Changeset 7069 for trunk

05/20/05 11:59:31 (19 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
9 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r7068 r7069  
    2222                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     23 2005/05/20 Thomas Bretz
     25   * msignal/
     26     - increased log-gain window from 6 to 8 according to an
     27       UNDOCUMENTED change in the bcn cvs
     29   * mhcalib/
     30     - removed a check in fill according to an UDOCUMENTED change
     31       in the bcn cvs
     33   * mhcalib/
     34     - use a dynamic_cast for the Fill-argument
     36   * mjobs/
     37     - shortened output line telling file name of hi-/lo-gain
     38       calibration
     40   * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]:
     41     - moved code for PulsePosCheck into own function
     42     - put also code for pixel check into this function
     43     - added a sanity check for fExtractor at some places
     45   * msignal/
     46     - added output of pedestal container - if available - in Print()
     50 2005/05/20 Markus Gaug (2005/05/19)
     52   * mjobs/
     53    - fixed an important bug in the setting of the incoming pedestal
     54      pointer to the signal extractor. This bug caused the pedestals not
     55      to be subtracted correctly in the calibration afterwards. The
     56      effect was about 10% too high conversion factors for the digital
     57      filter and the spline and more than 40% for the sliding window.
     58      The bug existed since end of February! (Markus G.)
     62 2005/05/20 Markus Gaug (2005/05/18)
     64   * mcalib/
     65     - issue a warning if no colour has been set until the PostProcess.
     66       (happens to old MC files).
    2370 2005/05/19 Markus Meyer
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r7063 r7069  
    127127     hilocalib_sp1.root, hilocalib_df46_mc.root, hilocalib_df4.root,
    128128     hilocalib_df6.root
     130   - callisto: The default lo-gain extraction window for the
     131     MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow extractor has been increased
     132     from 6 to 8 to take the stretch of the pusle into account
     134   - callisto (!!!): fixed an important bug in the setting of the
     135     incoming pedestal pointer to the signal extractor extracting
     136     pedestals. This bug caused the pedestals not to be subtracted
     137     correctly in the calibration afterwards. The effect was about 10%
     138     too high conversion factors for the digital filter and the spline
     139     and more than 40% for the sliding window.
     140     The bug existed since end of February! (Markus G.)
    130142   - star: added muon support to star. A new tab "MHMuonPar" is
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/

    r7059 r7069  
    658658  if (fPulserColor == MCalibrationCam::kNONE)
    659     return kTRUE;
     659  {
     660      *fLog << warn << "WARNING - No Pulse colour has been set or used at all..." << endl;
     661      return kTRUE;
     662  }
    661664  if (fNumProcessed == 0)
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mhcalib/

    r7043 r7069  
    7171const TString MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::gsAbsHistXTitle     = "Time [FADC slices]";
    7272const TString MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::gsAbsHistYTitle     = "Nr. events";
    7374// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    237   MExtractedSignalPINDiode *extractor = (MExtractedSignalPINDiode*)par;
     238  const MExtractedSignalPINDiode *extractor = dynamic_cast<const MExtractedSignalPINDiode*>(par);
    239239  if (!extractor)
    240240    {
    243243    }
    245   Float_t slices = (Float_t)extractor->GetNumFADCSamples();
    247   if (slices == 0.)
    248     {
    249       *fLog << err << "Number of used signal slices in MExtractedSignalPINDiode is zero  ... abort."
    250             << endl;
    251       return kFALSE;
    252     }
    254245  const Float_t signal = (float)extractor->GetExtractedSignal();
    255246  const Float_t time   = extractor->GetExtractedTime();
    256   const Float_t sigma    = extractor->GetExtractedSigma();
    257   const Float_t chi2    = extractor->GetExtractedChi2();
     247  const Float_t sigma  = extractor->GetExtractedSigma();
     248  const Float_t chi2   = extractor->GetExtractedChi2();
    259250  if (time < 3. || time > 24.)
