11/11/08 11:11:19 (16 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
*** empty log message ***
7 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php

    r9106 r9150  
    4141                if (!empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
    4242                {
     43//                    $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/datasets/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/dataset', LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">f</A>' ";
     44//                    $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/ganymed/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/', LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'), 8), '\">g</A>'";
     45//                    $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"ganymed.php?fDataSetNo=', DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '\">i</A>') ";
    4346                    $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/datasets/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/dataset', LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">f</A>' ";
    44                     $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/ganymed/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/', LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'), 8), '\">g</A>'";
    45                     $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"ganymed.php?fDataSetNo=', DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '\">i</A>') ";
    46                     $query0 .= " as 'Links'";
     47                    $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"tabs.php?t=ganymed&n=' , fDataSetNumber, '\">g</A>'";
     48//                    $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"ganymed.php?fDataSetNo=', DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '\">i</A>' ";
     49                    $query0 .= ") as 'Links'";
    4750                }
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/index-header.html

    r8794 r9150  
    4142<A HREF="ganymed.php">Results</A>&nbsp;
    4243<A HREF="sequence.php">Sequ</A>&nbsp;
    4345<A HREF="sources.php">Sources</A>&nbsp;
    4446<A HREF="statussbs.php">SequBuildStatus</A>&nbsp;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/magicdefs.php

    r9112 r9150  
    363363     $alias["fRawFileKEY"]               => "1",
    364364     $alias["fFormatVersion"]            => "1",
    365      $alias["fRunNumber"]                => "1",
     365//     $alias["fRunNumber"]                => "1",
    366366     $alias["fZenithDistance"]           => "1",
    367367     $alias["fAzimuth"]                  => "1",
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/plotinclude.php

    r9106 r9150  
    182182    $plot  = "http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/";
    183183    $plot .= $type . "/" . str_pad( $seqshort, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    184     $plot .= "/" . $seqlong . "/" . $type2 . $seqlong . "-tab" . $tabnum . ".png";
     184//    $plot .= "/" . $seqlong . "/" . $type2 . $seqlong . "-tab" . $tabnum . ".png";
     185    $plot .= "/" . $seqlong . "/" . $type2 . $tabnum . ".png";
    185186    return $plot;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php

    r9111 r9150  
    244244            printf("%s", $_GET["fShowHide"]);
    245245        else
    246             printf("1000000000");
     246            printf("1000000010");
    247247        printf("'>\n");
    248248        printf("<img id='allbutton' src='minus.png' alt='-' onclick=\"showhide('all')\"> <b>Menu</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n");
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php

    r9111 r9150  
    5656                    if (!empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
    5757                    {
    58                         $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'callisto', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">cl</A>'";
    59                         $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">c</A>'";
    60                         $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'star', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">sl</A>'";
    61                         $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">s</A>'";
     58                        $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"tabs.php?t=calibn=', fSequenceFirst, '\">cal</A>'";
     59                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"tabs.php?t=signal&n=', fSequenceFirst, '\">sig</A>'";
     60                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"tabs.php?t=star&n=', fSequenceFirst, '\">star</A>'";
    6261                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/sequences/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/sequence', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">', 'f </A>' ";
    63                         $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"sequence.php?fSequenceNo=', Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '&amp;fAll=On\">i</A>'";
     62//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"sequence.php?fSequenceNo=', Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '&amp;fAll=On\">i</A>'";
    6463                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"queryrbk.php?fNight=', date_format(adddate(fRunStart, interval +13 HOUR), '%Y-%m-%d') , '&amp;fDate=2\">rbk</A>') ";
     64//                        $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'callisto', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">cl</A>'";
     65//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">c</A>'";
     66//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'star', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">sl</A>'";
     67//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">s</A>'";
     68//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/sequences/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/sequence', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">', 'f </A>' ";
     69//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"sequence.php?fSequenceNo=', Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '&amp;fAll=On\">i</A>'";
     70//                        $query0 .= ", '&nbsp;<A&ws;HREF=\"queryrbk.php?fNight=', date_format(adddate(fRunStart, interval +13 HOUR), '%Y-%m-%d') , '&amp;fDate=2\">rbk</A>') ";
    6571                        $query0 .= " as 'Links'";
    6672                    }
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/db/tabs.php

