Changeset 8809 for trunk/MagicSoft
- Timestamp:
- 01/16/08 09:59:03 (17 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft
- Files:
- 16 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8807 r8809 1 1 -*-*- END -*-*- 2 3 2007/06/16 Thomas Bretz 4 5 * gui/MGMenu.[h,cc]: 6 - removed 7 8 * Makefile, Makefile.conf.general, Makefile.conf.linux, 9 Makefile.rules, caos/Makefile, catalog/Makefile, 10 devdrv/Makefile, gui/Makefile, main/Makefile, 11 slalib/Makefile, tcpip/Makefile, videodev/Makefile: 12 - changed all Makefiles to the Mars Makefile style for better 13 performance, maintanance and reliability 14 - some updates for future code 15 16 2 17 3 18 2008/01/14 Thomas Bretz -
r7787 r8809 3 3 # makefile 4 4 # 5 # for the MARSsoftware5 # for the COSY software 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## … … 19 19 20 20 # 21 22 PROGRAMS = testse starg cosy bend 21 PROGRAMS = cosy readcam 23 22 SOLIB = 24 23 CINT = M 25 INCLUDES = -I. -Imain -Ibase -Icandrv -Iincl -Igui -Ivideodev -Icatalog -Idevdrv -Imars 26 LIBS = -lpng -lz -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lpthread 24 MARS_LIB = 25 26 INCLUDES = -I. -Imain -Imars -Ibase -Icandrv -Iincl -Ivideodev -Igui -Imvideo -Itcpip 27 27 28 28 # … … 37 37 # ----->>> mars libraries 38 38 # 39 SUBDIRS = \40 main\41 tcpip\42 gui\43 catalog\44 videodev\45 devdrv\46 candrv\47 caos\48 base\49 slalib39 SUBDIRS = base \ 40 candrv \ 41 caos \ 42 catalog \ 43 devdrv \ 44 gui \ 45 main \ 46 slalib \ 47 tcpip \ 48 videodev \ 49 mvideo 50 50 51 #LIBRARIES = $(SUBDIRS:%=lib/lib%.a) 51 52 LIBRARIES = $(SUBDIRS:=.a) 53 CONDOR = $(SUBDIRS:=.condor) 54 MRPROPERS = $(SUBDIRS:=.mrproper) 55 CLEANERS = $(SUBDIRS:=.clean) 56 LIBS = $(SOLIB) 52 57 53 58 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 59 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .h .o .cxx .hxx .gch 54 60 55 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .h .o 56 57 SRCFILES = 58 59 SRCS = $(SRCFILES) 60 HEADERS = $( 61 OBJS = $( 61 SRCFILES = 62 62 63 63 ############################################################ 64 all: $(SOLIB) $(PROGRAMS) 65 @echo " Done. " 66 @echo " " 64 67 65 all: rmlib $(PROGRAMS) $(SOLIB) 66 67 # Use $(CXX) -v ... for a more verbose output 68 # 69 # We could link instead of all libraries. This would need 70 # some MBs less space on the HD. But this means, that the Shared 71 # Library Path in your system must be set properly to be able to start 72 # 'mars' 73 # 74 $(PROGRAMS): $(LIBRARIES) $(OBJS) $(HEADERS) $(PROGRAMS:=.o) 75 @echo " Linking $@ ..." 76 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $@.o $(MARS_LIB) $(ROOTGLIBS) -o $@ 77 78 $(SOLIB): $(LIBRARIES) $(OBJS) $(HEADERS) 79 @echo " Linking $(SOLIB) ..." 80 $(CXX) -shared $(CXXFLAGS) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(ROOTGLIBS) -o $@ 81 mv lib 82 83 $(LIBRARIES): 84 @echo " " 85 @echo " Creating lib$@:" 86 (cd $*; make -f Makefile; cd ..; mv $*/$@ lib/lib$@) 87 88 dox: 89 @echo " Creating html documentation:" 90 root -b -q dohtml.C 68 static: LIBS=$(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(OBJS) 69 #static: rmlib $(LIBRARIES) $(PROGRAMS) 70 static: $(LIBRARIES) $(PROGRAMS) 71 @echo " Done. " 72 @echo " " 91 73 92 74 include Makefile.rules 93 75 94 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore rmbin 76 # 77 # Use $(CXX) -v ... for a more verbose output 78 # 79 $(SOLIB): $(LIBRARIES) $(OBJS) $(HEADERS) $(MARS_LIB) 80 @echo " Linking shared object $(SOLIB) ..." 