Changeset 9953 for trunk/Cosy
- Timestamp:
- 09/30/10 09:57:16 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/Cosy/tpoint
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/Cosy/tpoint/plot.C ¶
r8547 r9953 1 #include <iostream> 1 2 #include <iomanip> 2 3 Double_t GetResidual(Double_t fRawEl, Double_t fRawAz, 4 Double_t fStarEl, Double_t fStarAz) 5 { 6 fRawEl *= TMath::DegToRad(); 7 fRawAz *= TMath::DegToRad(); 8 fStarEl *= TMath::DegToRad(); 9 fStarAz *= TMath::DegToRad(); 10 Double_t del = fRawEl-fStarEl; 11 Double_t daz = fRawAz-fStarAz; 12 Double_t dphi2 = daz/2.; 13 Double_t cos2 = cos(dphi2)*cos(dphi2); 14 Double_t sin2 = sin(dphi2)*sin(dphi2); 15 Double_t d = cos(del)*cos2 - cos(fRawEl+fStarEl)*sin2; 16 17 Double_t dist = acos(d); 18 19 return dist * TMath::RadToDeg(); 20 } 21 22 void DrawMarker(TVirtualPad *pad, Double_t r0, Double_t phi0, Double_t r1, Double_t phi1) 23 { 24 TView *view = pad->GetView(); 25 26 if (!view) 27 { 28 cout << "No View!" << endl; 29 return; 30 } 31 32 TMarker mark0; 33 TMarker mark1; 34 mark0.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); 35 mark1.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); 36 mark1.SetMarkerColor(kRed); 37 38 r0 /= 90; 39 r1 /= 90; 40 phi0 *= TMath::DegToRad(); 41 phi1 *= TMath::DegToRad(); 42 43 Double_t x0[3] = { r0*cos(phi0), r0*sin(phi0), 0}; 44 Double_t x1[3] = { r1*cos(phi1), r1*sin(phi1), 0}; 45 46 mark0.DrawMarker(x0[0], x0[1]); 47 mark1.DrawMarker(x1[0], x1[1]); 48 49 return; 50 Double_t y0[3], y1[3]; 51 52 view->WCtoNDC(x0, y0); 53 view->WCtoNDC(x1, y1); 54 55 mark0.DrawMarker(y0[0], y0[1]); 56 mark1.DrawMarker(y1[0], y1[1]); 57 } 58 59 int fill(const char *fname, TGraph *g, TH1 *h) 60 { 61 /* 62 TH2F h2res1("Res2D1", " Dataset positions on the sky ", 32, 0, 360, 10, 0, 90); 63 h2res1.SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); 64 h2res1.DrawCopy("surf1pol"); 65 gPad->Modified(); 66 gPad->Update(); 67 gPad->SetTheta(90); 68 gPad->SetPhi(-90); 69 70 DrawMarker(gPad, 45, 0, 0, 0); 71 gPad->Modified(); 72 gPad->Update(); 73 74 return; 75 76 */ 3 #include <fstream> 4 5 #include <TGraph.h> 6 #include <TCanvas.h> 7 #include <TSystem.h> 8 9 #include "mars/MTime.h" 10 #include "mars/MMath.h" 11 #include "mars/MAstro.h" 12 #include "mars/MDirIter.h" 13 #include "mars/MStatusDisplay.h" 14 15 using namespace std; 16 17 int ReadFile(const char *fname, TGraph &g1, TGraph &g2, TGraph &g0) 18 { 77 19 ifstream fin(fname); 78 20 79 cout << "Reading " << setw(23) << fname << "..." << flush; 80 21 cout << "Reading " << setw(23) << gSystem->BaseName(fname) << "..." << flush; 22 23 MTime t; 81 24 while (1) 82 25 { … … 90 33 91 34 Float_t alt, az, dalt, daz, mjd; 92 sscanf(str.Data(), "%f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %f %f %f", 93 &alt, &az, &dalt, &daz, &mjd); 94 95 if (dalt==0/* || GetResidual(alt, az, alt+dalt, az+daz)>0.1*/) 96 continue; 97 98 //cout << dalt << " " << daz << " " << GetResidual(alt, az, alt+dalt, az+daz) << endl; 99 100 mjd -= 53140.097505; 101 102 Double_t res = GetResidual(alt, az, alt-dalt, az-daz); 103 104 g[0].SetPoint(g[0].GetN(), g[0].GetN(), fabs(dalt)); 105 g[1].SetPoint(g[1].GetN(), g[1].GetN(), fabs(daz)); 106 g[2].SetPoint(g[2].GetN(), g[2].GetN(), res); 107 108 h->Fill(res); 109 } 110 111 cout << "done (" << setw(3) << (Int_t)h->GetEntries() << "/"; 112 cout << setw(4) << g[0].GetN() << ") " << flush; 113 114 return g[0].GetN(); 115 } 116 117 struct Description_t 118 { 119 const char *fName; 120 const char *fTitle; 121 const char *fFile; 122 }; 123 124 const Int_t counts = 22; 125 Description_t desc[counts] = 126 { 127 // No good pointing model has been applied yet 128 // {"0404", "TPoints Residuals 4/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0404.txt"}, 129 // {"0405", "TPoints Residuals 5/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0405.txt"}, 130 // {"04081", "TPoints Residuals 8/2004-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0408-1.txt"}, 131 {"04082", "TPoints Residuals 8/2004-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0408-2.txt"}, 132 {"0409", "TPoints Residuals 9/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0409.txt"}, 133 // Culmination tests 134 // {"0410", "TPoints Residuals 10/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0410.txt"}, 135 {"0411", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0411.txt"}, 136 {"0412", "TPoints Residuals 12/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0412.txt"}, 137 // Worse pointing due to realignment of the mirror 138 {"0503", "TPoints Residuals 3/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0503.txt"}, 139 {"0504", "TPoints Residuals 4/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0504.txt"}, 140 {"05051", "TPoints Residuals 5/2005-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0505-1.txt"}, 141 // Mirror alignment has been fixed 142 {"05052", "TPoints Residuals 5/2005-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0505-2.txt"}, 143 // Fixes to pointing model due to fixing a screw 144 {"0506", "TPoints Residuals 6/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0506.txt"}, 145 146 {"0508", "TPoints Residuals 8/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0508.txt"}, 147 {"0509", "TPoints Residuals 9/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0509.txt"}, 148 // Quick-and-dirty mirror alignment 149 {"0510", "TPoints Residuals 10/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0510.txt"}, 150 // New mirror alignment after Tenerife meeting 151 {"0511", "TPoints Residuals 11/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0511.txt"}, 152 153 {"0512", "TPoints Residuals 12/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0512.txt"}, 154 {"0601", "TPoints Residuals 1/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0601.txt"}, 155 {"0603", "TPoints Residuals 3/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0603.txt"}, 156 {"0604", "TPoints Residuals 4/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0604.txt"}, 157 //{"0605", "TPoints Residuals 5/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0605.txt"}, 158 //{"0606", "TPoints Residuals 6/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0606.txt"}, 159 {"0701", "TPoints Residuals 1/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0701.txt"}, 160 {"0702", "TPoints Residuals 2/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0702.txt"}, 161 {"0703", "TPoints Residuals 3/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0703.txt"}, 162 {"0704", "TPoints Residuals 4/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0704.txt"}, 163 {"0705", "TPoints Residuals 5/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0705.txt"}, 164 }; 165 166 void plot() 167 { 168 TGraph g[3]; 169 170 MBinning bins(10, 0, 0.2); 171 172 TArrayI n(counts); 173 174 TH1F hx[counts]; 175 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 176 { 177 hx[i].SetNameTitle(desc[i].fName, desc[i].fTitle); 178 hx[i].SetDirectory(0); 179 bins.Apply(hx[i]); 180 181 cout << setw(2) << i << ": " << flush; 182 n[i] = fill(desc[i].fFile, g, &hx[i]); 183 cout << " Mean: " << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << hx[i].GetMean() << " deg +/- " << hx[i].GetRMS()<<endl; 184 } 185 186 g[0].SetMarkerColor(kGreen); 187 g[1].SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); 188 g[2].SetMarkerColor(kBlack); 189 //g[2].SetLineColor(kBlack); 190 g[0].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 191 g[1].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 192 g[2].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge); 193 194 // --------- First Canvas ---------- 195 196 new TCanvas("Vs Time", ""); 197 198 TObject *obj[4]; 35 if (sscanf(str.Data(), "%f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %f %f %f", 36 &az, &alt, &dalt, &daz, &mjd)!