# ChangeLog for branches/Mars_MC/fact
# Generated by Trac 1.5.2
# 03/08/25 11:08:17

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:17:12 GMT dneise [17056]
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified)

	edited both scripts, so we can use them on phido for processing of ...

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:15:38 GMT dneise [17055]
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (copied)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (copied)

	intial creation of mc folder, with copies of original scripts

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:14:05 GMT dneise [17054]
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file.C (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file_orig.C (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_for_monte_carlo_simulated_data.C (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/star.C (added)
	* branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/star_for_monte_carlo_simulated_data.C (added)

	intial commit of MC script sandbox

Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:52:05 GMT ftemme [17010]
	* branches/Mars_MC (copied)

	new Mars branch for working on Montecarlos

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 02:50:37 GMT Daniela Dorner [16863]
	* trunk/Mars/fact/processing/numevents.C (modified)

	bugfix for case histogram in star does not exist, update code for ...