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mjobs/

    r7054 r7069  
    14861486  MCalibrationHiLoCam hilocam;
    1488   *fLog << all << "Initializing High gain vs. Low gain intercalibration from " << fHiLoCalibFile << endl;
    1489   *fLog << all << endl;
    14911487  if (hilocam.Read()<=0)
    14921488  {
    15001496      return kFALSE;
    15011497  }
     1499  *fLog << all << "Hi-/Lo-Gain intercalibration constants read from " << fHiLoCalibFile << endl << endl;
    15031501  if (fCalibrationCam.GetSize() < 1)
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mjobs/

    r7043 r7069  
     824Bool_t MJPedestal::PulsePosCheck(const MParList &plist) const
     826    if (fIsPixelCheck)
     827    {
     828        MHPedestalCam *hcam = (MHPedestalCam*)plist.FindObject("MHPedestalCam");
     829        if (hcam)
     830        {
     831            MHPedestalPix &pix1 = (MHPedestalPix&)(*hcam)[fCheckedPixId];
     832            pix1.DrawClone("");
     833        }
     834    }
     836    if (!fIsPulsePosCheck)
     837        return kTRUE;
     839    Int_t numhigainsamples = 0;
     840    Int_t numlogainsamples = 0;
     842    Float_t meanpulsetime  = 0.;
     843    Float_t rmspulsetime   = 0.;
     845    if (IsUseMC())
     846    {
     847        //
     848        // FIXME:
     849        // The MC cannot run over the first 2000 pedestal events since almost all
     850        // events are empty, therefore a pulse pos. check is not possible, either.
     851        // For the moment, have to fix the problem hardcoded...
     852        //
     853        //            MMcEvt *evt = (MMcEvt*)plist.FindObject("MMcEvt");
     854        //            const Float_t meanpulsetime = evt->GetFadcTimeJitter();
     855        meanpulsetime = 4.5;
     856        rmspulsetime  = 1.0;
     858        numhigainsamples = 15;
     859        numlogainsamples = 15;
     861    }
     862    else
     863    {
     864        if (fIsPixelCheck)
     865        {
     866            MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam *hcam = (MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam");
     867            if (!hcam)
     868            {
     869                *fLog << err << "MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam not found... abort." << endl;
     870                return kFALSE;
     871            }
     872            hcam->DrawClone();
     873            gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_all.root",fPathOut.Data()));
     875            MHCalibrationPix &pix = (*hcam)[fCheckedPixId];
     876            pix.DrawClone();
     877            gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_Pixel%04d.root",fPathOut.Data(),fCheckedPixId));
     878        }
     880        MCalibrationPulseTimeCam *cam = (MCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MCalibrationPulseTimeCam");
     881        if (!cam)
     882        {
     883            *fLog << err << "MCalibrationPulseTimeCam not found... abort." << endl;
     884            return kFALSE;
     885        }
     887        meanpulsetime = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainMean();
     888        rmspulsetime  = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainRms();
     890        MRawEvtData *data = (MRawEvtData*)plist.FindObject("MRawEvtData");
     891        if (!data)
     892        {
     893            *fLog << err << "MRawEvtData not found... abort." << endl;
     894            return kFALSE;
     895        }
     897        numhigainsamples = data->GetNumHiGainSamples();
     898        numlogainsamples = data->GetNumLoGainSamples();
     899    }
     901    *fLog << all << "Mean pulse time (" << (IsUseMC()?"MC":"cosmics") << "): ";
     902    *fLog << meanpulsetime << "+-" << rmspulsetime << endl;
     904    const MExtractTimeAndCharge *ext = dynamic_cast<MExtractTimeAndCharge*>(fExtractor);
     906    //
     907    // Get the ranges for the new extractor setting
     908    //