=5) 37 continue; 38 39 if (dalt==0) 40 continue; 41 42 Double_t res = MAstro::GetDevAbs(90-(alt-dalt), -dalt, -daz)*60; 43 44 if (res>12) 45 continue; 46 47 t.SetMjd(mjd); 48 49 g0.SetPoint(g0.GetN(), t.GetAxisTime(), g0.GetN()); 50 g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), t.GetAxisTime(), res); 51 g2.SetPoint(g2.GetN(), g2.GetN(), res); 52 } 53 54 cout << g1.GetN() << endl; 55 56 return g1.GetN(); 57 } 58 59 void DrawGrid(TH1 &h) 60 { 61 TGraph l; 62 l.SetLineStyle(kDashed); 63 l.SetLineWidth(2); 64 l.SetLineColor(kBlue); 65 66 Int_t style[] = { kSolid, 9, 7 }; 67 68 Double_t x[2] = { h.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis()->GetXmax() }; 69 Double_t y[2]; 199 70 200 71 for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 201 72 { 202 g[i].SetFillColor(kWhite); 203 g[i].SetLineColor(kWhite); 204 obj[i] = g[i].Clone(); 205 obj[i]->SetBit(kCanDelete); 206 obj[i]->Draw(i==0?"AP":"P"); 207 } 208 209 TLegend leg(0.905, 0.86, 0.99, 0.99); 210 leg.AddEntry(obj[0], " \\Delta\\theta"); 211 leg.AddEntry(obj[1], " \\Delta\\phi"); 212 leg.AddEntry(obj[2], " \\Delta"); 213 leg.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete); 214 215 TLine l; 73 y[0] = y[1] = i+1; 74 l.SetLineStyle(style[i]); 75 l.DrawGraph(2, x, y, "L"); 76 } 77 78 if (x[0]<1e6) 79 return; 80 81 Double_t X[2]; 82 Double_t Y[2] = { h.GetMinimum(), h.GetMaximum() }; 83 84 l.SetLineWidth(1); 85 86 for (int i=2004; i<2020; i++) 87 { 88 for (int j=0; j<12; j++) 89 { 90 X[0] = X[1] = MTime(i, 1+j, 1).GetAxisTime(); 91 92 if (X[0]<x[0] || X[0]>x[1]) 93 continue; 94 95 l.SetLineStyle(j==0 ? kDashed : kDotted); 96 l.DrawGraph(2, X, Y, "L"); 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 101 void DrawTimes(TH1 &h) 102 { 103 TGraph l; 216 104 l.SetLineColor(kBlue); 217 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 218 l.DrawLine(n[i], 0, n[i], 0.2); 219 220 // --------- Second Canvas ---------- 221 222 new TCanvas("Distrib", ""); 223 224 Double_t max=0; 225 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 226 { 227 if (hx[i].GetEntries()==0) 228 { 229 cout << "Skip #" << i << endl; 230 continue; 231 } 232 233 hx[i].Scale(1./hx[i].GetEntries()); 234 max = TMath::Max(max, hx[i].GetMaximum()); 235 } 236 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 237 { 238 hx[i].SetMaximum(max*1.05); 239 if (i<6) 240 hx[i].SetLineColor(kRed+i); 241 else 242 hx[i].SetMarkerStyle(kPlus+i-6); 243 244 245 } 246 247 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 248 hx[i].DrawCopy(i==0?"LP":"LPsame"); 249 250 return; 251 252 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 253 { 254 cout << "Mean: " << Form("%.3f +- %.3f", hx[i].GetMean(), hx[i].GetRMS()); 255 cout << " (Overflows=" << hx[i].GetBinContent(hx[i].GetNbinsX()+1)*hx[i].GetEntries() << ")" << endl; 256 } 257 } 105 106 Double_t x[2]; 107 Double_t y[2] = { h.GetMinimum(), h.GetMaximum() }; 108 109 for (int i=0; dates[i+1]>0; i++) 110 { 111 x[0] = x[1] = dates[i]; 112 l.DrawGraph(2, x, y, "L"); 113 } 114 115 DrawGrid(h); 116 } 117 118 Int_t GetBin(TGraph ×, Int_t i) 119 { 120 return TMath::BinarySearch(times.GetN(), times.GetX(), dates[i]);; 121 } 122 123 void DrawIndices(TGraph ×, TH1 &h) 124 { 125 TGraph l; 126 l.SetLineStyle(kDashed); 127 l.SetLineColor(kBlue); 128 129 Double_t x[2]; 130 Double_t y[2] = { h.GetMinimum(), h.GetMaximum() }; 131 132 for (int i=0; dates[i+1]>0; i++) 133 { 134 Int_t bin = GetBin(times, i); 135 if (bin<0) 136 continue; 137 138 x[0] = x[1] = bin+0.5; 139 l.DrawGraph(2, x, y, "L"); 140 } 141 142 DrawGrid(h); 143 } 144 145 void plot(MDirIter &Next) 146 { 147 Next.Sort(); 148 149 TGraph g1; 150 TGraph g2; 151 TGraph g0; 152 153 while (1) 154 { 155 TString name=Next(); 156 if (name.IsNull()) 157 break; 158 159 ReadFile(name, g1, g2, g0); 160 } 161 162 MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; 163 164 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 165 TCanvas &c0 = d->AddTab("TimeLine"); 166 c0.SetGrid(); 167 168 g0.SetTitle("TimeLine"); 169 g0.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 170 g0.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 171 g0.SetLineWidth(1); 172 g0.SetLineColor(kGreen); 173 g0.DrawClone("ALP"); 174 175 DrawTimes(*g0.GetHistogram()); 176 177 178 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 179 TCanvas &c1 = d->AddTab("ResDate"); 180 //c1.SetGrid(); 181 182 g1.SetTitle("Measured Residual vs. Date"); 183 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 184 // g1.SetMaximum(10); 185 g1.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 186 g1.DrawClone("AP"); 187 188 DrawTimes(*g1.GetHistogram()); 189 190 191 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 192 TCanvas &c2 = d->AddTab("ResIdx"); 193 c2.SetGrid(); 194 195 g2.SetTitle("Measured Residual vs. Index"); 196 // g2.SetMaximum(0.1); 197 g2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 198 g2.DrawClone("AP"); 199 200 DrawIndices(g0, *g2.GetHistogram()); 201 202 Double_t prob[4] = { 0.5, MMath::GaussProb(1), MMath::GaussProb(2), MMath::GaussProb(3) }; 203 Double_t quant[4]; 204 205 int n; 206 for (n=0; dates[n]>0; n++); 207 208 TH1F h0("Q98", "", n-1, dates); 209 TH1F h1("Q95", "", n-1, dates); 210 TH1F h2("Q68", "", n-1, dates); 211 TH1F h3("Q50", "", n-1, dates); 212 213 Int_t first = 0; 214 215 cout << "n=" << n << endl; 216 217 for (int i=0; dates[i+1]>0; i++) 218 { 219 Int_t bin0 = GetBin(g0, i); 220 Int_t bin1 = GetBin(g0, i+1); 221 222 cout << i << " " << bin0 << " " << bin1 << endl; 223 if (bin0<0) 224 continue; 225 226 if (bin0==bin1) 227 continue; 228 229 TMath::Quantiles(bin1-bin0, 4, g2.GetY()+bin0, quant, prob, kFALSE, NULL, 7); 230 231 h0.SetBinContent(i+1, quant[0]); 232 h1.SetBinContent(i+1, quant[1]); 233 h2.SetBinContent(i+1, quant[2]); 234 h3.SetBinContent(i+1, quant[3]); 235 236 if (first==0) 237 first = i; 238 } 239 240 241 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 242 TCanvas &c4 = d->AddTab("Quantiles"); 243 //c4.SetGrid(); 244 245 h2.SetFillColor(19); 246 h1.SetFillColor(16); 247 h0.SetFillColor(13); 248 249 h2.SetTitle("Measured Residual-Distribution vs. Date"); 250 h2.SetYTitle("Residual [arcmin]"); 251 h2.SetStats(kFALSE); 252 h2.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 253 h2.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%y/%m"); 254 h2.GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); 255 h2.SetMinimum(0); 256 //.SetMaximum(h2.GetMaximum()*1.2); 257 h2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 258 h2.GetXaxis()->SetRange(first, h3.GetNbinsX()); 259 h2.DrawCopy(); 260 261 //.DrawCopy("same"); 262 h1.DrawCopy("same"); 263 h0.DrawCopy("same"); 264 265 TGraph g; 266 for (int i=0; i<h2.GetNbinsX(); i++) 267 { 268 Double_t x[2] = { h2.GetBinLowEdge(i+1), h2.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) }; 269 Double_t y[2] = { 0, h2.GetBinContent(i+1) }; 270 271 g.DrawGraph(2, x, y, "L"); 272 } 273 274 DrawGrid(h2); 275 276 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 277 TCanvas &c5 = d->AddTab("Combined"); 278 279 h2.DrawCopy(); 280 h1.DrawCopy("same"); 281 h0.DrawCopy("same"); 282 283 for (int i=0; i<h2.GetNbinsX(); i++) 284 { 285 Double_t x[2] = { h2.GetBinLowEdge(i+1), h2.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) }; 286 Double_t y[2] = { 0, h2.GetBinContent(i+1) }; 287 288 g.DrawGraph(2, x, y, "L"); 289 } 290 291 g1.DrawClone("P"); 292 293 DrawGrid(h2); 294 295 296 } -
TabularUnified trunk/Cosy/tpoint/plot_m1.C ¶
