Changeset 8940 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter
- Timestamp:
- 06/12/08 15:35:15 (17 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/macros
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8931 r8940 119 119 } 120 120 121 MHCamera *cal = (MHCamera*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("CalPos;avg", "MHCamera", "CalPos"); 121 122 MHCamera *pul = (MHCamera*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("PulsePos;avg", "MHCamera", "PulsePos"); 122 123 if (!pul) … … 220 221 TString meansiginner =Form("%6.2f", meansigi); 221 222 TString meansigouter =Form("%6.2f", meansigo); 223 224 TString calpos = cal ? Form("%5.1f", cal->GetMean()) : "NULL"; 222 225 223 226 if (pul->GetMean()<0 || pul->GetRMS()<0) … … 300 303 Int_t nx = htp->GetNbinsX(); 301 304 302 rateped = Form("%8.1f", iped <0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, iped, iped) / nx);303 rateped2 = Form("%7.2f", iped2<0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, iped2, iped2) / nx);304 ratecal = Form("%8.1f", ical <0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, ical, ical) / nx);305 ratetrig = Form("%8.1f", itrig<0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, itrig, itrig) / nx);306 ratesum = Form("%8.1f", isum <0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, isum, isum) / nx);307 ratenull = Form("%8.1f", inull<0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, inull, inull) / nx);308 ratena = Form("%7.2f", ina <0 ? 0 :htp->Integral(1, nx, ina, ina) / nx);305 rateped = iped <0 ? "NULL" : Form("%8.1f", htp->Integral(1, nx, iped, iped) / nx); 306 rateped2 = iped2<0 ? "NULL" : Form("%7.2f", htp->Integral(1, nx, iped2, iped2) / nx); 307 ratecal = ical <0 ? "NULL" : Form("%8.1f", htp->Integral(1, nx, ical, ical) / nx); 308 ratetrig = itrig<0 ? "NULL" : Form("%8.1f", htp->Integral(1, nx, itrig, itrig) / nx); 309 ratesum = isum <0 ? "NULL" : Form("%8.1f", htp->Integral(1, nx, isum, isum) / nx); 310 ratenull = inull<0 ? "NULL" : Form("%8.1f", htp->Integral(1, nx, inull, inull) / nx); 311 ratena = ina <0 ? "NULL" : Form("%7.2f", htp->Integral(1, nx, ina, ina) / nx); 309 312 } 310 313 311 314 // ***************************************************** 312 313 // *****************************************************314 315 315 316 316 cout << "Sequence #" << seq << endl; … … 319 319 cout << " Mean Signal inner [phe] " << meansiginner << endl; 320 320 cout << " Mean Signal outer [phe] " << meansigouter << endl; 321 cout << " Mean extracted PulsePos " << meanextpulpos << " +- " << rmsextpulpos << endl; 321 322 cout << " Mean calibrated PulsePos " << meanpulpos << " +- " << rmspulpos << endl; 322 cout << " Mean extracted PulsePos " << meanextpulpos << " +- " << rmsextpulpos << endl;323 cout << " Mean calib pulse pos " << calpos << endl; 323 324 // cout << " Mean ext.HiGain PulsePos " << meanpulhi << " +- " << rmspulhi << endl; 324 325 // cout << " Mean ext.LoGain PulsePos " << meanpullo << " +- " << rmspullo << endl; … … 346 347 " fPulsePosMean=%s, fPulsePosRms=%s, " 347 348 " fPulsePosCheckMean=%s, fPulsePosCheckRms=%s, " 349 " fPulsePosCalib=%s, " 348 350 //" fPulsePosHiMean=%s, fPulsePosHiRms=%s, " 349 351 //" fPulsePosLoMean=%s, fPulsePosLoRms=%s, " … … 360 362 meanpulpos.Data(), rmspulpos.Data(), 361 363 meanextpulpos.Data(), rmsextpulpos.Data(), 364 calpos.Data(), 362 365 //meanpulhi.Data(), rmspulhi.Data(), 363 366 //meanpullo.Data(), rmspullo.Data(), -
r8934 r8940 183 183 return 2; 184 184 } 185 TString maxhum = Form("%5.1f", TMath::MaxElement(g->GetN(), g->GetY()));186 TString avghum = Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2));185 TString maxhum = g->GetN()>0 ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::MaxElement(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; 186 TString avghum = g->GetN()>0 ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; 187 187 188 188 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Temperature", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); … … 192 192 return 2; 193 193 } 194 TString avgtemp = Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2));194 TString avgtemp = g->GetN()>0 ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; 195 195 196 196 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("WindSpeed", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); … … 200 200 return 2; 201 201 } 202 TString avgwind = Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2));202 TString avgwind = g->GetN()>0 ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; 203 203 204 204 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Cloudiness", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); 205 205 if (!g) 206 206 cout << "WARNING - Reading of Cloudiness failed." << endl; 207 TString avgclouds = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : 0;208 TString rmsclouds = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : 0;207 TString avgclouds = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; 208 TString rmsclouds = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; 209 209 210 210 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("TempSky", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); 211 211 if (!g) 212 212 cout << "WARNING - Reading of TempSky failed." << endl; 213 TString avgsky = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)+200) : 0;213 TString avgsky = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)+200) : "NULL"; 214 214 215 215 … … 218 218 cout << "WARNING - Reading of NumStars failed." << endl; 219 219 220 Double_t numstarmed = g ? TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY()) : -1; 221 TString numstarsmed = Form("%5.1f", numstarmed); 222 Double_t numstarrms = g ? g->GetRMS(2) : -1; 223 TString numstarsrms = Form("%5.1f", numstarrms); 220 TString numstarsmed = g ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; 221 TString numstarsrms = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; 224 222 225 223 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("NumStarsCor", "TGraph", "MHPointing"); … … 230 228 } 231 229 232 TString numcorsmed = Form("%5.1f", g ? TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY()) : -1);233 TString numcorsrms = Form("%5.1f", g ? g->GetRMS(2) : -1);230 TString numcorsmed = g ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; 231 TString numcorsrms = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; 234 232 235 233 g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Brightness", "TGraph", "MHPointing"); … … 240 238 } 241 239 242 TString skybrightnessmed = Form("%5.1f", g ? TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY()) : -1); 243 TString skybrightnessrms = Form("%5.1f", g ? g->GetRMS(2) : -1); 244 240 TString skybrightnessmed = g ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; 241 TString skybrightnessrms = g ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; 245 242 246 243 TString sequence = fname(TRegexp("star[0-9]+[.]root$"));
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