     909    const Int_t newfirst = TMath::Nint(meanpulsetime-fExtractWinLeft);
     911    Int_t wshigain = ext ? ext->GetWindowSizeHiGain() : 6;
     912    if (wshigain > 6)
     913        wshigain = 6;
     915    Int_t wslogain = ext ? ext->GetWindowSizeLoGain() : 4;
     916    if (wslogain > 4)
     917        wslogain = 4;
     919    const Int_t newlast  = TMath::Nint(meanpulsetime+fExtractWinRight);
     921    *fLog << underline;
     922    *fLog << "Try to set new range limits: (" << newfirst << "," << newlast;
     923    *fLog << "+" << wshigain << "," << newfirst-1 << "," << newlast << "+";
     924    *fLog << wslogain << ")" << endl;
     926    //
     927    // Check the ranges for the new extractor setting
     928    //
     929    if (newfirst < 0)
     930    {
     931        *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the left, cannot go below 0!" << endl;
     932        return kFALSE;
     934    }
     935    if (newlast+wshigain > numhigainsamples+numlogainsamples-1)
     936    {
     937        *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the right, cannot go beyond limits: ";
     938        *fLog << numhigainsamples << "+" << numlogainsamples << "-1" << endl;
     939        *fLog << " Cannot extract at all!" << endl;
     940        return kFALSE;
     941    }
     942    if (newlast+wslogain > numlogainsamples)
     943    {
     944        *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the right, cannot go beyond logain limits!" << endl;
     945        *fLog << endl;
     946        *fLog << "Try to use a different extractor (e.g. with a window size of only 4 sl.) or:" << endl;
     947        *fLog << "Set the limit to a lower value (callisto.rc):" << endl;
     948        *fLog << "    MJPedestalY2:ExtractWinRight: 4.5" << endl;
     949        *fLog << "(ATTENTION, you will lose late cosmics pulses!)" << endl;
     950        *fLog << endl;
     951        return kFALSE;
     952    }
     954    //
     955    // Set and store the new ranges
     956    //
     957    const Int_t hi0 = newfirst;
     958    const Int_t hi1 = newlast+wshigain;
     960    const Int_t lo0 = newfirst>0 ? newfirst-1 : newfirst;
     961    const Int_t lo1 = numlogainsamples-1;
     963    fExtractor->SetRange(hi0, hi1, lo0, lo1);
     964    return kTRUE;
    824967Bool_t MJPedestal::Process()
    9891132    }
    991     if (fIsUseHists)
     1134    if (fIsUseHists && fExtractor)
    9921135      {
    9931136        if (fExtractor->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge"))
    10211164    if (fExtractor)
    10221165    {
     1166      fExtractor->SetPedestals(&fPedestalCamIn);
    10241168      if (fExtractionType!=kFundamental)
    10651209        *fLog << "windows." << endl;
    10661210    }
    1068     /*
    1069     switch (fExtractType)
    1070     {
    1071     case kUseData:
    1072         *fLog << all << "TYPE: USEDATA " << fExtractor << endl;
    1073         taskenv.SetDefault(&pedlogain);
    1074         tlist.AddToList(&taskenv);
    1076         if (!SetupExtractor(plist, pedlogain))
    1077         {
    1078             *fLog << all <<  "SETTING TO: " << fExtractor << " " << fExtractor->GetNumHiGainSamples() << endl;
    1079             fExtractor->Print();
    1080             pedlogain.SetExtractWindow(15, (Int_t)TMath::Nint(fExtractor->GetNumHiGainSamples()));
    1081         }
    1082         break;
    1084     case kUsePedRun:
    1085         *fLog << all <<  "TYPE: USEPEDRUN " << fExtractor << endl;
    1086         taskenv.SetDefault(&pedcalc);
    1087         tlist.AddToList(&taskenv);
    1089         if (!SetupExtractor(plist, pedcalc))
    1090             pedcalc.SetExtractWindow(fExtractor->GetHiGainFirst(), TMath::Nint(fExtractor->GetNumHiGainSamples()));
    1091         break;
    1093     case kUseHists:
    1094         if (!fExtractor)
    1095         {
    1096             *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << " - ERROR: ";