r9512 r9953 1 #include <iomanip>1 #include "mars/MTime.h" 2 2 3 void DrawMarker(TVirtualPad *pad, Double_t r0, Double_t phi0, Double_t r1, Double_t phi1) 4 { 5 TView *view = pad->GetView(); 3 using namespace std; 6 4 7 if (!view)8 {9 cout << "No View!" << endl;10 return;11 }12 13 TMarker mark0;14 TMarker mark1;15 mark0.SetMarkerStyle(kStar);16 mark1.SetMarkerStyle(kStar);17 mark1.SetMarkerColor(kRed);18 19 r0 /= 90;20 r1 /= 90;21 phi0 *= TMath::DegToRad();22 phi1 *= TMath::DegToRad();23 24 Double_t x0[3] = { r0*cos(phi0), r0*sin(phi0), 0};25 Double_t x1[3] = { r1*cos(phi1), r1*sin(phi1), 0};26 27 mark0.DrawMarker(x0[0], x0[1]);28 mark1.DrawMarker(x1[0], x1[1]);29 30 return;31 Double_t y0[3], y1[3];32 33 view->WCtoNDC(x0, y0);34 view->WCtoNDC(x1, y1);35 36 mark0.DrawMarker(y0[0], y0[1]);37 mark1.DrawMarker(y1[0], y1[1]);38 }39 40 int fill(const char *fname, TGraph *g, TH1 *h)41 {42 5 /* 43 TH2F h2res1("Res2D1", " Dataset positions on the sky ", 32, 0, 360, 10, 0, 90);44 h2res1.SetBit(TH1::kNoStats);45 h2res1.DrawCopy("surf1pol");46 gPad->Modified();47 gPad->Update();48 gPad->SetTheta(90);49 gPad->SetPhi(-90);50 51 DrawMarker(gPad, 45, 0, 0, 0);52 gPad->Modified();53 gPad->Update();54 55 return;56 57 */58 ifstream fin(fname);59 60 cout << "Reading " << setw(23) << gSystem->BaseName(fname) << "..." << flush;61 62 while (1)63 {64 TString str;65 str.ReadLine(fin);66 if (!fin)67 break;68 69 if (str.Contains("#"))70 continue;71 72 Float_t alt, az, dalt, daz, mjd;73 sscanf(str.Data(), "%f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %f %f %f",74 &az, &alt, &dalt, &daz, &mjd);75 76 if (dalt==0/* || GetResidual(alt, az, alt+dalt, az+daz)>0.1*/)77 continue;78 79 mjd -= 53140.097505;80 81 Double_t res = MAstro::GetDevAbs(90-(alt-dalt), -dalt, -daz);82 83 g[0].SetPoint(g[0].GetN(), g[0].GetN(), fabs(dalt));84 g[1].SetPoint(g[1].GetN(), g[1].GetN(), fabs(daz));85 g[2].SetPoint(g[2].GetN(), g[2].GetN(), res);86 87 h->Fill(res);88 }89 90 cout << "done (" << setw(3) << (Int_t)h->GetEntries() << "/";91 cout << setw(4) << g[0].GetN() << ") " << flush;92 93 return g[0].GetN();94 }95 96 struct Description_t97 {98 const char *fName;99 const char *fTitle;100 const char *fFile;101 };102 103 const Int_t counts = 29+10+18+1+13+11+31-27+3+5+18;104 Description_t desc[counts] =105 {106 /*107 // 29. Apr. 2004 ~25800108 // 5. Aug. 2004 ~32000109 // 19. Aug. 2004 ~33530110 // 7. Jun. 2005 ~57650111 // 8. Jun. 2005112 // 9. Jun. 2005 ~57860113 // 12. Sep. 2005 ~68338114 // 24. Nov. 2005 ~75562115 // 17. Oct. 2006 ~103130116 // 17. Jun. 2007 ~248193117 */118 119 6 // Culmination tests 120 7 //{"0411", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0411.txt"}, … … 146 33 //{"05111", "TPoints Residuals 11/2005-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0511-1.txt"}, 147 34 148 // New pointing model installed (24.11.2005) 149 {"05112", "TPoints Residuals 11/2005-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0511-2.txt"}, 150 {"+0512", "TPoints Residuals 12/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0512.txt"}, 151 {"+0601", "TPoints Residuals 1/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0601.txt"}, 152 {"+0603-1", "TPoints Residuals 3/2006-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0603-1.txt"}, 35 // [...] 36 */ 153 37 154 // Changes to the mirror 155 {"0603-2", "TPoints Residuals 3/2006-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0603-2.txt"}, 156 {"+0604", "TPoints Residuals 4/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0604.txt"}, 157 {"+0607", "TPoints Residuals 7/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0607.txt"}, 158 {"+0608", "TPoints Residuals 8/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0608.txt"}, 159 {"+0609", "TPoints Residuals 9/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0609.txt"}, 160 {"+0610", "TPoints Residuals 10/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0610.txt"}, 38 Double_t dates[] = { 39 MTime(2005, 3, 20).GetAxisTime(), 40 MTime(2005, 4, 29).GetAxisTime(), 41 MTime(2005, 5, 25).GetAxisTime(), 42 MTime(2005, 6, 8).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 43 MTime(2005, 8, 15).GetAxisTime(), 44 // MTime(2005, 9, 12).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 45 MTime(2005, 11, 10).GetAxisTime(), // New mirror alignment after Tenerife meeting 46 MTime(2005, 11, 24).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 47 MTime(2006, 3, 19).GetAxisTime(), // Changes to the mirror 48 // 2006, 4, 23 // Mirror refocussing 49 MTime(2006, 10, 17).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 50 MTime(2007, 6, 17).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 51 MTime(2007, 8, 4).GetAxisTime(), // Mirror refocussing 52 MTime(2007, 10, 18).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 53 MTime(2008, 1, 14).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 54 MTime(2008, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 55 MTime(2008, 6, 18).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 56 // 2009, 3, 7 // New pointing model 57 // 2009, 5, 14 // New pointing model 58 // Are we missing TPoints between 080618 and 090501?? 59 MTime(2009, 5, 1).GetAxisTime(), // Drive upgrade started 60 MTime(2009, 5, 11).GetAxisTime(), // Upgrade finished 61 MTime(2009, 5, 12).GetAxisTime(), // First new pointing model 62 MTime(2009, 5, 13).GetAxisTime(), // Second new pointing model 63 MTime(2009, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), // Jump (reason unknown) 64 MTime(2009, 7, 23).GetAxisTime(), // New LUTs 65 MTime(2009, 8, 17).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 66 MTime(2010, 02, 01).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 67 // 2010, 02, 03 // New LUTs for M2(!) 68 MTime(2010, 02, 27).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 69 MTime(2010, 03, 31).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 70 // 2010, 06, 14 // New LUTs 71 MTime(2010, 07, 03).GetAxisTime(), // New LUTs 72 MTime(2010, 9, 29).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 73 MTime(-1).GetAxisTime(), 74 -1 75 }; 161 76 162 // New pointing model: 6/10/17 163 {"0611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0611.txt"}, 164 {"+0612", "TPoints Residuals 12/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0612.txt"}, 165 {"+0701", "TPoints Residuals 1/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0701.txt"}, 166 {"+0702", "TPoints Residuals 2/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0702.txt"}, 167 {"+0703", "TPoints Residuals 3/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0703.txt"}, 168 169 {"+0704", "TPoints Residuals 4/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0704.txt"}, 170 {"+0705", "TPoints Residuals 5/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0705.txt"}, 171 {"+0706", "TPoints Residuals 6/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0706.txt"}, 172 {"+07071", "TPoints Residuals 7/2007-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0707-1.txt"}, 173 {"+07072", "TPoints Residuals 7/2007-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0707-2.txt"}, 174 175 // New pointing model: 07/06/17 176 {"", "", ""}, 177 178 // AMC adjust: 07/08/04 179 {"0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/tpoints20070823.txt"}, 180 181 // New pointing model: 07/10/18 182 {"", "", ""}, 183 184 // New pointing model: 08/01/14 185 {"0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/tpoints20080115.txt"}, 186 187 // New pointing model 080611 188 {"0806", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/tpoint0806.txt"}, 189 190 // New pointing model 080618 191 {"0807", "", "tpoint/tpoint0807.txt"}, 192 {"+0807", "", "tpoint/tpoint0808.txt"}, 193 {"+0807", "", "tpoint/tpoint0811.txt"}, 194 {"+0807", "", "tpoint/tpoint0812.txt"}, 