81 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOFLAG) $(OBJS) $(MARS_LIB) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(ROOTGLIBS) -o $@ 95 82 96 mrproper: clean rmbak 97 @rm -f macros/*~ 98 @rm -rf htmldoc 99 @echo "cd base" 100 @cd base; make mrproper; cd .. 101 @echo "cd .." 102 @echo "cd caos" 103 @cd caos; make mrproper; cd .. 104 @echo "cd .." 105 @echo "cd candrv" 106 @cd candrv; make mrproper; cd .. 107 @echo "cd .." 108 @echo "cd devdrv" 109 @cd devdrv; make mrproper; cd .. 110 @echo "cd .." 111 @echo "cd gui" 112 @cd gui; make mrproper; cd .. 113 @echo "cd .." 114 @echo "cd videodev" 115 @cd videodev; make mrproper; cd .. 116 @echo "cd .." 117 @echo "cd tcpip" 118 @cd tcpip; make mrproper; cd .. 119 @echo "cd .." 120 @echo "cd catalog" 121 @cd catalog; make mrproper; cd .. 122 @echo "cd .." 123 @echo "cd main" 124 @cd main; make mrproper; cd .. 125 @echo "cd .." 83 $(PROGRAMS): $(PROGRAMS:=.o) $(SOLIB) 84 @echo " Linking $@ ..." 85 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(ROOTGLIBS) $(SOLIB) $@.o -o $@ 86 87 rmcondor: 88 rm -f .makecondor.log 89 90 condor: rmcondor $(CONDOR) 91 echo Waiting for jobs to finish... 92 condor_wait .makecondor.log 93 rm .makecondor.log 94 make -j2 $(PROGRAMS) 95 # find -name "*/.makecondor.*" 96 # find -maxdepth 2 -name ".makecondor.*" -exec echo {}\\\; cat {}\\\; echo {}\\\; \; 97 98 dox: $(SOLIB) 99 @echo 100 @echo " Creating html documentation and logfile dohtml.log..." 101 rm -f dohtml.log 102 root -b -q dohtml.C 2>&1 >> dohtml.log | tee -a dohtml.log 103 @echo " done." 104 @echo 126 105 127 106 links: 128 @ln -sf /home/caos/March06/Mars/*/*.h mars 129 @ln -sf /home/caos/March06/Mars/ 107 mkdir -p mars 108 cd mars; ln -sf ../../Mars/*/*.h . 109 ln -sf ../Mars/ . 130 110 131 magic:132 @ln -sf bending_magic.txt bending.txt133 @ln -sf prepos_magic.txt prepos.txt134 @ln -sf .cosyrc_magic .cosyrc135 111 136 model: 137 @ln -sf bending_model.txt bending.txt 138 @ln -sf prepos_model.txt prepos.txt 139 @ln -sf .cosyrc_model .cosyrc 112 #clean: rmcint rmobjs rmdep rmcore rmlib 113 114 mrproper: $(MRPROPERS) rmbin rmbak rmbakmac clean 115 @echo " Done." 116 @echo " " 140 117 141 118 tar: mrproper 142 119 @echo "Making tar-file" 143 @tar -cvf ../cosy.tar * 144 @gzip -9 ../cosy.tar 120 root -b -q -l -n tar.C 121 # @tar cvf ../mars.tar --exclude=Root .rootrc * 122 # @gzip -9 ../mars.tar 145 123 146 install: 147 @echo Installing cosy to ~stesy/Cosy 148 @echo Copy 'cosy' 149 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/cosy 150 @cp cosy /home/stesy/Cosy/ 151 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/cosy 152 @echo Copy cosy resources '.cosyrc' 153 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/.cosyrc 154 @cp .cosyrc /home/stesy/Cosy/ 155 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/.cosyrc 156 @echo Copy bending model 'bending.txt' 157 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/bending.txt 158 @cp bending.txt /home/stesy/Cosy 159 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/bending.txt 160 @echo Copy LED offsets 'leds.txt' 161 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/leds.txt 162 @cp leds.txt /home/stesy/Cosy/ 163 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/leds.txt 164 @echo Copy predefined positions 'prepos.txt' 165 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/prepos.txt 166 @cp prepos.txt /home/stesy/Cosy/ 167 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/prepos.txt 168 @echo Copy star catalog 'stars.txt' 169 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/stars.txt 170 @cp stars.txt /home/stesy/Cosy/ 171 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/stars.txt 172 @echo Copy PPM catalog 173 @chmod u+w /home/stesy/Cosy/ppm9.bin 174 @cp ppm9.bin /home/stesy/Cosy/ 175 @chmod a-w /home/stesy/Cosy/ppm9.bin 176 @echo finished... 