03/02/05 20:49:19 (20 years ago)
 Changed default pulse position in the FADC window. Now the high gain peak
 is around the 5th slice (changed default value of trigger_delay from 25 to
 19 ns)
3 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx

    r6560 r6710  
    2020//= $RCSfile: creadparam.cxx,v $
    21 //= $Revision: 1.37 $
     21//= $Revision: 1.38 $
    2222//= $Author: moralejo $
    23 //= $Date: 2005-02-17 09:15:28 $
     23//= $Date: 2005-03-02 20:49:19 $
    103103static float misp_y = 0.; // Mispointing in y
    105 static float trig_delay = 25.;  // Delay in ns between beginning of FADC
     105static float trig_delay = 19.;  // Delay in ns between beginning of FADC
    106106                                // time window and the trigger instant.
    14461446// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
     1447// Revision 1.37  2005/02/17 09:15:28  moralejo
     1449// Set as default option that of writing all event headers to output file,
     1450// not only those of the triggered events. To disable it, set the input card
     1451// flag "no_write_all_event_headers".
     1453// Changed such that output images for events below the minimum number of
     1454// photoelectrons nphe2NSB required to simulate the noise (NSB & electronic)
     1455// will be empty. This will avoid the problem of these events being processed,
     1456// without any noise, later in the chain. Although those images are not in the
     1457// output, one can still check in the headers (MMcTrig) how many such events
     1458// with less than nphe2NSB photoelectrons would have triggered.
    14471460// Revision 1.36  2005/02/10 19:28:10  moralejo
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card

    r6588 r6710  
    55ct_geom 1
    66# Quantum efficiency file:
    7 qe_file 0  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
     7qe_file 0  /home/magic/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
    88# Input file (one per telescope):
    99# input_file 0 /data1/magic/reflex/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.rfl
    1010# Perform calibration run: lambda sigma_lambda phot_per_pixel time_fwhm n_events [selected_pixel]
    1111# The values below correspond roughly to 10 LED UV
    12 #calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 2.5 3000
    13 calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 2.5 10
     12#calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 2.5 5000
     13calibration_run 375. 12. 120. 0.01 1
    1414# line below shows how to create a pedestal run (= cal. with 0-photon pulses):
    1515#calibration_run 0. 0. 0. 0. 1000
    2626# L1 Trigger condition: CT number, threshold (mV), multiplicity and topology:
    2727trigger_single 0 4 4 2
     28# To shift the pulses in the FADC window, modify the trigger delay (ns):
     29#trigger_delay 18.
    2830# Correction to overall light collection efficiency:  CT#  fraction
    2931mirror_fraction 0 0.73
    3032# Switch on NSB:
    31 nsb_on
    32 #nsb_off
    3335# Number of photons from the diffuse NSB (nphe / ns 0.1*0.1 deg^2 239 m^2) and
    3436# minimum number of phe from shower required to simulate NSB:
    3537nsb_mean 0.183 10
    3638# Starfield (see Starfieldadder program)
    37 # starfield_file /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
     39# starfield_file /home/magic/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
    3840# Electronic noise in FADC (sigma in ADC counts): Inner pixels, outer pixels, digital noise:
    39 fadc_noise 1.3 2.4 1.
    40 #elec_noise_off
     41#fadc_noise 1.3 2.4 1.
    4143# Mean pedestal per slice (ADC counts):
    4244fadc_pedestal 10.
    4648seeds 66767 45069
    4749# Directory where NSB database can be found for inner and outer pixels:
    48 nsb_directory  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner/
    49 nsb_dir_outer  /users/emc/moralejo/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/outer/
     50nsb_directory  /home/magic/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/inner/
     51nsb_dir_outer  /home/magic/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/outer/
    5153# FADC properties: shape of single phe response (1 means realistic one, from
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx

    r6695 r6710  
    227227    fadc_time_offset = trigger_delay - p2 / FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC; // ns
    229230    for (i=0; i< fResponseSlicesFadc ; i++ )
    230231      {
    241242                                   p3+p4*exp(-p1*(exp(-p1*zed_slices)+
    242243                                                  p5*zed_slices))+p6*d);
     244        response_sum_inner += sing_resp[i];
     247        // Now the low gain:
    244249        zed_slices = x * FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC - p2_LG;
    245250        d = (zed_slices>0)? 0.5 : -0.5;
    246252        sing_resp_lowgain[i] =  (Float_t) (p0_LG*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+zed_slices))+
    247                                            p3+p4*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+
    248                                                           p5*zed_slices))+p6*d);
    250         response_sum_inner += sing_resp[i];
     253                                           p3_LG+p4_LG*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+
     254                                                          p5_LG*zed_slices))+p6_LG*d);
    251255        response_sum_inner_LG += sing_resp_lowgain[i];
    252257      }
    268273    sigma = fwhm_resp_outer / 2.35 ;
    269274    x0 = 3*sigma ;
    270     fadc_time_offset = trigger_delay-x0; // ns
    272276    for (i = 0; i < fResponseSlicesFadc ; i++ )
    309313    p6_LG = fPulseParametersLG[6];
    311     // Now define the time before trigger to read FADC signal when it
    312     // has to be written. Here FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC (=0.3) is the value
    313     // for the 300 MHz MAGIC FADCs and must NOT be changed, even if you
    314     // use a faster sampling in the simulation (through the input card
    315     // command "fadc_GHz"), because this is just a conversion of units. The
    316     // parameters of the "pulpo" pulse shape were obtained with the 300 MHz
    317     // FADC and so we convert the time parameter to units of 3.3 ns slices
    318     // just to use the provided parametrization, and no matter what sampling
    319     // frequency we are simulating!
    321     fadc_time_offset = trigger_delay - p2 / FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC; // ns
    323315    for (i=0; i< fResponseSlicesFadc ; i++ )
    324316      {
    336328                                        p4*exp(-p1*(exp(-p1*zed_slices)+
    337329                                                    p5*zed_slices))+p6*d);
     330        response_sum_outer += sing_resp_outer[i];
     333        // Now the low gain:
    339335        zed_slices = x * FADC_SLICES_PER_NSEC - p2_LG;
    340336        d = (zed_slices>0)? 0.5 : -0.5;
    341338        sing_resp_outer_lowgain[i] =  (Float_t) (p0_LG*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+zed_slices))+
    342                                                  p3+p4*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+
    343                                                                    p5*zed_slices))+p6*d);
    345         response_sum_outer += sing_resp_outer[i];
     339                                                 p3_LG+p4_LG*exp(-p1_LG*(exp(-p1_LG*zed_slices)+
     340                                                                   p5_LG*zed_slices))+p6_LG*d);
    346341        response_sum_outer_LG += sing_resp_outer_lowgain[i];
    347342      }
    492487    // We take the pulse height in the middle of FADC slices, we start in the
    493488    // first such point after the time "time" (=ichan in response bins). Each
    494     // FADC slice corresponds to SUBBINS response bins (SUBBINS=5 by default).
     489    // FADC slice corresponds to SUBBINS response bins.
    496491    Int_t first_i =  Int_t(SUBBINS/2) - ichan%(Int_t)SUBBINS;
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