195 {"+0901", "", "tpoint/tpoint0901.txt"}, 196 197 // Drive upgrade started 198 {"", "", ""}, 199 200 // Drive Upgrade finished 090511 201 {"090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_220118.txt"}, 202 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_221333.txt"}, 203 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_222434.txt"}, 204 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_223152.txt"}, 205 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_223706.txt"}, 206 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_224056.txt"}, 207 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090511_231933.txt"}, 208 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090512_011131.txt"}, 209 210 // First new pointing model 090512 211 {"090513", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090512_210644.txt"}, 212 {"+090513", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_002757.txt"}, 213 {"+090513", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_025124.txt"}, 214 {"+090513", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_033505.txt"}, 215 216 // Second new pointing model 090513 217 {"090514", "TPoints 09/05/14", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_14/tpoint_20090514_011903.txt"}, 218 219 {"090517", "TPoints 09/05/17" ,"tpoint/m1/2009_05_17/tpoint_20090516_234825.txt"}, 220 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_05_17/tpoint_20090517_023340.txt"}, 221 // New period 222 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_01/tpoint_20090531_215148.txt"}, 223 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_01/tpoint_20090531_222549.txt"}, 224 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_02/tpoint_20090601_223009.txt"}, 225 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090602_213509.txt"}, 226 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090603_011936.txt"}, 227 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_04/tpoint_20090603_215840.txt"}, 228 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_04/tpoint_20090603_230510.txt"}, 229 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_05/tpoint_20090604_215943.txt"}, 230 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_05/tpoint_20090604_232320.txt"}, 231 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_10/tpoint_20090609_231948.txt"}, 232 {"+090517","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_11/tpoint_20090611_011155.txt"}, 233 234 // ------- Something happened (reason unknown) -------- 235 236 {"090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_11/tpoint_20090611_023625.txt"}, 237 238 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_13/tpoint_20090613_033838.txt"}, 239 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_14/tpoint_20090614_021257.txt"}, 240 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_06_18/tpoint_20090618_041433.txt"}, 241 242 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_02/tpoint_20090701_215304.txt"}, 243 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_02/tpoint_20090701_222059.txt"}, 244 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_02/tpoint_20090701_224051.txt"}, 245 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_02/tpoint_20090701_225615.txt"}, 246 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_02/tpoint_20090701_230946.txt"}, 247 248 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_03/tpoint_20090702_225940.txt"}, 249 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_04/tpoint_20090703_224721.txt"}, 250 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_05/tpoint_20090705_012638.txt"}, 251 252 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_12/tpoint_20090712_014300.txt"}, 253 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_12/tpoint_20090712_024710.txt"}, 254 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_13/tpoint_20090713_004241.txt"}, 255 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_13/tpoint_20090713_025934.txt"}, 256 257 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_14/tpoint_20090714_024729.txt"}, 258 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_15/tpoint_20090715_021320.txt"}, 259 {"+090613","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_15/tpoint_20090715_025237.txt"}, 260 261 // ----- AMC adjust (23.7.) ----- 262 263 {"090723","TPoints 09/05/17", "tpoint/m1/2009_07_24/tpoint_20090724_051142.txt"}, 264 {"+090723", "TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_02/tpoint_20090801_223848.txt"}, 265 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_03/tpoint_20090802_224434.txt"}, 266 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_04/tpoint_20090803_230214.txt"}, 267 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_10/tpoint_20090809_233524.txt"}, 268 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_10/tpoint_20090810_014642.txt"}, 269 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_10/tpoint_20090810_020616.txt"}, 270 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_11/tpoint_20090810_232543.txt"}, 271 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_12/tpoint_20090812_001846.txt"}, 272 {"+090723","TPoints 08/2009" , "tpoint/m1/2009_08_13/tpoint_20090813_030807.txt"}, 273 274 // ------ 09/08/17 new pointing model ------- 275 276 {"090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_01/tpoint_20090831_233034.txt"}, 277 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_02/tpoint_20090901_231918.txt"}, 278 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_02/tpoint_20090902_005204.txt"}, 279 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_08/tpoint_20090907_213404.txt"}, 280 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_09/tpoint_20090908_225027.txt"}, 281 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_09/tpoint_20090908_231720.txt"}, 282 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_09/tpoint_20090909_010649.txt"}, 283 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_10/tpoint_20090909_235222.txt"}, 284 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_10/tpoint_20090910_025054.txt"}, 285 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_12/tpoint_20090912_004826.txt"}, 286 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_17/tpoint_20090917_015404.txt"}, 287 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_18/tpoint_20090917_202449.txt"}, 288 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_23/tpoint_20090922_223445.txt"}, 289 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_24/tpoint_20090923_204444.txt"}, 290 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_24/tpoint_20090924_041824.txt"}, 291 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_25/tpoint_20090924_225725.txt"}, 292 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_26/tpoint_20090925_212537.txt"}, 293 {"+090817","TPoints", "tpoint/m1/2009_09_27/tpoint_20090926_212332.txt"}, 294 }; 77 #include "plot.C" 295 78 296 79 void plot_m1() 297 80 { 298 TGraph g[3];299 81 300 MBinning bins(100, 0, 0.2); 82 MDirIter Next; 83 Next.AddDirectory("tpoint/m1", "tpoint*.txt", -1); 301 84 302 TArrayI n(counts); 303 304 TH1F hx[counts]; 305 Int_t num = -1; 306 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 307 { 308 if (desc[i].fName[0]!='+') 309 { 310 num++; 311 312 hx[num].SetNameTitle(desc[i].fName, desc[i].fTitle); 313 hx[num].SetDirectory(0); 314 bins.Apply(hx[num]); 315 } 316 317 cout << setw(2) << num << ": " << flush; 318 n[num] = fill(desc[i].fFile, g, &hx[num]); 319 cout << " Mean: " << setw(5) << setprecision(3) << hx[num].GetMean()*3600 << " sec +/- " << hx[num].GetRMS()*3600 << endl; 320 } 321 322 n.Set(++num); 323 324 g[0].SetMarkerColor(kGreen); 325 g[1].SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); 326 g[2].SetMarkerColor(kBlack); 327 //g[2].SetLineColor(kBlack); 328 g[0].