Changeset 6765

03/07/05 15:21:41 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/GC.tex

    r6764 r6765  
    5858like Kaluza-Klein dark matter are not ruled out. Moreover, assuming a
    5959universal DM density profile, the GC is expected to yield the largest DM flux
    60 amongst the favoured candidates, due to its proximity.
     60amongst the favored candidates, due to its proximity.
    6262At La Palma, the GC culminates at about 58 deg zenith angle (ZA). It can be
    1431433 EG J1745-2852 \cite{GC_egret}, which has a broken power law spectrum
    144144extending up to at least 10 GeV, with the index 1.3 below the break at a few
    145 GeV. Asssuming a distance of 8.5 kpc, the gamma ray luminosity of this source
     145GeV. Assuming a distance of 8.5 kpc, the gamma ray luminosity of this source
    146146is very large $~2.2 \cdot 10^{37} \mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}$, which is
    147147equivalent to about 10 Crab pulsars. An independent analysis of the EGRET data
    217 It is quite possible that some of these potentioal gamma-ray production sites contribute comparably to the the observed TeV flux.
     217It is quite possible that some of these potential gamma-ray production sites contribute comparably to the the observed TeV flux.
    237 \caption[Total spectrum of the GC.]{Total spectrum of the gamma radiation from the Galactic Centrum, compiled by \cite{Aharonian2005}.} \label{fig:GC_source_location}
     237\caption[Total spectrum of the GC.]{Total spectrum of the gamma radiation from the Galactic Center, compiled by \cite{Aharonian2005}.} \label{fig:GC_source_location}
    242 \subsection{Emission from SgrA$^*$}
     242\subsection{Emission from Sgr A$^*$}
    272272Using fits of these dark matter profiles to the rotation data of the milky way predictions for the density distribution of the dark matter can be made \cite{Fornego2004,Evans2004}. Assuming parameters for the SUSY models determine the neutralino mass, the thermally averaged annihilation cross section and the gamma yield. Combining both models about the dark matter distribution and SUSY predictions for the gamma flux from SUSY particle dark matter annihilation are derived.
    274 Figure \ref{fig:exclusion_lmits} shows exclusion limits taking the sensitivity of MAGIC from MC simulations into account for different sources and predictions from typical allowed SUSY modells in the plane $N_{\gamma}(E_{\gamma}>E_{\mathrm{thresh}})\langle \sigma v \rangle$ vs $m_{\chi}$. Due to its relative vicinity the Galactic Center yield the largest expected flux from particle dark matter annihilation. Nevertheless this flux is more than one order of magnitude below the current MAGIC sensitivity. Also the observed flux from the HESS experiment way above the theoretical expectation.
     274Figure \ref{fig:exclusion_lmits} shows exclusion limits taking the sensitivity of MAGIC from MC simulations into account for different sources and predictions from typical allowed SUSY models in the plane $N_{\gamma}(E_{\gamma}>E_{\mathrm{thresh}})\langle \sigma v \rangle$ vs. $m_{\chi}$. Due to its relative vicinity the Galactic Center yield the largest expected flux from particle dark matter annihilation. Nevertheless this flux is more than one order of magnitude below the current MAGIC sensitivity. Also the observed flux from the HESS experiment way above the theoretical expectation.
    301301 \hline
    302    Date       & Time          & Az $[^\circ]$ & Zd $[^\circ]$\\ \hline
     302   Date       & Time          & Az $[^\circ]$ & ZA $[^\circ]$\\ \hline
    303303   09/08/2004 & 21:00 - 22:00 & 198.3 - 214.7 & 60.3 - 67.8
    304304\\ 09/09/2004 & 21:17 - 22:12 & 203.4 - 214.7 & 62.2 - 67.7
    312312In our preliminary analysis we used the Random Forest method for the gamma
    313313hadron separation. For this purpose high
    314 ZA (65$^\circ$ Zd and 205$^\circ$ Az) Monte Carlo gammas were generated,
     314ZA (65$^\circ$ ZA and 205$^\circ$ Az) Monte Carlo gammas were generated,
    31531599500 events in all, with energies between 200
    316316and 30,000 GeV. The slope of the generated spectrum is $-2.6$, conforming the
    319319The MC sample is divided into training
    320320and test sample. Since there is no dedicated OFF data available, we used a
    321 subsample of Sgr A$^*$ ON data for the Random Forest training. As trainings
     321subsample of Sgr A$^*$ ON data for the Random Forest training. As training
    322322parameters we used SIZE, DIST, WIDTH, LENGTH, CONC, and M3Long...
    445 The authors thank A. Moralejo for helpfull discussions about the Monte Carlo simulations.
     445The authors thank A. Moralejo for helpful discussions about the Monte Carlo simulations.
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