# ChangeLog for FPGA/FTU/old_design/counter
# Generated by Trac 1.5.2
# 03/25/25 08:33:32

Mon, 12 Jul 2010 10:48:26 GMT qweitzel [250]
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/FTU_dac_control.vhd (moved)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/FTU_top.vhd (moved)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/FTU_top_tb.vhd (moved)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/counter (moved)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/ip_cores (moved)
	* FPGA/FTU/old_design/spi_interface (moved)

	restructuring of FTU code started

Wed, 03 Feb 2010 13:59:50 GMT qweitzel [156]
	* FPGA/FTU/FTU_dac_control.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/FTU_top_tb.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/counter (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/counter/upcnt16.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/counter/upcnt5.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/ip_cores (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/ip_cores/FTU_dac_dcm.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/ip_cores/FTU_dac_dcm_arwz.ucf (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface/sck_logic_16.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface/spi_control_sm_16.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface/spi_interface_16.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface/spi_rcv_shift_reg_16.vhd (added)
	* FPGA/FTU/spi_interface/spi_xmit_shift_reg_16.vhd (added)

	First check-in of VHDL code for FTU: counters, dcm, spi