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 329 g[1].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 330 g[2].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge); 331 332 // --------- First Canvas ---------- 333 334 new TCanvas("Vs Time", ""); 335 336 TObject *obj[4]; 337 338 for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 339 { 340 g[i].SetFillColor(kWhite); 341 g[i].SetLineColor(kWhite); 342 obj[i] = g[i].Clone(); 343 obj[i]->SetBit(kCanDelete); 344 obj[i]->Draw(i==0?"AP":"P"); 345 } 346 347 TLegend leg(0.905, 0.86, 0.99, 0.99); 348 leg.AddEntry(obj[0], " \\Delta\\theta"); 349 leg.AddEntry(obj[1], " \\Delta\\phi"); 350 leg.AddEntry(obj[2], " \\Delta"); 351 leg.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete); 352 353 TLine l; 354 l.SetLineColor(kBlue); 355 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 356 l.DrawLine(n[i], 0, n[i], 0.2); 357 358 // --------- Second Canvas ---------- 359 360 new TCanvas("Distrib", ""); 361 362 Double_t max=0; 363 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 364 { 365 if (hx[i].GetEntries()==0) 366 { 367 cout << "Skip #" << i << endl; 368 continue; 369 } 370 371 hx[i].Scale(1./hx[i].GetEntries()); 372 max = TMath::Max(max, hx[i].GetMaximum()); 373 } 374 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 375 { 376 hx[i].SetMaximum(max*1.05); 377 if (i<6) 378 hx[i].SetLineColor(kRed+i); 379 else 380 hx[i].SetMarkerStyle(kPlus+i-6); 381 382 383 } 384 385 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 386 hx[i].DrawCopy(i==0?"LP":"LPsame"); 387 388 Double_t time[] = { 389 MTime(2005, 3, 20).GetAxisTime(), 390 MTime(2005, 4, 29).GetAxisTime(), 391 MTime(2005, 5, 25).GetAxisTime(), 392 MTime(2005, 6, 8).GetAxisTime(), 393 MTime(2005, 8, 15).GetAxisTime(), 394 // MTime(2005, 9, 12).GetAxisTime(), 395 MTime(2005, 11, 10).GetAxisTime(), 396 MTime(2005, 11, 24).GetAxisTime(), 397 MTime(2006, 3, 19).GetAxisTime(), 398 MTime(2006, 10, 17).GetAxisTime(), 399 MTime(2007, 6, 17).GetAxisTime(), 400 MTime(2007, 8, 4).GetAxisTime(), 401 MTime(2007, 10, 18).GetAxisTime(), 402 MTime(2008, 1, 14).GetAxisTime(), 403 MTime(2008, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), 404 MTime(2008, 6, 18).GetAxisTime(), 405 // Are we missing TPoints between 080618 and 090501?? 406 MTime(2009, 5, 1).GetAxisTime(), 407 MTime(2009, 5, 11).GetAxisTime(), 408 MTime(2009, 5, 12).GetAxisTime(), 409 MTime(2009, 5, 13).GetAxisTime(), 410 MTime(2009, 5, 16).GetAxisTime(), 411 MTime(2009, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), 412 MTime(2009, 7, 23).GetAxisTime(), 413 MTime(2009, 8, 17).GetAxisTime(), 414 MTime(2009, 12, 31).GetAxisTime(), 415 }; 416 417 TH1D histres[4]; 418 419 MBinning bins; 420 bins.SetEdges(TArrayD(24, time)); 421 422 bins.Apply(histres[0]); 423 bins.Apply(histres[1]); 424 bins.Apply(histres[2]); 425 bins.Apply(histres[3]); 426 427 TGraphAsymmErrors result[4]; 428 TGraph resultm; 429 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 430 { 431 cout << i+1 << " - Mean: " << Form("%5.1f +- %5.1f", hx[i].GetMean()*3600, hx[i].GetRMS()*3600); 432 cout << " (Overflows=" << hx[i].GetBinContent(hx[i].GetNbinsX()+1)*hx[i].GetEntries() << ") " << (int)hx[i].GetEntries() << endl; 433 434 if (hx[i].GetEntries()<1) 435 continue; 436 437 /* 438 TF1 fg("fg", "gaus", 0, 1); 439 hx[i].Fit(&fg); 440 result2.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+7, hx[i].GetMean()); 441 result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, hx[i].GetRMS()/sqrt(hx[i].GetEntries())); 442 result.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+7, fg.GetParameter(1)); 443 result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, fg.GetParameter(2)); 444 */ 445 446 //Double_t q[4] = { MMath::GaussProb(0.5), MMath::GaussProb(1), MMath::GaussProb(2), MMath::GaussProb(3) }; 447 Double_t q[4] = { 0.5, MMath::GaussProb(1), MMath::GaussProb(2), MMath::GaussProb(3) }; 448 Double_t rc[4]; 449 hx[i].GetQuantiles(4, rc, q); 450 451 for (int j=0; j<4; j++) 452 { 453 histres[j].SetBinContent(i+1, 60*rc[j]); 454 455 result[j].SetPoint(i, time[i], 60*rc[j]); 456 result[j].SetPointError(i, 0, 0, 60*rc[j], 0); 457 458 //result[j].SetPoint(result[j].GetN(), result[j].GetN()+1, 60*rc[j]); 459 //result[j].SetPointError(result[j].GetN()-1, 0, 0, 60*rc[j], 0); 460 } 461 462 // result.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+1, rc[1]); 463 // result2.SetPoint(result2.GetN(), result2.GetN()+1, rc[2]); 464 465 //result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0.5, 0);//rc[2]-rc[1]); 466 //result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0.5, 0);//rc[2]-rc[1]); 467 468 // result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, 0/*rc[1]-rc[0]*/, rc[2]-rc[1]); 469 // result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, 0/*rc[1]-rc[0]*/, rc[2]-rc[1]); 470 471 // result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, rc[2], 0); 472 473 // resultm.SetPoint(resultm.GetN(), resultm.GetN()+1, 60*hx[i].GetMean()); 474 resultm.SetPoint(resultm.GetN(), (time[i]+time[i+1])/2, 60*hx[i].GetMean()); 475 476 } 477 478 new TCanvas; 479 480 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 481 gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); 482 gPad->SetFillColor(kWhite); 483 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.01); 484 gPad->SetTopMargin(0.01); 485 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.06); 486 gPad->SetGridy(); 487 488 //Int_t col[] = { 12, 15, 17, 19 }; 489 //Int_t col[] = { 12, 16, 18, 0 }; 490 Int_t col[] = { 13, 16, 19, 0 }; 491 492 TH1 *h = &histres[2];//result[3].GetHistogram(); 493 h->SetXTitle(""); 494 h->SetYTitle("Residual / arcmin"); 495 h->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); 496 h->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); 497 h->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); 498 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.75); 499 // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 500 // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 501 502 h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kWhite); 503 504 TLine line; 505 506 for (int j=2; j>=0; j--) 507 { 508 histres[j].SetMinimum(0); 509 histres[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); 510 511 histres[j].DrawCopy(j==2?"":"same"); 512 513 /* 514 //result[j].SetLineColor(kBlue); 515 //result[j].SetLineWidth(2); 516 //result[j].SetMarkerColor(kBlue); 517 result[j].SetMinimum(0); 518 //result2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 519 //result[j].SetMarkerStyle(23); 520 result[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); 521 result[j].DrawClone(j==3 ? "ABX" : "B"); // E3 B 522 */ 523 } 524 525 526 resultm.SetMarkerStyle(20); 527 resultm.