08/22/06 15:36:10 (19 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
*** empty log message ***
10 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# this step is needed.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written.
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then the sequences are built for each date in the todolist using the
    3332# macro buildsequenceentries.C
    7877   buildsequenceentrieslog=$buildsequentriespath/buildsequenceentries-$date.log
    80    echo "run $program..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8179   setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8583   case $check1 in
    86       1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status for $date..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;
    87       0)   echo "check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     84      1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status for $date..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;
     85      0)   echo " check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8886           check="no"
    8987           ;;
    90       *)   echo "check1=$check1 -> ERROR - $program.C failed for $date -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     88      *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR - $program.C failed for $date -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9189           com=$Fbuildsequ
    9290           check=$check1
    9492   esac
    96    echo "inserting the status for $program for date $date into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9794   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequenceavail

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# the sequences.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each sequence the availability of the files (raw, cc, caco) is
    3332# checked by using the macro checkfilesavail.C
    7978   sequencefile=$sequpath/$no/sequence$no2.txt
    81    echo "run $program..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8280   setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8684   case $check1 in
    87       1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    88       2)   echo "check1=$check1 -> files not yet available -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     85      1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     86      2)   echo " check1=$check1 -> files not yet available -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8987           check="no"
    9088           ;;
    91       0)   echo "check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     89      0)   echo " check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9290           check="no"
    9391           ;;
    9896   esac
    100    echo "inserting the status for $program for sequence $sequence into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    10198   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/checkstardone

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# the datasets.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each dataset the sequences are extracted from the datasetfile
    3332# and for each sequence the availability of the star files checked by using
    8685   outpath=$logpath/$program/$no
    87    echo "outpath: "$outpath  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8886   makedir $outpath  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    90    echo "run $program..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9188   setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9390   for sequence in ${sequences[@]}
    9491   do
     92      echo "run $program for sequence $sequence..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9694      check1=`root -q -b $macrospath/checkstardone.C+\(\""$sequence\""\) | tee $outpath/checkstardone-$sequence.log | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
    9896      case $check1 in
    99          1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> continue with next sequence..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    100          2)   echo "check1=$check1 -> files for sequence $sequence not yet available -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     97         1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> continue with next sequence..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     98         2)   echo " check1=$check1 -> files for sequence $sequence not yet available -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    10199              check="no"
    102100              break
    103101              ;;
    104          0)   echo "check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     102         0)   echo " check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    105103              check="no"
    106104              break
    107105              ;;
    108          *)   echo "check1=$check1 -> ERROR " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    109               echo "starfiles not available for sequence -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     106         *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    110107              com=$Fstardone
    111108              comadd=$sequence
    116113   done
    118    echo "inserting the status for $program for dataset $dataset into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    119115   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/correcttime

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# correction
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each run the timing correction is done
    3332# If this was successful, the status is inserted into the database using
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/doexclusions

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# this step is needed.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then the run are excluded for each date in the todolist using the
    3332# macro doexclusions.C
    7574   var2=$date
    7675   doexclusionspath=$logpath/$program/$year2
    77    echo "excl path: $doexclusionspath"
    7876   makedir $doexclusionspath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    7977   doexclusionslog=$doexclusionspath/doexclusions-$date.log
    81    echo "run $program..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8279   setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8683   case $check1 in
    87       1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    88       *)   echo "check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     84      1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> setting status..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     85      *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8986           com=$Fdoexcl
    9087           check=$check1
    9188           ;;
    9289   esac
    93    echo "inserting the status for $program for date $date into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9491   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/fillcallisto

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# all sequences of which the results are not yet in the database.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each sequence in the todo list the calibration results are
    3332# filled into the table Calibration in the database using the macros
    5756# get todo file
    58 gettodolist  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     57gettodo  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    6059sequences=(`cat $todofile`)
    7978   calibfile=$path/calib$no2.root
    8079   fillcallistologpath=$logpath/$program/$no
    81    echo "$programlogpath: "$fillcallistologpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8280   makedir $fillcallistologpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8381   fillcaliblog=$fillcallistologpath/fillcalib-$sequence.log
    9290   case $check1 in
    93       1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> run fillsignal " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    94       0)   echo "check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     91      1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> run fillsignal " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     92      0)   echo " check1=$check1 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9593           check="no"
    9694           setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9795           continue ;;
    98       *)   echo "check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     96      *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9997           com=$Ffillcalib
    10098           check=$check1
    105103   check2=`root -q -b $macrospath/fillsignal.C+\("\"$signalfile\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $fillsignallog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
    106104   case $check2 in
    107       1)   echo "check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    108       0)   echo "check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     105      1)   echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     106      0)   echo " check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    109107           check="no"
    110108           ;;
    111       *)   echo "check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     109      *)   echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    112110           com=$Ffillsignal
    113111           check=$check2
    114112           ;;
    115113   esac
    116    echo "inserting the status for $program for sequence $sequence into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    117115   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/fillganymed

