Changeset 6851 for trunk

03/17/05 22:52:24 (20 years ago)
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  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/GC.tex

    r6837 r6851  
    157 \caption[Gamma flux from GC.]{The VHE gamma flux from the Galactic Center as observed by Whipple, Cangaroo , HESS and by the EGRET experiment \cite{GC_hess}.} \label{fig:GC_gamma_flux}
     157\caption[Gamma flux from GC.]{The VHE gamma flux from the Galactic Center as observed by Whipple, Cangaroo, HESS and by the EGRET experiment \cite{GC_hess}.} \label{fig:GC_gamma_flux}
    168168The discrepancies between the measured flux spectra could indicate inter-calibration problems between the IACTs. It could indicate an apparent source variability of the order of one year or it could be due to the different regions in which the signal is integrated.
    170171%An apparent source variability of the order of one year could be due to the different regions in which the signal is integrated.
    188189\\ Sebastian Commichau & ETH Zurich    & &
    189190 data analysis, MC generation, spectra
    190 \\ Pepe Flix           & IFAE Barcelona& & data analysis, disp
     191\\ Pepe Flix           & IFAE Barcelona& & data analysis, disp, spectra, dark matter
    191192\\ Sabrina Stark       & ETH Zurich    &  & data analysis, spectra
    192193\\ Wolfgang Wittek     & MPI Munich    & & padding, unfolding
    211212\item{interaction between cosmic rays and the dense ambient gas within the innermost 10 pc region}
    212213\item{in non-thermal radio filaments  \cite{Pohl1997}}
    213 \item{in the young SNR Sgr A East \cite{Fatuzzo2003}}
     214\item{in the young SNR Sgr A East \cite{Fatuzzo2003,Yusef-Zadeh1999}}
    214215\item{in the compact radio source Sgr A*}
    215216\item{in the central part of the dark matter halo.}
    218 It is quite possible that some of these potential gamma-ray production sites contribute comparably to the observed TeV flux.
     219It is quite possible that some of these potential gamma-ray production sites contribute comparably to the observed TeV flux. For example, the young SNR Sgr A East is only located about 7 pc (about 0.05 deg) away from the Galactic Center \cite{Yusef-Zadeh1999}.
    276277where $\langle \sigma v \rangle$ is the thermally averaged annihilation cross section, $m_{\chi}$ the mass and $\rho_{\chi}$ the spatial density distribution of the hypothetical dark matter particles. $N_{\gamma}(E_{\gamma}>E_{\mathrm{th}})$ is the gamma yield above the threshold energy per annihilation. The predicted flux depends on the SUSY parameters and on the spatial distribution of the dark matter. The energy spectrum of the produced gamma radiation has a very characteristic feature: a sharp cut-off at the mass of the dark matter particle. Also the flux should be absolutely stable in time.
    278 Numerical simulations of cold dark matter \cite{NFW1997,Stoehr2002,Hayashi2004,Moore1998} predict universal DM halo profiles with a density enhancement in the center of the dark halo. In the very center the dark matter density can be even more enhanced through an adiabatic compression due to the baryons \cite{Prada2004} present. All dark matter distributions that predict observable fluxes are cusped, yielding an approximately point-like source.
     279Numerical simulations of cold dark matter \cite{NFW1997,Stoehr2002,Hayashi2004,Moore1998} predict universal DM halo profiles with a density enhancement in the center of the dark halo. In the very center the dark matter density can be even more enhanced through an adiabatic compression due to the baryons \cite{Prada2004} present. Depending on the steepness of the density profile and on the instrument PSF some source extension might be observed. Nevertheless, the profiles which yield the largest flux \cite{Moore1998,Prada2004} predict nearly point-like sources.
     281%In principle, the radial density profile could be measured from the sourc
     282% All dark matter distributions that predict observable fluxes are cusped, yielding an approximately point-like source.
    280284Using fits of these dark matter profiles to the rotation data of the Milky Way predictions for the density profile $\rho_{\chi}$ of the dark matter can be made \cite{Fornego2004,Evans2004}. On the other hand, for a given choice of SUSY parameters $m_{\chi},\;\langle \sigma v \rangle$ and $N_{\gamma}$ are determined.
    292 \includegraphics[totalheight=6cm]{plot_DM_exclusion_1.eps}%{Dark_exclusion_limits.eps}
     296\includegraphics[totalheight=7cm]{mSugra_Scan2.eps}% {plot_DM_exclusion_1.eps}%{Dark_exclusion_limits.eps}
    294298\caption[DM exclusion limits.]{Exclusion limits (solid straight lines) for the four most promising sources of dark matter annihilation radiation. The GC is expected to give the largest flux (lowest exclusion limits) amongst all sources. For energies above 700 GeV, the flux from the GC as observed by the HESS experiment (dotted line) is within the reach of MAGIC. The full circles represent flux predictions from some typical SUSY models.} \label{fig:exclusion_lmits}
    414418It can be seen from Table \ref{table:MAGIC_sensitivity}
    415419that in the ZA range from 60 to 70 degrees the energy threshold rises from 700 GeV to 1900 GeV. Correspondingly, the time necessary for observing a 5$\sigma$ excess (assuming an integrated gamma flux as measured by HESS) increases from 1.8 to 8.9 hours. This strongly suggests the MAGIC data to be taken at the smallest ZA possible. Only then the MAGIC observations will contribute to an understanding of the discrepancies between the HESS and Cangaroo results. Due to the observation under high zenith angles ($\sim$60 deg) MAGIC will be able to extend the measurements of the energy spectrum to higher energies ($\sim$20 TeV).
     421The HESS experiment has a PSF (in stereo mode) of about 0.6 deg while MAGIC has about 0.1 deg PSF.
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/GC-Proposal/bibbib.bib

    r6835 r6851  
     2   author = {{Yusef-Zadeh}, F. and {Goss}, W.~M. and {Roberts}, D.~A. and
     3        {Robinson}, B. and {Frail}, D.~A.},
     4    title = "{Three New Supernova Remnant OH Masers Near the Galactic Center: Evidence for Large-Scale Maser Emission from Supernova Remnants}",
     5  journal = "ApJ",
     6     year = 1999,
     7    month = dec,
     8   volume = 527,
     9    pages = {172-179},
     10   adsurl = {},
     11  adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
    215     author    = "Bock, R. K. and others",
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