124 #Makefile.depend: 125 # (! find ./ Makefile.depend -maxdepth 1 -empty 2> /dev/null && \ 126 # echo " Generating dependancies into Makefile.depend" && \ 127 # makedepend -- $(INCLUDES) -- $( $(SRCS) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.cc) -w1024 -f- 2> /dev/null | grep -v Cint | grep -v "/usr/" > Makefile.depend && \ 128 # echo " ") || find -maxdepth 0 -true > /dev/null 129 # 130 #depend: Makefile.depend 177 131 178 132 # @endcode -
r7787 r8809 3 3 # 4 4 5 ROOTVER = `root-config --version` 6 ROOTLIBS = `root-config --libs` -lThread -lGX11 -lHistPainter 7 ROOTGLIBS = `root-config --glibs` -lThread -lGX11 -lHistPainter 5 ROOTLIBS = `root-config --libs` -lASImage -lMinuit -lHistPainter -lThread 6 ROOTGLIBS = `root-config --glibs` -lASImage -lMinuit -lHistPainter -lThread 8 7 ROOTCFLAGS = `root-config --cflags` 8 9 GLIBFLAGS = `glib-config --cflags` 10 GLIBLIBS = `glib-config --libs` 9 11 10 12 # … … 12 14 # 13 15 14 CANDEFS = -DCPU=486 -DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDEBUG=0 -DLINUX -D__LINUX__ -DSHOW 15 DEFINES = -D__COSY__ -DMARSVER=\"Cosy\" -DROOTVER=\"$(ROOTVER)\" $(CANDEFS) 16 # 17 # You can use this flags to further costumize compilation: 18 # export MARSDEFINES="-DHAVE_DARKBACKGROUND -DHAVE_XPM" 19 # export MARSFLAGS= 20 # export MARSLIBS="-lX11 -lXpm -L/usr/X11R6/lib" 21 # 22 #DEFINES = -DMARSVER=\"\<cvs\>\" -D__MARS__ $(ARCHDEF) $(MARSDEFINES) 16 23 17 CXXFLAGS = $(ROOTCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(OPTIM) $(DEBUG) $(DEFINES) 18 CFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) 19 FFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) 24 CANDEFS = -DCPU=486 -DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDEBUG=0 -DLINUX -D__LINUX__ -DSHOW 25 DEFINES = -D__COSY__ -DMARSVER=\"Cosy\" -DROOTVER=\"$(ROOTVER)\" $(CANDEFS) $(ARCHDEF) 20 26 27 CXXFLAGS = $(DEBUG) $(OPTIMCXX) $(ROOTCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) $(GLIBFLAGS) 28 CFLAGS = $(DEBUG) $(OPTIMC) 29 FFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) 30 31 HEADERS = $(subst .cxx,.hxx,$(subst .cc,.h,$(SRCFILES))) 32 OBJS = $(subst .c,.o, $(subst .cxx,.o, $(subst .cc,.o,$(SRCFILES)))) $(CINT)Cint.o -
r4255 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 10 # @code11 8 12 9 # compilers 13 10 14 CC = gcc 15 CXX = g++ 16 F77 = f77 17 AR = ar -rc 11 CC = gcc 12 CXX = g++ 13 F77 = f77 14 AR = ar -rc 15 18 16 # 19 17 # ----->>> settings for compilation 20 18 # 19 OPTIM = -O5 -Wall -fno-exceptions -fPIC -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wconversion 20 OPTIMC = $(OPTIM) -pedantic 21 OPTIMCXX = $(OPTIM) -Woverloaded-virtual 22 # ggc 3.2: removed -fnonnull-objects -Wtraditional -Wnested-externs 23 # -ftime-report -fmem-report 24 DEBUG = 25 ARCHDEF = -D__LINUX__ 26 SOFLAG = -shared 21 27 22 #-O2 23 OPTIM = -O5 -Wall -fno-exceptions -fPIC -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Woverloaded-virtual -D_REENTRANT 24 DEBUG = -g 28 # For debugging information use '-g' 29 # For producing gmon.out use '-pg' (needs static linking) 25 30 26 MARS_LIB = -Llib $(SUBDIRS:%=-l%) -lX11 -lXpm 27 INCLUDES = -I. $(SUBDIRS:%=-I%) 31 #MARS_LIB = -Llib $(SUBDIRS:%=-l%) $(MARSLIBS) 32 #MARS_LIB = -Llib $(MARSLIBS) -lmimic $(GLIBLIBS) 33 INCLUDES = -I. $(SUBDIRS:%=-I%) -I/usr/local/include 28 34 29 35 # uncomment this for quiet compilation 30 36 31 37 .SILENT: 32 33 # @endcode34 ##EOF35 36 -
