15 years |
qweitzel |
bug fix for FTU_test3
15 years |
qweitzel |
FTU_test3 added to check only spi lines on PCB
15 years |
qweitzel |
some bug fixes for FTU_test2
15 years |
qweitzel |
miso signal removed from FTU_test2
15 years |
qweitzel |
second test for FTU added
15 years |
qweitzel |
small fix in TB of FTU_tes1
15 years |
qweitzel |
ucf file for FTU updated
15 years |
qweitzel |
cleaned up test_firmware dir for FTU
15 years |
ogrimm |
Made Lock()/Unlock() public, automatic configuration tracking for Bridge
15 years |
ogrimm |
Bug fixes following previous update
15 years |
ogrimm |
Command reception logged by drsdaq and hvcontrol
15 years |
ogrimm |
Config requests non-blocking if not made from main thread, adapted all ...
15 years |
dneise |
upload of first unstable release version
15 years |
ogrimm |
Extended capabilities of Alarm server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Small changes to mutex handling in hvcontrol and drsdaq
15 years |
daqct3 |
DIM service for text output added
15 years |
ogrimm |
Message severity encoded now using standard DIM structure, other updates
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added command line utilities for DIM command and RPC
15 years |
ogrimm |
History buffer contains also DIM service format
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added Bridge server, History service separated from DColl
15 years |
ogrimm |
hv command allows array of voltages (for use by feedback)
15 years |
pavogler |
FTU pin location added
15 years |
daqct3 |
Adapted to new name of status service
15 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted to new name of message service
15 years |
ogrimm |
Changed service 'Status' to 'Message' for clarity, added client ...
15 years |
dneise |
initial commit (2nd part): only VHDL and UCF files were commited.
15 years |
dneise |
FAD firmware initial commit
first running firmware which could e.g. be ...
15 years |
ogrimm |
History read from file if not found in memory
15 years |
ogrimm |
Histories from DColl remain available if service is unavailable
15 years |
ogrimm |
Fix for exit signalling from DimCommand thread
15 years |
daqct3 |
Text output now to new DIM standard service StdOut
15 years |
ogrimm |
Service histories now available via DimRpc from DColl
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added event scope
15 years |
qweitzel |
updated FTU_top entity
15 years |
qweitzel |
added a first test firmware for the FTU board
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added example socket server code (taken from drsdaq)
15 years |
ogrimm |
Improved zooming of plots
15 years |
ogrimm |
Config provides service containing all configuration data, config ...
15 years |
ogrimm |
Improved test command
15 years |
ogrimm |
New command 'test'
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added vchvtest to repository
15 years |
daqct3 |
Bug in ToString() resulted in buffer overflow for structure
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added chip selection spin box
15 years |
qweitzel |
M0 display adapted to new DRS4 data
15 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed bug with default feedback gain from config file
15 years |
daqct3 |
Logon script takes repository location as parameter
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates for DRS4 handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Temporarily disabled service unsubsription
15 years |
ogrimm |
Implemented automatic email alarm if server down
15 years |
ogrimm |
First version of central control server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed obsolete directory
15 years |
ogrimm |
First version of central control server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to signal handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Firewall rules in readme.txt
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed unused configuration files
15 years |
ogrimm |
New PixelMap.txt for DRS4 channel layout
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to DIM integration
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updated config request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Server name added automatically to configuration request
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added FPGA firmware to repository
15 years |
ogrimm |
Migrated to DRS4. DRS class does not run with DRS2 FPGA firmware anymore.
15 years |
ogrimm |
Feedback now using DIM for communication with bias server.
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to configuration handling: Dim request only made if ...
15 years |
daqct3 |
Update to regular expression matching
15 years |
ogrimm |
DColl now also unsubscribes from services that are deleted
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
daqct3 |
DIM name server location changed to ihp-pc1.ethz.ch
15 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted to array publishing within Dim and shortened
15 years |
ogrimm |
Conversion to string can now handle arrays and structures
15 years |
ogrimm |
Replaced __TIMESTAMP__ by __DATE__ and __TIME__
15 years |
ogrimm |
Update to exception handler
15 years |
ogrimm |
Improved C++ unhandled exception handling
15 years |
ogrimm |
Revision number tracked in server status
15 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted to non-static ExitRequest
15 years |
daqct3 |
Updates to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Removed local configuration, now dependent on Evidence configuration server
15 years |
ogrimm |
Data written into one directory per month
15 years |
ogrimm |
Change in history handling
15 years |
qweitzel |
testbench adjusted to last FTU_top entity changes
15 years |
pavogler |
port list updated in FTU_top entity
15 years |
qweitzel |
First check-in of VHDL code for FTU: counters, dcm, spi
15 years |
qweitzel |
First check-in of FTU top entity VHDL code
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to status service
15 years |
daqct3 |
Added configuration request for measurement period
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
DColl publishes also current data file name
15 years |
daqct3 |
Updated DIM paths
15 years |
daqct3 |
Changes to two .py files
15 years |
ogrimm |
Changes to Logon script
15 years |
ogrimm |
Change to HVFeedback.conf
15 years |
ogrimm |
Added Evidence.conf to config directory
15 years |
ogrimm |
15 years |
ogrimm |
Core system updates
15 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to DIM paths
15 years |
ogrimm |
Various updates
15 years |
qweitzel |
some new diretories