07/11/05 10:34:49 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mpointing/MSrcPosCalc.cc

    r7028 r7179  
    1919!   Author(s): Abelardo Moralejo 1/2005 <mailto:moralejo@pd.infn.it>
    21 !   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
     21!   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2005
    2828// MSrcPosCalc
    30 // Calculate the current source position in the camera from the (possibly already
    31 // corrected, by starguider) J2000 sky coordinates of the camera center (contained
    32 // in MPointingPos), and the source J2000 sky coordinates contained in MSourcePos
    33 // (of type MPointingPos as well). If no MSourcePos is found in the parameter list,
    34 // source position is assumed to be the same for all events, that specified in
    35 // MSrcPosCam (if it already existed in the parameter list), or (0,0), the center
    36 // of the camera, if no MSrcPosCam was present in the parameter list. In both cases,
    37 // no calculation is necessary and then the PreProcess returns kSKIP so that the task
    38 // is removed from the task list.
    39 //
    40 // The conversion factor between the camera plain (mm) and the
    41 // sky (deg) is taken from MGeomCam. The time is taken from MTime, and the coordinates
    42 // of the observatory from MObservatory.
    43 //
     30// Calculate the current source position in the camera from the (possibly
     31// already corrected, by starguider) J2000 sky coordinates of the camera
     32// center (contained in MPointingPos), and the source J2000 sky
     33// coordinates contained in MSourcePos (of type MPointingPos as well). If
     34// no MSourcePos is found in the parameter list,  source position is
     35// assumed to be the same for all events, that specified in  MSrcPosCam
     36// (if it already existed in the parameter list), or (0,0), the center  of
     37// the camera, if no MSrcPosCam was present in the parameter list. In both
     38// cases, no calculation is necessary and then the PreProcess returns
     39// kSKIP so that the task is removed from the task list.
     41// The conversion factor between the camera plain (mm) and the sky (deg)
     42// is taken from MGeomCam. The time is taken from MTime, and the
     43// coordinates of the observatory from MObservatory.
    4445// Input Container:
    4546//   MPointingPos
    5455// To be done:
    55 //   - wobble mode missing   /// NOTE, A. Moralejo: I see no need for special code
    56 //
    5756//   - a switch between using sky-coordinates and time or local-coordinates
    5857//     from MPointingPos for determine the rotation angle
    9897    fName  = name  ? name  : "MSrcPosCalc";
    9998    fTitle = title ? title : "Calculates the source position in the camera";
     100    AddToBranchList("MTime.*");
     101    AddToBranchList("MPointingPos.*");
    191193    //*fLog << "Pointing Position: " << GetRaDec(*fPointPos)  << endl;
    192194    *fLog << "Source Position: " << GetRaDec(*fSourcePos) << endl;
     196    // For the case ReInit is never called we try:
     197    fObservatory = (MObservatory*)pList->FindObject("MObservatory");
     198    fTime        = (MTime*)       pList->FindObject("MTime");
     199    fRunType     = MRawRunHeader::kRTNone;
    194201    return kTRUE;
    321328Int_t MSrcPosCalc::Process()
    323     if (fRunType==MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo || !fSourcePos)
     330    if (fRunType==MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo || !fSourcePos || !fTime || !fObservatory)
    324331        return kTRUE;
    326   //     *fLog << dbg << "Camera center : Zd=" << fPointPos->GetZd() << " Az=" << fPointPos->GetAz() << endl;
    327   //     *fLog << dbg << "Camera center : RA=" << fPointPos->GetRa() << " Dec=" << fPointPos->GetDec() << endl;
    328   //     *fLog << dbg << "MJD: " << fTime->GetMjd() << ", time [ms]: " << fTime->GetTime() << endl;
    330   MVector3 pos, pos0;  // pos: source position;  pos0: camera center
    332   if (fSourcePos)
    333     {
    334       // Set Sky coordinates of source, taken from container "MSourcePos" of type MPointingPos. The sky
    335       // coordinates must be J2000, as the sky coordinates of the camera center that we get from the container
    336       // "MPointingPos" filled by the Drive.