r1742 r8809 1 include $(CINT)Dep.d 1 2 2 depend:3 @ makedepend $(SRCS) $(INCLUDES) -I$(INCLUDE_CPLUS) $(ROOTCFLAGS) \4 -f Makefile.depend 2> kk.kk ; cat kk.kk 3 $(MRPROPERS): 4 @echo " Doing Mr.Proper in $(@:.mrproper=)" 5 (cd $(@:.mrproper=); ($(MAKE) -f Makefile mrproper > /dev/null); cd ..;) 5 6 6 $(LIB): $(HEADERS) $(CINT)Cint.o $(OBJS) 7 @echo " - Building Library lib$(LIB) ... " 8 $(AR) $(LIB) *.o 7 $(CONDOR): 8 @echo " Starting make in $(@:.condor=) via condor" 9 (echo universe=vanilla; \ 10 echo executable=/bin/bash; \ 11 echo arguments=-c make; \ 12 echo log=../.makecondor.log; \ 13 echo initialdir=$(@:.condor=); \ 14 echo getenv=true; \ 15 echo notification=never; \ 16 echo queue) | condor_submit > /dev/null 17 # (cd $(@:.condor=); (condor_run $(MAKE) &); cd ..;) 18 # echo output=.makecondor.out; \ 19 # echo error=.makecondor.err; \ 9 20 10 $(C INT) $(CINTHEADERS)11 @echo 12 @echo " - Generating dictionary $(CINT) ..."21 $(CLEANERS): 22 @echo "Cleaning $(@:.clean=):" 23 (cd $(@:.clean=); $(MAKE) -f Makefile clean; cd ..;) 13 24 25 $(LIBRARIES): 26 @echo " Calling make in $(@:.a=)" 27 (cd $*; $(MAKE) -f Makefile all) 28 29 $(LIB): $(OBJS) $(CINT)Cint.o 30 @echo " - Building Library $(LIB)" 31 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DYNLIB) $(OBJS) $(CINT)Cint.o -o $(LIB) 32 @echo " " 33 34 $(CINT) $(HEADERS) $(CINT)LinkDef.h 35 @echo " - Generating dictionary $(CINT)" 14 36 $(ROOTSYS)/bin/rootcint -f $(CINT) \ 15 -c $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) $( CINTHEADERS) $(CINT)Incl.h $(CINT)LinkDef.h37 -c $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) $(HEADERS) $(CINT)Incl.h $(CINT)LinkDef.h 16 38 17 .cxx.o: 18 @echo "Compiling " $< 39 %.d: 40 @echo " - Generating dependencies" $@ 41 $(ROOTSYS)/bin/rmkdepend -f- -Y -w 3000 -- $(INCLUDES) -- $(SRCFILES) -- $( 2> /dev/null | \ 42 sed 's/^\(.*\).o:/$@ \1.o:/' > $@ 43 echo "$@: Makefile" >> $@ 44 45 %.o: %.cxx 46 @echo " - Compiling" $< 19 47 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ 20 48 21 .cc.o: 22 @echo " Compiling" $<49 %.o: 50 @echo " - Compiling" $< 23 51 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ 24 52 25 .c.o: 26 @echo " Compiling" $<53 %.o: %.c 54 @echo " - Compiling" $< 27 55 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ 56 28 57 # 29 58 # The cleaning facility … … 31 60 32 61 rmcint: 33 @echo " Removing cint-stuff..."62 @echo " Removing cint-stuff..." 34 63 @rm -f *Cint.* 35 64 36 65 rmlib: 37 @echo "Removing libraries..." 38 @rm -f lib/lib*.a lib*.a 66 @echo " Removing libraries..." 67 @echo " " 68 @rm -f lib/lib*.a lib*.a 39 69 40 70 rmobjs: 41 @echo " Removing object files..."71 @echo " Removing object files..." 42 72 @rm -f *.o 43 73 74 rmdep: 75 @echo " Removing dependency files..." 76 @rm -f *Dep.d */*Dep.d 77 44 78 rmcore: 45 @echo " Removing core files..."79 @echo " Removing core files..." 