09/28/06 14:04:55 (18 years ago)
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1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc ΒΆ

    r7684 r7991  
    229229//   [...]
     231// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     233// MAGIC runbook CC_2006_04_22_22_28_52.rbk
     235// [2006-04-22 23:14:13]
     237// [...]
     238// Found 2 pairs of swapped pixels.
     239// We corrected swapped pixels 54<->55 in the receiver boards. We probably
     240// swapped today in the camera.
     241// We did not correct 92<-<93 which are likely swapped. Will check and correct
     242// tomorrow.
     244// ---
     246// comments:
     247// - 54<->55 were corrected but have not been swapped, hence they are swapped
     248//   since then (run 88560 ok, run 88669 swapped; between them mostly dummy and
     249//   test runs)
     250// - 92<->93 are never swapped, always ok.
     252// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     254// MAGIC runbook CC_2006_08_28_19_40_18.rbk
     256// [2006-08-28 23:09:07]
     257// While doing a flatfielding we have found out that the signals for pixels
     258// 119 and 120 were swapped. We have fixed it by exchanging the corresponding
     259// fibers at the input of the receivers (not before the splitters!).
     261// ---
     263// MAGIC runbook CC_2006_08_29_15_19_14.rbk
     265// [2006-08-29 16:43:09]
     266// In the last hours we have found out and fixed a good number of pixels which
     267// were swapped: 119-120, 160-161-162 and 210-263. According to Florian,
     268// 160-161-162 and 210-263 were swapped since November 2005.
     270// ---
     272// mail Florian Goebel (08/30/2006 03:13 PM):
     274// As far as I can tell pixels 161 and 162 as well as 263 and 210 were
     275// swapped in the trigger. This leads to some inefficiency of the trigger.
     276// However, they were not swapped in the readout. So, you don't have to
     277// correct anything in the data for these pixels.
     279// ---
     281// comments:
     282// - 119-120 swapped between run 93251 (not swapped) and 93283 (swapped)
     283//   (only testruns between these runs)
     284//   corrected since run 99354 (== runbook [2006-08-28 23:09:07])
     285// - 160 never swapped
     286// - 161-162 were only swapped in the trigger, but nevertheless were
     287//   "corrected" also in the signal. Hence signal swapped since 99354
     289// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    231291Bool_t MRawRunHeader::FixAssignment()
    233     if (fRunNumber<53300 || fRunNumber>68754)
    234         return kTRUE;
    236     if (!SwapAssignment(554, 559))
    237         return kFALSE;
    239     if (!SwapAssignment(555, 558))
    240         return kFALSE;
    242     if (!SwapAssignment(556, 557))
    243         return kFALSE;
     293    if (fRunNumber>=53300 && fRunNumber<=68754)
     294    {
     295        if (!SwapAssignment(554, 559))
     296            return kFALSE;
     297        if (!SwapAssignment(555, 558))
     298            return kFALSE;
     299        if (!SwapAssignment(556, 557))
     300            return kFALSE;
     301    }
     303    if (fRunNumber>=93283 && fRunNumber<99354)
     304    {
     305        if (!SwapAssignment(119, 120))
     306            return kFALSE;
     307    }
     309    if (fRunNumber>=99354 && fRunNumber<=101789)
     310    {
     311        if (!SwapAssignment(161, 162))
     312            return kFALSE;
     313        if (!SwapAssignment(210, 263))
     314            return kFALSE;
     315    }
     317    if (fRunNumber>=88669 && fRunNumber<=101789)
     318    {
     319        if (!SwapAssignment(54, 55))
     320            return kFALSE;
     321    }
    245323    return kTRUE;
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