24 years |
blanch |
The properties of the FADC and trigger are read from the input card.
24 years |
blanch |
Header file for MMcFadcHeader.cxx version 1.2
24 years |
blanch |
THe private member pedestals is an array of UChar_t.
24 years |
blanch |
Haedaer file for MFadc.cxx version 1.8
24 years |
blanch |
Several new mwmber function have been introduced to treate the NSB ...
24 years |
blanch |
Header file for MTrigger.cxx version 1.12
24 years |
blanch |
Member function SetNSB has been renamed to AddNSB and noe it adds the ...
24 years |
blanch |
New commands have been added.
24 years |
blanch |
Header file of creadparam.cxx version 1.9
24 years |
blanch |
New input commands have been added:
- write_McFadc: to write the ...
24 years |
blanch |
A branch with information about the FADC simulation (MMcFadcHeader) is ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
MLog class has been added.
24 years |
magicsol |
MLog in MBase has been introduced.
24 years |
magicsol |
New project StarRespo, which produce the database for NSB.
New ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Small changes due to slightly different output format and the ...
24 years |
magicsol |
The new file MMcFadcHeader and MMcTrigHeader has been added as well as ...
24 years |
magicsol |
There are two new classe: MMcTrigHeader, which comes from the old ...
24 years |
magicsol |
We added teh command for NSB path
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.8
24 years |
magicsol |
An input commmand that talls the path for the NSB database has been added.
24 years |
magicsol |
The new directories include-MLons and StarResponse have been added.
24 years |
magicsol |
The new directories include-MLons and StarResponse have been added
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for MFadc.cxx version 1.7
The defines, which described the ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Two member functions for the pedestal simualtion have been ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has some definition about the FADC simulation that were in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for MTrigger.cxx version 1.12
24 years |
magicsol |
A redundant class has been removed.
24 years |
magicsol |
Member functions to get the diskriminator map of pixel at given time ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for starresponse.cxx version 1.1
24 years |
magicsol |
It produces the database for the NSB.
24 years |
magicsol |
Makefile for the sterresponse program.
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for srreadparam.cxx version 1.1
24 years |
magicsol |
It read form an input card (defeult=starresponse.par) the parameters ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Parameters file.
24 years |
magicsol |
Member functions needed to treat the MStarLight class described in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Format of the database for the NSB.
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for MLons.cxx version 1.1
24 years |
magicsol |
It has the routines to read the database for the NSB. It uses classes ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been renamed to MMcTrigHeader.cxx
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been renamed to MMcTrigHeader.hxx
24 years |
magicsol |
It has few changes to update the member functions to the new ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Some changes in the naming convention have been introduced and it has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Some changes has been done to adapt the member function to the new ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Introduction of MMcFadcHeader class.
24 years |
magicsol |
A boolean Map of the fired pixels when trigger happens has been ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been modified to introduce the new files MMcFadcHeader.cxx .hxx ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It comes from MHeaderTrig and has the member function fro the class ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It comes from MHeaderTrig. There has been a change in the naming ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has the needed member functions for the class that is discribed in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Output class, which has information about the FADC properties (shape ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
harald |
implemented the Image Cleaning a la CT1 to the class MCerPhotEvt
24 years |
harald |
neccessary changes after the transformation MNphotEvent --> MCerPhotEvt
24 years |
harald |
At the Barcelona workshop we decided to rename the class MNphotEvent ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
harald |
Changed a "TRUE" to "kTRUE" to run it on linux!!
24 years |
harald |
Adding the first version of an Image Cleaning. Therefore a first ...
24 years |
harald |
Now the first version of the Camera eventdisplay is running.
Run the ...
24 years |
harald |
Added the first implementation of a EventDisplay for MAGIC.
The class ...
24 years |
harald |
problems with running the macro readCT1.C. The reason was the Name and ...
24 years |
harald |
small change to make also manalysis mrproper.
24 years |
harald |
Introduced a Task to read in the data from CT1 files to study the ...
24 years |
harald |
Small changes were neccessary to be able to compile the whole thing.
24 years |
harald |
Added the new directory manalysis in the master Makefile.
24 years |
harald |
Added some file for the Display and for the Geometry description.
24 years |
harald |
added the first implementation of a class MNphotEvent to describe
to ...
24 years |
harald |
The integration of the class MGFadcDisp in the mars code. Now
one is ...
24 years |
harald |
Added the files that are the starting point for the development of
the ...
24 years |
harald |
Adding some new code to start with the development of the usecase ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
harald |
First version with MC subbranches.
24 years |
magicsol |
Minnor changes due to moving of files.