Changeset 6734 for trunk

03/04/05 08:09:44 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/GC.tex

    r6726 r6734  
    156 High energy gamma rays can be produced in the GC in the non-thermal radio filaments by high-energy leptons which scatter background infrared photons from the nearby ionized clouds \cite{Pohl1997,Aharonian2005}, or by hadrons colliding with dense matter. These high energy hadrons can be accelerated by the massive black hole \cite{GC_black_hole}, associated with the Sgr A$^*$, supernovae or an energetic pulsar. Alternative mechanisms invoke the hypothetical annihilation of super-symmetric dark matter particles (for a review see \cite{jung96}) or curvature radiation of protons in the vicinity of the central supermassive black hole \cite{}.
     156High energy gamma rays can be produced in the GC in the non-thermal radio filaments by high-energy leptons which scatter background infrared photons from the nearby ionized clouds \cite{Pohl1997,Aharonian2005}, or by hadrons colliding with dense matter. These high energy hadrons can be accelerated by the massive black hole \cite{GC_black_hole}, associated with the Sgr A$^*$, supernovae or an energetic pulsar. Alternative mechanisms invoke the hypothetical annihilation of super-symmetric dark matter particles (for a review see \cite{jung96}) or curvature radiation of protons in the vicinity of the central super-massive black hole \cite{}.
    192 where ... is ... . The flux prediction depends on the choise of SUSY paramters and the spatial distribution of the dark matter. The spectra of the produced gamma radiation has a very characteristic feature a sharp cut-off at the mass of the dark matter particle. Also the flux should be absolutely stable in time.
     192where ... is ... . The flux prediction depends on the choose of SUSY parameters and the spatial distribution of the dark matter. The spectra of the produced gamma radiation has a very characteristic feature a sharp cut-off at the mass of the dark matter particle. Also the flux should be absolutely stable in time.
    194194Numerical simulations of cold dark matter \cite{NFW1997,Stoehr2002,Hayashi2004,Moore1998} predict universal DM halo profiles with density enhancement in the center of the dark halos. In the very center the dark matter density can even more enhanced through an adiabatic compression due to the baryons  \cite{Prada2004}. All dark matter distributions that predict observable fluxes are very cusped yielding a point-like source.
    196196Using fits of these dark matter profiles to the rotation data of the milky way predictions for the gamma flux from SUSY particle dark matter annihilation can be made \cite{Fornego2004,Evans2004}.
    198 Figure \ref{fig:exclusion_lmits} shows exclusion limits taking the sensitivity of MAGIC from MC simulations into account. Due to its relative vicinity the Galactic Center yield the largest expected flux from particle dark matter annihilation. Nevertheless this flux is more than one order of magnitude below the current MAGIC sensitivity. Also the observed flux from the HESS experiment way above the theoretical expection.
     198Figure \ref{fig:exclusion_lmits} shows exclusion limits taking the sensitivity of MAGIC from MC simulations into account. Due to its relative vicinity the Galactic Center yield the largest expected flux from particle dark matter annihilation. Nevertheless this flux is more than one order of magnitude below the current MAGIC sensitivity. Also the observed flux from the HESS experiment way above the theoretical expectation.
    209 Detailed discussion of the observed gamma flux from the Galactic Center can be found in \cite{Hooper2004,Horns2004}. The observed spectrum extends to more than 18 TeV, well beyond the favoured mass region of the lightest SUSY particle, and the observed flux is larger than the theoretical expection in most models. This leads to the conclusion that most likely the dominating part of the observed gamma flux from the Galactic Center is not due to SUSY particle Dark Matter annihilation. Other dark matter scenarios like Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter can not be excluded.
     209Detailed discussion of the observed gamma flux from the Galactic Center can be found in \cite{Hooper2004,Horns2004}. The observed spectrum extends to more than 18 TeV, well beyond the favored mass region of the lightest SUSY particle, and the observed flux is larger than the theoretical expectation in most models. This leads to the conclusion that most likely the dominating part of the observed gamma flux from the Galactic Center is not due to SUSY particle Dark Matter annihilation. Other dark matter scenarios like Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter can not be excluded.
    216216The Sgr A$^*$ data that has been taken in September 8, 9 and 10 2004, is
    217 still being analysed. Preliminary results were presented at the MAGIC
     217still being analyzed. Preliminary results were presented at the MAGIC
    218218collaboration meeting in Berlin, 21-25th February 2005.\\
    219219Up to now there is only 2.9 hours of ON data available at a very large zenith
    241241energy spectrum of the Crab nebula...
    243 The MC sample is divided into trainings
     243The MC sample is divided into training
    244244and test sample. Since there is no dedicated OFF data available, we used a
    245245subsample of Sgr A$^*$ ON data for the Random Forest training. As trainings
    331331\section{Requested Observation Time}
    333 Based on the above estimations a 5 $\sigma$ excess is expected to be observed in about 2 hours assuming the HESS flux. To aquire a comparable data set to the other experiments at least 20 hours of good ON data and 20 hours of good dedicated OFF data are needed.
     333Based on the above estimations a 5 $\sigma$ excess is expected to be observed in about 2 hours assuming the HESS flux. To acquire a comparable data set to the other experiments at least 20 hours of good ON data and 20 hours of good dedicated OFF data are needed.
    335335To get the lowest possible threshold all data shall be taken under the
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