Changeset 8006 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/scripts
- Timestamp:
- 10/06/06 13:29:44 (18 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7732 r8006 18 18 # 19 19 # 20 # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 08/2004<>21 # 22 # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-200 420 # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 10/2006 <> 21 # 22 # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2006 23 23 # 24 24 # … … 40 40 ############################################################################## 41 41 42 #function to create directory 43 function makedir() 42 #to be set by the user (if you don't use the command-line options) 43 #path of your output directory 44 #outpath=/home/dorner/ToO 45 outpath= 46 #give either sequence number or sequence file (including path) 47 sequence= 48 sequfile="" 49 50 function usage() 44 51 { 45 if [ ! -d $@ ] 52 echo "Usage: $0 [options]" 53 echo "options:" 54 echo -n " --sequ sequence# " 55 echo " giving number of sequence which shall be processed " 56 echo -n " --sequ-file sequfile " 57 echo " giving sequencfile (including path) of sequence which shall be processed " 58 echo -n " --out outpath " 59 echo " giving the path where all outputfiles are stored " 60 echo -n " -cal " 61 echo " running only calibration" 62 echo -n " -b " 63 echo " running in non-interactive mode (i.e. you are not asked if the paths are ok)" 64 # echo -n " -merppu " 65 # echo " running only merppupdate" 66 echo -n " -star " 67 echo " running only star" 68 echo "" 69 echo "Remarks: " 70 echo " - you can set the variables (or part of it) also in the script " 71 echo " - you have to set the outpath and either the sequence number or the sequence file" 72 echo " (if both is set, the sequence given by the sequencefile is processed)" 73 echo "" 74 exit 75 } 76 77 interactive="yes" 78 79 while [ "$1" ] 80 do 81 case $1 in 82 --sequ) shift 83 sequence=$1 84 ;; 85 --mars) shift 86 mars=$1 87 ;; 88 --out) shift 89 outpath=$1 90 ;; 91 -b) interactive='no' 92 ;; 93 -cal) cal='yes' 94 ;; 95 # -merppu) merppu='yes' 96 # ;; 97 -star) star='yes' 98 ;; 99 --sequ-file) shift 100 sequfile=$1 101 ;; 102 -h) usage 103 ;; 104 *) echo "unknown option $1 " 105 usage 106 exit 107 ;; 108 esac 109 shift 110 done 111 112 ##getting settings for root 113 #if [ "$mars" = "" ] 114 #then 115 # echo "WARNING Mars-Version has not been set" 116 # echo "" 117 # usage 118 #fi 119 #source $mars/datacenter/scripts/setup 120 121 if [ "$outpath" = "" ] 122 then 123 echo "WARNING outpath has not been set" 124 echo "" 125 usage 126 fi 127 128 if [ "$sequence" = "" ] && [ "$sequfile" = "" ] 129 then 130 echo "WARNING neither sequ nor sequfile has been set" 131 echo "" 132 usage 133 fi 134 135 echo "" 136 echo "You have set the variables to: " 137 #echo "mars: "$mars 138 echo " outpath: "$outpath 139 140 if [ "$sequfile" = "" ] 141 then 142 if ! n8=`printf %08d $sequence` 46 143 then 47 mkdir -pv $@ 48 if [ ! -d $@ ] 49 then 50 echo "could not make dir "$@ 51 exit 52 fi 53 fi 54 } 55 56 57 #to be set by the user 58 mars=/home/user/Mars 59 outpath=/home/user/outpath 60 sequence=55221 61 62 63 #needed if not set in .bashrc or when script is e.g. executed in cronjob 64 export ROOTSYS=/opt/root_v4.04.02g 65 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ROOTSYS/lib 66 export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin 67 68 69 no=`printf %08d $sequence | cut -c 1-4` 70 sequfile="/magic/sequences/"$no"/sequence"`printf %08d $sequence`".txt" 71 calpath=$outpath"/callisto/"`printf %08d $sequence` 72 starpath=$outpath"/star/"`printf %08d $sequence` 73 74 echo "mars: "$mars 75 echo "outpath: "$outpath 76 echo "sequence: "$sequence 77 echo "sequfile: "$sequfile 78 echo "path where calibration files are stored : "$calpath 79 echo "path where star files are stored : "$starpath 80 81 makedir $calpath 82 makedir $starpath 83 84 cd $mars 85 86 echo "run callisto..." 