# ChangeLog for branches/MarsWobble/mjtrain/TrainLinkDef.h
# Generated by Trac 1.5.2
# 03/27/25 16:36:16

Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:50:31 GMT ftemme [18160]
	* branches/MarsWobble (copied)

	Creating a new branch to handle wobble modus in the simulation

Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:10:28 GMT tbretz [9870]
	* trunk/Mars/Changelog (modified)
	* trunk/Mars/mjtrain/MJTrainCuts.cc (added)
	* trunk/Mars/mjtrain/MJTrainCuts.h (added)
	* trunk/Mars/mjtrain/Makefile (modified)
	* trunk/Mars/mjtrain/TrainLinkDef.h (modified)

	Added new class MJTrainCuts to help analysing the performance of the ...