Changeset 8613 for trunk/Dwarf/Documents

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  • trunk/Dwarf/Documents/ApplicationDFG/application.bib

    r8607 r8613  
    25732573  adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
     2577   author = {{Abdo}, A.~A. and others},
     2578    title = "{TeV Gamma-Ray Sources from a Survey of the Galactic Plane with Milagro}",
     2579  journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
     2580   eprint = {0705.0707},
     2581     year = 2007,
     2582    month = may,
     2583   volume = 705,
     2584   adsurl = {},
     2585  adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
     2589   author = {{Rieger}, F.~M. and {Mannheim}, K.},
     2590    title = "{Implications of a possible 23 day periodicity for binary black hole models in Mkn 501}",
     2591  journal = {\aap},
     2592   eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0005478},
     2593     year = 2000,
     2594    month = jul,
     2595   volume = 359,
     2596    pages = {948-952},
     2597   adsurl = {},
     2598  adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
     2602   author = {{Rieger}, F.~M. and {Mannheim}, K.},
     2603    title = "{A Possible Black Hole Binary in Mkn 501}",
     2604booktitle = {American Institute of Physics Conference Series},
     2605     year = 2001,
     2606   series = {American Institute of Physics Conference Series},
     2607   volume = 558,
     2608   editor = {{Aharonian}, F.~A. and {V{\"o}lk}, H.~J.},
     2609    pages = {716-+},
     2610   adsurl = {},
     2611  adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
     2615   author = {{Rieger}, F.~M. and {Mannheim}, K.},
     2616    title = "{On the central black hole mass in Mkn 501}",
     2617  journal = {\aap},
     2618   eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0210326},
     2619     year = 2003,
     2620    month = jan,
     2621   volume = 397,
     2622    pages = {121-125},
     2623      doi = {10.1051/0004-6361:20021482},
     2624   adsurl = {},
     2625  adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  • trunk/Dwarf/Documents/ApplicationDFG/application.tex

    r8610 r8613  
    5 \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
    6 \usepackage{helvet}
    141141We propose to set up an imaging air Cherenkov telescope with low-cost
    142 but high performance design for robotic operation. The goal is to
    143 achieve long-term monitoring of bright blazars which will unravel the
    144 origin and nature of their variability (und den zugrunde liegen
    145 Beschleunigungsmachanismen). The telescope design is based on a
    146 technological upgrade of one of the former telescopes of the HEGRA
    147 collaboration still located at the Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos
    148 on the Canarian Island La Palma (Spain).  With the upgrade an
    149 improvement in senitivity by xx\% and a xx\% lower energy threshold
    150 will be achieved.
     142but high performance design for robotic and remote operation. The goal
     143is to achieve long-term monitoring of bright blazars which will unravel
     144the origin and nature of their variability (und den zugrunde liegen
     145Beschleunigungsmachanismen der kosmischen Strahlung). The telescope
     146design is based on a technological upgrade of one of the former
     147telescopes of the HEGRA collaboration still located at the Observatorio
     148Roque de los Muchachos on the Canarian Island La Palma (Spain). With
     149the upgrade an improvement in senitivity by 25\%{\bf (?)} and a lower
     150energy threshold in the order of 350\,GeV{\bf (?)} will be achieved.
     152{\bf IceCube erw"ahnen?}
    152153{\em Nicht gescheduled von anderen IACTs?}
    154 %Beantragt \citeauthor{Chandrasekhar:1931} wird die F"orderung eines
    155 %Luft-Cherenkov-Teleskops f"ur Langzeitbeobachtungen von Gamma-Quellen
    156 %im Energiebereich zwischen 500 GeV und 50 TeV (DWARF=Dedicated
    157 %multiWavelength Astroparticle Research Facility). Mit DWARF sollen zwei
    158 %Aufgaben bei der Beobachtung erf"ullt werden:
    160 %1. weitgehend
    161 %automatisierte Langzeitbeobachtungen von bekannten hochenergetischen
    162 %Quellen. Solche Beobachtungen stehen nicht auf dem Programm der im
    163 %Betrieb befindlichen Generation von Cherenkov-Teleskopen 2.
    164 %Multiwavelenght-Kampangen mit Photon-Detektoren in unterschiedlichen
    165 %Energiebreichen, insbesondere auch mit dem Neutrino-Teleskop IceCube.