87 echo "./callisto -b -q -f --log=$calpath/callisto$sequence.log --out=$calpath $sequfile " 88 ./callisto -b -q -f --log=$calpath/callisto$sequence.log --out=$calpath $sequfile 89 echo "callisto is finished " 90 echo "" 91 92 93 94 calfiles=`find $calpath -name [2][0][0-2][0-9][0,1][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*_Y_*.root` 95 96 echo "run merpp update for calibrated files..." 97 echo "calibrated data files: "$calfiles 98 99 for calfile in ${calfiles[@]} 100 do 101 echo "calfile: "$calfile 102 outpath=`dirname $calfile` 103 echo "outpath: "$outpath 104 105 merpplogpath=$outpath"/merpplogs" 106 makedir $merpplogpath 107 108 runno=`echo $calfile | cut -d_ -f2 | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' ` 109 ccfile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/cc/ -name [2][0][0-2][0-9][0,1][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_[P,D,C,S]_*_S.rep` 110 cacofile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/caco/ -name dc_[2][0][0-2][0-9]_[0,1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_*.txt` 111 echo "runno: "$runno 112 echo "ccfile: "$ccfile 113 if [ "$ccfile" = "" ] 114 then 115 echo "no ccfile found for run "$runno 116 break 117 fi 118 echo "cacofile: "$cacofile 119 if [ "$cacofile" = "" ] 120 then 121 echo "no cacofile found for run "$runno 122 echo "finding cacofile..." 123 for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )) 124 do 125 newrun=`echo $runno - $i | bc` 126 # echo "$missingcacorun + $i = $newrun" 127 path=`dirname $ccfile` 128 path=`echo $path | sed -e 's/cc/caco/'` 129 echo "path: "$path 130 cacofile=`find $path -name *$newrun*` 131 if [ "$cacofile" = "" ] 132 then 133 continue 134 else 135 break 136 echo "cacofile: "$cacofile 137 fi 138 done 139 fi 140 echo "./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.log --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile " 141 ./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.log --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile 142 143 echo "./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.log --auto-time $cacofile $calfile " 144 ./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.log --auto-time $cacofile $calfile 145 done 146 echo "merppupdate is finished" 147 echo "" 148 149 150 151 echo "run star..." 152 echo "./star -b -q -f --log=$starpath/star$sequence.log --ind=$callistopath --out=$starpath $sequfile " 153 ./star -b -q -f --log=$starpath/star$sequence.log --ind=$callistopath --out=$starpath $sequfile 154 echo "star is finished " 155 156 144 echo "your sequence number is not valid" 145 usage 146 exit 147 fi 148 no=`echo $n8 | cut -c 1-4` 149 sequfile="/magic/sequences/"$no"/sequence$n8.txt" 150 echo " sequence: "$sequence 151 echo " sequfile: "$sequfile 152 if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ] 153 then 154 calpath=$outpath"/callisto/$n8" 155 echo " path where calibration files are stored : "$calpath 156 fi 157 if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ] 158 then 159 starpath=$outpath"/star/$n8" 160 echo " path where star files are stored : "$starpath 161 fi 162 else 163 echo " sequfile: "$sequfile 164 if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ] 165 then 166 calpath=$outpath"/callisto" 167 echo " path where calibration files are stored : "$calpath 168 fi 169 if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ] 170 then 171 starpath=$outpath"/star" 172 echo " path where star files are stored : "$starpath 173 fi 174 fi 175 176 177 if [ "$interactive" = "yes" ] 178 then 179 echo "" 180 echo "paths ok? continue?" 181 echo "please insert y, if you want continue" 182 echo " n, if you want quit" 183 184 answer=`head -n 1` 185 # echo "answer: "$answer 186 case $answer in 187 y) echo "continue processing sequence" 188 ;; 189 n) exit 190 ;; 191 *) echo "your answer is not clear -> exit" 192 exit 193 ;; 194 esac 195 fi 196 197 exit 198 199 200 #cd $mars 201 202 if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ] 203 then 204 mkdir -pv $calpath 205 206 echo "run callisto..." 