46 80 @rm -f core* 47 81 48 82 rmbin: 49 @echo " Removing binary files..."50 @rm -f $(PROGRAMS) so_locations83 @echo " Removing binary files..." 84 @rm -f $(PROGRAMS) $(SOLIB) $(DYLIB) so_locations 51 85 52 86 rmbak: 53 @echo "Removing backup files..." 54 @rm -f *~ kk.kk *.bak 87 @echo " Removing backup files..." 88 @rm -f *~ kk.kk *.bak .#* .*~ 89 90 rmbakmac: 91 @echo " Removing backup files in macros" 92 @rm -f macros/*~ 93 94 rmhtml: 95 @echo " Removing htmldoc-tree" 96 rm -rf htmldoc/examples 97 rm -rf htmldoc/src 98 ls htmldoc/* | grep "htmldoc/" | grep -v images | grep -v CVS | xargs rm -f 99 100 clean: rmcint rmobjs rmdep rmcore rmlib 55 101 56 102 cflags: 57 103 @echo $(INCLUDES) $(CXXFLAGS) 58 104 105 diff: 106 @cvs diff | grep -v "^? " > cosy.diff 59 107 108 zdiff: 109 @cvs -z9 diff | grep -v "^? " > cosy.diff -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. 23 13 24 # @code25 26 14 CINT = Base 27 LIB = base.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 38 23 39 24 40 CINTHEADERS = MStar.h41 42 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)43 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( 46 25 ############################################################ 47 26 48 all: $( LIB)27 all: $(OBJS) 49 28 50 29 include ../Makefile.rules 51 30 52 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore53 54 31 mrproper: clean rmbak 55 56 # @endcode57 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode 21 22 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../incl -I../base -I../mars 23 24 # @code 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../incl -I../base -I../mars -I../tcpip 25 13 26 14 CINT = Candrv 27 LIB = candrv.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 35 20 \ 36 21 \ 37 38 39 SRCS = $(SRCFILES) 40 HEADERS = $( 41 OBJS = $( 42 CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS) 22 \ 23 \ 24 43 25 44 26 ############################################################ 45 27 46 all: $( LIB)28 all: $(OBJS) 47 29 48 30 include ../Makefile.rules 49 31 50 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore51 52 32 mrproper: clean rmbak 53 54 # @endcode55 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../base -I../mars 23 #base: MString24 25 # @code26 13 27 14 CINT = Caos 28 LIB = caos.a29 15 30 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 32 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o33 17 34 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 37 21 38 22 39 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)40 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)43 44 23 ############################################################ 45 24 46 all: $( LIB)25 all: $(OBJS) 47 26 48 27 include ../Makefile.rules 49 28 50 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore51 52 29 mrproper: clean rmbak 53 54 # @endcode55 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../base -I../slalib -I../mars 23 13 24 # @code25 26 14 CINT = Catalog 27 LIB = catalog.