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 528 resultm.DrawClone("P"); 529 530 line.DrawLine(time[0], 0, time[0], histres[2].GetMaximum()); 531 for (int i=0; i<bins.GetNumBins()-1; i++) 532 line.DrawLine(time[i+1], 0, time[i+1], histres[2].GetBinContent(i+1)); 533 534 TText txt; 535 txt.SetTextSize(0.037); 536 // txt.SetTextAngle(-45); 537 txt.SetTextAlign(23); 538 for (int m=4; m<13; m++) 539 { 540 Double_t monl = MTime(2005, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 541 Double_t mont = MTime(2005, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 542 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/05", m)); 543 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 544 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 545 } 546 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 547 { 548 Double_t monl = MTime(2006, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 549 Double_t mont = MTime(2006, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 550 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/06", m)); 551 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 552 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 553 } 554 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 555 { 556 Double_t monl = MTime(2007, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 557 Double_t mont = MTime(2007, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 558 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); 559 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 560 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 561 } 562 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 563 { 564 Double_t monl = MTime(2008, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 565 Double_t mont = MTime(2008, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 566 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); 567 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 568 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 569 } 570 571 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 572 { 573 Double_t monl = MTime(2009, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 574 Double_t mont = MTime(2009, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 575 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); 576 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 577 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 578 } 579 580 Double_t y6 = MTime(2006,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 581 Double_t y7 = MTime(2007,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 582 Double_t y8 = MTime(2008,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 583 Double_t y9 = MTime(2009,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 584 Double_t y0 = MTime(2010,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 585 // Double_t y0 = MTime(2009,5,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 586 587 txt.SetTextSize(0.042); 588 txt.DrawText(y6-(y7-y6)/2, -0.6, "2005"); 589 txt.DrawText((y6+y7)/2, -0.6, "2006"); 590 txt.DrawText((y7+y8)/2, -0.6, "2007"); 591 txt.DrawText((y8+y9)/2, -0.6, "2008"); 592 txt.DrawText((y9+y0)/2, -0.6, "2009"); 593 594 line.DrawLine(y6, -0.7, y6, 0.26); 595 line.DrawLine(y7, -0.7, y7, 0.26); 596 line.DrawLine(y8, -0.7, y8, 0.26); 597 line.DrawLine(y9, -0.7, y9, 0.26); 598 line.SetLineStyle(3); 599 line.DrawLine(y6, 0.26, y6, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 600 line.DrawLine(y7, 0.26, y7, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 601 line.DrawLine(y8, 0.26, y8, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 602 line.DrawLine(y9, 0.26, y9, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 603 604 line.SetLineColor(kBlue); 605 line.SetLineWidth(2); 606 line.SetLineStyle(kSolid); 607 line.DrawLine(time[0], 1*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 1*360/16384.*60); 608 line.SetLineStyle(9); 609 line.DrawLine(time[0], 2*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 2*360/16384.*60); 610 line.SetLineStyle(7); 611 line.DrawLine(time[0], 3*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 3*360/16384.*60); 612 613 /* result.SetMinimum(-0.06); 614 result.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 615 result.DrawClone("LP");*/ 85 plot(Next); 616 86 } -
TabularUnified trunk/Cosy/tpoint/plot_m2.C ¶
r9512 r9953 1 #include <iomanip>1 #include "mars/MTime.h" 2 2 3 void DrawMarker(TVirtualPad *pad, Double_t r0, Double_t phi0, Double_t r1, Double_t phi1) 4 { 5 TView *view = pad->GetView(); 6 7 if (!view) 8 { 9 cout << "No View!" << endl; 10 return; 11 } 12 13 TMarker mark0; 14 TMarker mark1; 15 mark0.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); 16 mark1.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); 17 mark1.SetMarkerColor(kRed); 18 19 r0 /= 90; 20 r1 /= 90; 21 phi0 *= TMath::DegToRad(); 22 phi1 *= TMath::DegToRad(); 23 24 Double_t x0[3] = { r0*cos(phi0), r0*sin(phi0), 0}; 25 Double_t x1[3] = { r1*cos(phi1), r1*sin(phi1), 0}; 26 27 mark0.DrawMarker(x0[0], x0[1]); 28 mark1.DrawMarker(x1[0], x1[1]); 29 30 return; 31 Double_t y0[3], y1[3]; 32 33 view->WCtoNDC(x0, y0); 34 view->WCtoNDC(x1, y1); 35 36 mark0.DrawMarker(y0[0], y0[1]); 37 mark1.DrawMarker(y1[0], y1[1]); 38 } 39 40 int fill(const char *fname, TGraph *g, TH1 *h) 41 { 42 /* 43 TH2F h2res1("Res2D1", " Dataset positions on the sky ", 32, 0, 360, 10, 0, 90); 44 h2res1.SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); 45 h2res1.DrawCopy("surf1pol"); 46 gPad->Modified(); 47 gPad->Update(); 48 gPad->SetTheta(90); 49 gPad->SetPhi(-90); 50 51 DrawMarker(gPad, 45, 0, 0, 0); 52 gPad->Modified(); 53 gPad->Update(); 54 55 return; 56 57 */ 58 ifstream fin(fname); 59 60 cout << "Reading " << setw(23) << fname << "..." << flush; 61 62 while (1) 63 { 64 TString str; 65 str.ReadLine(fin); 66 if (!fin) 67 break; 68 69 if (str.Contains("#")) 70 continue; 71 72 Float_t alt, az, dalt, daz, mjd; 73 sscanf(str.Data(), "%f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %f %f %f", 74 &az, &alt, &dalt, &daz, &mjd); 75 76 if (dalt==0/* || GetResidual(alt, az, alt+dalt, az+daz)>0.1*/) 77 continue; 78 79 mjd -= 53140.097505; 80 81 Double_t res = MAstro::GetDevAbs(90-(alt-dalt), -dalt, -daz); 82 83 g[0].SetPoint(g[0].GetN(), g[0].GetN(), fabs(dalt)); 84 g[1].SetPoint(g[1].GetN(), g[1].GetN(), fabs(daz)); 85 g[2].SetPoint(g[2].GetN(), g[2].GetN(), res); 86 87 h->Fill(res); 88 } 89 90 cout << "done (" << setw(3) << (Int_t)h->GetEntries() << "/"; 91 cout << setw(4) << g[0].GetN() << ") " << flush; 92 93 return g[0].GetN(); 94 } 95 96 struct Description_t 97 { 98 const char *fName; 99 const char *fTitle; 100 const char *fFile; 3 Double_t dates[] = { 4 MTime(2009, 3, 30).GetAxisTime(), // Start of M2 observations 5 MTime(2009, 4, 11).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 6 MTime(2009, 5, 11).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 7 MTime(2009, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), // Something happened (readon unknown) 8 MTime(2009, 8, 17).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 9 MTime(2009, 9, 9).GetAxisTime(), // Something happened (reason unknown) 10 MTime(2010, 2, 1).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 11 // MTime(2010, 2, 3).GetAxisTime(), // New LUTs 12 MTime(2010, 2, 26).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 13 MTime(2010, 3, 31).GetAxisTime(), // New pointing model 14 MTime(-1).GetAxisTime(), 15 -1 101 16 }; 102 17 103 const Int_t counts = 46+15; 104 Description_t desc[counts] = 105 { 106 {"090401", "TPoints Residuals 8/2004-2" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoints_m2_1.txt"}, 107 {"+090401", "TPoints Residuals 9/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoints_m2_2.txt"}, 108 {"+090401", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090403_025841.txt"}, 109 {"+090401", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090403_214619.txt"}, 110 {"+090401", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090404_235955.txt"}, 111 {"+090401", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090405_015920.txt"}, 112 // New pointing model 113 {"090402", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090411_231731.txt"}, 114 {"+090402", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090412_232919.txt"}, 115 {"+090402", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090414_001746.txt"}, 116 {"+090402", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090418_012742.txt"}, 