207 echo "./callisto -b -q -f --log=$calpath/callisto$sequence.log --out=$calpath $sequfile " 208 ./callisto -b -q -f --log=$calpath/callisto$sequence.log --out=$calpath $sequfile 209 check=$? 210 case $check in 211 0) echo "callisto finished sucessfully" 212 echo "";; 213 *) echo -n "ERROR: callisto returned $check - please check " 214 echo -n "" 215 echo " for more details" 216 exit;; 217 esac 218 219 220 calfiles=`find $calpath -name [2][0][0-2][0-9][0,1][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*_Y_*.root` 221 222 echo "run merpp update for calibrated files..." 223 echo "calibrated data files: "$calfiles 224 225 for calfile in ${calfiles[@]} 226 do 227 echo "calfile: "$calfile 228 outpath=`dirname $calfile` 229 echo "outpath: "$outpath 230 231 merpplogpath=$outpath"/merpplogs" 232 makedir $merpplogpath 233 234 runno=`echo $calfile | cut -d_ -f2 | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' ` 235 ccfile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/cc/ -name [2][0][0-2][0-9][0,1][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_[P,D,C,S]_*_S.rep` 236 cacofile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/caco/ -name dc_[2][0][0-2][0-9]_[0,1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_*.txt` 237 echo "runno: "$runno 238 echo "ccfile: "$ccfile 239 if [ "$ccfile" = "" ] 240 then 241 echo "no ccfile found for run "$runno 242 break 243 fi 244 echo "cacofile: "$cacofile 245 if [ "$cacofile" = "" ] 246 then 247 echo "no cacofile found for run "$runno 248 echo "finding cacofile..." 249 for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )) 250 do 251 newrun=`echo $runno - $i | bc` 252 # echo "$missingcacorun + $i = $newrun" 253 path=`dirname $ccfile` 254 path=`echo $path | sed -e 's/cc/caco/'` 255 echo "path: "$path 256 cacofile=`find $path -name *$newrun*` 257 if [ "$cacofile" = "" ] 258 then 259 continue 260 else 261 break 262 echo "cacofile: "$cacofile 263 fi 264 done 265 fi 266 267 logfile=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.log 268 echo "./merpp -u --log=$logfile --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile " 269 ./merpp -u --log=$logfile --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile 270 check=$? 271 case $check in 272 0) ;; 273 *) echo "ERROR: merppccupdate returned $check " 274 echo "please check the logfile $logfile " 275 exit;; 276 esac 277 278 logfile=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.log 279 echo "./merpp -u --log=$logfile --auto-time $cacofile $calfile " 280 ./merpp -u --log=$logfile --auto-time $cacofile $calfile 281 check=$? 282 case $check in 283 0) ;; 284 *) echo "ERROR: merppcacoupdate returned $check " 285 echo "please check the logfile $logfile " 286 exit;; 287 esac 288 done 289 echo "merppupdate is finished" 290 echo "" 291 fi 292 293 if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ] 294 then 295 mkdir -pv $starpath 296 297 echo "run star..." 298 logfile=$starpath/star$sequence.log 299 if ! ls $calpath 300 then 301 echo "couldn't find $calpath => taking standard inpath for star" 302 echo "./star -b -q -f --log=$logfile --out=$starpath $sequfile " 303 ./star -b -q -f --log=$logfile --out=$starpath $sequfile 304 else 305 echo "./star -b -q -f --log=$logfile --ind=$calpath --out=$starpath $sequfile " 306 ./star -b -q -f --log=$logfile --ind=$calpath --out=$starpath $sequfile 307 fi 308 check=$? 309 case $check in 310 0) echo "star finished sucessfully" 311 echo "";; 312 *) echo "ERROR: star returned $check - please check " 313 echo "please check the logfile $logfile " 314 exit;; 315 esac 316 317 echo "star is finished " 318 fi 319 320
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