Changeset 695 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mgui
- Timestamp:
- 03/20/01 17:25:33 (24 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mgui
- Files:
- 4 added
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r654 r695 13 13 14 14 #pragma link C++ class MHexagon; 15 #pragma link C++ class MCamNeighbor; 16 15 17 #pragma link C++ class MGeomPix; 16 18 #pragma link C++ class MGeomCam; 17 #pragma link C++ class MCamNeighbor; 19 #pragma link C++ class MGeomCamCT1; 20 #pragma link C++ class MGeomCamMagic; 18 21 19 22 #pragma link C++ class MCamDisplay; -
r653 r695 18 18 ClassImp(MCamDisplay) 19 19 20 MCamDisplay::MCamDisplay (Int_t type) : fAutoScale(kTRUE)20 MCamDisplay::MCamDisplay (MGeomCam *geom) : fAutoScale(kTRUE) 21 21 { 22 22 // default constructor 23 23 24 24 // 25 // create a object which contains the camera geometry26 //27 MGeomCam geom(type) ;28 29 //30 25 // set the color palette 31 26 // … … 35 30 // create the hexagons of the display 36 31 // 37 fNbPixels = geom.GetNbPixels() ; 38 fPixels = new TClonesArray("MHexagon", fNbPixels ) ; 39 40 for (Int_t i=0; i< fNbPixels; i++ ) 41 { 42 (*fPixels)[i] = new MHexagon(geom[i]) ; 43 } 32 fNumPixels = geom->GetNumPixels() ; 33 fPixels = new TClonesArray("MHexagon", fNumPixels ) ; 34 35 for (UInt_t i=0; i< fNumPixels; i++ ) 36 (*fPixels)[i] = new MHexagon((*geom)[i]) ; 44 37 45 38 // … … 98 91 // draw all pixels of the camera 99 92 // 100 for ( Int_t i=0; i< fNbPixels; i++)93 for (UInt_t i=0; i< fNumPixels; i++) 101 94 (*this)[i].Draw(); 102 95 … … 149 142 if ( fAutoScale ) 150 143 { 151 fMinPhe = event->Get MinNumPhotons() ;152 fMaxPhe = event->Get MaxNumPhotons() ;144 fMinPhe = event->GetNumPhotonsMin() ; 145 fMaxPhe = event->GetNumPhotonsMax() ; 153 146 154 147 if (fMaxPhe < 20.) … … 161 154 // update the colors in the picture 162 155 // 163 const Int_t entries = event->GetN bPixels();156 const Int_t entries = event->GetNumPixels(); 164 157 165 158 for (Int_t i=0 ; i<entries; i++ ) … … 190 183 // determine the Pixel Id and the content 191 184 // 192 const Int_t entries = event->GetN bPixels() ;185 const Int_t entries = event->GetNumPixels() ; 193 186 194 187 for (Int_t i=0 ; i<entries; i++ ) … … 211 204 // reset the all pixel colors to a default value 212 205 // 213 for ( Int_t i=0 ; i< fNbPixels ; i++ )206 for ( UInt_t i=0 ; i< fNumPixels ; i++ ) 214 207 (*this)[i].SetFillColor(10) ; 215 208 } -
r653 r695 18 18 #endif 19 19 20 class TClonesArray ;21 class MCerPhotEvt ;22 20 class TBox; 23 21 class TText; 22 class TClonesArray ; 23 24 class MCerPhotEvt ; 25 class MGeomCam; 24 26 25 27 class MCamDisplay : public TObject 26 28 { 27 29 private: 28 Bool_t fAutoScale ; //! indicating the autoscale function30 Bool_t fAutoScale ; //! indicating the autoscale function 29 31 30 Int_t fNbPixels ;//!31 TClonesArray *fPixels ; //!32 UInt_t fNumPixels ; //! 33 TClonesArray *fPixels ; //! 32 34 33 Float_t fMinPhe ; //! The minimal number of Phe34 Float_t fMaxPhe ; //! The maximum number of Phe35 Float_t fMinPhe ; //! The minimal number of Phe 36 Float_t fMaxPhe ; //! The maximum number of Phe 35 37 36 TClonesArray *fLegend ; //!37 TClonesArray *fLegText ; //!38 TClonesArray *fLegend ; //! 39 TClonesArray *fLegText ; //! 38 40 39 41 TBox *GetBox(Int_t i) { return (TBox*) fLegend->At(i); } … … 47 49 public: 48 50 49 MCamDisplay ( Int_t type=0 ) ;51 MCamDisplay (MGeomCam *geom); 50 52 51 53 ~MCamDisplay () ; -