    r8785 r9150  
    1 <?php
    3 $ganymedtabs = array ("0", "SourcePos", "EffOnVsZD", "PreCut",
    4                       "FSOff", "PostCut", "VsSize", "CutT",
    5                       "HillasExt", "HilSrc", "ImgPar", "NewPar",
    6                       "HistOff", "FS", "Hist", "SizeBins");
    7 $ganymedtabsw = array ("0", "EffOnVsZD", "PreCut", "FSOff", "PostCut",
    8                        "VsSize", "CutT", "HillasExt", "HilSrc",
    9                        "ImgPar", "NewPar", "HistOff", "SourcePos",
    10                        "FS", "Hist", "MHPhi", "SizeBins");
    12 $startabs = array ("0", "Rate", "EffOnTime", "Cleaned",
    13                    "CleanedWithoutSparks", "CleanedOnlySparks", "UsedPix",
    14                    "MHHillas", "MHHillasExt", "MHHillasSrc",
    15                    "MHImagePar", "MHNewImagePar", "MHMuonPar",
    16                    "MHWeather", "MHPointing", "MeanPedRms", "Currents",
    17                    "MeanIPR", "DT");
    19 $calibtabs = array ("0", "Ped", "PedExtr", "ExtrdSignal", "ArrTime",
    20                     "Time", "Charge", "FitCharge", "Conversion",
    21                     "AbsTime", "Defect", "RelTimes");
    23 $signaltabs = array ("0", "PedFLG", "PedRmsFLG", "Extrac'd",
    24                      "Conv", "Unsuitable", "PedRms", "Interpol'd",
    25                      "PulsePos", "NumUnsuitablePix", "NumDeadPix",
    26                      "HiLoCal", "HiLoOffset");
    28 ?>
     1<?  // To be shifted to magicdefs.pho
     2$htpath = "/www/htdocs/datacenter";
     3$htlink = "http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de";
     5$htlinks = dirname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     7$paths = array
     8    (
     9     "star"    => "/star/",
     10     "calib"   => "/callisto/",
     11     "signal"  => "/callisto/",
     12     "ganymed" => "/ganymed/",
     13     "db"      => "/plotdb/",
     14     "status"  => "/status/",
     15     "condor"  => "/condor/",
     16     "optical" => "/optical/",
     17     );
     19$csvname = array
     20    (
     21     "star"    => "star",
     22     "calib"   => "calib",
     23     "signal"  => "signal",
     24     "ganymed" => "ganymed",
     25     "db"      => "plotdb",
     26     "status"  => "plotstat",
     27     "condor"  => "plotusage",
     28     "optical" => "plotoptical",
     29     );
     31$prefix = array
     32    (
     33     "star"    => "star",
     34     "calib"   => "calib",
     35     "signal"  => "signal",
     36     "ganymed" => "ganymed",
     37     "db"      => "plotdb",
     38     "status"  => "status",
     39     "condor"  => "condor",
     40     "optical" => "optical",
     41     );
     44<?   // Prepare
     46   $number = empty($_GET["n"]) ? -1   : $_GET["n"];
     47   $type   = empty($_GET["t"]) ? "db" : $_GET["t"];
     49   $path = $htpath.$paths[$type];
     50   if ($number>0)
     51      $path = sprintf($path."%04d/%08d/", $number/10000, $number);
     54   // read the file into an array
     55   $lines = file($path.$csvname[$type].".csv");
     57   // some replacement for the printf
     58   $search  = array ("%",  "\n", "\\"   );
     59   $replace = array ("%%", "",   "\\\\" );
     61   for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($lines); $i++)
     62   {
     63        //$arr = get_csv($lines[$i], "\t\n");
     64        $tok = strtok($lines[$i], "\t\n");
     65        $j=0;
     66        while ($tok!==false)
     67        {
     68            $arr[$i][$j++] = str_replace($search, $replace, $tok);
     69            $tok = strtok("\t");
     70        }
     71    }
     73    fclose($file);
     75<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
     79   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
     80   <meta name="Author" content="Thomas Bretz">
     81   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tabs.css">
     82   <script type="text/javascript" src="tabs.js">You need JavaScript switched on for this page to work!</script>
     83   <title>Tabs: <? printf($arr[0][2]); ?></title>
     86<body onload="Resize();Switch(0);" onresize="Execute();">
     87<div class="tabs-blue" id="tabs">
     88<ul id="tabsul">
     89 <li id='prevnext'><A HREF="#" accesskey='alt-shift-P' style="width:6;" class='tooltip' onclick="Add(+1);">+<span class='info'>Switch to previous tab.</span></A></li>
     90 <li id='prevnext' style='margin-left:5px'><A HREF="#" accesskey='alt-shift-N' style="width:6;" class='tooltip' onclick="Add(-1);">-<span class='info'>Switch to next tab.</span></A></li>
     91 <li id='prevnext'><A HREF="#" accesskey='alt-shift-P' style="width:6;" class='tooltip' onclick="Hide();">&gt;<span class='info'>Step in shown tabs to right.</span></A></li>
     92 <li id='prevnext' style='margin-left:5px'><A HREF="#" accesskey='alt-shift-N' style="width:6;" class='tooltip' onclick="Show();">&lt;<span class='info'>Step in shown tabs to leaft.</span></A></li>
     93 <li id='magnify'><A HREF="#" style="width:8;" class='tooltip' id="magtxt" onclick="ToggleSize();">O<span class='info'>Toggle between original image size and resized to the document's width.</span></A></li>
     95   $n=0;
