14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
at least P&R runs again
14 years |
vogler |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
weitzel |
new version of ftm_definitions.vhd, including Kai's definitions
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
weitzel |
first version of FTM_ftu_control, not yet tested
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
still unstable
14 years |
weitzel |
FTM docu v3.3 added
14 years |
neise |
still unstable
14 years |
rohlfs |
update for MCorsikaRead
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
Treat kArtificial in addition to kNightSky.
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed the old obsolete cvs header line.
14 years |
rohlfs |
removed some old code and some debug printouts
14 years |
ogrimm |
Moved board initalisation to thread, added 'reconnect' command
14 years |
weitzel |
FTM docu v3.2 added
14 years |
vogler |
FTM definitions array for clock cond updated
14 years |
vogler |
FTM docu V3.1 added
14 years |
vogler |
constant definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
14 years |
vogler |
constant definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
14 years |
vogler |
type definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
14 years |
weitzel |
new version of ftm_definitions.vhd
14 years |
neise |
still unstable
14 years |
neise |
highly unstable version !!!
14 years |
neise |
FSM changed to one process style
14 years |
ogrimm |
New command 'crate', changed signalling of program exit
14 years |
Daniela Dorner |
uncommented 950 nm line
14 years |
weitzel |
new array types and constants in library ftm_definitions
14 years |
neise |
added Xilinx device DNA to Eventpackage Header - doc
14 years |
neise |
REFCLK counter asserts alarm outputs at first place.
phase shifter ...
14 years |
rohlfs |
update for files mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.cc and ...
14 years |
rohlfs |
Redesign of the Process() - method.
14 years |
rohlfs |
replace the selection of the blockType from a string comparison to a ...
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
ogrimm |
Non-blocking configuration request did not recognize default value
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
doc folder created
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
added some comments and did some formating
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
14 years |
neise |
added some files - only important for HDL designer
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a bug in MreadReports which caused the reading to get corrupted ...
14 years |
neise |
checking before change of Event Header structure.
added REFCLK counter ...
14 years |
ogrimm |
Warning for data taking if amplitude calibration not done
14 years |
weitzel |
ftm library file added and small bug fix in FTM test bench
14 years |
weitzel |
Test_PixelMap.txt deleted from repository
14 years |
ogrimm |
DAQ page shows message service of drsdaq or FADctrl
14 years |
weitzel |
FTM firmware documentation v3.0 added
14 years |
neise |
jumper selectable MAC and IP address choice.
D_T7 jumper selects if ...
14 years |
neise |
added missing files trigger_manager
and some hds files to repos
14 years |
neise |
synchronous trigger handling added
continous soft trigger generation. ...
14 years |
ogrimm |
Moved OpenOtherSockets() to FADBoard class
14 years |
ogrimm |
Bias has two commands for setting voltage: 'pixel' and 'channel'
14 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted various programs to new PixelMap class
14 years |
ogrimm |
Amplitude calibration integrated into event loop
14 years |
weitzel |
new version of pixelmap class
14 years |
tbretz |
Reordered the classes in MAvalanchePhotoDiode.h to make it compile.
14 years |
ogrimm |
Event data can be written to disk in M0 format with command take
14 years |
ogrimm |
Event thread informed through pipe of new incoming data
14 years |
ogrimm |
Added persistance mode to event scope
14 years |
tbretz |
Forgot it in my commit 2011/01/07.
14 years |
lutz |
two empty lines deleted :-)
14 years |
lutz |
niculin & dom debugged quite some stuff
14 years |
lutz |
just a test
14 years |
ogrimm |
hv command crashed when no bias board present
14 years |
neise |
Niculin changed something in the presentation
of the data
14 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed warning if alarm server down
14 years |
weitzel |
FTM_test9 added: check FTM-FTU communication
14 years |
neise |
supports trigger disable & enable. enables during init.
14 years |
neise |
- still testing -
AD7719 and ATmega ADC work
muxers as well
output ...
14 years |
ogrimm |
Amplitude calibration information stored in file
14 years |
ogrimm |
Amplitude calibration debugged
14 years |
ogrimm |
Corrupt events (wrong start-package flag) are removed from internal buffer
14 years |
neise |
bug in last commit fixed
14 years |
neise |
switching SCLK ON and OFF during acalib-process
14 years |
ogrimm |
Small changes to limit error messages in case crate communication breaks
14 years |
neise |
DRS shift register init is now
done by the FAD firmware
--> init ...
14 years |
neise |
initial commit of FSC firmware
- use for FSC testing only -
14 years |
tbretz |
Added afterpulse treatment to MAvalanchePhotoDiode and MSimAPD
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a mistake in the log-output of MSimRandomPhotons.
14 years |
tbretz |
Updated class reference of MPointingDevCalc.
14 years |
tbretz |
Implemented improved handling for the obscuration by the detector.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added a new abstract function GetL() to MGeom.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added output of filename for outliers.
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
ogrimm |
BoardList configuration simplified
14 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed bug in display of physical pipeline