117 {"+090402", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/first/tpoint_20090418_024412.txt"}, 118 // New pointing model 119 {"090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090512_011933.txt"}, 120 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_12/tpoint_20090512_013112.txt"}, 121 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090512_210644.txt"}, 122 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_002758.txt"}, 123 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_025123.txt"}, 124 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_13/tpoint_20090513_033504.txt"}, 125 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_05_14/tpoint_20090514_013332.txt"}, 126 // Just start of a new observation period 127 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_01/tpoint_20090531_215139.txt"}, 128 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_01/tpoint_20090531_222548.txt"}, 129 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_02/tpoint_20090601_223001.txt"}, 130 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090602_213508.txt"}, 131 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090602_230944.txt"}, 132 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090603_000616.txt"}, 133 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_03/tpoint_20090603_011935.txt"}, 134 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_04/tpoint_20090603_215841.txt"}, 135 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_05/tpoint_20090604_215941.txt"}, 136 137 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_10/tpoint_20090609_232320.txt"}, 138 {"+090512", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_11/tpoint_20090611_011148.txt"}, 139 140 // Something happened (reason unknown) 141 142 {"090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_11/tpoint_20090611_023623.txt"}, 143 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_13/tpoint_20090613_033839.txt"}, 144 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_14/tpoint_20090614_021304.txt"}, 145 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_06_18/tpoint_20090618_041436.txt"}, 146 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_12/tpoint_20090712_014259.txt"}, 147 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_12/tpoint_20090712_024706.txt"}, 148 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_13/tpoint_20090713_004244.txt"}, 149 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_13/tpoint_20090713_025925.txt"}, 150 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_14/tpoint_20090714_022322.txt"}, 151 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/m2/2009_07_15/tpoint_20090715_021316.txt"}, 152 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_02/tpoint_20090801_225305.txt"}, 153 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_03/tpoint_20090802_224437.txt"}, 154 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_04/tpoint_20090803_231853.txt"}, 155 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_11/tpoint_20090810_234604.txt"}, 156 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_11/tpoint_20090811_020844.txt"}, 157 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_12/tpoint_20090812_001850.txt"}, 158 {"+090611", "TPoints Residuals 08/2009" , "tpoint/m2/2009_08_13/tpoint_20090813_030805.txt"}, 159 160 // ------ 09/08/17 new pointing model ------- 161 162 {"090817", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_01/tpoint_20090831_233035.txt"}, 163 {"+090817", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_02/tpoint_20090901_231921.txt"}, 164 {"+090817", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_08/tpoint_20090907_213405.txt"}, 165 {"+090817", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_09/tpoint_20090908_225029.txt"}, 166 {"+090817", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_09/tpoint_20090908_231713.txt"}, 167 168 // ------ 09/08/17 What happened? ------- 169 170 {"090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_10/tpoint_20090909_235225.txt"}, 171 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_10/tpoint_20090910_025048.txt"}, 172 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_12/tpoint_20090912_014815.txt"}, 173 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_17/tpoint_20090917_015406.txt"}, 174 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_18/tpoint_20090917_202447.txt"}, 175 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_23/tpoint_20090922_223447.txt"}, 176 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_24/tpoint_20090923_204442.txt"}, 177 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_25/tpoint_20090925_002702.txt"}, 178 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_26/tpoint_20090925_212533.txt"}, 179 {"+090910", "TPoints" , "tpoint/m2/2009_09_27/tpoint_20090926_212331.txt"}, 180 }; 18 #include "plot.C" 181 19 182 20 void plot_m2() 183 21 { 184 TGraph g[3]; 22 MDirIter Next; 23 Next.AddDirectory("tpoint/m2", "tpoint*.txt", -1); 185 24 186 MBinning bins(100, 0, 0.2); 187 188 TArrayI n(counts); 189 190 TH1F hx[counts]; 191 Int_t num = -1; 192 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 193 { 194 if (desc[i].fName[0]!='+') 195 { 196 num++; 197 198 hx[num].SetNameTitle(desc[i].fName, desc[i].fTitle); 199 hx[num].SetDirectory(0); 200 bins.Apply(hx[num]); 201 } 202 203 cout << setw(2) << num << ": " << flush; 204 n[num] = fill(desc[i].fFile, g, &hx[num]); 205 cout << " Mean: " << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << hx[num].GetMean() << " deg +/- " << hx[num].GetRMS()<< endl; 206 } 207 208 n.Set(++num); 209 210 g[0].SetMarkerColor(kGreen); 211 g[1].SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); 212 g[2].SetMarkerColor(kBlack); 213 //g[2].SetLineColor(kBlack); 214 g[0].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 215 g[1].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 216 g[2].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge); 217 218 // --------- First Canvas ---------- 219 220 new TCanvas("Vs Time", ""); 221 222 TObject *obj[4]; 223 224 for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 225 { 226 g[i].SetFillColor(kWhite); 227 g[i].SetLineColor(kWhite); 228 obj[i] = g[i].Clone(); 229 obj[i]->SetBit(kCanDelete); 230 obj[i]->Draw(i==0?"AP":"P"); 231 } 232 233 TLegend leg(0.905, 0.86, 0.99, 0.99); 234 leg.AddEntry(obj[0], " \\Delta\\theta"); 235 leg.AddEntry(obj[1], " \\Delta\\phi"); 236 leg.AddEntry(obj[2], " \\Delta"); 237 leg.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete); 238 239 TLine l; 240 l.SetLineColor(kBlue); 241 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 242 l.DrawLine(n[i], 0, n[i], 0.2); 243 244 // --------- Second Canvas ---------- 245 246 new TCanvas("Distrib", ""); 247 248 Double_t max=0; 249 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 250 { 251 if (hx[i].GetEntries()==0) 252 { 253 cout << "Skip #" << i << endl; 254 continue; 255 } 256 257 hx[i].Scale(1./hx[i].GetEntries()); 258 max = TMath::Max(max, hx[i].GetMaximum()); 259 } 260 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 261 { 262 hx[i].SetMaximum(max*1.05); 263 if (i<6) 264 hx[i].SetLineColor(kRed+i); 265 else 266 hx[i].SetMarkerStyle(kPlus+i-6); 267 268 269 } 270 271 for (int i=0; i<counts; i++) 272 hx[i].DrawCopy(i==0?"LP":"LPsame"); 273 274 Double_t time[] = { 275 MTime(2009, 3, 30).GetAxisTime(), 276 MTime(2009, 4, 11).GetAxisTime(), 277 MTime(2009, 5, 11).GetAxisTime(), 278 MTime(2009, 6, 11).GetAxisTime(), 279 MTime(2009, 8, 17).GetAxisTime(), 280 MTime(2009, 9, 9).GetAxisTime(), 281 MTime(2009, 12, 31).GetAxisTime(), 282 }; 283 284 TH1D histres[4]; 285 286 MBinning bins; 287 bins.SetEdges(TArrayD(7, time)); 288 289 bins.Apply(histres[0]); 290 bins.Apply(histres[1]); 291 bins.Apply(histres[2]); 292 bins.Apply(histres[3]); 293 294 TGraphAsymmErrors result[4]; 295 TGraph resultm; 296 for (int i=0; i<n.GetSize(); i++) 297 { 298 cout << i+1 << " - Mean: " << Form("%.4f +- %.4f", hx[i].GetMean(), hx[i].GetRMS()); 299 cout << " (Overflows=" << hx[i].GetBinContent(hx[i].GetNbinsX()+1)*hx[i].GetEntries() << ") " << (int)hx[i].GetEntries() << endl; 300 301 /* 302 TF1 fg("fg", "gaus", 0, 1); 303 hx[i].Fit(&fg); 304 result2.