11 years |
Jens Buss |
added member variable indicating that file is from a Monte Carlo ...
11 years |
Jens Buss |
added default value for fIsMc(kFalse) in constructor
11 years |
Jens Buss |
included if condition for Monte Carlo data, some header keys will be ...
12 years |
ftemme |
corrected two small bugs
12 years |
ftemme |
added the Container MMcEvtBasic to the Fitsoutput
12 years |
ftemme |
Added writing of the correct variables for fNumOffset, fNumGain and ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Added FudgeFactor and Timeconstant for the calculation of the accoupling
12 years |
ftemme |
Added FudgeFactor and Timeconstant for the calculation of the accoupling
12 years |
dneise |
edited both scripts, so we can use them on phido for processing of ...
12 years |
dneise |
intial creation of mc folder, with copies of original scripts
12 years |
dneise |
intial commit of MC script sandbox
12 years |
ftemme |
Added the small macro to write a fake drs calibration file
12 years |
ftemme |
Added the variable MRawEvtData::fTriggerType, for writing the ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Added the variable MRawEvtData::fTriggerType, for writing the ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Changed the writing of several header keys for the fitsoutput of ceres ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Changed the writing of several header keys for the fitsoutput of ceres ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Moved the setting of the header keys for the fitsoutput of ceres files ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Moved the setting of the header keys for the fitsoutput of ceres files ...
12 years |
ftemme |
uncomment the exception throwing if the sampling frequency is not ...
12 years |
ftemme |
MRawEvtHeader::fDAQEvtNumber should be written as the fits column ...
12 years |
ftemme |
the mc evt number shouldn't be the fits column named EventNum in the ...
12 years |
ftemme |
changed the parameter type of MExtralgoSpline::SearchYup and ...
12 years |
ftemme |
changed the parameter type of MExtralgoSpline::SearchYup and ...
12 years |
ftemme |
added the writing of several Header Keys to the fitsoutput of Ceres in ...
12 years |
ftemme |
new Mars branch for working on Montecarlos
15 years |
tbretz |
svn cleanup
15 years |
tbretz |
svn cleanup
15 years |
tbretz |
svn cleanup
18 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
(none) |
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'start'.
25 years |
(none) |
Standard project directories initialized by cvs2svn.