    166 %F"ur den Aufbau von DWARF soll die bestehende Infrastruktur auf dem
    167 %Roque de los Muchachos auf der kanarischen Insel La Palma genutzt
    168 %werden.  Dort befindet sich der zur Zeit ungenutzte Mount des
    169 %ehemaligen ``HEGRA-Cherenkov-Teleskops 3'' sowie eine zur Plazierung
    170 %der Elektronik geeignete H"utte samt elektrischer Versorgung bei dem
    171 %Teleskop. Zur Minimierung von Peronalkosten soll das Teleskop nach der
    172 %Aufbauphase weitestgehend robotisch "uber das Internet / einen Link
    173 %"uber den ESA-Satelltien XYZ betrieben werden. Die mit DWARF
    174 %vorgenommenen Messungen dienen der Kl"arung der Frage nach der
    175 %zeitlichen Variabilit"at der Gamma-Emissionen von Aktiven Galaxien und
    176 %den zugrundeliegenden Beschelunigungsmechanismen der kosmsichen
    177 %Strahlung.\\
    198174\item Knapp und pr"azise in der unmittelbaren Beziehung zum Vorhaben
    199175\item Als Begr"undung f"ur eigene Arbeit
    200 \item incl. einschl"agiger Arbeiten anderer Wissenschaftler
     176\item inkl. einschl"agiger Arbeiten anderer Wissenschaftler
    201177\item $\to$ Einordnung eigener Arbeit, welcher Beitrag zu welchen Fragen
     181{\bf Hier gibt es glaub ich drei Punkte: Physik, IACTs und gAPD}
    205183\paragraph{Introduction:} Since the termination of the HEGRA
    208186detecting tens of formerly unknown gamma ray sources and analyzing
    209187their energy spectra and temporal behavior. This became possible by
    210 lowering the energy threshold from 700 GeV to less than 100 GeV and
     188lowering the energy threshold from 700\,GeV to less than 100\,GeV and
    211189increasing at the same time the sensitivity by a factor of five.
    237215a solid and complete data base for variability investigations.
    239 {\bf Hier sollte ganz klar rauskommen warum man unbedingt ein
     217{\bf Hier sollte ganz klar rauskommen was der aktuelle Stand der
     218Forschung ist und wieso man um weiter zu kommen unbedingt ein
    240219long-term monitoring IACT braucht}
    242 {\bf Geigermde APDs?}
     221{\bf Geigermode APDs?}
    244223\subsubsection{High energy gamma and neutrino sources}
    251230decades. Additionally there are two diffuse regions within our galaxy
    252231which have been detected by H.E.S.S.\cite{Aharonian:2006} and Milagro
    253 {\bf ZITAT!!! } {\it Neues Millagro Papier mit "TeV Gamma-Ray Sources
    254 from a Survex of the Galactic Plane with Milagro} 4+ Quellregionen:
    255 "TeV Gamma-Ray Sources from a Survey of the Galactic  Plane with
    256 Milagro" Arxiv-Nr.: 0705.0707 The first source was discovered in the
    257 year 19{\bf??} by the {\bf HEGRA} collaboration {\it (War das nicht wer
    258 anders, die zu allererst den Crab sahen?...ZITAT?)}. In comparison to
     233%The first source was discovered in the
     234%year 19{\bf??} by the {\bf HEGRA} collaboration {\it (War das nicht wer
     235%anders, die zu allererst den Crab sahen?...ZITAT?)}.
     236In comparison to
    259237x-ray measurments, which are able to scan the entire sky for sources
    260 and thus have  cataloged more than {\bf 1000 ???} sources, this number
     238and thus have cataloged more than {\bf 1000 ???} sources, this number
    261239appears to be quite small. One reason for this is the small field of
    262240view of imaging air cherenkov telesopes (IACTs), another reason the
    264242extragalactic background light (EBL). Due to this small statistic at
    265243the moment it is of particular importance that instruments with high
    266 sensitivity concentrate on the analysis of new objects in the TeV sky
     244sensitivity concentrate on the observation of new objects in the TeV sky
    267245and not on the quantitative, permanent observation of already known
    268 sources. Even when a source was observed over a longer period of time
    269 this does mean {\bf  less than three month ???? {\it Viel l"anger sind
    270 die Quellen am St"uck doch gar nicht sichtbar, oder? Sinnvoller w"are
    271 es wom"oglich die wenigen Beobachtungsstunden in diesen X Monaten
    272 hervorzuheben.}} But one has to take into account that during this time
    273 also periods of bad weather and times with strong moon light can
    274 significantly reduce  observation time. Furthermore one has to consider
    275 that the sources are visible in the sky only for a few hours each night.
     248%Even when a source was observed over a longer period of time
     249%this does mean {\bf  less than three month ???? {\it Viel l"anger sind
     250%die Quellen am St"uck doch gar nicht sichtbar, oder? Sinnvoller w"are
     251%es wom"oglich die wenigen Beobachtungsstunden in diesen X Monaten
     252%hervorzuheben.}} But one has to take into account that during this time
     253%also periods of bad weather and times with strong moon light can
     254%significantly reduce  observation time. Furthermore one has to consider
     255%that the sources are visible in the sky only for a few hours each night.
