Changeset 8649 for trunk

07/26/07 13:46:04 (18 years ago)
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1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r8636 r8649  
    2020   - general: Fixed a problem with variables in MDataPhrase. It seems
    2121     that only optimdisp (didn't work) was effected.
     23   - general: Some improvements to the optim and train processing. For
     24     example the ststud window now got a proper title.
     26   - general: The "Status Display: " was removed from the window title
     27     within an Eventloop.
    2329   - merpp: Merpp can read file format version 9 now. Please realize
    5359     the calculated image parameters
     61   - star: Implemented a new recursive algorithm which is supposed to be
     62     faster. Also implemented new cleaning oiptions, which are:
     63        + CleanLevel0: 
     64          The cleaning level above single core pixels can be kept
     65        + KeepIsolatedPixels:
     66          Define whether single core pixels should be kept
     67        + TimeLevel1:
     68          The coincidence window in nanoseconds to single used neighbors
     69        + TimeLevel2:
     70          The coincidence window in nanoseconds to two used neighbors
     71        + PostCleanType:
     72          MOde in which a time dependent post cleaning should be applied
     73           0: No post cleaning
     74           1: Require for each used pixels at least one used neighbor
     75              within a time-window of CleanLevel1
     76           2: Require for each used pixels at least two used neighbor
     77              within a time-window of CleanLevel2
     78           3: Require first two and second one used neighbor
     79              within a time-window of CleanLevel1 and fCleanLevel2
     80              respectively
     81        + RecoverIsolatedPixels:
     82          - recoveres isolated core pixels if they have a used neighbor
     84   - mars/star: The new default cleaning is:
     85      + CleanLevel1: 6.0
     86      + CleanLevel2: 3.0
     87      + CleanTime1:  1.75
     88      + CleanTime2:  1.75
     89      + PostCleanType: 3
    5591   - callisto: was broken for MCs... fixed.
    91127     and MHillasExt.fSlopeTrans don't forget to multiply it with
    92128     the sign stored in MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha as usual.
     130   - star: The parameters fInnerSize, fInnerLeakage1 and fInnerLeakage2
     131     have been removed from MNewImagePar. They have never been good for
     132     anything.
    94134   - ganymed: The old hadronness and size cuts have gotten new indices
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