Changeset 771 for trunk/MagicDoku

04/25/01 09:10:59 (24 years ago)
Added the diagram for the MC chain.
1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicDoku/strategy_mc_ana.tex

    r767 r771  
    4244\section{MC work}
     46\subsection{Overview of the MC and analysis chain}
     48After a few iterations to improve the programs in speed,
     49reliability, ... there is a sample of available programs
     50to simulate the behaviour of the MAGIC telescope.
     51Due to the big amount of diskspace needed for this simulation
     52it was decided, that not only one program will generate
     53the MAGIC telescope, but a subsequent chain of different
     54programs. In figure \ref{MC_progs} you can see a overview of
     55the existing programs and their connections.
     58  \begin{picture}(18.,12.)
     59        \put (0., 0.){\framebox(18.,12.){}}
     61        \put (1, 11.5){{\sl Air shower programs}}
     62        \put (1., 10.){\framebox(3.,1.){MMCS}}
     63        \put (2., 10.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9} }
     64        \put (1., 8.){\framebox(3.,1.){reflector}}
     65        \put (2., 8.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9}}
     67        \put (6, 10.){{\sl star background programs}}
     68        \put (6.,8.){\framebox(3.,1.){starfieldadder}}
     69        \put (6., 8.){\line(0., -1.){1.5}}
     70        \put (10.,8.){\framebox(3.,1.){starresponse}}
     71        \put (10., 8.){\line(0., -1.){1.5}}
     72        \put (10., 6.5){\vector(-1.,0.){6.} }
     74        \put (1., 6.){\framebox(3.,1.){camera}}
     75        \put (2., 6.){\vector(3.,-1.){5.} }
     79        \put (14, 11.5){{\sl real data programs}}
     80        \put (14, 8.){\framebox(3.,1.){MAGIC DAQ}}     
     81        \put (15, 8.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9} }
     82        \put (14, 6.){\framebox(3.,1.){MERPP}} 
     83        \put (15., 6.){\vector(-3.,-1.){5.} }
     85        \put (8.75, 3.7){\oval(4.,1.)} 
     86        \put (7., 3.5){MAGIC root file}
     87        \put (8., 3.2){\vector(0., -1.){1.0}}
     89        \put (7, 1.){\framebox(3.,1.){MARS}}
     91        \thicklines
     92        \put (5., 11.){\line(0., -1.){6.5}}     
     93        \put (13., 12.){\line(0., -1.){7.5}}   
     95  \end{picture} 
     96\caption{Overview of the existing programs in the MC of
     100A detailed description of the properties of the different programs can be found
     101in section \ref{sec_exist_progs}.
     102From that diagram you can see the following features of the simulation and
     103analysis chain of MAGIC. 
     105  \item The simulation of Air showers and the simulation of the night sky
     106        background (NSB) is seperated. 
     108  \item The NSB is seperated in two parts, the contribution from the starfield
     109        and from a diffuse part.
     111  \item To speed up the production the starresponse program creates a databases
     112        for stars of different magnitude.
     114  \item The join of air showers and NSB is done in the camera program.
     116  \item The analysis of MC \underline{and} real data will be done with only one program.
     117        This program is called MARS (Magic Analysis and Reconstruction Software).
     118        The output of the camera program from Monte Carlo data and the output of
     119        the MERPP (MERging and PreProcessing) program for the real data are the same.
     120        So there is no need to use different programs for the analysis. The file
     121        generated by this program used the root package from CERN for data storage.
     123In this section we will only describe the usage of the Monte Carlo programs. The
     124descriptions of the MERPP and MARS can be found somewhere else\footnote{Look on the
     125MAGIC home page for more information.}.
     127\subsection{Existing programs}
     129\subsubsection{MMCS - Magic Monte Carlo Simulation}
     130\subsubsection{reflector                          }
     137\subsection{What to do}
     140  \item pedestal fluctuations
     141  \item trigger
     142  \item rates (1st level, 2nd level, .... )
     143  \item discriminator thresholds
     144  \item Xmax
     145  \item collection area
     146  \item $\gamma$/h-Seperation
     147  \item magnetic field studies ($\phi$-dependence)
     148  \item rotating star field
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