    338       pos.SetRaDec(fSourcePos->GetRaRad(), fSourcePos->GetDecRad());
    340       //        *fLog << dbg << "Sky position of source: Ra=" << fSourcePos->GetRa() <<
    341       //          " Dec=" << fSourcePos->GetDec() << endl;
    342     }
    344   // Convert sky coordinates of source to local coordinates. Warning! These are not the "true" local
    345   // coordinates, since this transformation ignores precession and nutation effects.
    346   const MAstroSky2Local conv(*fTime, *fObservatory);
    347   pos *= conv;
    350   // Set sky coordinates of camera center in pos0, and then convert to local. Same comment as above. These
    351   // coordinates differ from the true local coordinates of the camera center that one could get from
    352   // "MPointingPos", calculated by the Drive: the reason is that the Drive takes into account precession
    353   // and nutation corrections, while MAstroSky2Local (as of Jan 27 2005 at least) does not. Since we just
    354   // want to get the source position on the camera from the local coordinates of the center and the source,
    355   // it does not matter that the coordinates contained in pos and pos0 ignore precession and nutation...
    356   // since the shift would be the same in both cases. What would be wrong is to set in pos0 directly the
    357   // local coordinates found in MPointingPos!
    359   pos0.SetRaDec(fPointPos->GetRaRad(), fPointPos->GetDecRad());
    360   pos0 *= conv;
    362   //     *fLog << dbg << "From MAstroSky2Local, without precession and nutation corrections:" << endl;
    363   //     *fLog << dbg << "- Camera center (2) from RA,dec and time : Zd=" << pos0.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi()
    364   //      << " Az=" << pos0.Phi()*180./TMath::Pi() << endl;
    365   //     *fLog << dbg << "- Local position of source: Zd=" << pos.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg() << " Az=" << pos.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg() << endl;
    368   // Calculate source position in camera, and convert to mm:
    369   TVector2 v = CalcXYinCamera(pos0, pos)*fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000;
    370   SetSrcPos(v);
    372   //     v *= fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg();
    373   //     *fLog << dbg << "X=" << v.X() << " deg,  Y=" << v.Y() << " deg" << endl;
    374   //     *fLog << *fTime << endl;
    375   //     *fLog << endl;
    377   return kTRUE;
     333    // Set Sky coordinates of source, taken from container "MSourcePos"
     334    // of type MPointingPos. The sky coordinates must be J2000, as the
     335    // sky coordinates of the camera center that we get from the container
     336    // "MPointingPos" filled by the Drive.
     337    MVector3 pos;  // pos: source position
     338    pos.SetRaDec(fSourcePos->GetRaRad(), fSourcePos->GetDecRad());
     340    // Convert sky coordinates of source to local coordinates. Warning! These are not the "true" local
     341    // coordinates, since this transformation ignores precession and nutation effects.
     342    const MAstroSky2Local conv(*fTime, *fObservatory);
     343    pos *= conv;
     345    // Set sky coordinates of camera center in pos0, and then convert to
     346    // local. Same comment as above. These coordinates differ from the true
     347    // local coordinates of the camera center that one could get from
     348    // "MPointingPos", calculated by the Drive: the reason is that the Drive
     349    // takes into account precession and nutation corrections, while
     350    // MAstroSky2Local (as of Jan 27 2005 at least) does not. Since we just
     351    // want to get the source position on the camera from the local
     352    // coordinates of the center and the source, it does not matter that
     353    // the coordinates contained in pos and pos0 ignore precession and
     354    // nutation... since the shift would be the same in both cases. What
     355    // would be wrong is to set in pos0 directly the local coordinates
     356    // found in MPointingPos!
     357    MVector3 pos0;  // pos0: camera center
     358    pos0.SetRaDec(fPointPos->GetRaRad(), fPointPos->GetDecRad());
     359    pos0 *= conv;
     361    // Calculate source position in camera, and convert to mm:
     362    TVector2 v = CalcXYinCamera(pos0, pos)*fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000;
     363    SetSrcPos(v);
     365    return kTRUE;
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