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# for all datasets of which the results are not yet in the database.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each dataset in the todo list the ganymed results are filled
    3332# into the table Ganymed in the database using the macro fillganymed.C
    7877   ganymedfile=$path/ganymed$no2.root
    7978   fillganymedlogpath=$logpath/$program/$no
    80    echo "$programlogpath: "$fillganymedlogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8179   makedir $fillganymedlogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8280   fillganymedlog=$fillganymedlogpath/$program-$dataset.log
    8785   check2=`root -q -b $macrospath/fillganymed.C+\("\"$ganymedfile\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $fillganymedlog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
    8886   case $check2 in
    89       1)   echo "check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    90       0)   echo "check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     87      1)   echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     88      0)   echo " check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9189           check="no"
    9290           ;;
    93       *)  echo "check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     91      *)  echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9492          com=$Ffillganymed
    9593          check=$check2
    9694          ;;
    9795   esac
    98    echo "inserting the status for $program for dataset $dataset into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9997   setstatus "stop" >> scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/fillstar

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# for all sequences of which the results are not yet in the database.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then for each sequence in the todo list the star results are filled
    3332# into the table Star in the database using the macro fillstar.C
    7978   starfile=$path/star$no2.root
    8079   fillstarlogpath=$logpath/$program/$no
    81    echo "fillstarlogpath: "$fillstarlogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8280   makedir $fillstarlogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8381   fillstarlog=$fillstarlogpath/$program-$sequence.log
    8886   check2=`root -q -b $macrospath/fillstar.C+\("\"$starfile\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $fillstarlog | grep \(int\) | sed -e 's/.*(int)//'`
    8987   case $check2 in
    90       1)   echo "check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    91       0)   echo "check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     88      1)   echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     89      0)   echo " check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9290           check="no"
    9391           ;;
    94       *)   echo "check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     92      *)   echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9593           com=$Ffillstar
    9694           check=$check2
    9795           ;;
    9896   esac
    99    echo "inserting the status for $program for sequence $sequence into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    10098   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks

    r7902 r7911  
    8484         echo "  reason: $pulse" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8585         resetlogpath=$logpath/resetcallisto
    86          echo "resetlogpath: $resetlogpath" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8786         makedir $resetlogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    8887         resetlog=$resetlogpath/reset-callisto-$sequ.log
    9089         check1=`root -q -b $macrospath/resetcolumn.C+\("\"$column\""\,"\"$table\""\,"\"$sequ\""\,"\"$sequ\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $resetlog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
    9190         case $check1 in
    92             1)   echo "check1=$check1 -> everything ok, callisto has been reset " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     91            1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok, callisto has been reset " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9392                 ;;
    94             *)   echo "check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step could not be resetted -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     93            *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step could not be resetted -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9594                 continue ;;
    9695         esac
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles

    r7909 r7911  
    2828# for which this step is needed.
    30 # After checking, if the script is already running, the todolist is
    31 # written
     30# After checking if the script is already running the todolist is written.
    3231# Then the sequence file is written for each sequence in the todolist using
    3332# the macro writesequencefile.C
    8786   check2=`root -q -b $macrospath/writesequencefile.C+\($sequence\,"\"$sequpath\""\) | tee $writesequencefilelog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
    8887   case $check2 in
    89       1)   echo "check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
    90       0)   echo "check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     88      1)   echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
     89      0)   echo " check2=$check2 -> no connection to db -> continue..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9190           check="no"
    9291           ;;
    93       *)   echo "check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     92      *)   echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9493           com=$Fwritesequfile
    9594           check=$check2
    9695           ;;
    9796   esac
    98    echo "inserting the status for $program for sequence $sequence into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    9998   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
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