r653 r695 1 1 #include "MGeomCam.h" 2 3 4 #include <math.h> // floor5 #include "TCanvas.h"6 2 7 3 #include "MLog.h" … … 10 6 ClassImp(MGeomCam) 11 7 12 MGeomCam::MGeomCam(Int_t type ) 13 { 14 // default constructor 8 MGeomCam::MGeomCam(UInt_t npix, const char *name, const char *title) 9 { 10 *fName = name ? name : "MGeomCam"; 11 *fTitle = title ? title : "Storage container for a camera geometry"; 15 12 16 if ( type == 1 ) { 17 // set up the Geometry of CT1 18 19 fNbPixels = 127 ; 20 fPixels = new TObjArray ( fNbPixels ) ; 21 22 CreateCT1() ; 23 } 24 else { 25 // set up the standard Geometry MAGIC 26 fNbPixels = 577 ; 27 fPixels = new TObjArray ( fNbPixels ) ; 13 fNumPixels = npix; 14 fPixels = new TObjArray(npix); 28 15 29 CreateMagic() ; 30 } 31 } 16 // 17 // make sure that the destructor delete all contained objects 18 // 19 fPixels->SetOwner(); 20 21 for (UInt_t i=0; i<npix; i++) 22 (*fPixels)[i] = new MGeomPix; 23 } 32 24 33 25 void MGeomCam::Draw( Option_t * ) 34 {35 TCanvas *can = new TCanvas("can", "Camera Geometry", 4 ) ;36 37 // set the range of the canvas38 if ( fNbPixels == 127 ) // case of CT139 can->Range(-175, -175, 175, 175 ) ;40 else41 can->Range(-600, -600, 600, 600 ) ;42 43 // draw all pixels44 45 for ( Int_t i=0; i < fNbPixels ; i++ ) {46 MHexagon *el = new MHexagon ( (*this)[i] ) ;47 48 el->Draw() ;49 }50 51 }52 53 void MGeomCam::Print(Option_t *)54 {55 // Print Information about the Geometry of the camera56 gLog << " Number of Pixels: " << fNbPixels << endl ;57 58 for ( Int_t i=0; i<fNbPixels; i++ ) {59 gLog << " Pixel: " << i << " " ;60 (*this)[i].Print() ;61 }62 }63 64 Int_t MGeomCam::GetNbPixels ()65 {66 // return the Number of pixels in the MCamGeom class67 return fNbPixels ;68 69 }70 71 72 void MGeomCam::CreateMagic()73 {74 // fill the geometry class with the coordinates of the MAGIC camera75 gLog << " Create Magic geometry " << endl ;76 77 // here define the hardwire things of the magic telescope78 //79 Float_t xtemp[577] = {80 0.000, 30.000, 15.000, -15.000, -30.000, -15.000, 15.000, 60.000,81 45.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -45.000, -60.000, -45.000, -30.000,82 0.000, 30.000, 45.000, 90.000, 75.000, 60.000, 45.000, 15.000,83 -15.000, -45.000, -60.000, -75.000, -90.000, -75.000, -60.000, -45.000,84 -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 60.000, 75.000, 120.000, 105.000, 90.000,85 75.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -75.000, -90.000,86 -105.000, -120.000, -105.000, -90.000, -75.000, -60.000, -30.000, 0.000,87 30.000, 60.000, 75.000, 90.000, 105.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000,88 105.000, 90.000, 75.000, 45.000, 15.000, -15.000, -45.000, -75.000,89 -90.000, -105.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -135.000, -120.000, -105.000,90 -90.000, -75.000, -45.000, -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 75.000, 90.000,91 105.000, 120.000, 135.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000,92 105.000, 90.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -90.000,93 -105.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -165.000, -150.000,94 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fPixels->Add( new MGeomPix(xtemp[i], ytemp[i], rtemp[i]) ) ;310 }311 }312 313 void MGeomCam::CreateCT1()314 26 { 315 27 // 316 // fill the geometry class with the coordinates of the CT1 camera28 // Draw the Camera 317 29 // 318 gLog << " Create CT1 geometry " << endl ; 319 320 // 321 // this algorithm is from Martin Kestel originally 322 // it was punt into a root/C++ context by Harald Kornmayer and Thomas Bretz 323 324 const Float_t pixdiameter = 21 ; // units are cm 325 326 // 327 // add