     97   printf(" <li style='margin-right:3px' id='current' class='tabno%d'><A HREF=\"#\" class='tooltip load_def' onclick=\"Switch(%d);\">MARS<span class='info' style='text-align:center;'><P><font style='text-decoration:underline;'>Tab Overview</font><P>%s</span></A></li>\n",
     98          $n, $n, $arr[0][2]);
     100   $n++;
     102   for ($i=1; $i<sizeof($lines); $i++, $n++)
     103   {
     104       // Use blur() to remove the focus after the click
     106       foreach (glob($path.$prefix[$type].$i.".png") as $file)
     107       {
     108           $link = ereg_replace("^".$htpath, $htlink, $file);
     109           $name = basename($file);
     111           printf(" <li class='tabno".$n."'>");
     112           printf("<A class='tooltip load_png' name='".$link."' ");
     113           printf("onclick=\"Switch(".$n.");\" ");
     114           printf("onmouseover=\"LoadImgTT('".$link."');\" HREF='#'>");
     115           printf($arr[$i][1]."<span class='info'>".$arr[$i][2]."</span>");
     116           printf("<span class='preview' id='preview'><div>".$arr[$i][2]."</div>");
     117           printf("<span id='image'></span></span></A></li>\n");
     118       }
     119   }
     121   foreach (glob($path."/*") as $file)
     122   {
     123        $info = pathinfo($file); // dirname, extension, basename, filename
     125        $link   = ereg_replace("^".$htpath, $htlink, $file);
     126        $name   = $info['basename'];
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     130        // Define list of valid extension
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     132           continue;
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     135        printf("<A class='tooltip load_".$exten."' name='".$link."' ");
     136        printf("onclick=\"Switch(".$n.");\" HREF='#'>");
     138        if ($exten=="html")
     139            printf(ereg_replace("[0-9]{8}\.html", "", $name).".log");
     140        if ($exten=="rc")
     141            printf($name);
     143        printf("<span class='info'>".$name."</span></A></li>\n");
     145        $n++;
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     155     <td width="12"><img src="box_mtl_topr.gif"></td>
     156  </tr>
     157  <tr>
     158     <td background="box_mtl_l.gif" width="12"><img src="spacer.gif"></td>
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     161     </td>
     162     <td background="box_mtl_r.gif" width="12"><img src="spacer.gif"></td>
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     165     <td width="12"><img src="box_mtl_botl.gif"></td>
     166     <td background="box_mtl_bot.gif"><img src="spacer.gif"></td>
     167     <td width="12"><img src="box_mtl_botr.gif"></td>
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     172<div class="tabcontent" id="tabcontent"></div>
     174<div style="display:none" id="default">
     176     printf("<p>\n");
     177     printf("<center>\n");
     178     printf(" <table class='marstable'>\n");
     179     printf("  <tr><td id='title' colspan='3'>%s</td></tr>\n", $arr[0][2]);
     181     for ($i=1; $i<sizeof($lines); $i++)
     182     {
     183         foreach (glob($path.$prefix[$type].$i.".png") as $file)
     184         {
     185             $link = ereg_replace("^".$htpath, $htlink, $file);
     186             $name = basename($file);
     188             printf("  <tr>");
     189             printf("<td id='left'>%d</td>", $i);
     190             printf("<td id='middle'><A HREF=\"#\" ");
     191             printf("onclick=\"Switch(".$i.");\">");
     192             printf(htmlspecialchars($arr[$i][1])."</A></td>");
     193             printf("<td id='right'>".htmlspecialchars($arr[$i][2])."</td>");
     194            printf("</tr>\n");
     195         }
     196     }
     198     foreach (glob($path."*") as $file)
     199        if (ereg("\.(root|log|html|pdf|ps|rc)$", $file))
     200        {
     201            $link = ereg_replace("^".$htpath, $htlink, $file);
     202            $name = basename($file);
     204            printf("  <tr>");
     205            printf("<td id='left'></td>");
     206            printf("<td id='middle'>Download</td>");
     207            printf("<td id='middle' colspan='1'><A HREF=\"".$link."\">".$name."</A></td>");
     208            printf("</tr>\n");
     209        }
     211     printf(" </table>\n");
     212     printf("</center>\n");
     213     printf("</p>\n");
     216<p id="myContent">
     218"SERVER: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]."<br>".
     219"HTTP_HOST: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."<br>".
     220"REQ_URI: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."<br>".
     221"DIR: ".dirname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."<br>".
     222"REQ_URI: ".basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."<br>".
     223"PATH_TRANS: ".$_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]."<br>".
     224"PATH_INFO: ".$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]."<br>".
     225"SCRIPT_NAME: ".$_SERVER["SCRIP_NAME"]."<br>".
     226"_FILE_: ".__FILE__."<br>".
     227"_DIR_: ".__DIR__."<br>".
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.