    1097             *fLog << "Extraction Type is kUseHists, but no extractor was set" << endl;
    1098             return kFALSE;
    1099         }
    1101         tlist.AddToList(fExtractor);
    1102         tlist.AddToList(&fillped);
    1103         break;
    1104     } */
    1106     /*
    1107     if (!fPathIn.IsNull())
    1108     {
    1109         delete fExtractor;
    1110         fExtractor = 0;
    1111     }
    1112     */
    11151212    //
    11351232    tlist.PrintStatistics();
    1137     if (fIsPixelCheck)
    1138       {
    1139         MHPedestalCam *hcam = (MHPedestalCam*)plist.FindObject("MHPedestalCam");
    1140         if (hcam)
    1141           {
    1142             MHPedestalPix &pix1 = (MHPedestalPix&)(*hcam)[fCheckedPixId];
    1143             pix1.DrawClone("");
    1144           }
    1145       }
    11471234    if (fDisplayType!=kDisplayNone)
    11481235        DisplayResult(plist);
    11511238        return kFALSE;
    1153     if (fIsPulsePosCheck)
    1154       {
    1156         Int_t numhigainsamples = 0;
    1157         Int_t numlogainsamples = 0;
    1158         Float_t meanpulsetime  = 0.;
    1159         Float_t rmspulsetime   = 0.;
    1161         if (IsUseMC())
    1162           {
    1163             //
    1164             // FIXME:
    1165             // The MC cannot run over the first 2000 pedestal events since almost all
    1166             // events are empty, therefore a pulse pos. check is not possible, either.
    1167             // For the moment, have to fix the problem hardcoded...
    1168             //
    1169             //            MMcEvt *evt = (MMcEvt*)plist.FindObject("MMcEvt");
    1170             //            const Float_t meanpulsetime = evt->GetFadcTimeJitter();
    1171             meanpulsetime = 4.5;
    1172             rmspulsetime  = 1.0;
    1174             *fLog << all << "Mean pulse time (MC): " << meanpulsetime << "+-" << rmspulsetime << endl;
    1176             numhigainsamples = 15;
    1177             numlogainsamples = 15;
    1179           }
    1180         else
    1181           {
    1182             MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam *hcam = (MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam");
    1183             if (fIsPixelCheck)
    1184               {
    1185                 hcam->DrawClone();
    1186                 gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_all.root",fPathOut.Data()));
    1187                 MHCalibrationPix &pix = (*hcam)[fCheckedPixId];
    1188                 pix.DrawClone();
    1189                 gPad->SaveAs(Form("%s/PulsePosTest_Pixel%04d.root",fPathOut.Data(),fCheckedPixId));
    1190               }
    1192             MCalibrationPulseTimeCam *cam = (MCalibrationPulseTimeCam*)plist.FindObject("MCalibrationPulseTimeCam");
    1193             if (!cam)
    1194               {
    1195                 *fLog << err << "Could not determine mean pulse position, abort... " << endl;
    1196                 return kFALSE;
    1197               }
    1199             meanpulsetime = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainMean();
    1200             rmspulsetime  = cam->GetAverageArea(0).GetHiGainRms();
    1202             *fLog << all << "Mean pulse time (cosmics): " << meanpulsetime << "+-" << rmspulsetime << endl;
    1204             MRawEvtData *data = (MRawEvtData*)plist.FindObject("MRawEvtData");
    1206             numhigainsamples = data->GetNumHiGainSamples();
    1207             numlogainsamples = data->GetNumLoGainSamples();
    1208           }
    1210         //
    1211         // Get the ranges for the new extractor setting
    1212         //
    1213         const Int_t newfirst = TMath::Nint(meanpulsetime-fExtractWinLeft);
    1214         Int_t wshigain = fExtractor->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge")
    1215           ?  ((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)fExtractor)->GetWindowSizeHiGain()
    1216           : 6;
