Changeset 8478 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/macros
- Timestamp:
- 05/09/07 13:15:53 (18 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/macros
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8332 r8478 345 345 } 346 346 347 cout << "Q: " << query << endl;347 // cout << "Q: " << query << endl; 348 348 349 349 if (dummy) -
r8338 r8478 1 1 /* ======================================================================== *\ 2 ! $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $:$Id: plotdb.C,v 1.3 3 2007-02-28 13:50:06tbretz Exp $2 ! $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $:$Id: plotdb.C,v 1.34 2007-05-09 12:15:51 tbretz Exp $ 3 3 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 ! … … 528 528 //from calib*.root 529 529 plot.SetDescription("Conversion Factor inner Camera;C_{I} [phe/fadc cnts]", "ConvI"); 530 plot.Plot("Calibration.fConvFactorInner", 0, 0. 5, 0.002);530 plot.Plot("Calibration.fConvFactorInner", 0, 0.7, 0.002); 531 531 plot.SetDescription("Mean Arrival Time inner Camera;T_{I} [sl]", "ArrTmI"); 532 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeMeanInner", 0, 9.0, 0.1);532 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeMeanInner", 0, 40.0, 0.1); 533 533 plot.SetDescription("RMS Arrival Time inner Camera;\\sigma_{T,I} [sl]", "RmsArrTmI"); 534 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeRmsInner", 0, 0.8, 0.01);534 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeRmsInner", 0, 3.0, 0.01); 535 535 plot.SetDescription("Number of unsuitable pixels inner Camera;N{I}", "UnsuitI"); 536 plot.Plot("Calibration.fUnsuitableInner", 0, 25, 1); 536 plot.Plot("Calibration.fUnsuitableInner", 0, 75, 1); 537 plot.SetDescription("Number of unsuitable pixels >50%;N", "Unsuit50"); 538 plot.Plot("Calibration.fUnsuitable50", 0, 75, 1); 539 plot.SetDescription("Number of unsuitable pixels >1%;N", "Unsuit01"); 540 plot.Plot("Calibration.fUnsuitable01", 0, 75, 1); 537 541 538 542 //from signal*.root … … 542 546 plot.Plot("Calibration.fMeanSignalInner", 0, 7.0, 0.05); 543 547 plot.SetDescription("Mean PulsePosCheck (falling edge) inner camera;T [sl]", "ChkPos"); 544 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosCheckMean", 1, 15.0, 0.1);548 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosCheckMean", 1, 40.0, 0.1); 545 549 plot.SetDescription("Rms PulsePosCheck (falling edge) inner camera;T [sl]", "ChkRms"); 546 550 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosCheckRms", 0, 5.0, 0.1); 547 551 plot.SetDescription("Mean calibrated PulsePos;T", "PulPos"); 548 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosMean", 1, 15.0, 0.1);552 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosMean", 1, 40.0, 0.1); 549 553 plot.SetDescription("Rms calibrated PulsePos;T", "PulRms"); 550 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosRms", 0, 2.0, 0.02);554 plot.Plot("Calibration.fPulsePosRms", 0, 3.0, 0.02); 551 555 552 556 plot.SetDescription("Hi-/Lo-Gain offset;", "PulOff"); … … 606 610 //from calib*.root 607 611 plot.SetDescription("Conversion Factor outer Camera;C_{O} [phe/fadc cnts]", "ConvO"); 608 plot.Plot("Calibration.fConvFactorOuter", 0, 2.0, 0.01);612 plot.Plot("Calibration.fConvFactorOuter", 0, 3.0, 0.01); 609 613 plot.SetDescription("Mean Arrival Time outer Camera;T_{O} [sl]", "ArrTmO"); 610 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeMeanOuter", 0, 8.5, 0.1);614 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeMeanOuter", 0, 45, 0.1); 611 615 plot.SetDescription("RMS Arrival Time outer Camera;\\sigma_{T,O} [sl]", "RmsArrTmO"); 612 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeRmsOuter", 0, 1.0, 0.01);616 plot.Plot("Calibration.fArrTimeRmsOuter", 0, 3.0, 0.01); 613 617 plot.SetDescription("Number of unsuitable pixels outer Camera;N{O}", "UnsuitO"); 614 618 plot.Plot("Calibration.fUnsuitableOuter", 0, 25, 1);
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