibration problems between the IACTs, a source variability of the order of one year could be due to the different regions in which the signal is integrated.
    129 \scriptsize{%
    130 \centering
    132136 \hline
    133  Investigator & Institution& email & Assigned task
     137 Investigator & Institution& E-mail & Assigned task
    135139\\ Hendrik Bartko      & MPI Munich    & hbartko@mppmu.mpg.de & data analysis, spectra
    136140\\ Adrian Biland       & ETH Zurich    & biland@particle.phys.ethz.ch & OFF pointing, Moon observations
    137 \\ Sebastian Commichau & ETH Zurich    & commichau@particle.phys.ethz.ch & data analysis, MC generation
     141\\ Sebastian Commichau & ETH Zurich    & commichau@particle.phys.ethz.ch &
     142 data analysis, MC generation, spectra
    138143\\ Pepe Flix           & IFAE Barcelona& jflix@ifae.es & data analysis, disp
    139144\\ Wolfgang Wittek     & MPI Munich    & wittek@mppmu.mpg.de & padding
    144 \caption{The investigators and assigned tasks.}\label{table:GC_investigators}}
     149\caption{The investigators and assigned tasks.}\label{table:GC_investigators}}}
    150152\section{Scientific Case}
    211 \frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t\mathrm{d}E} = (2.50 \pm 0.21 \pm 0.6) \cdot 10^{-12} \frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2s\mathrm{TeV}} \left(\frac{E}{\mathrm{TeV}}\right)^{-2.21\pm 0.09 \pm 0.15}
     213\frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t\mathrm{d}E} = (2.50 \pm 0.21 \pm 0.6) \cdot 10^{-12} \frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{sTeV}} \left(\frac{E}{\mathrm{TeV}}\right)^{-2.21\pm 0.09 \pm 0.15}
    217 \frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t\mathrm{d}E} = (3.4 \pm 3.8) \cdot 10^{-12} \frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2s\mathrm{TeV}} \left(\frac{E}{\mathrm{TeV}}\right)^{-4.4\pm 1.1}
    218 \end{equation}
     219\frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t\mathrm{d}E} = (3.4 \pm 3.8) \cdot 10^{-12} \frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{sTeV}} \left(\frac{E}{\mathrm{TeV}}\right)^{-4.4\pm 1.1}
    225 \frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}=(3.2 \pm 1.0)\cdot 10^{-12}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2s}
     226\frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}=(3.2 \pm 1.0)\cdot 10^{-12}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{s}}
    232 \frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}=(3 \pm 5)\cdot 10^{-12}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2s} \ .
     233\frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}=(3 \pm 5)\cdot 10^{-12}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{s}} \ .
    241 \frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}\vline_{\mathrm{min}} \approx 6\cdot 10^{-13}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2s} \ .
    242 \end{equation}
    244 Assuming this sensitivity MAGIC shall be able to get an excess at the 5 sigma significance level in $1.8 \pm 0.5$ h observation time for both the Cangaroo and HESS spectrum. The observed Cangaroo and HESS spectra differ substantially in the spectral index. While the Cangaroo spectrum only extends to about 2 TeV, the published HESS spectrum goes up to about 9 TeV.
     242\frac{\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}(E>700 \mathrm{GeV})}{\mathrm{d}A\mathrm{d}t}\vline_{\mathrm{min}} \approx 6\cdot 10^{-13}\frac{1}{\mathrm{cm}^2\mathrm{s}} \ .
     245Assuming this sensitivity MAGIC shall be able to get an excess at the 5
     246$\sigma$ significance level in $1.8 \pm 0.5$ h observation time for both the
     247Cangaroo and HESS spectrum. The observed Cangaroo and HESS spectra differ
     248substantially in the spectral index. While the Cangaroo spectrum only extends
     249to about 2 TeV, the recently published HESS spectrum goes up to about 9 TeV.
    246251MAGIC will be able to solve the obvious discrepancy between the observed fluxes. Due to the observation under high zenith angle of about 60 deg MAGIC will be able to extend the source spectrum to higher energies.
    257 The galactic center culminates at about 58 deg ZA in La Palma. It is visible up to 60 deg ZA between April and late August for in total about 150 hours. The galactic center has a quite large LONS background. This together with the large ZA requires to take dedicated OFF data. Scince the LONS level is in any case very large moon observations can be considered in addition to the normal observations.
     262The galactic center culminates at about 58 deg ZA in La Palma. It is visible
     263at up to 60 deg ZA between April and late August for in total about 150 hours. The galactic center has a quite large LONS background. This together with the large ZA requires to take dedicated OFF data. Since the LONS level is in any case very large moon observations can be considered in addition to the normal observations.
    269275Based on the above estimations a 5 $\sigma$ excess is expected to be observed in about 2 hours assuming the HESS flux. To aquire a comparable data set to the other experiments at least 20 hours of good ON data and 20 hours of good dedicated OFF data are needed.
    271 To get the lowest possible threshold all data shall be taken under the smallest possible zenith angles between culmination at about 58 deg and 60 deg. This limits the data taking interval to about 1 hour per night between April and August. In order to have the most appropriate OFF data we propose to take OFF data each night directly before or after the ON observations under the same condition, i.e. ZA and azimuth.
    273 To extend the available observation time we propose to take moon ON and OFF data in addition. Nevertheless the proposed maximum ZA of 60 deg should not be exceeded during moon observations.
    275 In order to take part in exploring the exciting physics of the galactic center we propose to start taking data as soon as possible beginning in April. This way first results may be presented in the summer conferences 2005.
     277To get the lowest possible threshold all data shall be taken under the
     278smallest possible zenith angles between culmination at about 58 deg and 60
     279deg. This limits the data taking interval to about 1 hour per night between
     280April and August. In order to have the most appropriate OFF data we propose to
     281take OFF data each night directly before or after the ON observations under
     282the same condition, i.e. ZA and azimuth. At such high zenith angles the effect
     283of the earth's magnetic field can be non-negligible. This depends of course on
     284ZA and azimuth under which the data is taken.
     286To extend the available observation time we propose to take moon ON and OFF data in addition. Nevertheless, the proposed maximum ZA of 60 deg should not be exceeded during moon observations.
     288In order to take part in exploring the exciting physics of the galactic center
     289we propose to start taking data as soon as possible beginning in April. In this way first results may be presented in the summer conferences 2005.
    282296Conventional acceleration mechanisms are due to ... The galactic center is expected to be the brightest source of VHE gammas  from particle dark matter annihilation. Although the observed gamma radiation is most probably not due to dark matter annihilation, it is interesting to investigate and characterize the observed gamma radiation as it is not excluded that a part of the flux is due to dark matter annihilation.
    284 The MAGIC data could help to determine the nature of the source and to solve the flux discrepancies between the measurements by the other experiments. Due to the large Zenith angle MAGIC will have a large energy threshold but also a large collection area and good statistics at the highest energies. The observation results can also be used to inter-calibrate the different IACTs.
     298The MAGIC data could help to determine the nature of the source and to solve the flux discrepancies between the measurements by other experiments. Due to the large Zenith angle MAGIC will have a large energy threshold but also a large collection area and good statistics at the highest energies. The observation results can also be used to inter-calibrate the different IACTs.
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