    1218         if (wshigain > 6)
    1219           wshigain = 6;
    1221         Int_t wslogain = fExtractor->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge")
    1222           ? ((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)fExtractor)->GetWindowSizeLoGain()
    1223           : 6;
    1224         if (wslogain > 4)
    1225           wslogain = 4;
    1227         const Int_t newlast  = TMath::Nint(meanpulsetime+fExtractWinRight);
    1229         *fLog << all << underline
    1230               << "Try to set new range limits: ("<<newfirst<<","<<newlast<<"+"<<wshigain
    1231               <<","<<newfirst-1<<","<<newlast<<"+"<<wslogain<<")"<<endl;
    1232         //
    1233         // Check the ranges for the new extractor setting
    1234         //
    1235         if (newfirst < 0)
    1236           {
    1237             *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the left, cannot go below 0! " << endl;
    1238             return kFALSE;
    1239           }
    1240         if (newlast+wshigain > numhigainsamples+numlogainsamples-1)
    1241           {
    1242             *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the right, cannot go beyond limits: "
    1243                   << numhigainsamples << "+" << numlogainsamples << "-1" << endl;
    1244             *fLog << " Cannot extract at all! ... " << endl;
    1245             return kFALSE;
    1246           }
    1247         if (newlast+wslogain > numlogainsamples)
    1248           {
    1249             *fLog << err << "Pulse is too much to the right, cannot go beyond logain limits! " << endl;
    1250             *fLog << endl;
    1251             *fLog << "Try to use a different extractor (e.g. with a window size of only 4 sl.) or:" << endl;
    1252             *fLog << "Set the limit to a lower value (callisto.rc: line 329): " << endl;
    1253             *fLog << "    MJPedestalY2:ExtractWinRight: 4.5           " << endl;
    1254             *fLog << "(ATTENTION, you will lose late cosmics pulses!)" << endl;
    1255             *fLog << endl;
    1256             return kFALSE;
    1257           }
    1258         //
    1259         // Set and store the new ranges
    1260         //
    1261         fExtractor->SetRange(newfirst,newlast+wshigain,
    1262                              newfirst>0?newfirst-1:newfirst,numlogainsamples-1);
    1263       }
     1240    if (!PulsePosCheck(plist))
     1241        return kFALSE;
    12661243    *fLog << all << GetDescriptor() << ": Done." << endl;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mjobs/MJPedestal.h

    r7043 r7069  
    2928    static const TString  fgReferenceFile;    //! default for fReferenceFile ("pedestalref.rc")
    3029    static const TString  fgBadPixelsFile;    //! default for fBadPixelsFile ("badpixels_0_559.rc")
    8382    void   DisplayOutliers(TH1D *hist) const;
    8483    void   FixDataCheckHist(TH1D *hist) const;
     84    Bool_t PulsePosCheck(const MParList &plist) const;
    8686    Bool_t CheckEnvLocal();
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/msignal/

    r7043 r7069  
    7575const Byte_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow::fgLoGainLast   = 14;
    7676const Byte_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow::fgHiGainWindowSize = 6;
    77 const Byte_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow::fgLoGainWindowSize = 6;
     77const Byte_t  MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow::fgLoGainWindowSize = 8;
    7979// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/msignal/

    r7043 r7069  
    434434    *fLog << " Saturation Lim:     " << (int)fSaturationLimit << endl;
    435435    *fLog << " Num Samples HiGain: " << fNumHiGainSamples << "  LoGain: " << fNumLoGainSamples << endl;
    436 }
     436    if (fPedestals)
     437        *fLog << " Pedestals:          " << fPedestals->GetName() << ", " << fPedestals << endl;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.