     257%{\bf Ist die Aufz"ahlung nich total "ubertrieben? Ist es f"ur unseren
     258%Antrag wirklich interessant welchem Typ die detektierten AGN angeh"oren
     259%und  wie sie hei"sen?}
    277261The so far observed galactic objects are microqasars and supernova
    278262remnands (SNR). The identified extragalactic sources are active
    279 galactic nuclei (AGN). The objects are listed in table~\ref{dummy} {\bf
    280 TESHIMAS VORTRAG IN MADISON}. The AGN are 13 BLLacs and one FR-I
     263galactic nuclei (AGN).
     264%NOETIG??? The objects are listed in table~\ref{dummy} {\bf
     266The AGN are 13 BLLacs and one FR-I
    281267galaxy, M87. So High-peaked BL Lacertae objects are the prime source
    282 population for studies with Cherenkov telescopes.  It is obvious that
     268population for studies with Cherenkov telescopes. It is obvious that
    283269monitoring observations of strong blazars are orthogonal to the mission
    284270of the larger Cherenkov telescopes with their discovery potential for
    285271new sources (luminosity function, redshift distribution).
     272{\bf Das hatten wir oben eigtnlich schonmal}
    287274In case of hadronic particle acceleration within the TeV emitters, the
    288 TeV signal may arise from $\pi^0$-decays. These neutral pions are decay
    289 products of of delta resonances, which are formed in proton-photon
    290 interactions. Anther decay channel of the delta resonance leads to the
     275signal may arise from $\pi^0$-decays. These neutral pions are decay
     276products of delta resonances, which are formed in proton-photon
     277interactions. Another decay channel of the delta resonance leads to the
    291278production of charged pions and thus to neutrino production, coincident
    292 with the TeV photons mentioned before. Therefrom TeV sources are always
     279with the TeV photons. Therefrom TeV sources are always
    293280interesting objects for investigations with high energy neutrino
    453440expected from galaxy merger models.\\ \textbf{the search for signatures of
    454441binary black hole systems from orbital modulation of VHE gamma ray
    455 emission}\\
    456 \textbf{\item Rieger, Mannheim; Implications of a possible 23 day periodocit for binary black hole  models in Mkn 501
    457 \item Rieger, Mannheim; A possible black hole binary in Mkn 501
     442emission} \cite{Rieger:2000, Rieger:2001}\\
     443\item {\bf Wird das nicht ein bisschen viel Rieger?
    458444\item Rieger; Periodic variability and binary black hole systems in blazars
    459445\item Rieger; Supermassive binary black holes among cosmic gamma-ray sources
    518504studied with hybrid MHD and particle-in-cell methods.
    520 \item {The black hole mass and accretion rate will be determined from
     506\item The black hole mass and accretion rate will be determined from
    521507the emission models. Estimates of the black hole mass from emission
    522508models, a possible orbital modulation, and the Magorrian relation
    523509(relating the black hole mass with the stellar bulge mass of the host
    524 galaxy) will be compared.
    525 \textbf{\item Rieger, Mannheim; On the central black hole mass in Mkn 501}}
     510galaxy) will be compared. \cite{Rieger:2003} {\bf eigentlich ist das
     511nicht mehr die Stelle mit Zitaten sondern die wo wir sagen, dass
     512wir das Know-how - in Form von Frank - haben.}
    527514\item \textbf{To achieve a maximal database for these studies the
    629616single pixel will be in the order of 600 EURO.
    631 If development of G-APDs (QE$\ge$50$\%$) will be fast enough,
     618If development of geigermode APDs (QE$\ge$50$\%$) will be fast enough,
    632619respectively the price low enough, and their long term stability is
    633620proven well in time, their usage will be considered.
    636623(see figure \ref{camCT3}). With a special coating (wavelength shifter)
    637624its quantum efficiency might be improved by ~8$\%$\cite{Paneque:2004}.
    638 \textbf{8\% sind für flat-window-pmts angegeben...nach den Zeichnungen
    639 in z.B. German Hermanns Diss. sind sie aber nicht völlig flach...demnach
    640 könnten wir wohl 19\% zitieren.}
     625\textbf{8\% sind f"ur flat-window-pmts angegeben... nach den Zeichnungen
     626in z.B. German Hermanns Diss. sind sie aber nicht v"ollig flach...demnach
     627k"onnten wir wohl 19\% zitieren.}
    655642CT3 system.
    657 For this setup the camera holding has to be redesigned. (1500EURO?)
     644For this setup the camera holding has to be redesigned. (1500\,Eur?)
    659646An electric and optical shielding of the individual PMs is planned.