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 36 21 37 22 38 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)39 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)42 43 23 ############################################################ 44 24 45 all: $( LIB)25 all: $(OBJS) 46 26 47 27 include ../Makefile.rules 48 28 49 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore50 51 29 mrproper: clean rmbak 52 53 # @endcode54 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 DEFINES = -DCPU=486 -DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDEBUG=0 -DLINUX -DSHOW 23 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../base -I../candrv -I../incl -I../mars 24 25 # @code 13 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../base -I../candrv -I../incl -I../mars -I../tcpip 26 14 27 15 CINT = Devdrv 28 LIB = devdrv.a29 16 30 17 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 18 32 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o33 34 19 SRCFILES = 35 36 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)37 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)40 20 41 21 ############################################################ 42 22 43 all: $( LIB)23 all: $(OBJS) 44 24 45 25 include ../Makefile.rules 46 26 47 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore48 49 27 mrproper: clean rmbak 50 51 # @endcode52 -
r7790 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 20 # @endcode21 11 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../base -I../slalib -I../candrv -I../incl \ … … 24 14 -I../mars 25 15 26 # @code27 28 16 CINT = Gui 29 LIB = gui.a30 17 31 18 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 33 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o34 19 35 20 SRCFILES = \ … … 43 28 44 29 45 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)46 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)49 50 30 ############################################################ 51 31 52 all: $( LIB)32 all: $(OBJS) 53 33 54 34 include ../Makefile.rules 55 35 56 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore57 58 36 mrproper: clean rmbak 59 60 # @endcode61 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 20 # @endcode21 11 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I../base -I.. -I../gui -I../catalog -I../devdrv \ … … 24 14 -I../mars 25 15 26 # @code27 28 16 CINT = Main 29 LIB = main.a30 17 31 18 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 19 33 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o 34 35 SRCFILES = \ 36 \ 20 SRCFILES = \ 37 21 \ 38 M \22 \ 39 23 \ 40 24 \ 41 25 42 26 43 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)44 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)47 48 27 ############################################################ 49 28 50 all: $( LIB)29 all: $(OBJS) 51 30 52 31 include ../Makefile.rules 53 32 54 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore55 56 33 mrproper: clean rmbak 57 58 # @endcode59 -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I../base -I../catalog -I../main -I../candrv -I../incl -I../caos -I../mars 23 13 24 # @code25 26 14 CINT = TcpIp 27 LIB = tcpip.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 35 20 36 21 37 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)38 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)41 42 22 ############################################################ 43 23 44 all: $( LIB)24 all: $(OBJS) 45 25 46 26 include ../Makefile.rules 47 27 48 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore49 50 28 mrproper: clean rmbak 51 52 # @endcode53 -
r2278 r8809 39 39 static int FilterLeds(float *xw, float *yw, float *xl, float *yl); 40 40 41 public: 42 virtual ~CaosFilter() { } 41 43 42 public:43 44 static void Execute(byte *img, float *xw, float *yw, float *xl, float *yl, 44 45 float &prx, float &pry, float &pr, float *v, float *w); -
