Changeset 8620 for trunk/MagicSoft

06/29/07 13:00:37 (17 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r8618 r8620  
    6666     will now be in ns, too.
     68   - star: is now calculating a new timing parameter the Slope along
     69     the major and minor axis of the shower. Therefore a numerical
     70     solution of a line-fit is used. To use MHillasExt.fSlopeLong
     71     and MHillasExt.fSlopeTrans don't forget to multiply it with
     72     the sign stored in MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha as usual.
     74   - ganymed: The old hadronness and size cuts have gotten new indices
     75     (10, 11). The old indices 8 and 9 now mean an additional condition
     76     for ghostbusting based on the formula (dist-c[9])*c[8]-slope.
     77     If you want to switch off this cut just move the line far away enough,
     78     e.g. by setting c[9] to -500. Please update your ganymed.rc files
     79     accordingly!
     81   - ganymed: The old Cut0 is now called CutQ and is calculated before
     82     the source position is caluclated. If you need a quality cut
     83     including source dependant data (be very carefull with this!)
     84     you have to use Cut0 instead.
     86   - ganymed: now properly supports three off regions in wobble mode.
     87     It will be the default from now on in ganymed_wobble.rc. To change
     88     the number of off-regions use
     89         NumOffSourcePositions: 1
     90     in your ganymed.rc. Also by default no off-theta cut will be done
     91     anymore so that you will get a background level higher than the
     92     signal level in your ThetaSq plot for ThetaSq>0.2.
     93     (Rem: ThetaSqN is no longer needed)
    6895   - ganymed: From XXXX on a real starguider calibration with a real
    6996     pointing model for the starguider is done.
    7198   - ganymed: was broken for Wobble-MCs... fixed.
    73    - optim: MHThetaSqN can now also be used in teh optim-macros (if
    74      you use MFMagicCuts, which are necessary to calculate Disp).
    75      Just replace
    76          MJOptimizeCuts opt("MHThetaSq");
    77      by
    78          MJOptimizeCuts opt("MHThetaSqN");
    79      And make sure to switch off your theta cuts:
    80          cuts.SetThetaCut(MFMagicCuts::kNone);
    81      and set the scale mode correctly
    82          fit.SetScaleMode(MAlphaFitter::kNone);
     100   - optim, sponde: should now properly support three off-regions.
     101     Just produce your ganymed summary files with three off-regions.
     102     optim and sponde will automatically get all off events from
     103     all off-regions from this file. Please do not forget to
     104     set the scaling in optimwobble.C properly:
     105        fit.SetScaleMode(MAlphaFitter::kNone);
     106        fit.SetScaleUser(1./3);
     107     it is not yet read in automatically (will follow soon)
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