the first pixel to the list 328 // 329 fPixels->Add( new MGeomPix( 0, 0, pixdiameter ) ) ; 330 331 const Float_t kS32 = sqrt(3)/2; 332 const Float_t kPI23 = kPI*2/3; 333 334 for (Int_t ringcounter=1; ringcounter<7; ringcounter++) { 335 // 336 // calc. numofpix in ring number i first 337 // 338 const Int_t numpixthisring = ringcounter*6; 339 340 // 341 // calc. coords for this ring counting from the 342 // starting number to the ending number 343 // 344 for (Int_t ipix = 0; ipix < numpixthisring; ipix++) { 345 346 Float_t ang = 60.0/ringcounter * ipix; 347 Float_t fracang = ang - 60*(int)floor(ang/60); 348 349 ang /= kRad2Deg; 350 fracang /= kRad2Deg; 351 352 Float_t rad = pixdiameter * ringcounter; 353 rad *= sin(kPI23-fracang) * kS32; 354 355 // fill the ObjArray with the pixels data ; 356 357 fPixels->Add( new MGeomPix(rad * cos(ang), 358 rad * sin(ang), 359 pixdiameter ) ) ; 360 } 30 for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNumPixels; i++) 31 { 32 MHexagon *el = new MHexagon((*this)[i]); 33 el->Draw(); 361 34 } 362 35 } 363 36 37 void MGeomCam::Print(Option_t *) 38 { 39 // 40 // Print Information about the Geometry of the camera 41 // 42 *fLog << " Number of Pixels: " << fNumPixels << endl ; 43 44 for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNumPixels; i++ ) 45 { 46 *fLog << " Pixel: " << i << " "; 47 (*this)[i].Print() ; 48 } 49 } 50 -
r653 r695 8 8 #include <TObjArray.h> 9 9 #endif 10 #ifndef MPARCONTAINER_H 11 #include "MParContainer.h" 12 #endif 10 13 #ifndef MGEOMPIX_H 11 14 #include "MGeomPix.h" 12 15 #endif 13 16 14 class MGeomCam 17 class MGeomCam : public MParContainer 15 18 { 16 19 private: 17 Int_t fNbPixels ; //! 18 TObjArray *fPixels ; //! 19 20 void CreateMagic() ; 21 void CreateCT1() ; 20 UInt_t fNumPixels; // Number of pixels in this camera 21 TObjArray *fPixels; // Array of singel pixels storing the geometry 22 22 23 23 public: 24 24 25 MGeomCam( Int_t type=0 ) ; 25 MGeomCam(UInt_t npix, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 26 26 27 virtual ~MGeomCam() { delete fPixels; } 27 28 28 v oid Draw(Option_t *option = "" );29 virtual void Draw(Option_t *option = "" ); 29 30 30 Int_t GetNbPixels() ;31 UInt_t GetNumPixels() const { return fNumPixels; } 31 32 32 33 MGeomPix &operator[](Int_t i) { return *(MGeomPix*)fPixels->At(i); } 33 34 34 v oid Print(Option_t *opt=NULL);35 virtual void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL); 35 36 36 ClassDef(MGeomCam, 1) // Geometry class for the camera37 ClassDef(MGeomCam, 1) // Geometry base class for the camera 37 38 }; 38 39 -
r669 r695 11 11 Float_t fX ; // the x coordinate 12 12 Float_t fY ; // the y coordinate 13 Float_t fR ; // the ycoordinate13 Float_t fR ; // the r coordinate 14 14 15 15 public: … … 18 18 19 19 void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) ; 20 21 void Set (Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t r) { fX=x; fY=y; fR=r; } 20 22 21 void SetX ( Float_t x ) { fX = x ; } 22 void SetY ( Float_t y ) { fY = y ; } 23 void SetR ( Float_t r ) { fR = r ; } 24 Float_t GetX() { return fX ; } 25 Float_t GetY() { return fY ; } 26 Float_t GetR() { return fR ; } 23 void SetX (Float_t x) { fX = x; } 24 void SetY (Float_t y) { fY = y; } 25 void SetR (Float_t r) { fR = r; } 26 27 Float_t GetX() const { return fX; } 28 Float_t GetY() const { return fY; } 29 Float_t GetR() const { return fR; } 27 30 28 31 ClassDef(MGeomPix, 1) // Geometric class for one pixel -
r665 r695 35 35 \ 36 36 \ 37 \ 38 \ 37 39 \ 38 40 \
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