r7787 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode 21 22 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../incl -I../base -I../caos -I/usr/X11R6/include -I../mars 23 24 # @code 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../incl -I../base -I../caos -I/usr/X11R6/include -I../mars -I../mvideo 25 13 26 14 CINT = Videodev 27 LIB = videodev.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 38 23 39 24 40 SRCS = $(SRCFILES)41 HEADERS = $( OBJS = $( CINTHEADERS = $(HEADERS)44 45 25 ############################################################ 46 26 47 all: $( LIB)27 all: $(OBJS) 48 28 49 29 include ../Makefile.rules 50 30 51 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore52 53 31 mrproper: clean rmbak 54 55 # @endcode56 -
r1757 r8809 6 6 # 7 7 ################################################################## 8 # @maintitle9 8 10 # @code11 12 #13 # please change all system depend values in the14 #${OSTYPE} file15 #16 #17 9 include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) 18 10 include ../Makefile.conf.general 19 11 20 # @endcode21 22 12 INCLUDES = -I. -I.. 23 13 24 # @code25 26 14 CINT = Slalib 27 LIB = slalib.a28 15 29 16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 31 .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .c32 17 33 18 SRCFILES = \ … … 39 24 dt.c dmoon.c planet.c planel.c el2ue.c ue2pv.c pv2ue.c \ 40 25 altaz.c rdplan.c pvobs.c dtt.c dat.c rcc.c 41 # addet.c42 # afin.c airmas.c altaz.c amp.c \43 # ampqk.c aop.c aoppa.c aoppat.c aopqk.c atmdsp.c \44 # av2m.c bear.c caf2r.c caldj.c calyd.c cc2s.c \45 # cc62s.c cd2tf.c cldj.c clyd.c combn.c cr2af.c cr2tf.c \46 # cs2c.c cs2c6.c ctf2d.c ctf2r.c daf2r.c dafin.c \47 # dat.c dav2m.c dbear.c dbjin.c dc62s.c dcc2s.c \48 # dcmpf.c dcs2c.c dd2tf.c de2h.c deuler.c dfltin.c \49 # dh2e.c dimxv.c djcal.c djcl.c dm2av.c dmat.c \50 # dmoon.c dmxm.c dmxv.c dpav.c dr2af.c dr2tf.c \51 # drange.c dranrm.c ds2c6.c ds2tp.c dsep.c dt.c \52 # dtf2d.c dtf2r.c dtp2s.c dtp2v.c dtps2c.c dtpv2c.c \53 # dtt.c dv2tp.c dvdv.c dvn.c dvxv.c e2h.c earth.c \54 # ecleq.c ecmat.c ecor.c eg50.c el2ue.c epb.c \55 # epb2d.c epco.c epj.c epj2d.c eqecl.c eqeqx.c \56 # eqgal.c etrms.c euler.c evp.c fitxy.c fk425.c \57 # fk45z.c fk524.c fk52h.c fk54z.c fk5hz.c flotin.c \58 # galeq.c galsup.c ge50.c geoc.c gmst.c gmsta.c \59 # h2e.c h2fk5.c hfk5z.c imxv.c intin.c invf.c \60 # kbj.c m2av.c map.c mappa.c mapqk.c mapqkz.c \61 # moon.c mxm.c mxv.c nut.c nutc.c oap.c oapqk.c \62 # obs.c pa.c pav.c pcd.c pda2h.c pdq2h.c permut.c \63 # pertel.c pertue.c planel.c planet.c plante.c pm.c \64 # polmo.c prebn.c prec.c precl.c preces.c prenut.c \65 # pvobs.c pv2el.c pv2ue.c pxy.c range.c ranorm.c \66 # rcc.c rdplan.c refco.c refcoq.c refro.c refv.c \67 # refz.c rverot.c rvgalc.c rvlg.c rvlsrd.c rvlsrk.c \68 # s2tp.c sep.c smat.c subet.c supgal.c \69 # svd.c svdcov.c svdsol.c tp2s.c tp2v.c tps2c.c \70 # tpv2c.c ue2el.c ue2pv.c unpcd.c v2tp.c vdv.c \71 # vn.c vxv.c xy2xy.c zd.c72 26 73 SRCS = $(SRCFILES) 74 HEADERS = $(SRCFILES) 75 #:.c=.h) 76 OBJS = $(SRCFILES:.c=.o) 27 HEADERS = slalib.h slamac.h 77 28 78 29 ############################################################ 79 30 80 all: $( LIB)31 all: $(OBJS) 81 32 82 33 include ../Makefile.rules 83 34 84 clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore85 86 35 mrproper: clean rmbak 87 88 # @endcode89
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.