    692679and processed by the W"urzburg Datacenter (current online capacity
    693680$>$20\,TB, offline capacity $>$30\,TB, $>$16\,CPUs). To archive the data
    694 safely 25 tapes (LTO3 with 400\,GB each, $\sim$1000\,EURO) and a SATA
    695 disk-array ($\sim$4000EURO) will be bought.
     681safely 25 tapes (LTO3 with 400\,GB each, $\sim$1000\,Eur) and a SATA
     682disk-array ($\sim$4000\,Eur) will be bought.
    697684\paragraph{On-site computing:}
    698685For on-site computing less than three standard PCs are needed
    699 ($\sim$8.000EURO). This includes readout and storage, preprocessing,
     686($\sim$8.000\,Eur). This includes readout and storage, preprocessing,
    700687and telescope control. For safety reasons a firewall is mandatory. For
    701688local storage and backup two RAID\,5 SATA disk arrays with less than one
    702 Terabyte capacity each will fulfill the requirement ($\sim$4.000EURO).
     689Terabyte capacity each will fulfill the requirement ($\sim$4.000\,Eur).
    703690The data will be transmitted as soon as possible after data taking via
    704691Internet to the W"urzburg Datacenter.
    730717An uninterruptible power-supply unit (UPS) with 5-10\,kW will be
    731718installed to protect the equipment against power cuts and ensure a safe
    732 telescope position at the time of sun-rise. ($<$2000EURO)
     719telescope position at the time of sun-rise. ($<$2000\,Eur)
    748735the old glass mirrors (8.5\,m$^2$) is possible with high purity aluminum
    749736and quartz coating. (Both cases: 30 mirrors, 10k, offer by L-Tec
    750 $\lesssim$500 EURO / mirror *30 mirrors = 15.000 EURO without transfer)
     737$\lesssim$500\,Eur/mirror * 30\,mirrors = 15.000\,Eur without transfer)
    752739\textbf{In both cases the mirrors can be coated with the same high
    764751For a 3.5\,m \textbf{4\,m} diameter mirror the delay between an isochronous parabolic
    765752mirror and a spherical mirror at the edge is in the order of\textbf{well below} 1ns (see
    766 figure/appendix). For a sampling rate in the order of 1\,GHz a mirror
    767 mounting with a parabolic shape is \textbf{not} needed. Since their small size the
    768 individual mirrors can still\textbf{also} have a spherical shape.
     753figure/appendix). For a sampling rate in the order of 2\,GHz a mirror
     754mounting with a parabolic shape is not needed. Since their small size the
     755individual mirrors can have a spherical shape.
    770757\paragraph{Telescope calibration:}
    776763guide stars on the camera surface and ensures a pointing accuracy well
    777764below the pixel diameter. Therefore a high sensitive low-cost video
    778 camera, as already in operation for MAGIC I and II, (300 EURO camera,
    779 300 EURO optics, 300 EURO housing) will be installed.
     765camera, as already in operation for MAGIC I and II, (300\,Eur camera,
     766300\,Eur optics, 300\,Eur housing) will be installed.
    781768PM Gain: For the calibration of the PM gain a calibration system as
    782 used for the MAGIC telescope is build. (2.000 EURO)
     769used for the MAGIC telescope is build. (2.000\,Eur)
    784771Summarizing, the expenses for the telescope are dominated by the camera
    785772and DAQ. The financial volume for the complete hardware inclusive
    786 transport amounts roughly 400.000 EURO. 
     773transport amounts roughly 400.000\,Eur.
    788775\textbf{Future extensions:} The known duty cycle of 10\%
    789 ($\sim$1000h/year) for a Cherenkov telescope operated at La Palma
     776($\sim$1000\,h/year) for a Cherenkov telescope operated at La Palma
    790777limits the time-coverage of the observations. Therefore we propose a
    791778worldwide network of ($<$10) small scale Cherenkov telescopes to be
    799786telescope, also builds by MERO, and has a diameter in the order of
    800787eight meters. Including support (concrete foundation, railways, etc)
    801 the costs are below 100.000EURO
     788the costs are below 100.000\,Eur.
    802789\textbf{The intended future use of a camera built of G-APDs will by their
    803790highly improved QE (50\% instead of 20\%) increase the sensitivity by a factor
    1258 %\bibliographystyle{alpha}
    12601246%(Referenzen aus unseren Gruppen sind mit einem Stern gekennzeichnet *)
    12611247(References of our groups are marked by an asterix *)
    1263 %This in the bibtex style, is ok.
    1264 \bibliographystyle{plain}
    1265 References will be added in the final version.
    1266 %\begin{thebibliography}{99}
    1267 %\bibitem{andreas_05} *M.~Ackermann et al., ''On the selection of AGN neutrino
    1268 %    source candidates $\ldots$'', submitted to {\app}
    1271 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    1272 %\end{thebibliography}
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