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+7, hx[i].GetMean()); 305 result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, hx[i].GetRMS()/sqrt(hx[i].GetEntries())); 306 result.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+7, fg.GetParameter(1)); 307 result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, fg.GetParameter(2)); 308 */ 309 310 //Double_t q[4] = { MMath::GaussProb(0.5), MMath::GaussProb(1), MMath::GaussProb(2), MMath::GaussProb(3) }; 311 Double_t q[4] = { 0.5, MMath::GaussProb(1), MMath::GaussProb(2), MMath::GaussProb(3) }; 312 Double_t rc[4]; 313 hx[i].GetQuantiles(4, rc, q); 314 315 for (int j=0; j<4; j++) 316 { 317 histres[j].SetBinContent(i+1, 60*rc[j]); 318 319 result[j].SetPoint(i, time[i], 60*rc[j]); 320 result[j].SetPointError(i, 0, 0, 60*rc[j], 0); 321 322 //result[j].SetPoint(result[j].GetN(), result[j].GetN()+1, 60*rc[j]); 323 //result[j].SetPointError(result[j].GetN()-1, 0, 0, 60*rc[j], 0); 324 } 325 326 // result.SetPoint(result.GetN(), result.GetN()+1, rc[1]); 327 // result2.SetPoint(result2.GetN(), result2.GetN()+1, rc[2]); 328 329 //result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0.5, 0);//rc[2]-rc[1]); 330 //result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0.5, 0);//rc[2]-rc[1]); 331 332 // result.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, 0/*rc[1]-rc[0]*/, rc[2]-rc[1]); 333 // result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, 0/*rc[1]-rc[0]*/, rc[2]-rc[1]); 334 335 // result2.SetPointError(result.GetN()-1, 0, 0, rc[2], 0); 336 337 // resultm.SetPoint(resultm.GetN(), resultm.GetN()+1, 60*hx[i].GetMean()); 338 resultm.SetPoint(resultm.GetN(), (time[i]+time[i+1])/2, 60*hx[i].GetMean()); 339 340 } 341 342 new TCanvas; 343 344 gPad->SetBorderMode(0); 345 gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); 346 gPad->SetFillColor(kWhite); 347 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.01); 348 gPad->SetTopMargin(0.01); 349 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.06); 350 gPad->SetGridy(); 351 352 //Int_t col[] = { 12, 15, 17, 19 }; 353 //Int_t col[] = { 12, 16, 18, 0 }; 354 Int_t col[] = { 13, 16, 19, 0 }; 355 356 TH1 *h = &histres[2];//result[3].GetHistogram(); 357 h->SetXTitle(""); 358 h->SetYTitle("Residual / arcmin"); 359 h->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); 360 h->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); 361 h->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); 362 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.75); 363 // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 364 // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); 365 366 h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kWhite); 367 368 TLine line; 369 370 for (int j=2; j>=0; j--) 371 { 372 histres[j].SetMinimum(0); 373 histres[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); 374 375 histres[j].DrawCopy(j==2?"":"same"); 376 377 /* 378 //result[j].SetLineColor(kBlue); 379 //result[j].SetLineWidth(2); 380 //result[j].SetMarkerColor(kBlue); 381 result[j].SetMinimum(0); 382 //result2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 383 //result[j].SetMarkerStyle(23); 384 result[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); 385 result[j].DrawClone(j==3 ? "ABX" : "B"); // E3 B 386 */ 387 } 388 389 390 resultm.SetMarkerStyle(20); 391 resultm.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 392 resultm.DrawClone("P"); 393 394 line.DrawLine(time[0], 0, time[0], histres[2].GetMaximum()); 395 for (int i=0; i<bins.GetNumBins()-1; i++) 396 line.DrawLine(time[i+1], 0, time[i+1], histres[2].GetBinContent(i+1)); 397 398 TText txt; 399 txt.SetTextSize(0.037); 400 // txt.SetTextAngle(-45); 401 txt.SetTextAlign(23); 402 /* 403 for (int m=4; m<13; m++) 404 { 405 Double_t monl = MTime(2005, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 406 Double_t mont = MTime(2005, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 407 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/05", m)); 408 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 409 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 410 } 411 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 412 { 413 Double_t monl = MTime(2006, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 414 Double_t mont = MTime(2006, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 415 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/06", m)); 416 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 417 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 418 } 419 for (int m=1; m<13; m++) 420 { 421 Double_t monl = MTime(2007, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 422 Double_t mont = MTime(2007, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 423 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); 424 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 425 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 426 }*/ 427 for (int m=4; m<13; m++) 428 { 429 Double_t monl = MTime(2009, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); 430 Double_t mont = MTime(2009, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); 431 // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); 432 txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); 433 line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); 434 } 435 436 // Double_t y6 = MTime(2006,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 437 // Double_t y7 = MTime(2007,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 438 // Double_t y8 = MTime(2008,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 439 Double_t y9 = MTime(2009,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 440 Double_t y0 = MTime(2010,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); 441 442 txt.SetTextSize(0.042); 443 // txt.DrawText(y6-(y7-y6)/2, -0.6, "2005"); 444 // txt.DrawText((y6+y7)/2, -0.6, "2006"); 445 // txt.DrawText((y7+y8)/2, -0.6, "2007"); 446 txt.DrawText((y9+y0)/2, -0.6, "2009"); 447 448 // line.DrawLine(y6, -0.7, y6, 0.26); 449 // line.DrawLine(y7, -0.7, y7, 0.26); 450 // line.DrawLine(y8, -0.7, y8, 0.26); 451 line.DrawLine(y9, -0.7, y9, 0.26); 452 line.SetLineStyle(3); 453 // line.DrawLine(y6, 0.26, y6, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 454 // line.DrawLine(y7, 0.26, y7, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 455 // line.DrawLine(y8, 0.26, y8, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 456 line.DrawLine(y9, 0.26, y9, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); 457 458 line.SetLineColor(kBlue); 459 line.SetLineWidth(2); 460 line.SetLineStyle(kSolid); 461 line.DrawLine(time[0], 1*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 1*360/16384.*60); 462 line.SetLineStyle(9); 463 line.DrawLine(time[0], 2*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 2*360/16384.*60); 464 line.SetLineStyle(7); 465 line.DrawLine(time[0], 3*360/16384.*60, time[bins.GetNumBins()], 3*360/16384.*60); 466 467 /* result.SetMinimum(-0.06); 468 result.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 469 result.DrawClone("LP");*/ 25 plot(Next); 470 26 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.