15 years |
ogrimm |
New command 'test'
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added vchvtest to repository
15 years |
daqct3 |
Bug in ToString() resulted in buffer overflow for structure
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added chip selection spin box
15 years |
qweitzel |
M0 display adapted to new DRS4 data
15 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed bug with default feedback gain from config file
15 years |
daqct3 |
Logon script takes repository location as parameter
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates for DRS4 handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Temporarily disabled service unsubsription
15 years |
ogrimm |
Implemented automatic email alarm if server down
15 years |
ogrimm |
First version of central control server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed obsolete directory
15 years |
ogrimm |
First version of central control server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to signal handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Firewall rules in readme.txt
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed unused configuration files
15 years |
ogrimm |
New PixelMap.txt for DRS4 channel layout
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to DIM integration
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Server name added automatically to configuration request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added FPGA firmware to repository
15 years |
ogrimm |
Migrated to DRS4. DRS class does not run with DRS2 FPGA firmware anymore.
15 years |
ogrimm |
Feedback now using DIM for communication with bias server.
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to configuration handling: Dim request only made if ...
15 years |
daqct3 |
Update to regular expression matching
15 years |
ogrimm |
DColl now also unsubscribes from services that are deleted
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
daqct3 |
DIM name server location changed to ihp-pc1.ethz.ch
15 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted to array publishing within Dim and shortened
15 years |
ogrimm |
Conversion to string can now handle arrays and structures
15 years |
ogrimm |
Replaced __TIMESTAMP__ by __DATE__ and __TIME__
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to exception handler
15 years |
ogrimm |
Improved C++ unhandled exception handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Revision number tracked in server status
15 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted to non-static ExitRequest
15 years |
daqct3 |
Updates to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed local configuration, now dependent on Evidence configuration server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Data written into one directory per month
15 years |
ogrimm |
Change in history handling
15 years |
qweitzel |
testbench adjusted to last FTU_top entity changes
15 years |
pavogler |
port list updated in FTU_top entity
15 years |
qweitzel |
First check-in of VHDL code for FTU: counters, dcm, spi
15 years |
qweitzel |
First check-in of FTU top entity VHDL code
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to status service
15 years |
daqct3 |
Added configuration request for measurement period
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
DColl publishes also current data file name
15 years |
daqct3 |
Updated DIM paths
15 years |
daqct3 |
Changes to two .py files
15 years |
ogrimm |
Changes to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Change to HVFeedback.conf
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added Evidence.conf to config directory
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
Core system updates
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to DIM paths
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
qweitzel |
some new diretories
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed automatic gain control in feedback
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added DIM functionality (O. Grimm)
15 years |
ogrimm |
First commit of Edd
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated makefile
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated makefile
15 years |
ogrimm |
Included libdim.a in repository
15 years |
ogrimm |
Clean-up DRS class by removing unnecessary overloaded function for CT ...
15 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed bug with last event in file
15 years |
ogrimm |
Modified for use with DIM
15 years |
ogrimm |
Saving of waveform to text and plotting of physical pipeline added
15 years |
ogrimm |
Ignores set on executables
15 years |
ogrimm |
First commit of Evidence control system core components
15 years |
ogrimm |
Implemented DIM servers
15 years |
ogrimm |
Included environment variables for DIM
16 years |
dneise |
added Makefile
16 years |
dneise |
added Makefile
16 years |
dneise |
Makefile for the 3 plotting routines
16 years |
dneise |
set ingnore flag for executables
16 years |
dneise |
added code to view older temp format files as well. ...
16 years |
daqct3 |
Updates to scripts
16 years |
daqct3 |
set ingnore flag on executable
16 years |
daqct3 |
initial commit
16 years |
daqct3 |
set ignore flag on executables
16 years |
daqct3 |
New Functions
16 years |
ogrimm |
Bug fix with overloaded variadic print function
16 years |
ogrimm |
Small bug fix
16 years |
ogrimm |
Program is terminated if too many read/write errors are encoutered by ...
16 years |
ogrimm |
Small bug fix to printing routine
16 years |
ogrimm |
DAQ can run without writing data to disk, bug fix to RawDataCTX ...
16 years |
ogrimm |
Bug fix to allow selection of the last event in a file
16 years |
daqct3 |
chaneged output filename to CLIM_YYYYMMDD.slow
16 years |
daqct3 |
added time info to gnuplot title
16 years |
daqct3 |
fixed the column numbers in main.c according to our corrrect slowdata ...
16 years |
daqct3 |
new compile after changes in sourcefile
16 years |
daqct3 |
output file will be opened and closed at each write action.
at each ...
16 years |
dneise |
initial commit: tools/ListenToArduino & tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot
16 years |
ogrimm |
Calling matlabread with empty filename allows fast browsing through ...